Captain John 1: A Galactic Coming of Age

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Captain John 1: A Galactic Coming of Age Page 17

by Krystyn Dean

  It was good that they were going to cooperate, seeing as how the Marines were ready to board. They had left in a combat shuttle under stealth fifteen minutes ago.

  Marine Captain Gideon Kumar, checked in a few minutes later to let me know that they were on board and had control. Vhazhen said, “is this really necessary Captain McCreary, we are capable of entering orbit on our own.”

  “Captain Vhazhen, we are new to the area and are not familiar with many of the people and organizations in the Galaxy, so we have to be prepared at all times. We must err on the side of caution. I am certain after a conversation with the Admiral you will be free to continue your business, whatever that may be. I have asked my Executive Officer to “supervise” on your bridge while you are with us. My Marines will stay with him while we accompany you to meet the Admiral.” Vhazhen said, “this is most inconvenient.” My reply was, “sorry Captain, but I must insist.” I said, “if you will excuse me for a moment, I will call Admiral Anderson and let him know we are on our way.” I activated my temporal comm. unit and queried Admiral Anderson. When he answered I said, “Admiral, I have the Adrastea. From the look of the ship and the engines plus the weapons, I suspect he is a smuggler. We will be in low orbit shortly.”

  Our inbound trip took considerably longer than our trip out. The Adrastea’s Hyper jump technology would not allow in system jumps. One hour and twenty minutes later we arrived in orbit. Marine Captain Kumar said, “Captain, the shuttle is ready.” I replied, “Take Captain Vhazhen and escort him to the Admiral. You can then return to the Adrastea. Stay there until you have other instructions from the Admiral or me.”

  Back Aboard the Reagan

  Captain Vhazhen began by saying, “Admiral Anderson, we had no interest in being involved in your confrontation with the Eldirelians. A nasty bunch those Eldirelians. That is why we waited on the outer edge of the system to see what the result would be. Information is an important commodity in the Galaxy. The word of the Eldirelian defeat will be met with some surprise and a great deal of enthusiasm. The Eldirelians are not a favored species in the Galaxy.”

  I said, “I see, and if we had lost? What would you have said to the Eldirelian commander?” Vhazhen replied, “nothing. If the Eldirelians had prevailed, there would be nothing for me here. The planet would be ravaged and wasted, the people imprisoned or sold off into slavery. Commerce would be nonexistent.” I asked, “and the commerce you engage in, exactly what is it? Do you sell equipment, food, medicines? Exactly what is it you ‘market’ and to whom do you market it?” “Ah, Admiral, we sell whatever the market requires. We fill a ‘niche’ market.”

  I replied “I see, you are a smuggler then?” “Admiral, please such a stereotype. Smuggler has such a negative connotation. We simply fill a need in the market place that others choose to ignore.”

  I said, “Captain Vhazhen, I don’t give a damn what you call it, and I really don’t care what you “market”, so long as it doesn’t involve weapons or the selling of sentient species into slavery. I realize information is a commodity and I have no problem with your taking advantage of whatever you gather. In fact, I would be receptive to a conversation about what information you might have that could be to our benefit.”

  Vhazhen replied, “Admiral, I assure you slavery and weapons are completely off the table. We deliver certain items that have high tariffs on them or otherwise are banned for some reason, but never weapons. Precious metals are also a major part of what we do. However, information is by far our staple.”

  And so the haggling began. I said “Captain Vhazhen, what information do you have that the SOL/FED Navy could use?” He replied, “well Admiral, would it help you to know that there are factions within the Eldirelians that do not agree with the course the species has undertaken? And I am sure that the whereabouts of a major fleet being gathered would be welcome information also, are you aware that the Eldirelians have a sponsor who is behind their aggressive activities?” Vhazhen went on to say, “all of this information is for sale, and for the SOL/FED Navy, the price is right.”

  I replied, “and that price would be what?” Vhazhen said, “your stealth technology would be a wonderful tool for a smuggler, if we were smugglers, which we certainly are not. Your FTL jump technology would also interest us.”

  “Captain Vhazhen, SF Navy technology is not for sale at any price. We have some precious metals; we could perhaps upgrade your replicator. Other than that we have little to offer.”

  “Not a problem Admiral, I never thought you would turn loose of your technology, but it doesn’t hurts to ask. An upgrade of our replicator would be very popular with the crew and we can negotiate the price on metals. What do you have?” After negotiating a bit, we agreed on a price and Captain Vhazhen began to talk. The information was interesting. The fact that another Eldirelian fleet was being formed was a major piece of information. Unfortunately, the timeframe, location and the target for this fleet was not yet known.

  The fact that there were factions within the Eldirelian hierarchy that were opposed to the path chosen by their military was interesting, but needed to be verified and fleshed out. Vhazhen did not know who the sponsor race was behind the Eldirelians buildup. Only that the ‘scuttlebutt’ around the galaxy was, that there was one.

  This was not surprising. The Egolari already felt that the level of technology the Eldirelians were using was far ahead of their capabilities. Other than the division of factions and the potential formation of a new fleet, this was really not new information. Still, payment was transferred per our agreement, including the replicator upgrade. As Vhazhen was leaving he said, “Admiral, the galaxy would be a much better place if Humans can defeat the Eldirelians. Not a safe place, but definitely better. If we can help you in any way you can reach me by leaving a message at the Bella Foss tavern on Ventos Prime in the Psi Ithacae System, out on the Perseus arm. Simply say: “Adrastea, call Captain John.” They know me there.”

  Vhazhen may be a good source of information, but he could also be a red herring. I believe what he is saying because it serves his interests, but I also realize that Vhazhen is for sale to the highest bidder. Caveat Emptor is very true in his case. And I wish I had asked how he knew to call me Captain John.

  Dr. Barton had left a call for me while I was meeting with Vhazhen. She indicated it was important and she needed to talk to me face to face. I walked down to the infirmary and asked for Dr. Barton. I was shown to her office, she was on her neural net, but motioned me in. When she was finished she said, “Admiral, I have a problem. While I was treating the wounded Eldirelian we transported aboard, I found some important information.” I said, “Peggie how could you have a problem with that? If the information is important it could help the Federation effort.” Peggie replied, “I understand that Admiral, my problem is that while the Eldirelian was unconscious he was speaking, rambling actually. I believe the information he inadvertently talked about may be of strategic value. My problem is that the information was divulged while the patient was under my care and I have taken an oath not to divulge patient communications. How do I deal with the conundrum Captain?”

  I replied, “Peggie I understand your situation, and frankly I don’t have an answer. I think we need to get a legal opinion about patient confidentiality and just how it applies in this case. Let me talk to our JAG people. I will get back to you as soon as possible. OK?”

  Since the courts martial involving Captain Velions, the SFN Joint chief’s committee required that; at least the Flag ship of any fleet had to carry a minimum of two JAG officers to answer legal questions. At least one of the JAG officers should be Egolari to make sure we had someone familiar with Federation law. I queried Captains Stella Dyson and V'Quogsar and asked them to come to my ready room. When Jenson showed the two Captains in I asked them to sit and had Jenson bring coffee. When Jenson had left I repeated the information Dr. Barton had given me and explained her quandary. Both Captain Dyson and Captain V'Quogsar understood
the problem.

  Their suggestion was that we include Dr. Barton in the conversation. I queried Peggie and she answered at once. I said, “Peggie can you please join us in my ready room. The JAG officers have some questions.” Peggie arrived shortly and the conversation began. After nearly an hour, the JAG officers both agreed that The Eldirelians’ unconscious rambling were privileged information and that Dr. Barton should not divulge the information she had overheard.

  Peggie was crestfallen, apparently the information could be important to the Federation and not being able to pass it on was difficult for her. Just before breaking up the meeting, Captain V’Quogsar asked Peggie if the information the supreme commander had uttered had been recorded. She replied, “Yes, it was recorded.” Peggie went on to say, “I had forgotten, the ships computer records all conversation in the treatment and recovery rooms for the protection of both medical personnel and the patients unless recording was specifically stopped by the attending physician or at the request of the patient.” Captain Dyson then asked if it was General knowledge that all conversations were recorded in the treatment and recovery rooms. Peggie replied that it was generally known and that it was part of the information brochure provided to everyone when they boarded the ship. Captain V’Quogsar said, “then that is your answer, there is no expectation of privacy of conversations in the treatment or recovery rooms. Dr. Barton, your question of privilege is moot. The recordings are part of the Ships computer memory and can be reviewed by anyone who has top level access to the ships computer. Dr. Barton, you don’t even have to tell us what was said, Admiral Anderson can access the information himself.” Peggy said, “Thank You, now I can get back to what I do best, taking care of sick people.“

  After the JAG officers and Dr. Barton had left my ready room, I told Jenson not to disturb me unless there was an emergency.

  I asked Benji to open a link to the ships computer and had him bring up the recoding of the supreme commanders’ ramblings. There were several hours of recordings and I was exhausted after listening to them all. Very little of what the supreme commander had to say was information that was intelligible or had any relevance. He spoke of his family and especially of his son who was serving on an Eldirelian ship of some kind. He also spoke of his ship and crew. The most important information was a bit disconnected, but the gist of it confirmed that there were indeed factions within the Eldirelian people who were at odds about going to war with the Humans. The rambling went on and involved the power supporting the Eldirelians aggression, but he never revealed the name. The last bit of information was the most interesting and frightening. It confirmed that there was a fleet forming, but not the location. However, it did give the target.

  The target was Earth.

  I had Benji put together a rundown of the pertinent information and had him transfer it to Sudeer and Qobrun, eyes only. And then suggested we have a meeting in my ready room. I directed Jenson to bring them in as soon as they arrived.

  Sudeer began by saying that it was fortunate we had the information we had. He went on to say that the Egolari had suspected there were factions within the Eldirelian society that were opposed to military action. The Egolari had spies attempting to find out who the leaders were. The biggest surprise was the Eldirelian plan to attack Earth. Attacking Earth was a huge gamble on the part of the Eldirelians. They had to win, if they lost they would lose everything. There would not be enough room in the entire Milky Way Galaxy for them to hide. Earth forces would hunt every surviving Eldirelian down and destroay them. There would be no quarter. As we concluded our conversation I heard a call to General quarters. Through my neural implant, I heard Fritz say, “Admiral we have incoming ships, no Comm. or transponders yet.” I said, “I’m on my way Fritz”. As I stepped on to the Bridge, Fritz said, “Admiral, sensors confirm SOL/FED Naval ship transponders.” Lieutenant Allan said, “we are being hailed by the Cruiser Magellan. Message as follows, SFN Ronald Reagan, SFN Magellan. We will be jumping in to orbit. Please ask Admiral Anderson to join Admiral Miller on board the Magellan.”

  I told Lieutenant Allan to confirm and advise Admiral Miller that Sudeer and Qobrun would be joining us.

  Shortly after the Magellan arrived in orbit, Sudeer, Qobrun and I transported aboard the Magellan. Admiral Miller was there to welcome us aboard.

  I said, “Admiral we have information you need to see at once. Your arrival could not have come at a better time.” Admiral Miller suggested we withdraw to his ready room. As Admiral Millers’ aid closed the hatch the Admiral said, “OK what’s going on.” I explained what had happened during the battle and also about the capture of the supreme commander. I said, “during his recovery the supreme commander was unconscious and this is what we have gleaned from his ramblings.” I sent the synopsis to the Admirals neural implant. After he had listened to it twice he turned to us and said, “this attack on Earth has got to be contained. We need to know where this task force is forming up and we need to take it down. Any attack on Earth would be a catastrophe from which we might never recover and could be the end of the Federation. Earth would be a severely wounded sitting duck. Without the Federation, it would be open season on us.”

  “Here’s what we are going to do. If the Eldirelians are forming up a fleet, they will need every ship they can find. The last thing on their minds will be the Credayall. We should be fine for the time being. I have the Magellan, the cruisers Ashigara and Huron, and two destroyers the allegiance and the Samurai. Take the Allegiance and the Samurai with you and return to Titan.”

  “The new communication buoys have been placed in hyperspace. After you jump in to Hyperspace contact Titan. Advise them of your ETA”

  “I will contact Blue fleet and have Admiral Antonakos leave for Titan. He will leave enough ships to show the flag in Apsis Prime orbit.”

  “The Excelsior and about half of the other ships are ready to come off the ways at the Titan ship yard. Take command of the Excelsior. Transfer your crew aboard. Crews are ready to take over the Reagan. Take any of the new ships that are operational and form up the black fleet.”

  “Our best defensive ships are the carriers. Take the George H W Busch. She is the new Ultron carrier. Leave all of the other carriers in Earth orbit as a last stand defense. You take the remainder of the Blue and Red fleets along with what you can put together for the Black fleet. Find these bastards and put them down. You are in command of the combined fleet.” Admiral Miller continued, “Sudeer, get your intelligence people started as soon as you can make contact. We need to know where that fleet is.”

  Sudeer, Qobrun and I transported back to the Reagan. I sent out the order to prepare for the jump to hyperspace. It took about twenty minutes for the ships to prepare. I spoke to First Administrator Drozub and advised him that I would be leaving orbit shortly and that Admiral Miller and our new ambassador would be calling him soon to help with the transition to membership in the Federation if that is what his people decided to do. Administrator Drozub said he was about to call me anyway. It seems the vote had been overwhelming to join the Federation. I congratulated Drozub and said, “welcome to the Federation Administrator. Your people have made a good choice.”

  Twenty minutes later Lieutenant Turner reported, “all ships ready for FTL Admiral.” “Very well Mr. Turner, let’s go home. Advise all ships, FTL transition in thirty seconds.” Once we were established in FTL, Lieutenant Allan said, “the fleet is reporting established in FTL.” “Alright Lieutenant, contact Titan control and give them our ETA. We should be arriving at Titan in six days.”

  “Qobrun said, “Admiral, there is little doubt that the Jian are the race behind the uplift of the Eldirelians.” “The Krayari felt that there was a movement afoot to destabilize the Federation. We also happen to know that the Jian have slowly come under the control of one of the Jian Ministers, Praxa Molzi. Praxa Molzi quietly developed an armed militia that has slowly taken over the Jian political and military part of the Jian régime. He has named
himself the Emperor of the Jian Empire, and we believe he has designs to control the Galaxy.”

  I replied. “Qobrun, You have know all of this since before you came aboard. You did not just happen to be in the Apsis Prime system when it came under attack, were you?”

  “No Admiral I was not there by accident.” The Krayari have been attempting to find the race responsible for the terror and violence seen in the Galaxy for the last several years.” “We realized we must become proactive if we are to survive as a race.” “My meeting with you was fortuitous. We were surprised the Federation decided humanity might be the key to saving the Galaxy. we had to be certain of Human motivation”

  “Admiral, I am sorry for not being completely honest with you. You have every right to be angry. If you wish me to leave the ship I will do so.”

  “However, I feel I could be of aid to you and the SOL/FED Navy in your quest to free the Galaxy from the oppression the Jian will bring. That is what my people and I would prefer. I understand that If you decide you can no longer trust me or the Krayari you may ask me to leave your ship. I will, of course, honor such a request.

  I replied, “Qobrun, I am damned angry. I do not like to be lied to. Never the less, I do not want you to leave the ship. Remember You are no longer just a member of the Krayari race. You have taken an oath to support and uphold the Federation and the SOL/FED Navy. You are a member of my crew. And your crew, ship and the Federation must take priority over even your race.” “If you can honestly give me your word that you can do that, I will welcome you. Take some time to think about it. Be certain before you make your decision.” Two hours later Qobrun called. “Admiral, I have a frequency to contact my superiors. I wish to contact them and would prefer that you sit in on the conversation.” “Will that be acceptable?”


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