Fang Chronicles: Mandy's Story

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Fang Chronicles: Mandy's Story Page 8

by Suzie Ivy

  Her smile built slowly, causing him to feel relieved and hesitant to broach the next subject. “We need to discuss Tyboll.”

  Her smile disappeared. “I don’t like him,” she said with vehemence.

  “He’s dangerous. It’s important you don’t interfere with Patreous.”

  Mandy’s entire body tensed. “Why? So Tyboll the Terrible can keep beating him?”

  “He wouldn’t seriously harm his son. And if for some reason he did, The Kodiak would step in. It’s not your place or mine.” The words came out softly, but they were an order nonetheless.

  She sighed. “I don’t understand your clan.”

  Now that he knew her better, he guessed her sigh wasn’t in defeat. “Tyboll has problems. His son, more than anyone else, helps him keep a hold of his sanity. He loves the child.”

  “Does he have a mate?”

  “No, and chances are good he never will. He stays away from everyone. Patreous runs fairly wild, but we all watch out for him.”

  “But I’m not allowed around him?” The resentment was back in her voice.

  “Give it a few days and we’ll see. Tyboll might change his mind and you could help by staying away from the boy during that time.”

  Honey watched her contemplate his words for several minutes before she nodded. He helped her clean the kitchen and then they went to bed. More than an hour later they actually fell asleep.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Feathery hair tickling her stomach along with the distinct sound of sniffing woke Mandy the following morning. She couldn’t help her giggle. When she could speak, her voice was low and throaty from sleep. “What are you doing, you crazy bear?”

  He glanced up and smiled. “Hmm, you smell delicious, more so than usual. I think you’re ovulating.”

  “Really?” Her sleep dissipated fast.

  He kissed her belly and traveled upward, giving a long wet lick to each nipple before nibbling at her neck. He ran his nose slowly along the sensitive skin beneath her jaw.

  A groan escaped Mandy’s lips. “You need to hurry.” His teeth scraped her sensitized flesh. “Ahh… we… we must take advantage of this for as long as possible.”

  His husky laugh blew across her ear. “I seem to remember a certain stubborn she-wolf who took her time when her mate needed things to progress a little faster.”

  “That was playing. This is serious business.” She arched her back and pressed herself closer to his incredibly warm body.

  “When I have you beneath me it’s always serious business.” He continued to nuzzle.

  “I would offer to be on top, but I read on the internet that there’s more success if the sperm stays in my vagina longer.”

  The nuzzling stopped and his black eyes snapped to hers in disbelief. “You looked this up on the internet?”

  “Of course, silly. We need to make a baby, so I wanted to know our best chance and how we can help it along. Why did you stop?”

  He blinked once and then smiled. “I have no idea. I’ll just get back to work.” He continued his slow and sweet methodical torture and drove her nuts until they both lay replete.

  “Can you push the pillow down to my hips?” There was excitement in her voice.

  “Pardon?” He opened one eye.

  “I need to prop my hips up and tilt my pelvis back. That’s what one of the articles said.”

  With a loud sigh he helped her arrange the pillow so her bottom lifted slightly and then he rolled from the bed. “I’m taking a shower and then I need to make a few calls.”

  “If this doesn’t work, we should try again in an hour.”

  The look he gave made butterflies dance in her stomach, but then he shook his head. “I have work to do, so it may be slightly longer.”

  She gave him her best sad pout and received another sigh.

  “I promise to make up for it.” He leaned over and touched his lips to hers in a quick kiss.

  “You better.” Mandy watched him walk into the bathroom and then listened to the shower turn on.

  She lay in bed thinking about everything she’d read on the subject of getting pregnant, and decided if she stood on her head with her back against the headboard and wall, there might be a better chance of success. She managed to get slightly comfortable and then closed her eyes and meditated about her eggs accepting sperm. A few minutes later, she felt a slight dip in the bed beside her. Turning slightly, she looked into the eyes of her mate, who was now in the same position as she was.

  “I didn’t want to interrupt, so I thought I would join you. I’m not going to ask what you’re doing now. I think I’m beginning to figure out how your wacky brain works.” His slightly damp and naked body tipped closer to hers.

  “Thank you. It’s nice to have wacky company. I’m hoping we won’t need to do this very often.”

  “And what exactly are you doing?” a voice thundered through the room.

  Startled, Mandy’s head turned and saw The Kodiak standing in the doorway of their bedroom. She couldn’t help her proud smile. “Well, sir, we’re making your grandchild.” She heard her mate’s loud groan, but couldn’t quite make out the grumbled words from the alpha as he backed from their bedroom.

  Honey’s naked body slid to the bed and then his feet landed on the floor. “I need to speak with my father and then get that damn door fixed,” he groused.

  “I’ll just stay like this a little longer.”

  She watched his eyes travel the length of her upside-down body while shaking his head. He pulled on pants and then left the room without another word. She stayed in place for fifteen additional minutes before taking a shower. When she walked out of the bedroom, Honey’s mother sat at the table with a cup of coffee.

  “I thought since you are my son’s mate, we should get to know each other. I made coffee, if you would like some.”

  “Yes, thank you. I need to drink it now before I’m pregnant. It’s bad for babies, you know.”

  “So standing on your head didn’t work?” Sonora said with a playful smile.

  “It was worth a try, but no it didn’t. Did your mate tell you?” Mandy poured a cup of coffee, added sugar, and then sat down.

  “The Kodiak is seldom at a loss for words, but you’ve quite thrown him for a loop. I think you’ve had that effect on my son, too.”

  “I’m sorry. I know you’re a bear, but those two just seem so serious all the time. Terrible is the same way, too. Are they all like that?”

  “So you’ve met Tyboll?” Sonora asked, ignoring Mandy’s question.

  “I wasn’t impressed. That man needs someone to take him by the ear and teach him manners along with fathering techniques.”

  Sonora choked on her coffee. When she was able to take in air without coughing, she looked at Mandy with a twinkle in her eyes. “Yes, you could be right. Did you meet Patreous?”

  “He’s wonderful, but Tyboll has forbidden him from being around me.”

  The smile left Sonora’s face. “You think Patreous is wonderful?”

  Mandy gave her a quizzical look. “And you don’t?”

  “Hmm, he’s mean spirited like his father and a daily pain in our ass.”

  “I don’t think he’s mean spirited at all. He just needs someone to spend time with him and give him attention. We had a glorious race. His bear is still gangly, but he’ll beat me in another year or two.”

  Now Sonora looked stunned. “You didn’t let him win?”

  Mandy shook her head. “Why would I do that? He’ll never learn or try to run faster.”

  “Oh, dear.”

  “Terrible should be horsewhipped for punishing Patreous for losing.”

  Sonora gave Mandy a sad smile. “You’re probably right.”

  “I know I’m right. Honey told me she-bears don’t fight, but seriously, you let the men beat you at games and such?” Just the thought was repellant to Mandy. She didn’t want to upset Honey’s mother, but she couldn’t hold in her feelings. “Why do you put up with t
his stuff?”

  “Our men like control. They like to fight and they never lose unless it’s against each other. When that happens, everyone backs off because you do not want to be around an angry bear.”

  “Honey can have all the control he wants, but there’s no way I’ll let him win at something if I can beat him. If… he gives me attitude, he will be an even unhappier bear.”

  Sonora’s smile grew until she began laughing. “I think you are exactly what my son needs. The only person to ever best him is his father. One day that won’t be the case and Honey will be The Kodiak.”

  A look of horror settled on Mandy’s face. “Honey would never kill his father.”

  It took a moment, but finally Sonora spoke. “I’d forgotten that wolf challenges for alpha are to the death. Quite barbaric, my dear. Bears are different. Though it’s tough when an alpha’s defeated, they often survive the battle. Bears don’t procreate easily and it’s important we don’t lose them to bear power plays.”

  It was impossible for Mandy to keep quiet on the subject of clan politics. “Bears might be different, but your kind is barbaric in how they treat women and children. I’m planning to work alongside Honey and be a part of his life, not sit in the background and wait for him to return home.”

  Sonora looked stunned. “You would work at the club?”

  “Of course. I love people. I’m more than capable of keeping customers in line, and I love to dance. I’ll make a better partner to Honey if I’m part of his life.” Mandy gave Sonora a determined look.

  A twinkle entered the older woman’s eyes. “If you go to the club, especially to dance, I know a few she-bears who would love to be there. Please keep me informed.”

  Mandy felt red creeping into her cheeks over her next question. “I’ve… umm… ordered a package for Honey and I need it picked up from the post office. It’s a gift and a secret. Is there anyway someone could give me a ride to town to get it?”

  Sonora didn’t acknowledge Mandy’s uncomfortable behavior. “I’d be glad to take you if Honey won’t.”

  “I don’t want him to know he’s getting a surprise.”

  “Then we’ll tell him I’m showing you around. When do you want to leave?”

  “An hour would be perfect. I’m hoping Honey returns soon so we can work on making a baby.”

  Sonora laughed on her way to the sink to rinse out her mug. “I’m glad you’re here, Mandy. We’ve been stuck in our ways for a long time and it’ll be nice to have a breath of fresh air. I’ll pick you up in an hour.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Honey didn’t return before Sonora picked her up, which put angst in each step Mandy took as she got ready. The man needed to communicate. He seemed to be two different people… sometimes fun and carefree, but most often serious and all he-bear. She preferred the carefree Honey more and knew she’d need to work on him so he-bear didn’t make regular appearances.

  The trip into town was uneventful. They took The Kodiak’s large truck and had a man at the hardware store load a new front door for the cabin. Mandy picked up her package, but blushed slightly when Sonora asked about it. “It’s a surprise for Honey and I’ll let him tell you if he wants.” Mandy knew this was one surprise Honey wouldn’t be sharing.

  “Don’t spoil him too much or he’ll go soft,” Sonora teased.

  “I’d like to make something special for dinner, too, if you don’t mind stopping at the grocery store.”

  Sonora nodded with a smile and muttered under her breath, “Soft it is.”

  They arrived home two hours later. Honey stood in the doorway and didn’t look happy.

  “Oh dear, you did leave him a note, didn’t you?” Sonora looked at her less-than-cordial son as she spoke to Mandy before they got out of the truck.

  “Nope, he told me he wouldn’t be gone long and he messed that up, so he got to stew for a while, and I’m sure it did him good.” She gulped in a breath, almost able to feel the waves of anger coming from her mate. She didn’t look at the bear beside her because she didn’t think she should take her eyes off Honey. He walked to the truck’s door and Sonora unclicked the lock, the traitorous she-bear.

  She didn’t give Honey a chance to say a word. “We have a new door in the back of the truck. I brought you a surprise, and I’m making dinner. If you throw a temper tantrum, everything but the door is off the table, so be a wise bear and suck it up.”

  Two seconds later she was over his shoulder again with him making fast strides into the cabin. She didn’t bother screaming or fighting, just let her anger build. He dumped her in the kitchen, walked back out, and then came in carrying her purchases. He wouldn’t look at her or say a word. He left again, and in a short time she heard a power drill and additional clanging, so even in her current snit, she decided to begin making dinner. Food might put them both in a better mood and she really wanted to give him her gift while she ovulated. They needed her to be pregnant and she didn’t want to admit it, but she missed her brother, sister, and parents. A visit would be wonderful, but first things first—if she wanted her mate to survive Emily and Brandt, Mandy had to be pregnant. She decided not to hang onto her anger… for now.


  Honey finished hanging the new door and entered the cabin. The package sat on the table, tempting him, but he refused to let his bear’s curiosity get the best of him. He wasn’t playing her game. She didn’t seem to be getting the overall picture, and this entire mating thing was literally for the birds.

  The smells coming from the kitchen were mouthwatering and caused his stomach to grumble. Mandy stood in the kitchen facing him, but he didn’t acknowledge her. He decided to leave for a while and take a swim in the lake. Anger continued to pulse through his veins, and putting in the new door didn’t take the edge off.

  The lake water was cold but refreshing, and he took his time, swimming a few laps and thinking about his mate until the cold water did little to stop his erection from swelling. He finally left the lake and walked back to his cabin.

  The front room and kitchen were dark, though he still smelled signs that dinner waited. Soft sobs came from the bedroom and he made his way to the noise. Mandy lay curled on the bed making pathetic distress sounds. His sigh was loud. Her tears undid him, and a strange gentleness traveled through his bloodstream. Crawling on the bed and gathering her in his arms happened without conscious thought. He pulled her close with his nose in her hair and placed a kiss on her cheek.

  “Do you really think this will work, Honey?” The words came between soft puffs of air caused by crying.

  He chose his words carefully. “We already work.” His fingers untangled strands of her hair. “We have adjustments to make, both of us. I’m sorry for my anger earlier. I wanted you here waiting for me.” He placed another gentle kiss on her cheek and rolled her toward him so he could look into her eyes. “I love you, Mandy. You’re not just my mate… you’re my life. I’m a grumpy old bear and I need your gentleness and strength to guide me in this relationship.” She laughed softly when his stomach growled.

  “You’re not done being angry at me today, but thank you. I love you, Honey.”

  He tightened his arms, loving the sound of those words coming from her lips. “Now that that’s settled, can we eat and then work on that baby you want so badly?”

  Her head snuggled further against his chest and the next words she spoke were muffled. “I threw dinner away.”

  He wasn’t sure he heard her correctly, so he didn’t say anything.

  She finally pulled her face from his chest. “I was quite angry and didn’t feel like eating after you stormed out of here again.” Her eyelids lowered slightly, wet with tears, giving her an innocent look.

  His stomach let out a louder rumble. He exhaled and tried not to show his frustration. “I will never truly win a fight with you, will I?”

  She looked back up, blinked a few times, and offered a small smile. “When you yell and roar I feel defeated and I don’t like it. I love y
ou, but I’m not a bear. I wasn’t raised to submit with my eyes lowered and my tail between my legs. I get angry like you, have feelings like you, and will always fight back. To me, it’s a shame that your she-bears don’t have a voice.” Mandy pulled further away. “I will always have a voice, Honey.”

  He could only stare at her and try to absorb the words. She was right, her way wasn’t how his clan worked, but she wasn’t from his world and he had a feeling the bears would be adjusting to her more than she would adjust to them. He suddenly stood from the bed and lifted her to her feet.

  “What are you doing?” she giggled.

  “I’m doing what I’ve always done when I’m hungry. There is one place that has food and it’s never thrown away, even when my mother’s angry.”

  “We can’t just show up to eat at your mother’s.”

  “Of course we can. I’ve done it my entire life, and I have a feeling we’ll be doing it from time to time when dinner’s been tossed out.” He took her hand and started pulling her from the room.

  “Honey stop. My hair’s a mess and I need to change clothes.”

  He gave a tug on her arm and pulled her in close. His hand ran through her hair and then he tilted her chin up. “You are beautiful. Please change nothing.”

  Her low grumble didn’t stop him from taking her hand again and leading her out of the newly replaced cabin door. They walked through the woods; the sun was almost completely gone and a partial moon was rising above the trees. He felt her skipping every few feet to keep up with his longer strides, so he slowed and enjoyed the feel of his mate by his side and the wild surrounding them. Lights finally blinked in the distance as they approached The Kodiak’s home.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  They approached the large unassuming cabin and Honey yanked her hand slightly when he felt hesitation in her step. The door opened and his mother gestured them inside.


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