Through the Looking Glass

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Through the Looking Glass Page 20

by Rebecca Lorino Pond


  They were up and riding before the sun had even appeared over the trees. Isobel’s bones and muscles ached from sitting on the ground all night and having to sleep upright, if she could even call it sleeping. Sleep eluded her for most of the night as she sat there listening to the snores of Daniel and his men. She again sat in front of Daniel as they made their way into the southern part of Aslog.

  Fortunately, the day had been sunny for the most part, but as the evening drew near a chill in the air swept through the land. She didn’t have a cloak or anything to keep her warm as the wind whipped across her skin and face. She shivered slightly against Daniel and she had heard him chuckle a couple of times as she did so. God how she hated the man!

  They camped again for the night underneath a large tree that was beginning to lose its leaves as the season changed. Isobel continued to keep her eyes open for any chance she might be able to get away however slim it might be.

  Her stomach growled in protest all through the night and into the next morning. Daniel hadn’t bothered to give her any food and only allowed her a sip of water every now and then. The headache she had from the blows to her head had only increased in strength with the absence of food and adequate water.

  By the end of their third day of travelling, she couldn’t keep her eyes open. Any form of light caused her head to throb unbearably and the jolting of her body on the horse made every muscle and bone in her body scream out in pain. By the evening they had come into view of Tuloch’s castle, or so Daniel told her. With evening falling, she was able to crack open one eye in order to see her surroundings and what she saw disturbed her.

  The people that she saw were filthy and looked to be in extremely poor health. Many of the buildings were in danger of collapsing while most of the fences to pen in the animals lay on ground broken. These people lived in such deplorable conditions and she wondered why their leader would allow it. Trash lay everywhere she looked on the ground and the smell of stale urine hit her in the face.

  The five of them rode silently through the small village that surrounded a castle that was a smaller version of Jakar’s. It was heavily guarded with soldiers every few feet up along the rampart. Unlike Jakar’s gatehouse, this one only had one gate that could be lowered in times of attack and looked as if it wouldn’t hold for very long.

  The horses clopped their way into the bailey then came to a halt. Daniel dismounted from their horse then pulled her down. Her legs were numb from sitting astride the blasted animal for so long that she almost collapsed. Daniel caught her by the back of her dress and hauled her back to her feet then shoved her forward. She followed behind Betsy as she entered the castle, leading the way. Daniel and his two goons were behind her as she walked slowly into the large room that Betsy had lead them too.

  Another shove from behind caused her to trip and land on her knees. Laughter filled the room as she got up and glared at the three men behind her. Trax threw her a kiss with his cracked and chapped lips as she gave them her best “I’m going to kill you” look.

  “Bring her forward, Daniel,” a deep voice called out to the group behind her. The sound of it sent chills down her spine and made the hair on her arms stand up.

  “Lead the way,” Daniel motioned with his hand.

  She turned and did as she was told. As she drew closer to end of the room, she could see the man who was determined to kill her and Betsy as she stood next to him. For a man with such a deep voice, his stature didn’t match it. He wasn’t much taller than she and was almost completely bald. His small, beady eyes took her in as she approached him as he sat in what she considered must be his throne.

  Next to him, on the other side, stood a very old woman who was so wrinkled that she could barely see the woman’s eyes. She wore a dress made of black rags and had long dirty fingernails that she pointed in her direction as she whispered into Tuloch’s ear.

  The laughter in the room continued until Tuloch held up a hand to silence the crowd. She stood at the bottom of three steps staring at the man on the throne.

  “You must be the one I have been expecting,” he said then took a sip of drink from his chalice he was holding.

  The room was so silent now that she could have heard a pin drop. She was so afraid that her knees were shaking and she had the cold sweats. The look the man was giving her felt evil and something not of this world or any other. Daniel stepped forward and addressed the man.

  “My lord Tuloch, I have brought you the one the witch told you about.” He nodded his head down at her.

  “She had better be the one, Daniel. Witch, can you tell if she is the one?” Tuloch asked of the old woman next to him.

  The witch shuffled forward then went down the steps one at a time until she stood in front of Isobel. She held out a wrinkled hand to Isobel’s face and let her nails trail down the side of her cheek that was bruised and swollen from Daniel’s slap the other day. The witch closed her eyes and chanted something that was totally incoherent to her. Dark black eyes snapped open to reveal swirling pools of nothingness. Seconds later the witch pulled her hand away and turned to Tuloch.

  “She is the one.”


  “Did you find her,” Jakar asked of Nana and Nyla when he met up with in the kitchen.

  “No, no one in the castle has seen her for some time now,” Nana replied while wringing her hands.

  Jakar’s heart sunk to the pit of his stomach. This was bad, very bad. He and most of his staff and servants had thoroughly searched the castle and gardens for any sign of Isobel. She couldn’t have disappeared that quickly!

  “Nyla, go to the market and see if anyone has seen her.”

  He had to find her. He needed to tell her how wrong he had been. He needed to apologize and tell her… tell her what? He knew what he needed to tell her. He had been so blind and full of suspicion that he never realized that he falling in love with her. When had it happened? The night they first made love? The time he took her to the market? Oh God, he wasn’t sure but only knew that he had been a fool and now his wife was in danger because of him.

  Nyla zipped back in and found him questioning one of the children that lived in the castle. “My lord! My lord!”

  Jakar swung around to face her. “Did you find her?”

  “No, but one of the woman in the market saw her heading to the gates. There had been some kind of commotion under the gatehouse and she had lost sight of her.”

  The blood drained from his face. If she left the confines of the castle walls there is no telling what had happened to her and if Nyla was right about Betsy, he would bet that the servant was long gone too. Without another thought, he took off out of the castle and headed to the stables. He go would after her and get her back. Even if it was the last thing he ever did!

  Chapter 22

  “What do you have to say for yourself?” Tuloch asked Isobel.

  Isobel raised her head and looked at him defiantly. “I don’t have anything to say to you!”

  Tuloch laughed then said, “A feisty one, isn’t she?”

  The room laughed along with Tuloch and nodded their heads in agreement. No matter what this man did to her, she wasn’t about to cower in front of him. She held her head up high and straightened her back.

  “Let’s see how feisty you are after being in the dungeon for a few days. Take her away!” Tuloch flicked his hand at her as if he was shooing away a bug.

  A hard grip clasped around her upper arm and forcefully pulled her away from Tuloch. Her insides felt like a bowl of jello but she needed to remain calm and appear as if she didn’t care where she was headed. She could hear the whispers as she was lead out of the room then down a long narrow staircase that was lit with torches. The air smelled of rotten flesh and urine. Her eyes had to adjust to the low light as she descended into the bowels of the run-down castle.

  Reaching the bottom of the stairs, she was steered to the right and straight into a very tiny cell. She was shoved roughly into the r
oom, the rope around her wrists was cut then the door slammed shut with a resounding clang. Only the tiny, barred, square hole in the door let in any light and it was definitely cold in the small confines she found herself in.

  Her emotions finally took over and spilled out. She backed up until she hit the wall then slid down it to sit on the filthy floor. The tears she had been holding in while trying to act brave in front of Tuloch now escaped their own prison and silently slid down her face. Her heart ached for the man who didn’t want her and didn’t love her. She was stuck in a world she couldn’t escape from and now she was going to die in it. A choked cry forced its way out of her mouth. She drew her knees up and lay her head on her hands. How long was she going to be kept here? Was Jakar going to come looking for her? The questions were endless and raced through her mind as she cried her heart out. She could only pray that Nana or Nyla would notice that she was missing and send someone to look for her. Nana knew she was the one that Tuloch wanted, so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem to know where she probably was. If she got out of this alive she would go to the elder fairies and beg them to send her home. Back to the world she knew.


  Brock and Lizzy arrived at Jakar’s castle in the midst of a big commotion. Horses and men filled the bailey and looked as if they were preparing to go to war. The horses were suited with the body armor custom made to fit each horse individually. The men were checking saddles and storing supplies as directions were called out.

  Brock directed his horse to the stable that stood empty. He helped Lizzy down then searched the surrounding area for his brother. His eyes came to a halt when he spied Jakar sitting astride his massive horse who was eagerly waiting to begin his journey.

  Holding Lizzy’s hand, he headed over to Jakar to see what the hell was going on. “Brother!” he called out as he meandered his way through the horses and men. “Brother!” he called again and held up his hand so Jakar would see who was calling him.

  “Brock! What are you doing here?” Jakar asked of his brother. “Who is the female?”

  Brock didn’t have the chance to reply because Lizzy stepped forward and spoke. “I’m Isobel’s friend. Where is she? Is she alright?” Lizzy’s voice held a hint of alarm.

  “Isobel’s friend? From her world?” Jakar stared at Lizzy with his mouth hanging open. “But how? How did you get here? To this world?” Jakar had to use his legs to keep his horse still as he spoke to Lizzy.

  “I don’t know exactly how it happened, but it was some kind of a mist that surrounded Daniel and I as we were fighting in the room Isobel was staying in at Ackergill. I went there looking for her when I hadn’t heard from her for some time.” As she spoke Jakar dismounted and stood close to her.

  “Tell me,” he demanded of her.

  Lizzy looked at the imposing man. He was huge compared to her and he was even bigger than his brother who stood behind her with his hand on her shoulder. This was the man her long-time friend had been forced to marry? She had to admit he wasn’t bad looking, but it had to be something very serious in order for Isobel to marry a man she didn’t know.

  “Has Isobel told you anything?” She waited for his reply and when he nodded his head she continued. “She was hiding from Daniel, the man who murdered her parents. I sent her to Scotland where I thought she would be safe from him but somehow he found out where she went. After I hadn’t heard from Isobel I scared shitless that he had found her, so I dropped everything and went to find her. I arrived at Ackergill and had to break into her room. I was in the middle of searching her room when Daniel surprised me. We fought for a while and I must have ripped his shirt pocket or something because glass shattered and a green mist began to swirl around us immediately. Next thing I know I am falling and don’t know why.”

  “Isobel told me she came here through a mirror, a looking glass, but….” Jakar faltered.

  Lizzy reached out and put her hand over his. “But what? Tell me she’s okay!” Tears brimmed her eyes as she looked up at Jakar.

  Jakar huffed out a sigh, “I’m afraid I didn’t believe her. I was sure she was a spy for Tuloch and was here to find out any information she could and report it back to him.”

  Lizzy sucked in a sharp breath. “Oh God,” she whispered. “Daniel had said something about a man named Tuloch but I didn’t understand what he meant.”

  Brock spoke up next. “Brother I will go with you to search for your wife. If I think this Daniel is the one I am thinking of, you need to make haste. His father was once a faithful citizen of father’s but something happened between them and Daniel’s father moved his family to South Aslog. I only know of the stories associated with Daniel’s father after he pledged his loyalty to Tuloch and let’s just say a wee one like Isobel will not stand a chance in his custody.”

  “Thank you, Brock. I have been a fool and am now paying the price. Our mother and father would be ashamed of the way I have acted towards my wife even after being told numerous times who and what she was.” Jakar mounted his horse again and turned back to look at Lizzy. “I promise, Lizzy, I will find her and bring her home. You will have your friend back and I will have my wife. Brock, get a fresh horse and make ready to head out.” Jakar nudged his horse in the ribs to get the animal moving.

  “Will you be alright here while I am gone?” Brock took Lizzy’s face in both his hands then placed a tender kiss on her soft pink lips.

  “Of course she will be alright,” Nana called out from behind them.

  Lizzy looked at the old woman and tired her best to give her a smile. “I will be fine, Brock. Go find Isobel and bring her back.”

  “You will take good care of my Lizzy while I am gone?” Brock asked Nana.

  Nana made a face as if she had been wounded with his words. “When have I ever not taken care of someone in my charge?” She folded her arms across her generous bosom.

  Brock moved to hug Nana and placed a kiss on top of her head. “I didn’t mean to offend you, Nana. You have always taken good care of us. I have to go.” He kissed her on the head once again then quickly kissed Lizzy goodbye.

  Lizzy stayed where she was until she could no longer see Brock. She trembled with the fear that was coursing through her at the thought of Isobel being in Daniel’s clutches. Her poor friend had barely escaped that dreadful night with her life only to be hunted and found by him here, in this new world she had landed in.

  “Come on in, my sweet girl. It is warmer inside and I can find you something to eat if you are hungry.” Nana put her hand into Lizzy’s and tugged her in the direction of the castle. Nana noticed how Brock’s new love continued to look over her shoulder as she was led away from the group that was departing. “Don’t worry. He will be fine. Brock and Jakar are tough men and have been through much. They know how to handle this. Come,” she said.

  Together they walked into the castle and shut the door. How long would it be before they received word from Jakar? Would they be in time to save Isobel from certain death?


  Jakar pushed his men through the night and all the next day. By the afternoon of the third day, Brock had to demand that the men and the horses be given time to rest. Reluctantly, he had to agree with his brother. His men would be of no use if he ran them into the ground before they reached Tuloch’s home.

  They had made good time and didn’t have much farther to travel until they would be on the outskirts of Tuloch’s holdings. The time to discuss the plan they were going to use get to Isobel without the entire castle knowing about their presence was at hand. He needed to make sure that every man knew his part in the raid. He didn’t want to take any chances on Isobel being harmed, if she hadn’t been already.

  Chapter 23

  Isobel woke up at the sound of the key turning in the lock of her cell door. She raised her throbbing head and peered at the man who had entered the cell with a torch. The light the torch casted off was barely enough to light the room but she was able to see the face of the man. She didn’t
recognize this one.

  “Here,” the man hissed while holding out a cup and a piece of stale bread.

  She took the offered food in silence and waited for the man to leave. Once she was alone again she took a sip of the warm water and let it run down her parched throat. There was no way for her to tell what time it was or how long she had been in the dark place. All she knew was that it was colder in the cell then before and sitting on the damp floor didn’t help any.


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