on the brain 70, 97–8
on women xxix–xxxiii, 13–14
on young people 18–23
personal stories xxix–xxxiii
research on 12
incest see also intrafamilial rape
normalisation in child pornography 186
pornography featuring 196–8
indecency, legal definition of 27
intrafamilial rape
legal treatment of 195–6, 198, 200
pornification of 195–200
Jeffreys, Sheila xxiv, 225, 297
Jensen, Robert xxiii, xxvi, 172, 188, 269, 297
Karadžić, Radovan xxv, 230, 236
Katz, Jackson 50
Kendall, Christopher N. xxiii, 297
Klein, Renate x, xxiv, 41, 297
Kimmel, Michael 44, 45
‘lads’ mags’
campaigns against 259–60, 261, 275, 276, 278
pornographic content of 270
lap dancing
campaigning against 274, 276, 277, 278
strip clubs and 139
Larsen, Gregg Alan 211
lesbian pornography 29, 116, 134
Liszewski, Melinda x, xxvi, 298
Little Sisters case 53–4
Long, Julia xxvi, 298
Lumby, Catharine 122–7, 131
lynching, pornography and 108–11
MacKinnon, Catharine A. xxiii, xxv, 56, 231, 236, 250, 254, 290, 298
male bonding rituals, sexist
in popular culture 38–9
on campus 44–5
overcoming 50
Mancuso, Matthew 208–9
Mapona 227–8
Marcuse, Herbert 69
marketing see also advertising
mainstreaming pornography 163
online porn sites xxi, 6
sexual imagery and children xxiii, 16–19
strip clubs and pornography 141
Marsh, James 208–10, 212, 215
Masha’s Law 208
Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff xxiii, 298
conditioning to child pornography via 183
Mayne, Anne xxv, 298
McAlinden, Anne-Marie 203
McCormack Evans, Matt xxvi, 298
McKee, Alan 122–31
McLellan, Betty xxv–xxvi, 113, 299
incest terminology in 195–6
pornification of 3, 8, 9–15, 90, 182, 266
portrayal of pornography in 36, 96, 123, 130–1, 168, 227–8, 277
use in activist campaigns 225, 263, 279
Men Against Rape and Pornography 58
Mies, Maria 108
‘Misty Series’ xx, 209, 215
mobile phones see also sexting
pornography on 241, 242
money shot see cum shot
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), pornography on 242
music videos
porn stars in 140
pornographic images in xiii, xvi, 109–10
myths of pornography
anti-sex xiv
challenging xiv–xv
child pornography 186–7
compartmentalisation 9, 14
fantasy xxx, 10, 30–1
freedom of choice xiv
freedom of speech xv
pleasure xiv
self-empowerment xiv
Nakasatomi, Hiroshi xxiv, 299
Nenadic, Natalie xxv, 230, 231, 232, 236, 299
Norma, Caroline x, xxv, xxvi, 299
normalisation of pornography xiv
challenging 286
medical approach to 90–2
pubic hair removal 5, 89
OBJECT 261, 274–80
objectification of women
campaigning against 274–83
pseudo child pornography and 8
robots and dolls xviii–xix
teenage self-image 21
legal definition of 27
pornography and 10
online porn
attempts to regulate xx–xxi, 244
ease of transmission 34–5
endless nature of 161–5
Indian usage of 239–41
manipulative nature of xxi–xxii
slavery in xx, 11
social networking and 164
child sex abuse and 181
‘consent’ of victims 187
‘freedom of speech’ in promotion of 252–3
Internet subculture of 186, 188
normalised by child pornography 187
online guide to 188
pornography linked to 184, 189–90, 243
sex tourism and 244, 246
targeting pre-verbal victims xvi
teen nude images and 35, 36
paraphilia 71–2 see also sexually deviant behaviours
Paroline, Doyle 210–11
capitalist structures and 107–8
gender perceptions in 27–9
pornography and 287
pet love videos 67
‘upskirting’ 289
dangerous consequences of 36–8
non-consensual 37–40, 289
sharing with teen peers 34–5
‘pimp and ho’ parties 42–3
Playboy empire
campaigns against 260
expansion in South Africa 226, 227
experiencing pornography via xxix, 13, 131, 196
mobile phone porn 241
promoting to children xiii, xvii
prostitution in 153
popular culture see also music videos; social media
pornification of xiv, 3, 9–15
pornography within xxiii–xxiv
sexist male bonding rituals in 38–9
porn stars
as body image models 88–90
as ‘sex experts’ 81–3
in music videos 140
pornography industry
as human trafficking 155–7, 160
capitalism and 31–2, 107–8
connections with Big Pharma 86–101
exploitative nature of 107–17, 160–5
film investigation of 171–7
ideology of 29–31
in India 239–46
in South Africa 223–9
Internet globalisation of 160–5
links to strip clubs and prostitution 136–42
mass market power of 14–15
pay scales in 153, 176
profits made by xiv, 11, 86, 112
campaign against 88
drugs promoted to enhance 86–8
manipulation of women’s bodies for 88–90
medical hazards of 90–2
post-feminism, pornification of 118–21
post-traumatic stress disorder, prostitution and 82, 154, 276
power relations see also gender roles
gay male pornography and 54–61
in pornography 254
reinforced by sex therapists’ advice 78–83
Pringle, Helen x, xii, xxiv, 86, 101, 299
pornography as 25–33
pornography denying genocide 233–5
pornography inciting genocide 231–2
power and 26
campaigns against exploitation in 274, 277–8
factors compelling women into 151–2
pornography as 150–7
strip clubs as part of 136–42
violence against women in 151
pseudo child pornography xvi, 181
‘incest porn’ as sub-genre of 196
childification of women in 182–3
Free Speech Coalition and 4
messages conveyed by 6–8
teen porn 4–8
pubic hair removal, pornography and 5–6, 89
‘queer’, degrading gay men as 55, 56
Queer Studies 115
Quit Porn Manifesto 291–4
college sexual culture and 46
gay male pornography and 56–7
in pornography 31, 243–4
music lyrics and 47
rape see also gang rape; intrafamilial rape
anal, of teenage girls 22
as a weapon of war 230–3
college campuses encouraging 41–3
computer games and 167–70
high rate in South Africa 226
in gay male pornography 57–8
pornography as propaganda for 25–33
US data on incidence of 28
RapeLay 167–70
Reclaim the Night 259, 264, 276
regulation of porn industry xxv–xxvi
attempts at xx–xxi
lack of xx–xxi
religious vilification 252
reproporn 92–6
Rosenfeld, Diane L. xxiii, 41, 300
Royalle, Candida 81, 82
Russell, Diana E.H. xxv, 223, 226, 300
Russell’s Theory 181–91
pornography used to encourage 79–80
torture and 115–17
Schafer, Sue 202–3
bestiality porn presented as xxiii, 67
challenge to pornography as xiv prostitution presented as 161, 163–4
sex toys as 118, 121
education to improve 50–1
effect of pornography on 1, 254
working in strip clubs and xxiv, 149
self-image, teen photography and 34–5
self-objectification of women 48
sex education
harm of pornography as xvi–xvii, 20, 272
kits influenced by pornography 80–1
sex shops, sexual ‘liberation’ in 118–21
sex tapes, unauthorised 39–40
sex therapy
pornification of 78–83
self-help books advocating pornography 78–9
sex tourism, child pornography and 244, 246
sex trade shows 134–5, 157
sexting 34–7
sexual assault see also child sexual abuse; rape
by child peers 21–2
pornography linked to xx, 74–5, 243, 288–9
sexual dysfunction ‘diseases’, drug treatments for 87–8
sexual harassment
activism resulting from 261
college campuses and 42–51
Indian protection against 240
prostitution, pornography and 151, 276
strip clubs and 277
universal female experience of 28
sexual offences see rape; sexual assault
sexualisation of children
in child pornography 182, 185
in popular culture 182
social networking sites and 164
sexually deviant behaviours
pornography contributing to 70–5
stages of development 70–1
sexually intrusive acts 28
sexually transmitted diseases
in pornography industry 90–1
teenage girls and 21
Singer, Peter 64–5, 67
Internet porn showing xx, 11
lynching and 108–11
Smallwood, Gracelyn 205–6
snuff films 10, 63, 66
social media see also Facebook; YouTube
risks of using 40
use in activist campaigns 279, 281
social status of pornography 164–5
softcore pornography 3, 13, 27
Sonderegger, Robi xxiii, 300
‘sorostitutes’, labelling as
female student attitudes to 46–8
male student attitudes to xx
South Africa, pornography in 223–9
Standing Together to Oppose Pornography (S.T.O.P) 224, 225, 226, 228
Stella xxiii, xxiv, 300
Stone, Sharon 13
Stop Porn Culture! 260, 266–7, 269
STOP Pornography 224
strategies for quitting porn 293–4
strip clubs
as a global industry 137–9
as live pornography 136–42
cross marketing of 141
feminist activism on 137
vulnerability of workers in 144–9
as prostitution 139–40
campus parties and 45–6
harms involved in 147–9
misguided defence of 136
personal stories of 144–9
Struthers, Dr William 70
sub-genres of pornography 72–3
child pornography victims and 204
of porn stars 162
unauthorised filming and 37, 242
Sullivan, Mary 92
Sun, Chyng xv, xxiv–xxv, 300
surrogate birth arrangements
activist campaigns against 95–6
dehumanising effects of 92–5
pornographic images on xiii
sold at sex trade shows 135
Tankard Reist, Melinda xxiv, 86, 109–10, 167, 205, 2230, 253, 281, 301
Taylor, S. Caroline xxv, 301
teen porn see pseudo child pornography
The Porn Report 122–31
ethical issues in 129–30
partisan perspective of 122–6
research methodology 127–30
use by porn advocates 125–6
Thompson, Linda xxvi, 292, 301
Tiefer, Leonore 88, 90
Tolman, Deborah 35
gay male pornography and xxiii, 55, 58
normalised by pornography xx, 115–16
of animals 63–8
pornography’s use of xvi, xix, 11, 153
sexual subordination through 54
violent regimes and xxiv, 11, 55, 58, 115–16, 154, 230–7, 293
trafficking in women
entry into pornography through 152
interconnections to prostitution and pornography 155–7
Tyler, Meagan xxiv, 301
unprotected sex 91, 92
van Heeswijk, Anna xxvi, 302
victim impact statements
Amy 212, 215–19
child abuse victims 204
Masha Allen 208–9
violence against women and children
as human rights issue 75
gay male pornography and 54–61
increasing in pornography 173–5
pornography links sex to 113–14
prostitution and pornography 151
Waltman, Max xxi
web cams, unauthorized filming via 19, 34, 37, 38, 156, 157, 164, 185
Weiss, Margot 115–16
West, Kanye, music video by xiii, 109–10, 282
Whisnant, Rebecca xvi, 230, 266, 267
WikiLeaks 251–2
women, violence against see violence against women and children
women’s liberation
distortion of 120
threatening to dominant culture 110
YouTube 19, 42, 109
Zillman, Dolf 255
Other books from Spinifex Press
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