Monsters and Shifters and Men, Oh My! Paranormal Menage and Multiple Partner Romance Stories

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Monsters and Shifters and Men, Oh My! Paranormal Menage and Multiple Partner Romance Stories Page 3

by Giselle Renarde

  “Here, there is reciprocity to desire.” Kattituyok hissed as Pikatti grasped his balls in a firm grip. “We fulfil each other’s wants and needs.”

  “Whatever you want to give, you can always find someone to take it,” Pikatti continued.

  “And anything you wish to receive can be granted by a willing partner.”

  “Like right now I want to give Kattituyok head…” Pikatti said.

  “…and I wish to receive it,” Kattituyok replied, his voice smooth and deep as chocolate.

  Leaning to her ear, Pikatti whispered, “What about you, Illivat? What do you want to give? What do you wish to receive?”

  Those two simple questions brought tears to her eyes. Not once in her life had anyone asked what she wanted of a sexual encounter. She mumbled a response neither could make out.

  “Louder, Illivat,” Pikatti encouraged. “Tell us what you want.”

  She summoned her core strength and released her response. “I want to give and take. I want to give you my pussy. I want to take your cock inside me.”

  “Ahhh,” Kattituyok purred.

  Like gears in motion, the men clicked into place. Gravel shifted underfoot as Pikatti slipped out of his quirky caribou pants. Kattituyok stood strong above her, straddling her waiting body. Even naked with her face to foreign soil and her rump high in the air, Anna was invulnerable. After all, this was a different world.

  With Kattituyok’s firm calf blocking the way, she could just make out Pikatti’s glistening form coming at her. He gripped the base of his cock, asking, “Is this what you want?”

  Her heart pounded. “Yes,” she replied, bracing for entry.

  Gripping her hips, he chuckled, “Well, then, I won’t deny you your pleasure.”

  In one majestic motion, he slid inside her body and made it his home. He was huge inside her, but she made room because, god, did she ever want him there. That space had been reserved for a cock like his. She just didn’t know it until now.

  “And I will not deny you your pleasure,” Kattituyok boomed. No sooner had he spoken than a muffled exultation erupted from Pikatti’s throat.

  Try as she might, Anna couldn’t turn far enough to catch a glimpse of Kattituyok’s impressive cock filling his fit young lover’s mouth. She’d love to watch. Was Pikatti sucking the hell out of that beast, or simply sitting back and taking it as the gorgeous sage fucked his welcoming throat? She couldn’t quite tell what was going on above her.

  An icy thought struck her as she looked to the right. “Are you sure Geoff can’t see us?”

  Kattituyok chuckled deeply as Pikatti replied, “If he could see all this, do you really think he’d have his nose in a book?”

  “You’re right,” Anna said, relaxing as Pikatti ran his sharp nails along her back. The sensation of delicious pain made her moan. Her pussy devoured his cock as he devoured Kattituyok’s. It struck her how pussy-like a mouth is: wet, warm, welcoming, and satiny-soft. Mouths and pussies were nearly the same thing.

  With Pikatti gripping her thighs, she reached up to feel her engorged clit. Her own wetness heightened her arousal, and she stroked herself into a frenzy as he fucked her needy cunt. She let that big cock slide between her two fingers and felt a sense of accomplishment when Pikatti gasped in response.

  “Oh god,” she panted in time with the men’s crescendo of grunts and moans. There was nothing hotter than Pikatti’s gurgle of approval as he thrust in her cunt and Kattiutuyok thrust in his mouth.

  Turning from the vision of Geoff a world away, she grasped Kattituyok’s ankle, which was firm like a teenaged tree. She was nearing the brink and needed more than Pikatti alone could give. Revelling in the deep moans of their male sex, she rubbed her clit mercilessly, fingers dancing with Pikatti’s rapidly-thrusting cock. She reached far back to grab his balls and everything happened all at once. Suddenly, their collective pleasure overwhelmed them.

  Kattituyok bellowed high above her, his cry and his cock stifling Pikatti’s orgasmic groan. She didn’t need to hear it to know. His hands kneaded her ass cheeks, grasped them hard as he rammed her one last time. Dizzied by pleasure beyond anything she’d ever imagined, she let her hand fall to earth when Pikatti held still, his massive cock pulsing inside her. She could feel herself trembling, but his cock was hers for a few more moments.

  Impressively, Kattituyok remained standing even as she and Pikatti collapsed. She couldn’t wipe the smile off her face, even after lying naked on the beach under the midnight sun. She was safe, she knew, with a strong man standing guard.

  “This is nuts.” She laughed, catching sight of Pikatti’s rhinestone caribou pants. “Is this for real? Have I seriously left the world I came from?”

  Nobody answered. They didn’t need to; she knew where she was.

  Behind the big boulder, Geoff had fallen asleep. She’d never seen him sleep before. He looked like an old man. And he snored.

  “I’ve tried all my life to be accepted by… well, anybody, really. You guys brought me here and took me in, welcomed me, initiated me into your world…”

  She wondered what Geoff might find when he reviewed the images his video recorder had picked up. More than likely, he’d go home knowing next to nothing about the Shadow People. He’d go home feeling like a failure. And he’d go home never knowing where Anna had disappeared to.

  Traditional stories tell of Inuit who have crossed into the other world. No one has ever returned…

  The End

  The Regular

  By Giselle Renarde

  “Tell me what happened or I’ll tie your ass hair to your pubes!”

  “What makes you think I have either?” Toby asked, gyrating his hips in Saada’s direction. His green apron flapped as he waved his hands above his head.

  “Excuse me!” the rich bitch on the other side of the counter growled. “Would you mind watching your mouth in front of respectable customers?”

  Saada dropped the woman’s vanilla soy latté on the counter, letting a few drops splash out the side of the paper cup. “I would gladly watch my mouth if there were any respectable customers here.”

  As the woman in the white fur coat bobbed her head like a Thanksgiving turkey, her bad wig threatening to fall onto the glass dessert case. “Excuse me?”

  Saada snapped a plastic lid onto the paper cup, then pushed it across the counter with her knuckles. “I can’t even pretend to respect someone who thinks slaughtered bunny carcasses make a good fashion statement.”

  The rich bitch’s pupils vibrated with such intensity it looked like her retinas were about to detach. Eying the serpent necklace Saada had paired with a studded leather dog collar, the customer muttered, “You’re one to talk about fashion.” Then she demanded to speak to the 'intolerably rude' girl’s manager.

  Saada’s expression betrayed no concern. After three years of working side by side behind the coffee counter, Toby realized her countenance and her true feelings rarely crossed paths. He also knew that with one more warning for vulgarity, she’d be out on her ass.

  “I’m the manager here,” Toby declared in the deepest, most authoritative tone he could muster.

  “Well?” the rich bitch asked. “What do you plan on doing about behavior like this?”

  Toby shrugged. “Encourage it?”

  He noticed Saada smirking as she wiped down the steam nozzle.

  The customer glared at Toby. “Well, don’t expect to see me back in your store any time soon. I only spend my money where I’m valued as a customer.”

  A full-blown smile broke across Saada’s luscious lips, revealing a row of perfectly squared teeth. Her black ponytail bobbed as she waved goodbye with one hand like those ceramic cats you see in convenience stores. What color was her skin? Not quite light, but not quite dark. Olive, maybe? Where she came from was one of the few things Toby didn’t know about her.

  Once the rich bitch and her dead bunny jacket were out the door, Saada bid her good riddance.

  “Holy shit!”
Toby grasped his chest. “You’re gonna get us fired one of these days.”

  Saada shrugged. “She had it coming. Anyone who has the nerve to wear fur…”

  Did she trail off, or did Toby just stop listening as he gazed at her in disbelief? With no customers in line, he snuck around to the stools on the coffee-lush side of the counter and stared at her unapologetically. Saada had balls. She was a force of nature!

  Grabbing a raspberry Danish out of the glass case, Saada ripped it into not-quite-equal halves. The dab of blood-red filling stayed all on one side. She bit off half the circle of jam, then passed the big half over to Toby.

  “Thanks babe,” she said. “You’re too good to me.”

  “No worries.”

  Tearing his semi-circle of Danish into shreds of pastry, he watched his best friend scoop the drizzle of icing from hers. When Toby cocked his brow, she asked, “What? It looks like come.”

  Rolling his eyes, Toby threw a strand of pastry at her as a pre-emptive strike. He knew Saada was about to launch that icing blob straight at him. It wasn't that he was psychic, only that he knew her so well. Fortunately, Saada’s aim was off and the icing veered left and plopped down on the red vinyl stool beside him.

  “Toby! If you’re in front of the counter, you’re cleaning!” When the voice of God boomed from the back room, Saada and Toby both groaned.

  “No problem, Jin.” Hopping off his stool, he scooped up the blob of icing with a napkin and grabbed a J-cloth to wipe down the tables.

  Toby was the favorite wherever he went, and Saada freely admitted that drove her nuts when he’d first started working at the café. His pleasant demeanor and eagerness to work didn’t jive with the atmosphere of deliberate indolence cultivated by the other baristas. They didn’t seem to understand why he always so happy. He worked for minimum wage, for fuck’s sake!

  But his amiable manner had nothing to do with the job. Back when he’d started this job, he’d been madly in love. When you’re in love glee gushes into every facet of life.

  “Sa-hay-da! Sa-hay-da!” the boss hollered.

  “Sa-ha-da,” she said, correcting Jin’s mispronunciation for the three hundred and thirty-third time.

  “Sa-hay-da, go restock the dairy. Toby, you empty the trash yet?”

  “I’ll get right on it,” Toby said, clicking his heels.

  “Whatever,” Saada muttered, dragging hers.

  The heavy scent of coffee garbage filled the air as Toby grabbed a black plastic bag. Saada nestled in beside him, sorting through cartons of milk and cream, tossing out empties. He tried so hard to catch hold of her elusive aroma. Saada didn’t wear perfume. The scent of her was truly the scent of her. But all Toby could smell in that moment was rotten trash.

  “So, when are you going to tell me what happened?” she whispered, her sweet breath warm on his neck.

  “Fine.” He would have to tell her eventually. Saada never let up when there was gossip to be shared. “I’m moving back in with my parents. Simone kicked me out.”

  “Why? What did you do?”

  “Nothing! She just ended it out of nowhere. Why would you assume it’s my fault?”

  Sniffing a carton of half and half, Saada offered a casual shrug. That girl had the biggest, greenest eyes he’d ever seen, but they always seemed to be looking elsewhere. Those lashes, too! Saada didn’t wear make-up, and still she had the long, thick lashes of a dairy cow. They were gorgeous, gorgeous eyes. Why had he never noticed them before?

  “I guess it wasn’t meant to be,” Toby said.

  “I’m really sorry, sweety.” Saada wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled his hip against hers. Toby could barely breathe as she set her head against his shoulder.

  “Hey, you two!” Jin barked behind them. “This is work time, not touchy-feely time!”

  “Lick my zesty asshole,” Saada muttered. “Toby, honey, you deserve so much better than Miss Priss anyway. Every time Simone came in here she treated me like dog shit. And she didn’t treat you much better.”

  “I know,” Toby confessed, though it wasn’t an easy thing to admit. “I’ve had it with women. From now on it’s back to guys. Fewer complications. Less mess.”

  “Yeah right.” Saada laughed, giving him a playful shove. “You said exactly the same thing when you broke up with Mark: I’ve had it with guys. Girls only from now on.”

  “Well, Mark broke my heart.”

  “So did Simone, from the look of you. Heartbreak is an equal opportunity destroyer.”

  “Fine, then I’m not dating anyone anymore.”

  “Not even him?” Saada whispered.

  Toby turned around as she rushed behind the counter to greet the guy they referred to as The Regular.

  Sure, there were a number of regulars at the café: the morning-rush regulars whose faces were all a blur, the afternoon regulars who stared endlessly at their laptops, playing more solitaire than getting actual work done. This regular was different. He came in every Thursday, late in the evening when the new issue of the free weekly GLBT newspaper came out—so to speak. He bought a bold coffee and drank it black.

  They took notice of The Regular because he was just so fucking hot—and smoky and mysterious, too. Half his appeal lay in his goatee. His eyes were such a strange shade of grey you could almost call the color foggy amethyst. His longish jet black hair was dripping wet with rain that evening. He ran his hand through it as Saada bent over the counter to engage him in a hushed conversation. Strange, since The Regular didn’t usually make small talk.

  Saada looked over at Toby, and then The Regular looked at him too. Were they talking about him? What were they saying?

  Standing in the middle of the café with a garbage bag in hand, Toby felt like a total doofus. This guy was so striking, like a model or a Bollywood star. Toby felt like an awkward teenager around him. How could Saada converse with him so casually? How could she talk to him without her throat twisting into a dry knot? Without her stomach heaving?

  She had balls, that Saada. She could do anything.

  The Regular picked up his coffee cup, tucked his newspaper neatly under his arm, and turned in Toby’s direction. His gleaming leather shoes made a clacking sound against the faux-marble floor as he took one step forward, and then another, and then a third. Toby’s chest seized as The Regular came closer. He held tighter to the putrid garbage bag. Is this what a heart attack felt like? But it wasn’t all that painful. Actually, now that his heart was beating again, this felt more like excitement than anguish.

  Maybe The Regular would draw nearer, press Toby against his hard body, then kiss him the way Clark Gable would. That’s what Toby wanted: a man like Clark Gable. A man who would take control. A firm hand to show him who’s boss.

  The Regular could be that man. He could easily be that man.

  And he was on his way over.

  “Hey Toby,” Jin bellowed, and his fantasy was gone with the wind. “Do I pay you to stand around, or do I pay you to take out the trash?”

  “Do you pay me at all? Barely,” Toby scoffed, suddenly aware that he was becoming way too much like Saada.

  That which we love, we grow to resemble.

  The Regular’s goatee encapsulated an amused grin, and he offered Toby a formal dip, almost a bow, as he turned on his heels. At his regular table by the cozy fireplace, he set down his coffee cup and his newspaper. On his regular purple velvet armchair, he sat down himself. Oh, to be that chair, caressing The Regular’s firm ass, embracing his back, holding his arms!

  “Hey Toby! What is this, nobody do any work day?”

  “Sorry, Jin. I’m going.” Toby dragged the leaking sack of garbage behind him.

  Why did Jin have to be so insulting, and today of all days? Couldn’t she see she was embarrassing him in front of The Regular? There was a reason staff called her names behind her back. She never cut them any slack. Saada claimed it was a management technique—a team united against their manager wouldn’t take out their aggression
s on the customers—but as far as Toby was concerned, Jin was just plain mean.

  When he returned from dumping the trash, the boss was serving a coffee-lush at the counter and Saada was mopping the trail of coffee the garbage bag had left in its wake. The Regular was still at his table, looking hotter than ever in his reading glasses.

  Sneaking up beside Saada, Toby tried to imagine what she might have found out about the mysterious stranger. It wasn’t usually his style to reach out and touch the women he worked with, but in all the anticipation he grabbed her by the elbow. A serious spark passed between them. Toby snapping his hand at his side as Saada turned, wide-eyed.

  “Did you feel that shock?” he asked to mask his self-consciousness. “Hurts like hell!”

  “Yeah,” Saada replied, gazing out at the downpour. “Strange that there would be electricity in the air when it’s so damp outside.”

  “Okay.” Toby wasn’t up for a science lesson. “Why were you looking at me before? What did he say?”

  Saada’s eyes shone. “What did who say?”

  “You know who—The Regular!”

  “Oh, you mean Q.”

  She went back to mopping the floor, turning away from Toby. Oh, no. No way Saada was getting off that easy. She could be such a little tease sometimes.

  “Q?” Toby asked. “Is that an initial or something?”

  “I don’t know. I introduced myself and he said to call him Q. If you want more information, you’ll just have to ask him.”

  “Me? Talk to him? But he’s so… and I’m just… and he’s all….”

  “He said you’re pretty cute, you know.”

  “No, he didn’t,” Toby replied, taking the mop from Saada.

  “Yeah-huh. He did.”

  “And you’re just telling me this now?”

  “Must have slipped my mind.” Saada smirked, slipping her serpent pendant between her lips.

  “I am so not ready for this.”

  “Suit yourself,” Saada started to say as their boss squawked for her to get behind the counter.

  A group of university students traipsed in, creating muddy puddles along the floor Saada had just finished cleaning. Toby dragged the mop across the faux-marble. Weren’t students supposed to be poor? How could they afford to drink here? Or maybe the café was the new bar, and their beer money was being diverted to caffeine. A pretty practical switch, when you thought about it.


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