Yours for the Taking

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Yours for the Taking Page 12

by Robin Kaye

  “What do your brothers do?”

  “Ben hasn’t told you about us?”

  Gina shook her head, which let her hair fly around her face. Trapper spent more time watching her through the rearview mirror than watching the road.

  Ben smacked him. “If you two want to chat, why don’t you let me drive?”

  Trapper hit him back. “No, I’m good at multitasking.” Trapper smiled at Gina. “Fisher is an orthopedist in Boise, and Hunter manages the ski school at Castle Rock in the winter. During the summer months he’s a white-water rafting and fishing guide.”

  “It sounds like your parents named them wrong.”

  Trapper laughed. “Yeah, I guess. Maybe they got them mixed up after they were born. The two of them used to be almost identical.”

  “All three of you are single?”

  “Yup, Karma is too. She’s the baby.”

  “I have a little sister too. Are you hard on Karma’s boyfriends?”

  “Only if they don’t behave. It’s not smart to screw with a judge’s little sister. I can cause a man a world of hurt.”

  Ben leaned back in his seat. “Which is why Karma never introduces you to any of the guys she dates. She’s no dummy.”

  Trapper looked at him sideways. “She doesn’t?”

  “Hell, no. Between the three of you, she’d never see a guy more than once.”

  When Trapper parked, Ben hopped out even before the ignition was killed and opened Gina’s door for her. If he was going to take Gina into Shorty’s, he was definitely going to walk in with his arm around her. He wondered how he got talked into taking his Brooklyn bride into a cowboy bar on her first night in Idaho. Talk about a culture shock.

  The bar was a mob scene. The dance floor was packed with line dancers shaking it to the house band playing a rendition of Alan Jackson’s “Good Time.” Everyone who wasn’t dancing stared at the newcomers, and Gina stood out like the Statue of Liberty in the New York Harbor. Ben pulled Gina closer to his side and looked around for the gang. Nothing like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Karma stood, took one look at Ben, and ran for him. He had to push Gina away in case Karma did her usual stunt. Which of course, she did. Shit. He caught Karma mid-jump—right before she wrapped her boot and jean clad legs around his waist.

  “Benji! You’re home!”

  Gina didn’t know why Ben had pushed her aside until she saw the kamikaze suicide-blonde running toward him. Benji?

  Ben wasted no time putting the girl back on the floor. “Hey, Karma. You gotta stop jumping me every time I see you.”


  The Amazon actually looked perplexed.

  “Because you almost kicked Gina.”

  “You brought her? You said she’d never step foot in Boise. Where the heck is she?”

  Gina rolled her eyes. Okay, the girl stood almost a foot taller, but still, was she blind? “You might want to look down here.” Gina raised her hand and waved it.

  “Oh, I didn’t expect someone so… short.”

  “Yeah, that was obvious. I guess they grow everything bigger out here.”

  It looked as if Karma didn’t know what to say to that so she just stuck her hands into the pockets of her jeans and stared. Gina knew she was being measured, but she couldn’t find the energy to be annoyed. It was obvious by the way everyone else’s attention was riveted on her that no one knew quite what to make of her. Just as well, let them wonder.

  Ben put his arm back around her and led her to the table where his cousins waited. Trapper was already there. Women buzzed around the table and Gina could see why. Jeez, were all the Idaho men this good looking? The twins stood as soon as they reached the table. Hunter, the bigger of the two, shook her hand. “Gina, it’s great to finally meet you. And let me just say, Ben’s description didn’t do you justice.”

  Ben pulled her closer. “Cut the shit, Hunter. She’s married, remember?”

  Fisher gave her a smile. “I’m Fisher, the smarter twin. Not to mention better looking.” He pulled a chair over for her and held it as she sat.

  “Nice to meet you both.”

  Hunter grabbed his chair, spun it around, and sat. “Do you drink beer? Or can I get you something else?”

  “Do they have Grey Goose Dirty Martinis here?”

  “Is that a girly drink? ’Cause if it is, I’ll have Karma fetch it.”

  “No, it’s not girly. I know a lot of real men who drink it.”

  “Yeah, but that’s not saying much. Look at who you married.”

  Ben gave him a shove. “I’ll get our drinks. Do you guys want another pitcher?”

  They didn’t bother answering. They just divvied up what was left of the pitcher and handed him the empty.

  Ben leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Don’t move.”

  “Where do you think I’m gonna go? I don’t even know where I am.”

  “You’re in Boise. I’ll be right back.”

  Ben turned to leave as Trapper sat and pushed his hat back. “Ben’s the real deal, huh? He’s turning into a regular ball and chain.”

  Gina decided it was best if she kept her thoughts to herself. She looked around. “Karma, do you know where the ladies room is?”

  Karma pointed at the far corner of the bar, on the other side of the dance floor.

  “I’m just going to go freshen up, it was a long flight.”

  The guys all stood as she left. At least they had manners in Idaho. She walked around the dance floor and begged out of a half a dozen offers for a good time, not likely, as well as dances, as if she knew what the hell they were doing on that dance floor. She finally made it to the restroom, did her thing, freshened her makeup, and when she exited she ran into a mountain of a shaggy man. He smiled and a gold tooth winked out at her. “Excuse me.” She moved to her left to get past him and he blocked her.

  “I was wait’n for you.”

  “That’s a shame. I’m not interested.”

  She stepped right and he blocked her again, but this time he wrapped his paw around her waist.

  “Look, I said I’m not interested. Now I’m warning you. Get your hand off me or I’ll be forced to hurt you.”

  The man laughed at her. “Why, a little thing like you couldn’t hurt a fly.”

  She put one hand on his neck, pushed down on that spot Sam had shown her and, at the same time, pulled his thumb back with her other hand. It worked like a charm; the man was on his knees in less time than it would have taken her to kick him in the balls. “Told you.”

  As soon as the brute dropped, she saw Ben hurrying toward her with a look on his face that made her want to go back to Hairy—almost.

  “I told you not to move! I knew something like this would happen.”

  Gina put her hands on her hips to keep from giving Ben the same treatment she gave Hairy. “I’m more than capable of going to the ladies room on my own.” She looked down at the guy who was pulling himself off the floor. “I’ve wrestled bigger cockroaches than him in Harlem, so don’t you dare give me any of your crap.”

  Someone behind Ben started clapping and Gina looked up to find Hunter, Fisher, and Trapper backing her up. Trapper tipped his hat at her, which she took as some kind of cowboy salute, so she smiled at him, walked past Ben, and went back to the table.

  The guys taught her some strange dance called the two-step, which entailed walking backwards most of the time, something at which she excelled, while Ben spent the night stewing. Karma pulled her into a line dance, which was easy to pick up, and then Gina accepted dances from a few other guys who’d asked nicely. The entire time, Ben looked on from the edge of the dance floor as if he wanted to kill someone. Since it wasn’t her problem, she didn’t waste time worrying about it. It occurred to Gina the only man she hadn’t danced with was Ben, which was just as well; she figured he’d just spend his time lecturing her. Frankly, she got enough of that from her brother-in-law Sam, although she’d have to thank him for showing her that pressure point move
. It certainly came in handy.

  Ben wanted to pick his wife up off the dance floor where some guy had his hand too damn close to her ass, throw her over his shoulder, and leave, but she was already dancing with someone else. When he went back to the table, Trapper gave him a look and Ben was tempted to leave to avoid what he knew was coming, but he had nowhere to go.

  “Gina sure is having a good time. Who’d have thought your big city girl would get along with all of us rednecks so well.”

  Ben watched some guy twirling her around the dance floor and growled.

  “Wanna tell me why you’re sittin’ here when your wife is out there having a great time with everyone but you?”

  Ben took a sip of lukewarm beer and refilled his mug.

  “You could get off your fat ass, change that scowl you’re wearin’ into a smile, and cut in.”

  Ben took a long drink from his beer and ignored Trapper. What did he know?

  “You’re just pissed you weren’t there to save the damsel in distress. Well, shit, Ben. I hardly know Gina, but even I know she can take care of herself. Looks to me like she’s been doing it for years before she met you, and that was in New York. Shorty’s hardly compares to Spanish Harlem, even on a night like this.”

  Trapper tipped up his hat and looked Ben in the eye. “Ignore me all you like, but you’d get a whole lot farther with your wife if you were more proud of her standing her ground than pissed off at yourself for not being there to protect her. I don’t know when you turned into such a horse’s ass, but if you want the little lady talking to you for the rest of your so-called marriage, you better change your tune.”

  Ben had about as much of Trapper’s advice as he could stand without planting his fist in Trapper’s face. If he did that, he’d have to answer to Kate, which was never a good thing. He got up, stalked to the dance floor, and cut in. Gina looked shocked to see him. He tried for a smile as the song changed to a slow one, pulled her close, and for the first time all night, relaxed.

  “You want to tell me who pissed in your Cheerios?”


  “You heard me, you’ve been sitting at the table grimacing or standing on the edge of the dance floor looking like you were… what was it that guy said? Loaded for bear? Whatever that means. I guess it’s Idaho vernacular. You can explain it to me.”

  “I was worried about you when that guy—”

  “Fell to his knees? Oh yeah, I was in some danger there. Give me a break. You’re going to have to come up with something better than that.”

  “I told you not to move.”

  “Do you mind telling me where in the marriage vows it says I’m supposed to obey? Here’s a clue—it doesn’t. I think that was taken out of the vows in the ’70s. You really have to keep up with this stuff, Ben.”

  “Can we stop fighting and just dance?” He tucked her head under his chin.

  Gina pulled away. “Sure, I’d be happy to, just as soon as you apologize for acting like a Neanderthal.”

  “Okay, I’m sorry.”

  Gina looked up at him and smiled. “There, that’s better.” Then she tucked her head under his chin and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  He took a deep breath of relief and got a big whiff of her perfume. She smelled like blueberries and vanilla. He hadn’t expected that. The scent was soft, subtle, and so unlike Gina but it definitely worked for her. “You smell amazing.”

  “It’s pretty sad we’ve been married over a month and this is the first time we’ve gotten close enough for you to notice my perfume.”

  Ben didn’t bother to tell her that it was the second time he’d noticed how great she smelled. Just that morning in bed, he’d gotten a good whiff of it too, but he’d been so worried she’d notice his hard-on that he hadn’t mentioned it, which was probably for the better. The discussion made him wonder how he was going to survive sleeping with Gina for the next month without touching her.


  Five minutes into the drive home from Shorty’s, Ben saw Gina had fallen asleep in the back of Trapper’s Sequoia. As soon as Trapper noticed, he smiled at Ben. “I see you took my advice and apologized for being an asshole.”

  “Yeah, don’t let it go to your head.”

  “I was just going to tell you that you’re a fool. You married her, and you’re not going to sleep with her? What are you? Gay?”

  Ben was already busy kicking his own ass for letting her believe he was gay. The last thing he was going to do was admit it to Trapper. He’d never live it down, not to mention that Trapper would tell the rest of the clan which would mean he’d have to hear it times four. He might not be too bright, but he wasn’t stupid. “Our sex life is none of your business.”

  “Ben. If you don’t want her, can I borrow her? I wouldn’t mind spending a very memorable seventy-two hours with a girl like Gina.”

  “If you so much as look at Gina sideways, I’ll kick your ass from here to Montana and back again. Are we clear on that?”

  Trapper let go of the wheel long enough to throw both hands up. “Crystal. I was just saying, a girl like Gina doesn’t usually go without.”

  “I’m not discussing my wife’s sex life with you.”

  Trapper shrugged. “Or maybe you have a few plans of your own. It’s gonna be awful hard to explain to Grandpa Joe why you and the missus are sleeping in two different bedrooms. Not to mention explaining it to my mom.”

  “Get your head out of the gutter and drive before I’m forced to hurt you. Then you won’t be worth the trouble to any woman, not even my wife.”

  “Well, I for one am very glad you’re home. The two of you are gonna be really interesting to watch. We’ve been a little short on entertainment around here lately.”

  Trapper drove up to Grandpa’s house and parked by the front door. “Why don’t you wake up your wife while I drag the bags in? I assume you’re going to your room.”

  “Yeah, we are.” Ben got out and opened the back passenger door. Gina was all curled up and sleeping soundly. He didn’t want to wake her, but he’d be damned if he’d carry her and let Trapper get a glimpse of what was under that skirt. “Gina, we’re home, sweetheart. Time to wake up.”

  Her eyes winked open and she smiled such a warm beautiful smile, he just stared. “I was just dreaming… it was nice.”

  Ben wrapped his leather duster around her. It was so long, it dragged on the ground, but he didn’t care. It was worth it to keep that smile on her face.

  “Come on, let’s get you inside and put you to bed.” He steered Gina through the house and into his room. Trapper had dumped their bags on the floor beside the closet and gave them a quick salute as he left the bedroom and closed the door behind him. Alone, finally. Ben pulled the bed covers down before he took the coat off her shoulders. She leaned toward him as he caught her in his arms. Gina had definitely hit the wall. “Where are your nightgowns?”

  She shrugged. “Can I just have one of your T-shirts to sleep in? I don’t want to go digging through both suitcases.”

  Ben pulled one out of his dresser and when he turned around to hand it to her, she’d already stripped down to her bra and thong. He blinked to make sure he wasn’t seeing things. She was even more gorgeous than he’d imagined, and he’d spent a whole lot of time imagining how Gina would look naked. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending upon how he looked at it, his imagination didn’t do her justice, which was hard to believe, because he had one hell of an imagination. It didn’t help that she wore a bright red bra that barely covered her exceptional breasts. He swallowed hard, and although he’d tried to make himself turn around, it seemed as if all parts of his body stopped functioning except his dick. “The bathroom is through there.” He nodded in the direction, so okay, both his heads were functioning.

  Gina took the jersey from him, turned around, showing him her back and her amazing ass, and unhooked her bra. “What does it matter since you’re gay and all? I’m not shy. Besides, we’re married and we’re stuck sleeping i
n the same bed. Believe me, I won’t complain about you changing in front of me.”

  She probably would if she saw the condition his dick was in. She slipped the blue Boise State Broncos v-neck jersey over her head and turned before she managed to get her arms through the armholes. The nipples that peeked out from beneath the hem were dusky rose and puckered. Ben’s mouth watered.

  Gina smirked. “Are you going to just stand there, or are you going to get in bed? Which side do you want?”

  “You go ahead. I think I’ll grab a quick shower.” A cold one, but she didn’t need to hear that. “Take whichever side you prefer.” He went through his drawers and found a pair of sleep pants Kate had bought him for Christmas a few years ago. He’d never worn clothes to bed, but that was before he started sleeping with Gina. God help him.

  Chapter 8

  Gina lay in bed thinking about Ben. When she’d danced with him, she snuggled close and she thought she felt a subtle pressure on her belly. When she’d moved closer, she’d been sure of it. Then when she stripped, the poor guy’s eyes practically bugged out of his head. He was either lying about being gay, really, really confused, or bi.

  The more she thought about it, the more sense it made that he had lied to her about his sexual preference. None of his friends seemed shocked that he’d married a woman. And she’d seen a few women approach him at the bar, women he obviously knew, and they left looking depressed when he’d turned them down. Gina formed a plan while he was in the shower, and she couldn’t help but pray she was right. If she was, this marriage thing might actually work out, temporarily.

  Ten minutes later when Ben emerged from the bathroom, Gina pretended she was asleep. He tiptoed to bed, staying clear on the other side and laying so still, he hardly breathed. A few minutes later, he slid farther down, punched his pillow, and snuggled in. She let him lie there a moment before making her move. Resting her head on his shoulder, she threw her leg over him, making sure it landed right on his dick.

  Let the fun begin.

  Gina trailed her hand to the waistband of his sleep pants. His abs tightened as her hand roamed back to tangle with his chest hair. God he had a great body.


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