Crystal Muse

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Crystal Muse Page 7

by Heather Askinosie

  Hold the Zebra Jasper crystal in your nonwriting hand. Look at the swirling pattern of black and white. Notice how the colors coexist, mirroring how the light and shadow exist within you. While looking at the crystal, start to make a “light list” with your other hand of all the things that represent the light within you.

  Make a “shadow list” of all the things that you would like to work on within yourself.

  Look at your light and shadow lists, and reflect on how you can shift to achieve more neutrality within yourself.

  Make a third list of what you can do that will bring more balance into your life so that it isn’t always black or white.

  Once a week for 4 weeks, repeat steps 2 through 6.

  At the end of 4 weeks, compare the data you compiled about yourself. See if your lists have evolved from week 1 to 4.

  Keep the crystal in a place where you can see it or hold it whenever you want. Your crystal is a symbolic reminder of the balance you wish to hold within yourself.



  The third and final step to discovering your true self and finding the temple within is letting go of control. When you let go of trying to control everything, you create the necessary space needed to bring in what you want in your life. By trying to constantly control everything, the energy stops and you become stuck, blocked, and stagnant. When you surrender the control, you’re able to see all the opportunities that are continually around you. For Timmi, and many others, this step is a work in progress that is continuously revisited.

  Timmi has always been very efficient with her time. As an only child, she learned how to be organized and self-sufficient at a young age. Without siblings to hide behind or blend in with, all the attention was on her all the time. She grew up with a strong desire to please her parents and grandparents, and as a result, she put enormous pressure on herself to be perfect.

  To this day, Timmi maximizes every minute of every hour. It’s safe to say she gets more done in a 24-hour period than most people do in a week. I have my suspicions. I beg her to admit she’s actually an alien, or at least a robot. It’s the only way her efficiency could make sense.

  Timmi aims to be prepared for every situation. She is constantly thinking ahead and always has a “just in case” scenario at the ready. Whenever she finds herself with a moment of free time, she’ll voice-log data, memories, notes, pictures, and contact information into her phone for future reference. She’s a walking historian of her life. Maybe this is a Gemini thing? (Since Geminis are known to have two personalities—two people for the price of one—they are known to be doubly prepared.) If I forget something that happened in our past, all I have to do is reference the month and year, and Timmi will pull up her notes and remind me. (I must say her habit came in extremely handy while writing this book.)

  Timmi’s grandpa, whom she adored, would often tell her that she needed to slow down, stop, and smell the roses. He was a happy and gregarious Italian man who was full of life and always had an insightful message to share. “You’re right,” she’d tell him, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. But then she’d run out the door and get back to doing whatever was next on her (endless) to-do list.

  When her grandpa passed away a couple of years ago, Timmi was devastated. It happened unexpectedly. While cleaning out his personal belongings, his family discovered a box full of white napkins. On each napkin, Timmi’s grandfather had written messages and phrases. It was as if he wanted these nuggets of wisdom to be found after his death, so he would always be remembered. Seven hundred napkins were found, but only one of them had a message that was directed to a specific person—and that was to Timmi. The napkin read: “Chaotic, that’s Timmi.”

  She was stunned. How could the man she adored, respected, and looked up to have written such a thing about her? At first she was angry. How could he possibly think someone so über-organized and efficient was chaotic?

  Timmi’s life moved forward, but her grandfather’s words continued to haunt her. She began to notice that when she looked at her life from a macro perspective, it was a well-oiled, efficient machine. But when she looked at it from a micro perspective, her hyper-control did indeed create chaos. Why? Because life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and whenever something happened that she hadn’t anticipated, she would be derailed. It would thrust her out of her comfort zone and into—you guessed it—chaos.





  COLOR: Steel gray with red streaks running through it

  ORIGIN: Found in many locations, including Brazil, Canada, England, Venezuela, and the U.S.

  HISTORY AND LORE: Let Hematite get under your skin. This stone, whose name is derived from the Greek word for blood, is known for connecting the body to the Earth. In fact, when ancient people were first experimenting with art, they used Hematite as an early form of chalk to create paintings on the walls of their caves. In Mesopotamia, it was used to cool the blood. Similarly, in ancient Egypt, Hematite was recommended for treating inflammation.

  HEALING PROPERTIES: Hematite tells it like it is. If you’re spinning out of control, it’s going to give you a reality check. It brings you out of your mind and down to Earth. Hematite’s energy focuses on the body, and it teaches us to do the same. Rather than overanalyzing due to stress or anxiety, use Hematite to connect to your root chakra so that you can stay grounded. By acting like a sponge for all your negative thoughts and energy, it takes on “the bad” so you don’t have to.

  In the end, Timmi’s grandfather gave her the biggest gift of all—the truth. With it came an opportunity for her to look at herself in a new way.

  During this same period, there were other parts of Timmi’s life that began spinning out of control. She had listed her house for sale but reconsidered and decided to take it off the market. As soon as she did, she got an offer with a request for a 30-day escrow. At the same time, her teenage son was going through a difficult time and needed 100 percent of her attention. Everything was happening too fast and all at once. There was no way for her to control any of it. In fact, for the first time, she realized she wasn’t in control—at all. The only choice she had was to surrender, and it was terrifying. But she understood that this was her wake-up call; she needed to find her temple within. She needed to listen to the voice inside of her that said, It’s time to focus on me.

  Letting go and surrendering to upheaval take bravery and courage. It’s hard to be honest with yourself—to see the good, the bad, and the ugly. But by doing so, you can finally begin to let go of self-imposed limitations and the habits that are in the way of true fulfillment.




  11 minutes a day for 3 consecutive days

  This ritual enlists the energy of Mother Earth to help you let go, surrender, and allow the Earth to absorb any unwanted energy. It will help you ground yourself back into your body. When you’re grounded and connected to the Earth and your body, you can make better decisions and tap into your inner truth. In this space, you can determine what no longer serves you and discover what you need to feel balanced.

  We connect to the Earth through our feet. When you place your feet firmly upon the grounding crystals, they act as a very gentle reflexology massage. This stimulates your body’s healing process and helps to bring your body into a state of deep relaxation.

  As you place your feet on the crystals, visualize stuck, negative, and unwanted energy leaving through the soles of your feet to be absorbed into the Earth. This is a way to energetically let go of what holds you back from moving forward in life. This ritual can help you become more mindful of staying grounded and connected to the temple within.



  9 Basalt stones to create a shift in your life and release old patterns

  10 Blac
k Obsidian stones for cleansing, drawing out mental stress and tension, and providing protection

  4 Hematite stones for grounding, balance, and absorbing negativity

  1 tub or bucket that is large enough to soak your feet

  1 cup of Epsom salts

  1 pitcher to hold warm water

  1 towel

  A timer

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage



  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Place all the crystals in one area. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of releasing negativity and old patterns, grounding, and balance. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Find a place where you can relax comfortably while soaking your feet. Place a towel on the ground with the tub (or bucket) on top of it.

  Place all the crystals and 1 cup of Epsom salts in the tub.

  Fill the pitcher with warm water, and pour enough into the tub so that it will cover your feet.

  Before you place your feet in the tub, take 3 deep breaths. Breathe in light, and breathe out any negative thoughts.

  Place your feet in the tub.

  Set the timer for 11 minutes.

  As you sit in stillness, feel the crystals grounding your energy field. Feel your mind, body, and spirit reconnecting with each other and becoming one.

  Visualize your feet plugging into the energy of the Earth. Feel yourself releasing, letting go, and surrendering through the soles of your feet anything that no longer serves your highest good.

  As your breath and body begin to stabilize, feel the peace, connection, and harmony that reside within you.

  When you’re finished, remove the crystals, dump the water into the toilet, and flush it away.

  Practice steps 1 through 12 for 3 consecutive days.





  COLOR: Dark gray to black

  ORIGIN: Found in many locations, including Iceland, India, South Africa, and the U.S.

  HISTORY AND LORE: Basalt has the ultimate before-and-after transformation story. Once, it was volcanic magma, leading a tumultuous and never stationary life. As it rose toward the surface, its fiery disposition cooled, and it became a source of solidity and support for much of the Earth’s surface and ocean basins. For centuries, Basalt has been used in a variety of ways, from decorative to curative. In ancient Rome, the natural durability and hardness of Basalt made it the optimal choice for paving roads. Ancient Egyptians, however, used this black stone for carving immense statues. Today it’s used in spas for hot stone treatments.

  HEALING PROPERTIES: Basalt’s energy is both intense and soothing. As an energetically absorbent stone, it removes negative energy and stagnant emotions that block your good energy from circulating. It is thought of as a stone of courage and stability. During difficult transitions, Basalt provides confidence and support. It is used in therapeutic hot stone massages to take away pain while providing nurturing warmth for healing.

  The spiritual journey takes a lot of work, and nobody can do it for you. It’s up to you to put in the effort. The journey to find the temple within begins at a different time for everyone. For me, it was when I was 29, and for Timmi, it was when she turned 47. There’s no right or wrong time for it to start, just as there’s no such thing as being “late.”

  How will you know when it’s time for you? Your old way of living will no longer feel enough. Even the unknown will begin to feel better than the known. For the first time in your life, you’ll feel an irresistible urge to find out who you are on a deeper level.

  You’ll realize that self-reflection will help you choose truth, self-love, and acceptance.

  “If you don’t have any shadows, you’re not standing in the light.”


  pop singer and songwriter





  “What matters is that you master money and it doesn’t master you. Then you are free to live life on your own terms.”


  life and business strategist, entrepreneur, best-selling author, and philanthropist

  OUR BUSINESS STARTED OUT OF THE TRUNKS OF OUR CARS IN MANHATTAN BEACH, CALIFORNIA. WE WERE KNOWN around town as the “flip-flop girls” who sold “energy beads” because, early on, we did business in our flip-flops and yoga clothes. I wish I could say that we had a business plan or even a master plan. We didn’t. What we did have, however, was an optimistic attitude, a gold-mine idea, and crystals around our necks.

  I had used the money I made in real estate to study with healers, medicine people, and indigenous experts from different parts of the world. This allowed me to travel the globe and explore to my heart’s content. When I returned home, I began to discover yoga, meditation, chanting, and crystals.

  I was feeling the love, but sadly, my savings account was not. It was time to figure out what I was going to do for a living.

  I needed a reality check, so I asked my mom for ideas. She paused and said with her quick Irish wit, “Heather, you’re standing by the side of the road, starving to death with a loaf of bread in your hands. You have all this information on energy and healing. Do something with it!”

  She was right! It was time to attract money into my life, so I combined my knowledge of Feng Shui with my love of crystals and jewelry. As a result, the Prosperity Necklace was born. It was energy technology for the mind, body, and spirit.

  The secret formula consisted of three Chinese coins tied together with red thread, combined with a string of jade beads, which are known to bring prosperity. My definition of prosperity expanded beyond money. I saw it as opportunity for new doors to open and new connections to be made with people who would enrich my life.

  Heather (left) and Timmi (right) packing up orders of Prosperity necklaces.

  Prosperity can be a process, but I had to put a timeline on this experiment to see if my formula worked. I made 10 Prosperity Necklaces, gave them to 10 people, and asked them to let me know in 10 days if any shifts in prosperity had happened. Keep in mind that I gave the necklaces to my 10 most skeptical friends—the ones who were “very concerned” about this new path I had chosen.

  “You want me to wear these crystals?” they’d ask.

  “Yes. For ten days.”


  “To see if wearing the energy of the Earth on your body as a talisman will remind you of your intention in regard to prosperity.”


  “Just wear it. Please.”

  At this point, Timmi—who knew me better than myself sometimes—had seen me go through plenty of “phases” before, but something about this time was different. She wanted to know what I was up to. She wondered why I would leave a good income and a solid career to travel to remote jungles in search of my “spirit.” She could see that my travels had changed me. She was intrigued—and brave. She agreed to be one of my guinea pigs.

  So, what happened? All 10 people came back after 10 days reporting an increase in prosperity. The necklace had worked! Some received unexpected money in the mail, some had been given new opportunities, and some had even been surprised with a raise. Word spread like wildfire. All around our little beach town, people wanted to know about this Prosperity Necklace. The original 10 people told 10 people, who told 10 people, and so on, and so on. And just like that, my business was off to a prosperous start!

  But I had a problem: I didn’t know how to produce the product. This is where Timmi, my lifelong best friend, entered the picture. She knew how to get
things made. She had been in the garment industry for 12 years, selling women’s clothing to mass-market retailers. It was a competitive and grueling job, and she had become so burned out that she’d recently walked away from it. She agreed to help me. So within a week, production of the Prosperity Necklace began in earnest.

  Orders were coming in so quickly that the minute we had them made, cleansed, and energized, we filled the trunks of our cars and personally delivered them. It didn’t take long for the Hollywood A-listers to hear about the energy beads from the flip-flop girls in Manhattan Beach—which is only a few miles away from La La Land.

  Soon, we were ushered into exclusive Hollywood parties, where we were placed in back rooms to sell our crystal beads to the rich and famous. It was as if we were energy dealers, supplying the elite with a secret competitive edge. Meanwhile, the necklace was working for us, too. It was raining money as we rubbed elbows with some of the most prosperous people in the world.

  As our business grew, we found an office with an ocean view in Manhattan Beach and hired employees. But in order to keep up with the demand, we had to find capital to expand. That’s when we were officially in business.

  Let me add here that Timmi and I could write an entire book on what not to do in business. We’ve made every mistake imaginable, but we’ve always listened to our intuition and asked for help. Two decades later, we’re still surrounding ourselves with smart, resourceful people—and always the energy of the crystals.

  Heather and Timmi doing crystal energy readings backstage at a private event.



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