Crystal Muse

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Crystal Muse Page 16

by Heather Askinosie

  “Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.”


  the “sleeping prophet” and the“ father of holistic medicine”





  “When in my treatment room, I try to steer all conversations away from gossip and negative thinking. Always remember, do not let anyone walk through your mind with their dirty feet.”


  founder of Goddess of Skin

  WHEN SOMETHING IS GOING ON IN TIMMI’S LIFE AND SHE’S FEELING UPSET, I CAN FEEL IT AS SOON AS she walks into the room, before we even talk, and vice versa. I specifically remember a day when Timmi showed up at my house, and one of her eyes was bloodshot.

  “What’s up with your eye?” I asked.

  “I think I scratched it. Maybe if I lie down on the couch, it will feel better.”

  She looked so uncomfortable, and I felt sorry for her. But I immediately thought, What if she has pink eye?!

  I quickly ran to look up the spiritual meaning of conjunctivitis, or pink eye, from my go-to book, You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay. It said the cause of pink eye is anger and frustration at what you’re looking at in life.

  I came back downstairs, handed Timmi some eye drops, and asked her, “How did your day go? Do you want to talk about anything?”

  She put the drops in her eyes and admitted that she’d checked her son into rehab earlier that day. (Now I could understand where the anger and frustration came from.) She was forced to address a heavy darkness that she didn’t have the coping mechanisms to deal with.

  She started to cry and didn’t stop for a very long time. Her heart had burst wide open, and all the darkness, sadness, and anger from the last five years came raging out. She had been trying so hard to be a strong source of support for everyone else that she hadn’t been allowing herself to feel. It was time for her to get real with herself, address the situation head-on, and begin to heal.

  She finally realized that her eye was getting worse, and the drops weren’t helping. So she went home to get some rest.

  Shortly after she left, I felt frustrated and angry. I had taken her emotions on energetically. We are so connected that I felt her pain and sadness. I woke up the next day feeling depleted, so I saged the house. Then I got a call from Timmi confirming that she indeed had pink eye, but she had received drops from her doctor and wouldn’t be contagious anymore. She thanked me for letting her vent the night before, as she felt so much better after getting it out of her system.

  I was happy that she felt better, but that didn’t change how I was feeling. Even after I had cleared my space with sage, I felt as if a truck had hit me. I curled into a ball on the couch, energetically drained, and shut my eyes, hoping a quick nap would leave me feeling refreshed.

  The sound of the phone woke me up. It was Timmi, updating me on the story from the night before. The situation with her son had gotten worse. When we finished the call, I couldn’t get her voice out of my mind. It continued to echo in my head all night.

  The next morning, I woke up feeling foggy . . . and with pink eye! I was 100 percent energetically depleted. I turned to my husband. “I think Timmi’s become my energy vampire. She’s draining all my energy, and I let it happen! I forgot to put my protective ‘energetic armor’ around me. She needs my full support right now, but I don’t know where my energy ends and her energy begins.”

  It wasn’t helping either of us to be energetically corded together. We needed to “dis-cord” from each other’s energy so that we could each reenergize.

  I am sure that most of you have had a similar experience. Often we can get the most drained from the people who are most important to us. Dis-cording from someone’s negative energy does not in any way diminish the love you have for them. In fact, the opposite is true. The stronger and more grounded you are, the better you are able to support someone else. In this chapter, we’ll show you how you can disconnect energetically in a healthy way, while still maintaining your relationships.



  Everyone has an aura—an invisible electromagnetic field of energy that extends anywhere from three to five feet around the body. When something interferes with your aura, such as sound waves from a TV, EMFs from a computer, or even family and friends, it can throw you off balance.

  Imagine this auric field is like a big, protective bubble. When you’re feeling happy and joyful, your aura shines brightly. If you’re feeling depleted and low-energy, your aura becomes dimmer.

  “Cording” is described as the sharing of energy between two sources. It can also be thought of as the energy that connects two people. These cords can be positive when energy is shared equally, or negative when an imbalance occurs. An imbalance will disrupt your aura, causing holes or breaks in your protective bubble.

  Anytime you feel drained or depleted after spending time with someone, it may be because they have unknowingly “corded” to you. If someone wants something from you, it can even happen when they aren’t in your physical presence.

  For example, let’s say you just broke up with a significant other. You can’t stop thinking about this person even though you know they aren’t right for you. Your relationship was unhealthy, and that’s why you ended it. But now your ex is badgering you, trying to convince you to get back together. Even though you’ve broken up, you’re finding it hard to detach. This is an energetic drain. It’s time to “cut the cord.”

  Cutting the energetic cord is easier than it seems. Just recognizing that you’re still feeling pulled in some way has already empowered you to take control. How can you prevent yourself from getting corded by someone in the first place? It’s simple: by keeping your personal energy as clear and joyful as possible. The Cutting the Cord Ritual can be used daily to keep your protective bubble healthy and strong.

  * * *

  Q: I can’t sage my space at work, so how do I keep negative co-workers or energy vampires away in a way that’s subtle?

  A: You need an Amethyst crystal (at least the size of your palm) and some fresh sage! First off, clear and cleanse your crystal. Second, give it the job of creating an energetic shield of protection from negative energy in your work environment. Third, get a small bunch of fresh sage from your local grocery store and place it in a small vase with water. If you can’t burn it, you’re still bringing that purifying energy into your environment!

  * * *




  11 minutes, use as needed

  Timmi and I practice healthy cord-cutting techniques daily. Not only do we interact with many people throughout our day, we frequently attach energy cords to each other unknowingly. When one of us is in a bad mood, the other one might begin to feel the same way. Although it’s never our intention to drain the other of energy, it happens.

  When you “dis-cord,” you’re not cutting people out of your life. You’re simply removing any unwanted energy that they’ve transferred to you or vice versa.

  This simple ritual will allow you to cut the energetic cord with anyone or anything that’s draining your energy. After you cut the cord, you’ll use specific crystals to send healing light to the spot in your protective bubble that might have been weakened. By using this ritual as needed, you are constantly maintaining a strong protective bubble and a vibrant aura.



  1 Black Kyanite fan to cut away any unwanted energies and repair any tears or holes in your chakras and aura

  1 Clear Quartz point to create and activate a new energy field

  A timer

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage



  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Hold the crystals in your hands, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of release, healing, and light. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Find a space where you can comfortably stand with both feet planted firmly on the ground. Standing helps you to stay grounded and rooted with Mother Earth’s energy. Make sure your timer is easily accessible.

  Hold the Black Kyanite fan in your dominant hand.

  Because energy cords often connect to the chakras within your energy field, it’s important to address all your chakra centers. Starting at the base of your spine at your first, or root, chakra and ending above your head at the seventh, or crown, chakra, use the Black Kyanite like a blade, “cutting” it up the front of your energy body, along your chakra line. (Don’t actually touch your physical body with the stone; you’re cutting through the energetic body that emits from your physical body.) This will cut any cords that are connected within your chakras, sweeping away the unwanted energy that they carry with them.

  Starting at the first, or root, chakra, hold your Black Kyanite over each of your seven chakra centers for one minute each, finishing at your seventh, or crown, chakra. This sends healing energy to each of the sites where a cord was previously attached, repairing any holes or tears in the chakras and aura.

  Place the Black Kyanite to the side after you’re finished, and pick up the Clear Quartz point with your dominant hand.

  Fully extend your dominant arm over your head, holding the Clear Quartz point with the tip pointing toward the sky, and sweep your arm in a clockwise motion down to your feet and back up, drawing a circle around you.

  Close your eyes, and visualize yourself inside a ball of white and violet light. You should feel as if you have completely encircled yourself with a bubble of light. This bubble will act as your new, clean energetic field.

  Repeat steps 1 to 9 regularly to dis-cord from any unwanted energies and purify your energy field.

  Step #5

  Step #6

  Step #8



  Have you ever walked into a space that looks clean and tidy, but feels heavy and dark? To keep our homes clean, we must mop the floors, dust the furniture, and scrub the bathrooms. But how do we keep our homes free of psychic dirt and spiritual disorder? With a good spiritual cleansing!

  Negative energy is pretty much unavoidable. We all have it. Disagreements, harsh words, toxic thoughts, electronics, music with low vibrational frequency—all add up to stuck energy. This lurking, unwanted energy is similar to a layer of dust. It’s trapped and has no way of getting out until you release it.

  Just like dust, negative energy can build up over time. Lower vibrational energy can become heavy and dense, affecting your aura, mood, and the overall atmosphere of your home. It is important to clean your home both physically and spiritually after arguments, sickness, chaos, divorce, major life transitions, and even happy events with lots of people.

  Smudging your house with sage, burning Frankincense, and ringing Tibetan bells are effective ways to spiritually cleanse your environment. All these techniques are simple enough to use daily. Every now and then, however, we recommend a deep spiritual cleansing. It’s similar to a good spring cleaning and will restore the energetic vitality of your environment so that it feels light, clear, and vibrant. (For more about space clearing.)

  Black Kyanite




  COLOR: Black

  ORIGIN: Brazil and India

  HISTORY AND LORE: Some say that the protector Archangel Michael’s sword was made of a blade of Kyanite. Why? Because you don’t mess with this crystal. The name Kyanite comes from the Greek word for deep blue, and this variety of silicate crystal is one of the most popular. All varieties of Kyanite, whether it’s blue, green, or black, are considered strong conductors of metaphysical work.

  HEALING PROPERTIES: Black Kyanite protects your energy field from relationships or people who feast on your positive vibrations, but offer nothing in return. Connecting with Kyanite’s energy when your own energy is drained forces you to evaluate the situation. Once you know what you’re dealing with, you can release that toxic negativity and raise your vibrational frequency once again. This crystal works with all the chakras to bring your energy field back into alignment. When placed upon your seven chakras, it directs its healing energy to repair any tears or holes. Black Kyanite clears out imbalances and energy blocks to restore a positive flow of energy throughout your body.




  Will vary depending on the size of your space. Repeat as often as needed.

  As much as we try to avoid it, negative energy can still find its way into our space from time to time. Even our entrances and windows can act as openings for these energies to filter in from the outside world. This ritual will help you restore balance and harmony to your environment. The ritual has two parts: First, you’ll physically and energetically cleanse your space. This will restore positive vibrations back into your home, place of work, or wherever else you spend time. Then you’ll add crystals for an extra layer of protection. These crystals will keep negative, unwanted energies out as much as possible.


  Cleansing Your Space




  1 large bucket filled with water for mixing your cleaning and clearing solution

  1 pair of rubber gloves

  Towels for physical cleaning

  Juice of 5 lemons to purify, cleanse, and energetically ward off the evil eye

  1 container of sea salt (at least 26.5 ounces) for cleansing and purification

  1/2 cup of white distilled vinegar to cleanse and clear the energy

  1 sprig of fresh sage to remove and clear out negative energy

  1 Tibetan bell or singing bowl

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage



  Add the lemon juice, 1 cup of salt, vinegar, and fresh sage to the bucket of water.

  Set an intention for this solution to hold the space for cleansing and clearing the energy.

  Place the bucket outside in the Sun while you prepare your space. (If there is no Sun that day, don’t worry—your solution will still work!) NOTE: You may have to make multiple batches of the solution, depending on the size of your space; repeat steps 1 to 3 as necessary.

  While your solution is outside being infused with protective energy, begin to prepare your space. Start by airing it out. Open all the curtains and windows, and let the natural light and fresh air fill the rooms. Sunlight has a clearing effect, and opening the windows will get the energy moving.

  Go through your space, and move anything out of corners. This releases clogged, stuck energy that may be lingering in those spaces. Sage the entire space, allowing the cleansing smoke to reach every crevice and corner (Sage).

  Walk through your entire space while ringing a bell or singing bowl, allowing its sound vibrations to break up any unwanted energy, making room for good, clean energy to enter (Sea Salt).

  Bring the solution inside, grab your towels, and put on your rubber gloves.

  Soak a towel in the solution, and wring out any excess liquid. Clean all the doors, doorknobs, and windows. This clears the energy left by anyone who has entered the space, and it protects the area from the chaos of the world outside.

  After you’ve finished, sage the rooms one more time.

  Pour sea salt on the
outside of your entrances along the thresholds to prevent unwanted energy from entering.

  Repeat steps 1 to 10 as needed to cleanse and clear more of your space.


  Protecting Your Space with a Protective Crystal Grid Pot

  Now that your space has been cleansed and cleared of unwanted energy, you’re ready to activate the protective component of this ritual!



  1 large pot (at least 8" in diameter) to hold the crystal grid

  Rice (enough to fill the pot) to help absorb any unwanted energy

  1 Black Tourmaline crystal to absorb negative or toxic energy and create a protective shield

  4 Pyrite stones to repel negative energy

  4 Labradorite stones to ground, protect, and repel negative energy

  1 small Clear Quartz point to activate your crystal grid

  1 sage stick

  1 feather

  1 abalone shell or fireproof container to catch ashes from the sage



  Sage your environment, and cleanse your crystals.

  Hold your crystals in your hands, close your eyes, and take 3 deep breaths. Aloud or in your head, say the following: “I ask that the highest vibration of love and light connect with my highest self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command these crystals to hold the intention of clearing, protection, and repelling of negative energy. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”


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