Angel's Mission

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Angel's Mission Page 3

by Pamela J. Nerren

  “Hi, Brandi, I’m Angelina Meeker. It’s nice to meet you.” Angel cordially offered Brandi her hand.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Mrs. Meeker.”

  Angel smiled at the young woman, wanting to put her at ease. “Please, call me Angel.”

  Kevin move slightly closer to Angel, and Brandi’s smile opened up slightly. “Okay, Angel.”

  Angel dropped her hand and turned back to Miguel. “Miguel, please tell me these two are joining us for dinner.”

  “Si, Angelina. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Of course I don’t. I wouldn’t have it any other way. So, how do you know these two, Brandi?”

  Brandi smiled adoringly at Miguel. “Well, I met Miguel this morning when Kevin and I went on a tour in his helicopter.”

  “Oh yes. I saw you. And how do you know Kevin?”

  Without hesitation Brandi replied rather cockily, “Well, I met Kevin at Arthur Johnston’s birthday party last month. All of the best people in the entertainment business were there, you know.”

  Angel looked at Kevin and Brandi suspiciously. “Are you talking about Arthur Johnston the director?”

  Kevin nodded. “Yeah, do you know him?”

  “No, not really, but I know his wife, Evelyn. I met her at one of our fundraising events several years ago. We’re staying at their house for a few days.”

  Antonio rushed back into the room. “Señora Meekeri, your room is ready now.”

  Miguel took Brandi by the hand and pulled her toward the door. “If you two will excuse us, Brandi and I are going to find our seats.”

  “Of course,” Angel and Kevin said together.

  “Are you serious?” Kevin asked her.

  “About what?”

  “You’re staying at Arthur’s place?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Brandi and I are staying at their guesthouse.”

  Angel’s eyebrows went up. “You’re kidding?”

  “No. We arrived yesterday.”

  Angel took a moment to reassess the situation. Arthur was a lowlife, if ever there was one. So If Kevin knew Arthur, did that mean that he was a player as well? But he was also a friend of Miguel, who was as decent and honest as they come. A real down-to-earth guy who worked hard and although he was a major flirt, treated woman with the utmost respect. Confusion flooded her emotions. “Wow. Small world, huh?”

  Kevin looked into Angelina’s eyes and smiled. “Yeah. Small world.”

  For one awkward moment, neither of them spoke. Finally, Angel could stand it no longer. She had to break the tension and maybe gain some information in the process. “So…you know Arthur.”

  Kevin nodded. “Yeah. He’s a great guy.”

  Angel gave him a look of disgust. “Are you serious?” she asked. “That guy is a major sleaze ball. Cheating on his wife with one ditzy-headed bimbo after another, all of them only looking to further their own careers.”

  “Yeah, I know. But, ah, he is a great director.”

  Angel smiled reluctantly. “Okay, I’ll give you that one. How do you know him?”

  “We’ve done some business together in the past.”

  “Oh. So you’re in the film industry too.”

  “I take it you don’t approve.”

  She let out an audible breath. “Let’s just say...I don’t know that many reputable people in the film industry.”

  “We’re not all like Arthur, you know.”

  “I certainly hope not.”

  Kevin hesitated for a second. “Look, I can’t speak for everybody in the business, but I can tell you I’m not anything like that.”

  For another awkward moment, no one spoke. Angel warily studied Kevin, and he watched her equally as closely. She looked him in the eye for several seconds, another soul-penetrating look just like that morning. “I believe you.”

  Then she grinned mischievously. “By the way, Kevin, I don’t know if you noticed but, ah…I think you might have lost your date.”

  “Well, she’s not really my date and ah...I kind of like the company I’m in.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  Angel laughed. “You’re almost as bad as Miguel.”

  He arched an eyebrow and grinned. “Does that mean you’re gonna kiss me too?”

  She sniggered again. “Don’t push your luck, buster. Come on. Let’s go. I’m starving, and my guests are about to arrive.”


  Kevin and Angel walked past the dance floor toward the banquet room, where two six-foot guardian angel statues stood, one on either side of the entrance.

  Angel stopped when he paused to look at them. “Antonio said they were from his guardian angel.”

  Kevin stepped closer to one of the statues. “That’s a really nice present.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I’d have to agree with you. They were made by a contemporary artist in the south of France.”

  He pointed at the wings. “I’ve never seen detailing like this before. This is beautiful.”

  “I agree. Antonio and Elise were shocked as well. You should have seen their faces.”

  “You were here?”

  Angel nodded, reaching out to lightly stroke the small, delicate features of the statue’s wing. “Yeah, it was about two years ago on one of our mission trips. We came here for dinner the same as we always do. I came earlier than usual and shortly after I got here, a truck arrived. Not only did he deliver these beauties, but he also gave them an envelope full of cash with detailed instructions on how to expand the restaurant. That’s why we can now dine in this fabulous banquet room.”

  “Who sent it?”

  Angel shrugged. “No one knows.”


  “Very. Come on. I’m hungry.”

  Together they walked through the wide double doors into a large dining room. Miguel and Brandi sat in the center, completely lost in their own conversation. The table was brightly accented with several small bouquets of vibrant flowers amid vividly colored candles. The long buffet table down one wall was similarly adorned. An elegant, antique gold mirror on the wall behind it completed the picture of style and grace. Elegant but effortless was the phrase that came to Kevin’s mind.

  There were two swinging doors to the right, which he thought probably led into the kitchen, and a set of double doors to the left with huge flower arrangements on either side. The doors had been left open to a private patio full of palm trees and other tropical plants with a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean behind it.

  Kevin was about to comment on the room when Antonio came up to them. “Un momento, por favor, señora.”

  “Si. Would you excuse me, Kevin?”


  As he waited, Miranda and Tomás arrived with three girls in tow, each of them a definite contrast to the others. The oldest one appeared to be Asian, the next apparently had Spanish roots, and the third was as pale and blonde as could be. The girls ran over to Antonio and jumped up and down, each of them trying to get his attention when Miguel came over to welcome his sister and brother-in-law. “Kevin, do you remember Miranda and Tomás?”

  “It’s been a long time, but yes, I do. How are you?”

  Tomás offered to shake hands first. “We’re doing well, and you?”

  “Same here. It’s nice to see you again. Miguel has a lot of good things to say about you two.”

  “Gracias, he speaks well of you also,” said Tomás.

  “Yes,” said Miranda. “My brother is always giving us a copy of your latest movie or CD.”

  “Are you working on anything new, Kevin?” asked Tomás.

  “Not at the moment. I finished directing a new movie a few weeks ago, which will be out soon, and next month my brother and I will be laying down some tracks for a new CD.”

  “Great!” exclaimed Miranda. “Good luck with that.”

  “Thanks. Right now I’m taking a break. Looking for some peace and quiet.”

  “We know what you mean,” said Tomás.

a nodded earnestly. “Oh yes. We know only too well. The paparazzi can drive you crazy.”

  Kevin didn’t understand why she would make that statement, but he nodded. “Yeah, don’t I know it!”

  “Okay,” said Miranda. “Enough talk of business. We’re here to have fun. Miguel, who is that woman sitting at the table?”

  “Oh, that’s Kevin’s friend, Brandi. Come, I’ll introduce you to her.”

  As Miguel took Miranda and Tomás over to meet Brandi, Kevin strolled over to the other side of the room to look out at the ocean. He’d been working in the film industry for well over twenty years now. He had more money than he knew what to do with. Maybe he should give some thought to settling down. That is, if he could find someone who was willing to put up with the media hounding them twenty-four hours a day. Kevin snorted to himself. Who am I kidding? Settle down?

  “A penny for your thoughts?” Angel inquired.

  “Everything okay?” he asked, avoiding her remark.

  She nodded. “Oh yeah, Antonio and Elisa do a great job. Did you meet everybody?”

  “I already know Miranda and Tomás.”

  “Oh, you do, do you?” Angel gave Miranda an annoyed look, her friend giving her a sly wink in return.

  “Yeah, I met them several years ago when I was working down here.”

  “Okay, then let me introduce you to my girls.”

  “Your girls?” Kevin was a little shocked. “I thought they belonged to Miranda and Tomás?”

  “Nope, they’re all mine. Come here, girls. I want you to meet someone.”

  All three girls came over. “Yes, Mom?” asked the oldest one.

  “Girls, I would like you to meet Kevin. He’s a friend of Uncle Miguel. Kevin, this is my oldest daughter, Hope. She’s thirteen.” Angel smiled and pulled the ear bud out as she spoke. “And you can tell she’s a teenager because of the iPod that’s permanently attached to her ears.”

  Hope rolled her eyes. “Hi,” she said.

  Kevin shook the young girl’s hand and gave her a warm smile in return. “Hello, Hope.”

  Angel pointed to the slightly younger olive-skinned girl with beautiful long black hair. “This is Faith, and she’s nine.”

  Faith giggled, blushed, and hid her face behind her hands. Angel clearly tried not to laugh. “She’s the flirt in the family.”

  “She takes after her mother, I see,” said Kevin.

  It was Angel’s turn to blush as the girls giggled hysterically.

  “Oh, you think that’s funny, do you, girls?” The girls erupted into another round of giggles, and Angel pulled the little blonde-haired tyke next to her. “And this is my youngest daughter, Grace. She’s six.”

  Kevin got down to Grace’s level. “Hello, Grace.”

  Grace smiled a partially toothless smile and pulled her worn stuffed animal over in front of her face. When Kevin heard a mumbled “hello” from behind it, he reached over and shook the teddy bear’s paw. “It’s very nice to meet you,” He stood and addressed all the girls. “It’s nice to meet all of you.”

  “Thank you, girls. Now, would you please go find a seat at the table?” asked Angel.

  They promptly ran over to find their places.

  “Your girls are beautiful.”

  “Thanks. They’re great kids. I don’t know what I’d do without them.”

  Kevin’s thoughts took a different track.

  “What?” Angel asked curiously.

  Tentatively, he picked up Angel’s left hand and checked out her ring finger, gently caressing his thumb across the spot where a ring would sit. It was bare of any jewelry. “Hmm…I don’t see a wedding band. Is there a Mr. Meeker?”

  Angel’s face looked tired and withdrawn, but she didn’t turn away or pull her hand back.

  “There was a Mr. Winslow at one time, Grace’s father. He died four years ago.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You changed your name?” His curiosity got the better of him.

  She nodded hesitantly. “Yeah, I changed Grace’s name too.” She took a deep breath and continued, “We bought a house in the country, changed our names, and started all over.” Angel shrugged at the confused look on his face. “It’s a long story,” she said sadly.

  Kevin started to say something more when there was a commotion in the room behind them.

  “Where’s my little grand-darlings?” asked a man walking into the room, accompanied by a woman.

  “Grandma, Grandpa!” little Grace shouted across the room from where she stood on her chair. All three girls ran over for hugs and kisses to be passed around the group.

  “Do you know Miranda and Miguel’s parents?” Angel asked Kevin.

  “Yeah, Luis and Juanita are old friends. I guess I’d better go say hello,” Kevin said half-heartedly.

  “Come on, I’ll go with you,” Angel offered.

  Kevin smiled and reluctantly let go of her hand. “After you.”

  Sometime later, their meal almost over, Angel addressed the handsome man to her right. “So, Kevin, what brought you to Mexico?”

  He shrugged, trying to be nonchalant when he spoke. “Oh, doing a friend a favor.”

  Angel propped her elbows on the edge of the table. “Let me guess,” she whispered. “Arthur?” She looked as if his name left a repulsive taste on her lips.

  His affirming nod lacked enthusiasm. “Unfortunately.”

  Angel leaned closer to him. “So…can I take it Brandi is the latest?”

  “It looks that way.” He shrugged. “Arthur asked me to show her around for a few days.”

  “Have fun with that. She appears to be right up his ally.”

  “I think he outdid himself on this one. She’s a major pain in the ass. Or she was until she met Miguel.”

  She grinned and leaned back in her chair, shaking her head. “So I see. How’d you get to be so lucky, darlin’?”

  Kevin chuckled. “That’s a good question. But given the number of very attractive women I seem to find myself surrounded by at the moment, I’d, ah…have to say my luck is changing.”

  Angel tried to suppress a grin, and Kevin changed the subject back to Brandi. “You know, for the life of me, I can’t figure her out. When we got here, she was all about the movie-star life, but once she met Miguel…she hasn’t mentioned it since.”

  “Hmm. I wonder why?”

  Kevin steered the conversation back to Angel. “Okay. So now you know why I’m here. How about you? What brings you here? Family vacation?”

  “Actually, I’m here on a mission.”

  “A mission?”

  She nodded eagerly. “Several missions, to be precise,”

  “What type of missions?”

  “Well, I’m a volunteer with the Angel’s Foundation. They build and establish medical and dental clinics all over Mexico and someday all over the world.”

  Kevin grinned. “How nice that they named it for you.”

  “Ha-ha. You’re very funny.”

  “What exactly is it that you do?”

  “I’m one of the dental hygienists. On this trip, we’ll open a clinic that will provide low-cost dental care for a small village five hours east of here. I volunteer four times a year.”

  He gave her a look of pure disbelief. “Let me get this straight. You leave your job and come to Mexico four times a year to work for free?”

  She laughed. “Yes, I do, and I gladly pay for the honor of doing that. The foundation doesn’t pay for our travel costs.”

  “I don’t understand that, but okay. What else?”

  Before Angel could respond, Tomás stood and tapped his spoon against his water glass. “Excuse me everyone. Could I have your attention please? I have an important announcement to make.” Tomás paused and looked around the table at his extended family, then turned to smile at his beautiful wife as he reached for her hand. “Miranda has once again managed to make me the happiest man on earth. We…are going to have a baby.”
br />   The entire table exploded into activity. Kevin stood and reached to shake Tomás’s hand, and Angel ran over to congratulate the couple along with the rest of the family. She had just moved back to her seat next to Kevin when her cell phone rang.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Would you excuse me please? This is important.”

  Kevin slowly took his seat, his gaze following Angel as she left the table and hurried out onto the patio to take her call. Back and forth she paced, listening intently to her caller as she bit her fingernail. Several minutes later, when she came back to the table, she looked worried.

  “Everything okay?”

  Her troubled eyes spoke volumes. “No, it’s not.”

  Miranda evidently saw the distressed look on Angel’s face. Putting her hands up to quiet the family, she asked. “What’s the matter, Angel?”

  “Jonathon’s in the hospital. He won’t be able to make the trip.”

  Kevin couldn’t help his curiosity. “Who’s Jonathon?”

  “He’s our cameraman.”

  Juanita immediately crossed herself and began to quietly pray.

  “What’s wrong, Mommy? Will he be okay?” asked Grace, tearfully.

  “They’re not sure, honey. His sister said that he’s holding his own right now. He’s very sick, but he’s a strong man. If anyone can fight this, he can. They’re going to do some tests and monitor him for a couple of days. The doctors will know more tomorrow.”

  “Amen,” said Juanita aloud, her prayer finished.

  “Amen,” chorused the rest of the group, except for Kevin and Brandi.

  “Oh no!” exclaimed Miranda. “That means we don’t have anyone to film our work.”

  “Why do you need it recorded?” Kevin asked.

  “It’s for fundraisers,” Miranda explained. “Documentaries of our mission work help us to raise money for the clinics we’re building. We bring Jonathon on every trip.”

  “Apparently not this trip.” Angel’s frustration was showing. “Where are we going to find someone with camera experience at this late date?”

  She looked around at her family and friends. All the adults turned to Kevin, making her look at him suspiciously. “Kevin, do you have experience with a camera?”Angel was watching him so closely she didn’t notice the others frowning at one another in astonishment.


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