One to Win

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One to Win Page 16

by Michelle Monkou

  A day in the Hamptons sounded like the perfect escape. Ever since Leo returned to the office, his workload had increased as a measure of his success with the Meadows portfolio. A dozen new cases had landed on top of his already overstuffed client inbox.

  His day began before the rest of the staff came in and he didn’t leave until late in the evening. A couple nights, he’d actually slept on the couch in his office because the team was working on a time-sensitive deal. His condo felt like a vacation home and the office served as the home front. No sense in whining. He had career aspirations and had to do the groundwork to get to the next level.

  That excuse worked on him, but it wasn’t going over well with Fiona. They barely saw each other. A nugget of doubt made him question whether it was deliberate on her end. He wasn’t a saint, canceling their nights out or falling asleep in her arms. But their conversations would drift off to inconsequential chats with the obligatory Talk to you later. The whole thing frustrated him, showing him that trying to hold on to it all—career and relationship—promised to be difficult. He feared that it might be impossible.

  Something had gotten disconnected between him and Fiona. It wasn’t his imagination that she’d emotionally drifted, setting sail without him. She didn’t grumble. She didn’t demand her time with him. As a matter of fact, she accepted his excuses and went on her way.

  Yet it didn’t prevent him from missing the hell out of Fiona. A few phone messages seemed to be all they could manage with each other. Their brief actual conversations were turning stilted. Something that he couldn’t put his finger on was off. But the unease had to stay off to the side for the busy upswing of his career. Now the goal he’d wanted was at his fingertips. The buzz around the office suggested that a big shake-up was about to take place at Grayson, Buckley and Tynesdale.

  “Hey, Leo, the Hasbergers have signed on for us to handle their family trust.” Timothy Grayson updated him with the good news.

  “Congratulations. I know that was a big win.”

  “Yeah. Took some maneuvering, let me tell you.” His boss looked quite pleased with himself. But he should, since the family’s net worth was $3 billion. “So looks like we’ll need you to head to the city tonight. Big meeting early in the morning.”

  Leo’s heart sank. His first normal day in a while, and he wanted to surprise Fiona with a night out.

  “Is there a problem?”

  “No. Not at all.”

  “The jet will take you at seven o’clock. Works for you?”

  Leo nodded. His mind raced at possibilities to salvage his plans and get his work done. He picked up the phone and made a few calls to arrange his surprise. Then he dialed Fiona.

  “Hey, late night at work?” she asked.

  “Actually, no. I’m free for the night and I want to hang out with you.”

  She giggled. “Okay, coming over?”

  “Only to pick you up. We’re heading to New York City.”

  “What? It’s Thursday night. It’ll take forever to get there and then I have to head back for work.”

  “I’ll take less than two hours in the jet.”

  “Did you say jet?”

  “Uh-huh. And...we’ll eat, have hot naked sex and then sleep it off. Call in tomorrow. Or I can get the jet to take you back.”

  “You’re so tempting me right now.”

  “You and me, baby.” He paused to drum up the courage to say what was on his mind. “And we can talk. I know things have been rough with my schedule.”

  “I’ve been busy, too.”

  “But I don’t want us to get used to not being together. You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah. I know. We should talk.”

  The fact that she easily agreed heightened his nervousness.

  “Okay, I’ll be there around six. Bye, babe. Love ya.”

  “Yeah, me, too.”

  He hung up and sat back in his chair. “This is not good. Not good at all.”

  Leo did his best to shake off the doom-and-gloom vibes. His lady deserved the best night on the town. They used to enjoy their impromptu drives when they were in the Hamptons and it felt good to escape and release themselves from the family drama. With the extravagant plans he had under way, Fiona would have a fun and decadently wicked night. To get ready for the part, he shaved, showered and then dressed in his black Tom Ford suit. Surveying himself in the mirror, he liked the classic simplicity of the tailored suit with its sleek lines. Not one for fashion trends, he wanted to look the role of the playboy this time. He couldn’t wait to see Fiona’s reaction to her Brazilian nerd.

  The limo arrived on time to pick him up and then they were on their way for Fiona. He’d texted her that she should dress like a Connecticut socialite. She’d responded with a smiley face and told him that he wouldn’t be disappointed.

  “Sir, we’re here.” The driver held open his door.

  Leo exited. Suddenly he felt like a guy at his prom. The door opened and Fiona stepped out in a red dress that fit like a sheath, stopping midthigh to show off her legs in matching fashionable shoes. “Wow.”

  She stepped into his chest and kissed him softly on his cheek. She rubbed off the lipstick imprint she left. He noted that she was eye to eye with him in her sexy shoes. “You, my darling, are looking fantastic. The suit makes me want to do all kinds of nasty with you.”

  “I’m channeling my inner Double-O spy and picked the same clothing designer.”

  “Smart move. I’m looking forward to giving up my secrets to your charm.”

  They got back into the limo and headed for the airport. By seven o’clock, they were in the air on their way to New York City. So far, the plans were unfolding as he’d hoped. He poured a glass of wine for her. “To us.”

  “Hear, hear.” She sipped her wine and smacked her lips in appreciation. “This is good.”

  “Sauvignon blanc.”

  “I’ll leave it to you to know the details.” She kicked off her shoes and placed her feet on his lap. “It feels good to have you to myself. It’s been a while.”

  He rubbed his hand along her legs. Touching her was a trigger. She sensed his discomfort and didn’t help matters by brushing her foot against his arousal.

  “Don’t start nothin’.” He loved how smoky her eyes were with browns and golds outlining her lids and brows. She looked like the temptress that he’d wanted and now had. “We’ll be landing soon.”

  “Bummer. I was hoping to knock an item off my bucket list.”

  He planted a kiss on her inner ankle. “We’ll be knocking off a few other things later tonight.”

  “Oh yeah?” She swung her legs off his lap and fixed her clothing. “Then I’ll behave like a lady with proper decorum for the remainder of the ride.” She drained her wineglass. “Had to guzzle that last bit.” She set down the glass and smiled.

  He wanted to kiss her so badly. Whatever shade of red painted her lips played with his determination to act like a gentleman and not kiss every bit off her mouth.

  The plane began its descent in the nick of time.

  “Ready for the night of your life?” He stood and extended his hand.

  “Yes, Mr. Starks. Are you ready for the night of your life?” She winked at him and, for an added touch, licked the plump surface of her lips.

  Leo escorted her out of the plane. The wind had a bite to it and they both had to button their coats. They hurried to the car and gratefully got in.

  “Mr. Starks, there has been a change of plans. Mr. Grayson has asked that you come to the office.”

  “Excuse me? No, I’ve got dinner reservations. I’m meeting Mr. Grayson tomorrow.”

  “I understand, sir.” The driver repeated his statement with the same slow dryness that couldn’t be misunderstood.

  “It’s okay, Leo.” F
iona placed her hand over his. He hoped it was a sign of her support. Because this wasn’t the night he’d planned.

  “Fine. Let’s go.” Leo tried to make small talk for the rest of the trip. But he was a man, plain and simple. “One night. That’s all I wanted.”

  “Shhh. You can rant later.” Fiona tilted her head toward the driver.

  Leo didn’t care if he was heard. He exhaled his frustration. Yes, he did care.

  They pulled up in front of the massive office building on West 52nd Street. Its dominance took over the block. He’d been there only a handful of times, with the smaller upstate office handling mostly Meadows business and a few other wealthy clients in the area. Any other time, like tomorrow, he’d have been happy to hop out and let the world know that he was a lawyer for the firm.

  “Go see what they want and then I’ll have you to myself later,” Fiona urged.

  “Where are you going?”

  “You booked a hotel room, right?”

  “Yeah.” He dug inside his jacket pocket. “Here is the key card. St. Regis.”

  “Oooh, fancy.” She plucked the key out of his hand, leaned over and popped him a kiss. “Now get out and let me go play in our room.”

  “Suite,” he corrected. “Tiffany Suite.”

  Fiona giggled. “Mr. Starks, I just might slide you over to the keeper side.” She slipped her hand between his legs and squeezed. “Now go on and be a good lawyer.”

  Her chuckle and good-luck squeeze boosted his energy to charge into the building. After showing the necessary ID and badge, he got on the elevators and headed for the top floor. Grayson had better have a good reason to block him from his date night. The doors swooshed open and Leo pasted on his confident grin.

  “Mr. Starks, good to see you... Oh, you look...very fine.”

  “Thank you. I had plans for the evening. Was there an emergency?”

  “Sorry for the interruption. But I wanted to share my announcement with you.” He beckoned him to enter fully into the room. “And also share it among the partners.”

  Leo looked to the cluster of women and men standing with serious countenances. Was this some sick ritual before he got fired? He looked at Grayson for an explanation but dreaded what he was about to say.

  “We have decided to offer you partnership. Your peers have unanimously voted for your inclusion. I hope you will accept.”

  “Yes.” Leo wanted to take a seat. Have a drink. Call Fiona.

  “Great. The finer details will be discussed tomorrow and press releases will be sent out. But this couldn’t wait. The partners wanted to surprise you with their decision but also tell you right away.”

  The applause and cheers continued while Grayson spoke to him. He could barely catch all the details, but he figured whatever he didn’t hear, he could follow up on the next day.

  “Champagne for everyone.” One of the other senior partners and founders, Buckley, stepped forward and motioned for the bottles to be brought into the room.

  Leo spent the next couple of hours sipping on champagne and getting to know the partners. He knew that he’d jumped over the senior associate position. The leap wasn’t a bad thing. The unofficial gossip was that the senior associates were the lawyers who were consistent in their jobs but not exceptionally aggressive with acquiring new cases. They were also content with not ever becoming partner. Truthfully, he’d worried that he would fall into that category and have his career aspirations stunted before they got a chance to develop.

  One thing was clear about the partners: they could drink. Empty champagne bottles were stacking up at a significant rate. But even though moods were upbeat thanks to the bubbles, business didn’t go to the back burner. The partners were in full conversation about their clients. As he glanced at his watch, he wondered how one broke away from the pack.

  “Mr. Grayson, would you need me to stick around longer?” His wish to depart his promotion celebration could be counted as a ding against him, but he wanted to be with Fiona.

  “Yes. We’re not done. Apparently, the Hasbergers wanted to come and join in the celebration. I thought it a wonderful bonus. And then tomorrow we can start working on the trust.” He looked at his wrist. “They should be here any minute.”

  Leo nodded. He needed to call Fiona.

  “Leo, congratulations. Look, we must get out on the golf course.”

  “Thanks, Mr. Tynesdale, but I don’t play golf.”

  “Don’t or can’t?”

  “I can play—I don’t.”

  “Then we’ve got to fire up that desire. Let’s get out there this weekend. We can hit the golf course in Sawgrass.” Tynesdale flashed his toothy grin and then his massive diamond ring as he tossed back his champagne.

  The weekends used to be the catch-up days for his personal life. Slowly, they had turned into the travel days to get to meetings. Flying in and out of airports to get to appointments with clients. Anytime he did manage to stay at home, he was too exhausted to be any good.

  “Tynesdale, give the man time to breathe. Don’t mind him, Leo. He’s a fanatical golf enthusiast.” Buckley guided Tynesdale off to another cluster of partners.

  It was almost eleven o’clock. Leo took the opportunity to find an empty office where he could call Fiona. His night was turning into a bittersweet event. He dialed the number and waited, wondering if he should share his news first to soften her up or jump right in and deal with her anger. If he were in her shoes, he would not be a happy man. He left a message that he should be there in a couple of hours.

  “Leo, there you are. The Hasbergers are here.” Grayson waited at the door. He wore his grin like a proud mentor showing off an apt pupil.

  “Would love to meet them.” Leo placed the phone back into his pocket, along with his fears that while his life was in the takeoff position in one area, there was high potential for a crash landing in another.

  * * *

  Later that night, at the Tiffany Suite in the St. Regis, Leo opened the door. Lights were on. Classical music played softly over the speakers. What might have been a romantic tune sounded more like a mournful march as he aimed for the bedroom.

  He’d picked the St. Regis for its prominent mark on the early 1900s New York landscape, courtesy of its wealthy builder, John Jacob Astor IV. But now that history and all of the room’s aesthetic features—trademark Tiffany-blue walls, the chandelier with its cascading pearls, the private fireplace—faded into the background.

  He opened the bedroom door and looked in on Fiona curled up under the covers. He picked up the red dress that lay on the edge of the bed. Her shoes were not far away on the floor. Her scent lingered around the room, a reminder of what he’d missed.

  Leo undressed as quietly as he could and slipped under the covers to spoon her. She felt so good against his body, more than warmth, but something solid to hold on to in his life. He rested his forehead against her head, sighing as he burrowed into the silky softness of her hair. Nothing could replace this feeling of having his woman in his arms. Whatever was trying to stir between them, whatever was trying to pry them apart, couldn’t happen without a fight.

  * * *

  Fiona awoke to the sound of the shower. She squinted, trying to focus her sleepy, confused mind to figure out where she was.

  New York City.

  She yawned and hugged one of the many pillows in the luxurious bed. The elegant furniture made her feel like a princess. Too bad her prince ditched her last night. And now he was singing a Bruno Mars song. She checked her phone for messages and noticed that he’d called. By the time of his call, she’d already downed a couple glasses of wine, eaten a scrumptious steak dinner and gorged on a decadently sweet chocolate cake before peeling off her dress and crashing in the bed.

  She just wanted to barge in and confront Leo but was too lazy to get out of the bed.
Hopefully, they would get a chance for a redo today. She had nothing planned for the weekend: maybe they could extend their getaway for another night. Satisfied with that fix, she waited for him to exit the bathroom.

  When he did emerge, she expected that he’d have a towel wrapped around his hips or, for her pleasure, be completely naked. Instead he was already dressed, looking shiny and so damn sexy. Now she had to stamp down her rising desire.

  “What the hell? It’s only seven o’clock in the morning. Your office is across town.” She waved her hand, feeling directionally challenged in this luxury suite that did a good job of blocking out the world.

  “I got a promotion.”

  Why did he have to smile? She was too damn weak for her own good.

  “I’m a partner. Can you believe that?”

  “Yes, I can. You work your butt off.” She gave his behind an appreciative smack. “At least there’s still some left for me to enjoy.” She kissed him. “Congratulations. So when can we celebrate?”

  “I’m heading to Connecticut today. Then tonight I’m heading with the Hasbergers to their private island in the British Virgin Islands.”

  “Uh-huh.” She waited to hear when she’d fit into this suddenly exclusive schedule. He smiled at her again, and it would normally have knocked her off her feet. Right now, however, she was feeling a little salty over the entire situation.

  “I know we had plans.” He tilted her chin up and kissed the tip of her nose. “We’ll get through this.”

  “I thought you wanted to have a talk.”

  “I do, but obviously not right now.”

  “Who do I contact to get on your schedule?”

  “Don’t pick a fight. I didn’t know that I was getting the promotion or I would have left you home.”

  “Left me home? Wow, that’s rich. It’s always been about the promotion.” Fiona deliberately didn’t present her opinion as a question. “You the man now, right?”

  “You want to judge me for my aspirations? I don’t get to see you, either, because you’re working your butt off on your job. Is that out of the goodness of your heart? Or is it also for a promotion?”


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