Her Real Alpha

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Her Real Alpha Page 5

by Sherie Keys

  “Well, you were right; we were meeting, by chance, outside of a party I crashed so I figured I was safe in giving you my number,” I said and then held my phone with my shoulder so that I could rewrap my sandwich. There was no way I would be able to eat anything for at least the next two hours. My heart and stomach were all over the place, why did he make me so nervous all of a sudden?

  “So, since I have you on the line, how about we set up that date for tonight?” he asked and I chewed on my bottom lip as I thought about it. Technically, I had been sticking to my end of the year resolution and painting on a schedule to where I wouldn’t have to rush at the last minute to meet deadlines. I did have time that night to go out with him.

  “Uh, sure, where do you want to meet up?” I asked him and there was a brief pause on the other line where it seemed like he was speaking to someone else.

  “Meet up? If this is a proper date then I should pick you up and then take you out, so it’ll be a surprise,” he said and it was my turn to pause.

  “Well, I guess that’s okay then, what time should I be ready?”

  “How about seven? Oh and wear something nice,” he said and I wondered what he had in mind.

  “How nice? Like fancy dinner nice, or fancy cocktails nice…?”

  Hunter chuckled and the warm chocolate sound seemed to reach through the phone and caress my spine, sending shivers through me.

  “Fancy dinner, but no more hints, I’ll see you tonight,” he said and shortly after that the call ended. I looked down at my sandwich and sighed as I slid my phone back into my purse. I guess all that was left to do was go home, paint and then get ready for a fancy dinner of some sort.

  * * *

  All throughout the day one of my eyes was glued to the clock and the other was making sure I didn’t paint a bunch of clocks into the scene I was working on for my current project. When five thirty came around, I had met my quota for the day and I put my easel out to dry before I went to shower and get ready for my date with Hunter.

  I couldn’t say that I wasn’t at all nervous, I was a little nervous. At the gala, there was an element of mystery and aloofness that I could hide behind and be myself, but now this was a whole other ball game. Ever since I started crashing parties, I had been on fewer dates than normal and I was almost out of practice.

  I focused on doing my hair and settled for alluring, so kept it tousled and loose hanging down my back. I wore a long black dress that was form fitting and showed a bit of cleavage but had largely no back with a wide V cut that ended just at my tailbone. Joe had invited me to a state dinner and bought me the Chanel dress, along with one more appropriate for a state dinner, because I had fallen in love with it. At that moment I was thanking him for spoiling me, I slipped on a pair of silver pumps that had a little bit of sparkle to them because the dress was also dotted with subtle sparkle that made it look like it had stars hidden in the material. The dress was long sleeved so I only had to worry about a necklace, earrings, and a ring or two. Then, after a few spritzes of perfume, I was set to go.

  Hunter arrived right on time to my apartment. I had sent him my address and apartment number in a text earlier, but I was still impressed by his punctuality. When I opened the door I was a little speechless by the sight of him in a dinner suit and bow tie. He looked like he should be on every cover of GQ for about a year and a half. His hair was neatly parted and his eyes were as green as ever as he stood in the doorway smiling at me.

  “You look fantastic,” he said and I smiled at him instead of staring like some star struck loser.

  “Oh, thank you, you don’t look so bad either,” I said and he chuckled.

  “I appreciate the compliment, so are you all set?” he asked and I nodded.

  I grabbed my clutch and then he offered me his arm to slip mine through after I locked up.

  “So are you going to tell me where we’re going, dressed up all fancy?” I asked.

  “You’ll see when we get there,” he said simply and I sighed as if the suspense were torture.

  “We could be going anywhere, then. Hopefully you aren’t some twisted serial killer whisking me away to some abandoned park upstate somewhere,” I said.

  Hunter laughed as if he were surprised I would say something like that.

  “What would make you think I’m a serial killer?” he asked while looking at me with humor in his gaze and tone of voice.

  “Well, I don’t know, you did display some stalker-like tendencies at the gala the other night,” I said and he laughed again.

  “Just because I was riveted by you, doesn’t mean that I’m a serial killer,” he said and I glanced up at him questioningly, smiling a little.

  He was riveted by me? He simply shrugged and my smile grew a little more.

  When we reached outside my building I saw a fancy Mercedes waiting outside. A driver got out to open the back door for us and everything. Once inside the comfortable leather interior, I looked over at Hunter, more curious than I was at my apartment.

  “So tonight requires a driver and all?” I asked and Hunter shrugged again. He seemed a little stoic and I wondered what changed from the time it took to walk from the building and get into the car. “I knew it, we’re going to an abandoned park, you just completely shut down or something,” I teased lightly and Hunter cracked a smile, whatever he was thinking about left his mind and he looked at me and shook his head.

  “I promise you, I’m not going to kill you,” he said and laughed. “So I never did find out what you do for a living at the gala, how is it you’re wearing another stunning designer dress and killer heels with an apartment in SoHo?”

  I smiled, Hunter was still really trying to figure me out as if I was a puzzle.

  “Well if you must know, I’m an illustrator for children’s books. I get enough to pay the rent and found my apartment at a steal for SoHo, but my brother is the culprit for my clothes, I have to admit,” I said and Hunter nodded as if it all made sense.

  “So you have a successful brother who spoils you often,” he said it as if I were some sort of trust fund freeloading kid who mooches off my family.

  “He spoils me because he wants to, otherwise, I pay my own bills,” I said and Hunter realized he had offended me a little.

  “I’m sorry, I’m just trying to…get a sense of you,” he said and I took a small breath.

  “It’s okay, I guess, I’m just sensitive when it comes to what I do and all that.” I realized that I said too much and Hunter was about to ask me another question when the car thankfully came to a stop outside of the Waldorf Astoria.

  “We’re at a hotel?” I asked and Hunter smirked.

  “Yeah, we’re having dinner here,” he said and then the valet guy opened the door for us to get out and I took Hunter’s arm again as we stepped inside the hotel. Hunter spoke briefly to the doorman who gave us directions to the ballroom where the, “Moors Company investors dinner was being held.”

  “You’re taking me to an investors’ dinner?” I asked him with a gasp and he smiled at me with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

  “It’s bound to be incredibly boring, but you’re used to crashing these sorts of gatherings, right?” Hunter asked and all I could do was laugh.

  “So wait this is two investors’ events you’ve been to now, what do you do for a living?” I asked and he smiled slowly.

  “I’m part owner of a brokerage firm on Wall Street,” he said and I pursed my lips, I should have figured that was it.

  “That makes sense…” I said and he chuckled. “Well, we can try not to make the dinner boring, you’ll have me to talk to and I’ll have you to look at,” I said and Hunter gave that surprised sounding laugh again.

  “You think I’m pretty enough to entertain you all night?” he asked and I thought about it.

  “Well, maybe not all night, I’ll probably get bored by dessert,” I teased and he chuckled.

  “I’ll have to think of something to pique your interest by then,” he said
contemplatively and I wondered what he had in mind.

  “So there must be a lot of investors in this Moors Company; is it Moors like the beer?” I asked and he nodded.

  “That’s exactly it, you’ll find all the football, hockey, soccer, and any other sports fan or professional athlete with enough money to invest in something here, it’s a pretty big event they have every year,” he said and I nodded. We finally reached the ballroom and I was surprised that pictures were being taken outside the doors as people were arriving. This was definitely legit. “I’m pretty sure you miss these parts of the events you crash; lucky for you, this time you’re my plus one and you’ll get to taste the food,” he said and I laughed.

  “That is definitely an upside of being at one of these legitimately,” I said and then it was our turn to step in front of the Moors Light backdrop to take a picture.

  Thankfully, we moved along quickly and I didn’t have to get blinded by the flashing lights. Hunter stopped just inside the door to give his name to a woman holding an iPad, she checked us in and then motioned for us to follow an usher to our table. Hunter’s name was neatly printed on his name card and mine simply said “guest.”

  “Have you even had a name card that said guest on it before?” Hunter asked smartly.

  “As a matter of fact, I’ve had a name card that’s had my own name on it before, thank you very much.” I wanted to roll my eyes at him, but he held his hands up in surrender.

  “I’m sorry, that was a bad joke, I have a problem with sarcasm,” he said and I laughed out loud, but thankfully, people were still arriving and being seated so it was pretty loud in the ballroom. The place was nicely decorated in silvers and blue to represent the colors of a can of Moor’s beer. The centerpieces on the tables were actually giant bottles of Moors holding flowers inside with smaller bunches surrounding the outside. It was definitely unique.

  “You know, I hadn’t noticed that,” I said and Hunter chuckled.

  “Touché,” he said and then laughed again.

  “You know if athletes are going to be here then I don’t know how this dinner would be boring exactly, it would be cool to meet like a famous football player or something,” I said while glancing around the half full room.

  “Right, I almost forgot you actually enjoy these things,” Hunter said and I did roll my eyes at him then.

  “Just because you feel a sense of obligation to come to these parties or you feel you’ve somehow outgrown them, doesn’t mean other people can’t enjoy them,” I said and Hunter bit his lip. I was immediately distracted by the small gesture, as his lips were incredibly soft and plump looking. I wondered what it would be like to kiss him.

  “You’re right, I’m turning into a scrooge or something, maybe I just need a little something new in my life to keep things interesting,” he said and I smiled at him. He said the sweetest things at the oddest times. Hunter glanced at me and grinned before his attention was called by someone sitting down on the other side of him.

  “Hunter Berkshire! One of the Midas twins himself, how are you doing?” A big and tall man sat down next to Hunter and shook his hand. He had to be a football player, he was practically bursting through his suit. He was handsome, though, in a clean cut way; his dark skin looked really smooth and he had a pretty shade of light brown eyes.

  “I’m good, Smokey, how about you?” Hunter asked and Smokey grinned as if he had not a care in the world.

  “I can’t complain, the team is doing great, we’re undefeated so far so you know we’re making it into the playoffs,” Smokey said and Hunter laughed good naturedly.

  “I should bet on you guys then and make a little bit on the side,” he said and Smokey laughed, a full bellied laugh that sounded about right coming out of a guy as big as he was.

  “Hey, don’t go betting now, the next thing you know we lose, and I’d have to blame you, Hunt,” he said and Hunter waved his hand as if he wasn’t worried.

  “Hey, I always bet smart, it’s why I’m here today,” he said and Smokey laughed again.

  “You’re right, it’s why I’m here, too, wearing such a nice suit,” Smokey said and both he and Hunter chuckled. I couldn’t help but smile at the exchange and Hunter gestured to me, bringing me into Smokey’s notice.

  “This is my date Melanie, this is Smokey Brown, the best and biggest running back in the NFL,” Hunter introduced us and I finally recognized who he was.

  “You play for the Giants, it’s nice to meet you,” I said with a smile and he gave me a charming grin.

  “That I do and it’s a pleasure to meet Hunter’s lovely date. Hey, if you ever want to invest, he’s your guy. The man is a wizard,” Smokey said and I laughed; I wondered how much money Hunter made Smokey in the stock market.

  “It’s a gift really,” Hunter said and Smokey laughed again.

  “Hey man, you should stop by practice one day and we’ll work out together, you might even pick up a few new clients,” Smokey said and then the two started to talk business. I wondered if that was why Hunter didn’t like to attend all the dinners and events he was invited to, because it was all work, really.

  After they talked for a while, Smokey excused himself to go say hello to someone he spotted and Hunter looked at me with an “I told you so” expression.

  “Okay, I get it, it’s work for you and you can’t really enjoy yourself like I do at these things,” I said and he simply nodded.

  “Now I have to go and try not to kill myself while working out with a bunch of football players next weekend,” he said and I giggled.

  “Good luck with that,” I said and then he looked at me for a second while thinking about something. “Whatever you’re concocting in that mind of yours, please drop it,” I said and he laughed.

  “How do you know I’m ‘concocting?’” he asked and I pointed to his face.

  “I know the look, I have a brother who has done his fair share of getting me into situations I didn’t want to be in growing up,” I said and Hunter simply smiled at me mischievously.

  “All I was thinking is that you should come with me and cheer me on while I most likely humiliate myself out on the field with guys who can bench press a car,” he said and I laughed at the visual. Hunter had a lean build, but I bet he had some muscle under his extremely well-tailored suit.

  “Alright, I’ll cheer you on, just don’t embarrass yourself too much, then it’ll be embarrassing for me and I’ll just have to leave,” I said and Hunter laughed and he shook his head at me.

  “I see how it is,” he said and I smiled innocently.

  “I’m simply giving you a little bit of warning,” I said and he chuckled again.

  By then, dinner was about ready to be served and a few executives from the brewing company said a few words to thank their loyal investors.

  I had to say the food was amazing, the filet mignon itself was like butter and had so much flavor, but not too much. I couldn’t even speak while I was eating and both Hunter and Smokey made fun of me for loving my food. But Smokey told Hunter that if he found a woman who wasn’t afraid to eat, then she was a keeper and I gave a secretly smug smile to Hunter who chuckled in return.

  It was almost strange, though, how people came up to Hunter to ask him about stocks and the market, that he didn’t to get up and mingle with anyone or anything. It was like he was some sort of mob boss who had all the connections everyone wanted in on.

  Just before dessert, Hunter wiped his mouth with his napkin and then put it on the table so he could stand up.

  “Do you want to get some dessert somewhere I know is really good?” he asked and I looked up at him cautiously.

  “Sure, why not?” I said and he grinned, then took my hand as I got up and grabbed my clutch. Hunter and I made a beeline for the door and he dodged pretty much everyone who called his name or tried to get his attention.

  “Wow, you must be really good at what you do,” I said and Hunter shrugged as we made our way to the front of the hotel.

bsp; “Good enough,” he said nonchalantly while he texted his driver to meet us out front.

  “So where are we going for dessert?” I asked him and he simply grinned at me.

  “You’ll see, you don’t get sea sick do you?” he asked and I looked at him in bemusement.

  “No…” I said and he nodded but otherwise didn’t say anything else. Hunter’s car pulled up just as we stepped out into the chilly night air. His hand met the bare small of my back and I shivered at the contact, his touch sending little electric thrills up my spine and setting off butterflies in my belly. I was also excited about where he was taking me.

  We climbed into the car and the driver pulled away. I guessed Hunter had already told him where we were going and I hadn’t read that part of his text message.


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