Ronin's Bondmate: Zarronian Warriors 4

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Ronin's Bondmate: Zarronian Warriors 4 Page 4

by Mardi Maxwell

  She gathered her hair and shoved it over one shoulder. “Krystali males aren’t barbarians like your people. They don’t hit females. They love and protect them.”

  He laughed then ran his fingertip down her cheek. “I didn’t hit you. I spanked you.” He smiled. “And, you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. Would you like me to show you?”

  She was so tempted to say yes and throw herself into his arms she had to look away and command her feet to be still.

  “Belle? I asked you a question. I need an answer.”


  “No what?”

  She hesitated for a moment, then licked her bottom lip and said, “No, thank you.”

  He ran his finger over the tip of her nose. “Much better.” He walked away from her, passing the trail that curved to the left.

  She scratched Razz’s neck. “I hate him. Kill him for me, Razz.”

  The chameleon wolf looked up at her, growled, then ran forward and bumped Ronin’s legs. The barbarian thumped the beast’s shoulder then looked back and smiled at her.

  She rolled her eyes. “This is the wrong way.”

  He laughed. “Keep up or I’ll tie a rope around you to make sure you don’t fall behind.”

  She wanted to challenge him. Instead she remained quiet. He was slowly but surely proving to her that he’d dare just about anything, no matter how outrageous.

  They walked for several units until they reached the edge of the forest. A narrow area with knee high grass separated them from a distant river.

  “Do you think we can cross on that?” She pointed to a large tree that had fallen across the water, forming a bridge.

  Ronin studied the area. “Looks like a good place for an ambush.”

  “Yes,” Belle said. “We should backtrack and take the other trail.”

  He hummed an affirmation then said, “You were right and I was wrong.”

  “I’m surprised you’re willing to admit that.”

  “We can discuss it later. Right now I want you to kneel at my feet and stay there.”

  “What? Kneel at your feet? In your dreams!”

  He drew his sword with one hand and with the other covered the top of her head and pushed her to the ground. “Stay.”

  A raider burst from the bushes to their right and ran toward them.

  “This is one point for me,” she said, before he reached them.

  Chapter Five

  Ronin swung his sword, blocking the raider’s sword as it swung toward his head. While they fought, several more raiders burst from the trees.

  Belle conjured krystal barriers in front of each one, slowing them down. Some of them moved around the barriers forcing her to use energy to conjure more barriers. A few of the raiders disappeared into the trees in an effort to circle around them.

  Unfortunately for them, Razz was hidden in the trees. Their screams echoed through the trees along with his roars.

  She stayed close enough to Ronin to protect him without hindering him. Bodies piled up on either side of him until only two raiders remained. They stepped forward then suddenly turned and ran.

  Belle collapsed to the ground and rested her cheek on the cool grass. With a sigh she drew in a shallow breath and fought the darkness that tried to consume her.

  Ronin squatted and wrapped his arms around her. “Tell me how to help you.”

  She tried to speak but couldn’t make her voice work. Opening her eyes, she licked her lips and a moment later Ronin held a water bottle to her mouth.

  “Try to take a sip.” He dribbled a few drops of water onto her lips.

  She licked the drops and took a sip then turned away.

  “We have to get across the river,” he said.

  Razz joined them, nuzzled her cheek, then moved a step back and stared at her. She pointed to the fallen tree over the river. “Razz, search.”

  Whining, he circled her and she repeated the command. He bumped her again then knocked Ronin into her before he took off. She watched him cross the clearing, leap across the fallen tree and disappear into the trees. A micro-unit later he reappeared and paced along the far end of the makeshift bridge.

  Sighing with relief, knowing the barbarian wouldn’t die this cycle because of her, she said, “It’s safe for you to cross over. Razz will guard you until you reach your people.” She collapsed against him. “Leave me. The two who ran will return soon with others.”

  He drew his sword and she forced herself to look up and be brave. He wouldn’t leave her to be captured by the raiders. She nodded then closed her eyes and waited for the killing blow. Instead she heard a heavy sigh just before the weight of the sword landed on her lap.

  “Hold onto that,” he said, picking her up and holding her against his chest. “You’re not dying on my watch.”

  He carried her across the clearing and over the river. Once on the other side he set her down and examined the fallen tree.

  He tied a rope around his waist then around a nearby tree, took his sword from her and moved to the middle of the bridge. Working fast, he chopped large chunks of wood from either side. With a groan the wood snapped.

  It fell to the river. He leapt away, swinging on the rope and coming to a jarring stop when he slammed into the steep bank. Digging the toes of his boot into the dirt he sheathed his sword then climbed to the top.

  “Ronin, they’re coming,” Belle said, her voice trembling with fear.

  He glanced where she pointed and saw ten raiders running toward them. “They aren’t crossing that river unless they can fly.”

  “They have bows.” An arrow slammed into the ground at their feet and she screamed.

  “Don’t worry about them.” He handed her the sword, shifted her weight in his arms and jogged toward the trees. “Razz, lead.”

  The wolf yipped, ran a few steps, glanced back at them then pushed into the thick bushes. Ronin followed him, trusting the animal to alert him to anyone in the area.

  Belle rested against him. She was either asleep or unconscious. Either way he was worried. Her face was pale in the moonlight and she struggled for each breath. “Belle, open your eyes for me.”

  She didn’t respond so he gave her a little shake.

  “Belle, open your eyes now.” He made his voice harsh; the words a command.

  She struggled and he saw a small glint of moonlight in her eyes before they closed again.

  Satisfied, he continued to walk until the sun began to rise, and Razz returned and blocked his path. Ronin took it as a warning that an enemy was waiting somewhere ahead of them. He hid Belle, ordered Razz to protect her, and moved up the trail on his own.

  He slid into the shadows, moving one step at a time. Five micro-units later he spotted three males concealed among the boulders. One stood guard while the others slept. The guard’s head bobbed down then jerked up as he fought sleep. Ronin waited until his chin settled on his chest and then he crept toward him. Silently he dealt with him then took care of the other two.

  Before he left their camp he spent a moment searching them and their packs. Finding a map, he studied it then stuck it in his cloak pocket and hurried back to Belle. As soon as he appeared, Razz stood and pawed at his pack.

  Sitting down, he pulled Belle onto his lap and tapped her cheek. Her lips twitched and she tried to lift her hand.

  “Come on Belle. Time to eat and drink some water.”

  “Cold,” she said and rolled toward him, pressing against his warmth.

  He laid his palm against her cheek. Her skin was icy to his touch. Opening his cloak, he pulled her against his chest then wrapped it around her. The temperature of her body cooled his fever.

  “How about some water, Razz?” he asked, and poured water into the palm of his hand.

  Razz lapped it up and then snatched up the food Ronin had set out and moved onto the trail. He stretched out and a nano-unit later blended into the ground. Only his glowing amber eyes gave away his presence until he blinked and disappeared completel

  Ronin knew Razz would sense an enemy much sooner than he would so he relaxed while he ate. He managed to rouse Belle once but she still refused to wake. As soon as he put the supplies away and stood up, she slid her arm around his shoulder and snuggled her head beneath his chin.

  He needed to get her to Taryq this cycle before moon rising. She’d used too much energy helping him fight off the raiders. He thought letting her rest would replenish her but she was still weak. Apparently he had a lot to learn about Krystali females. Especially the fact that her nearness was raising his mating fever at a phenomenal rate.

  He stopped every thirty micro-units, set her down, and moved away from her. Each time it took longer to regain control of his fever until by the fifth time he was cursing and shedding his cloak and vest.

  Razz walked beside them until suddenly he sniffed the air and blocked the path. Without warning he jumped up, placed his paws on Ronin’s shoulders, and growled. Ronin stumbled back then caught his balance and tried to push Razz away. Instead the animal took the cloth of the Belle’s cloak between his teeth and jerked it away from her. He released it then pushed his face against Ronin’s. Another deep growl rumbled through him before he dropped down and paced back and forth. Ronin tried to move around him but the big animal blocked him every time.

  Finally, frustrated, he lowered his weight onto one knee and examined Belle. Her pet was obviously worried about her and wanted him to take action. But, what?

  An enchantress was able to convert positive emotions into energy. The care her family members gave her made her strong. But, when she wasn’t around them she grew weak. Cursing, he realized that Taryq had badly miscalculated how often Belle would need to see him.

  He brushed his fingers over her cheek. “Belle, open your eyes. Come on, baby, wake up. I know you need to see Taryq but right now I’m all you’ve got.”

  When she didn’t respond he did the only thing he could think to do. She needed emotions so he gave her the only kind he knew to give. He kissed her.

  At first he just rubbed his lips over hers and waited for a response. When he didn’t get one, he gently pressed his tongue between her lips and caressed her body. She tightened her arm around his shoulders and turned toward him.

  Encouraged it was working, he explored her mouth, deepening the kiss. She drew in a deep breath and her nipples hardened and pressed into his chest. His fever spiked. He groaned and pulled his mouth away. She cried out, searched for his mouth and licked his bottom lip. He told himself to move away. Instead he nipped her lip then slicked his tongue over it.

  “We’ve got to stop,” he said, his voice muffled against her lips.

  She slid her hand to his nape and used it to lift herself closer to him.

  “Okay, not yet, but soon,” he said as a soft blue mist formed around them. He saw it. Knew it was part of the bonding ritual and ignored it in favor of a few more moments of pleasure.



  “I was so far away and so cold.” She slid her cheek over his. “I looked, but I couldn’t find you.”

  He caressed her cheek. “It was just a bad dream. I never left you.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder. “The Goddess will reward you for your kindness to me.” Her hand slid from his shoulder and down his chest.

  Alarmed, Ronin gave her a little shake, then in a demanding voice said, “Belle, don’t you dare die on me.”

  “So tired of fighting,” she said, her voice slurred and weak.

  Desperate to save her, knowing in his soul she was dying he grasped her chin and forced her to meet his eyes. “Claim me. Now.”

  She managed a smile. “So tempting.”

  “Obey me, Belle.” He roared the command, knowing the tone carried a heavy warning of punishment if she disobeyed him. “Say the words. Say them now.”

  Lucid enough to be concerned for his future she changed the wording of the vows—leaving him free to love again. “I claim you, Ronin of the Zarronians. I willingly give my powers to you for all time.” She wrapped her hand around his nape and pulled him down to her. Their lips met and she breathed what was left of her life force into him.

  He kissed her. This time without hesitation. He ravished her mouth, exploring every sensitive part of it. Wrapping his tongue around hers and luring it into his mouth. He groaned with need when she explored his mouth. Finally, out of breath, he raised his head and she relaxed in his arms. The blue mist thickened around them but now it had black swirls running through it.

  Sweat ran from his temples and into his eyes and his face burned. He brushed the moisture away and felt a raised area on his left cheekbone. Dismissing it, he checked on her. Now that she’d claimed him, she felt warmer to the touch and she no longer struggled for each breath.

  Unless he bonded with her, which he had no intention of doing, he would continue to suffer.

  Chapter Six

  “Lead, Razz,” Ronin said and hurried after the animal.

  They’d walked for fifteen micro-units when he smelled the smoke of a large encampment.

  He stopped long enough to give Belle some water, allowing one drop at a time to land on her bottom lip. When she licked her lips, he gave her a small sip, then another. He offered her some bread but she turned her head away.

  “Come on, Belle, I want you to eat something.”

  She gave a small shake of her head and melted into him again. Her body curved around his, fitting as if they were two pieces of the same puzzle. She shivered and he wondered if it was from exhaustion or if his nearness was triggering a mating response from her. Or, was it both?

  His fever had increased as well, but he knew there was no relief to be had. He called on his memories of every frozen landscape he’d ever visited. Then he drew on the memory of swimming in an icy river to rescue a fellow warrior. No matter what he did though his fever increased until even Razz sensed something was wrong. He growled and paced back and forth in front of them before he howled and took off down the path.

  Finally, after walking another twenty micro-units, Razz returned. He bumped Ronin’s legs then disappeared into the bushes alongside the trail. Ronin continued along the path until two guards stepped out, blocking his path. He examined them and determined they were villagers and not Krystali warriors.

  “Identify yourself,” the younger guard demanded.

  “Ronin of the Zarronians.” His voice came out as a deep, gravely growl. An indication that he was close to losing control. He fought off the need to bond with Belle and barely succeeded in maintaining control.

  The young guard approached him. “You’re the one who protects the traitor.”

  Ronin growled a warning and drew his sword, prepared to attack the male who insulted Belle.

  The second guard pulled the younger one several meters back. “Find the Zarronians, and Taryq of the House of Arlyn. Bring them here. Quickly.”

  The younger guard took off and the older one held up his hands in an assuaging manner. “Warrior, I’ve sent for your people and the enchantresses’ brother.”

  The fever blazing through Ronin’s body sharpened his vision and hearing but reduced his ability to rationalize the situation. One phrase rang through his mind over and over… Mine! Protect her!

  He stepped back until he reached the rock wall behind him. Focusing on the guard, he lowered Belle to the ground and made sure her cloak protected her from head to toe.

  A small blur of movement in his peripheral vision caught his attention. Recognizing Razz, he summoned him. A gasp of fear came from the guard when the wolf prowled into the clearing. He lay down in front of Belle and a nano-unit later he blended in with her cloak. Soft growls rumbled from his chest, increasing the rage Ronin felt toward the guard’s nearness to Belle. He shrugged his cloak from his shoulders and beckoned to the guard. “Come to me and die.”

  The guard moved farther away. “I mean you no harm, warrior,” he said, his voice a stutter.

  The tension
in the air thickened. The guard moved further back, one step at a time then froze when a deep growl of rage filled the clearing. The sound came from Ronin as three Zarronian warriors and Taryq stepped into view.

  Thorn Valanson and Taryq stepped to one side of the older guard, while Thorn’s twin, Soren, and his First-in-Command, Rolf Stenson, moved into position on the other side. Slowly they stepped forward then moved together until the older male was shielded by their bodies.

  “This doesn’t look good,” Soren said. “Look at his face. She’s claimed him.”

  “Let me see if I can talk to him.” Thorn stepped forward. “Ronin, old friend, it’s good to see you again. Come to the tavern and have a tankard with us.”

  A long dagger appeared in Ronin’s left hand and he dropped into a crouch, prepared to spring forward in a deadly attack. “Come to me and die.”

  “He’s too far gone,” Soren said, his voice sounding happily resigned. “I say we order a few warriors to guard the area and let the poor bastard bond with the female.”

  “You’re a lousy friend.” Thorn shoved Soren away. “You just want to get back to Skye.”

  “True, but remember—he’s under your command not mine. It makes him your problem,” Soren said. “Try ordering him to put down his weapons.”

  “That’s enough,” Taryq said. “Belle’s my sister. She may be a spy but she doesn’t deserve the misery of being bonded to one of you.” He stepped toward Ronin. “Is Belle ill?”

  “Sleeping,” Ronin said.

  “She would be awake if she was well. She needs to spend some time with my mate and me,” Taryq said and moved another a step closer.

  “Only I can sustain her now.” Ronin swung the sword and would have cut him across the chest if Soren hadn’t reached out and jerked Taryq back.

  Taryq grabbed his shirt, stuck his hand through the cut in the cloth and glared at Ronin. “You almost cut me.”

  “Stay back,” Ronin warned as a blue and black mist flowed around him then along the ground toward Belle. He ignored the mist and concentrated on the males threatening his female. As the nano-units ticked by his fever increased and the words they spoke no longer made sense to him.


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