Ronin's Bondmate: Zarronian Warriors 4

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Ronin's Bondmate: Zarronian Warriors 4 Page 8

by Mardi Maxwell

  She struggled to open her eyes and keep them open.


  Keeping his eyes on hers, he ran his hands down to her breasts and closed his fingers around her nipples. They hardened and swelled. She sucked in a breath and her lashes fluttered but she kept her eyes open.

  “Your beautiful, Belle. I’ve never seen a more beautiful female in all my travels.” He picked up a lock of hair and held it up. “Your hair is black but in the sunlight it looks dark blue.” He leaned down and gazed into her eyes. “Did you know your eyes shine like gold in the firelight?”

  He kissed her again. The beads at the ends of his hair fell over his shoulder and landed near her breast. He picked them up and rolled them over her nipple. “Tell me what the etchings mean.”

  # # #

  Belle touched one of the beads with a fingertip. He pinched her finger between two of his and held it captive. “Tell me.”

  “They’re a request for protection in war and for a long, happy life.”

  He smiled, leaned forward and sucked on a sensitive spot on her neck.

  She wiggled and pushed her hips against his. “Everything you do feels so good.”

  He chuckled and laid a chain of kisses over her shoulder, raising goose bumps on her flesh. His hands ran over her, touching and stroking before moving on.

  She let their minds connect. He wasn’t in pain but he was tiring. She ran her hands over him, increasing his fever by touching him. Slowly, she moved her hands lower until she grasped his erection.

  He groaned and pulled her against him as she stroked her hand up and down, making sure to run her palm over the head.

  The blue mist thickened and filled the room.

  Ronin slid between her legs, placed the head of his shaft at her entrance and slowly entered her.

  Belle wrapped her legs around his waist and clung to his shoulders. Out of control, she let their minds connect completely and felt his pleasure as he slid into her. She lifted her hips toward his. “Oh, Ronin. I love you. I’ll always love you.”

  He grasped her hips, dropped his head to her shoulder and brushed his lips over her neck. “I’ve searched for you for so long.” He raised up and gazed into her eyes as he slid deeper into her. “I’ve kissed you in my dreams, and your arms held me when I was weary.”

  He lifted her hips and slid all the way into her and began to withdraw. He stopped with the large tip still inside then slid back in.

  “Oh, Ronin.”

  He thrust in and pulled out. At first slowly then faster and harder as her cries of pleasure filled the shelter.

  She ran her hands up and down his back. He showed her the rhythm he needed and how to meet his thrusts. She raised her head and kissed his shoulder then slid a line of kisses to his ear and nipped the lobe. “I need you. So much.”

  He pulled her legs tighter around his waist and thrust into her, deep. Her gasp of pleasure drew a growl of satisfaction from him as he increased the rhythm.

  “I can feel you inside me. It’s amazing to be one at last.” She knew he felt what she was feeling.

  He jerked back, gazed into her eyes and grinned. Closing his eyes, he made shallow thrusts into her. The grin turned into a smile. “I had no idea our minds could connect,” he said, opening his eyes.

  “Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

  On his knees, he lifted her hips to his thighs. “Look, Belle. Look.”

  She followed his eyes to where they were joined and watched as he pulled out of her. His shaft was slick and smooth and so long and hard. He pulled from her then slowly pushed forward. The head of his cock slid over her clit, making her draw in a deep breath and shiver with pleasure.

  “Ronin. Again.”

  Gazing into her eyes he did it again then stroked his thumb over her as he slid back in. He thrust hard and deep until she trembled and stiffened beneath him. “Ronin?”

  “It’s okay, Belle. Just give into it.”

  “It’s…it’s…oh, Ronin.” His name came out on a shivery scream as a soft wave of pleasure built between her legs. When the explosion came it rushed through her, shaking her as he watched and felt her come.

  # # #

  Ronin held Belle against him until she calmed. When she ran her hands from the center of his belly to his hips and pulled him closer, he slid deeper inside her. She spread her legs wider, welcoming him.

  Her soft, slick walls fluttered around him and shook him to the core of his being. He pulled out and thrust in again. Heat waves shimmered from his body along with the blue and black mist. It covered him like a second skin then covered Belle.

  She ran her hands over him again and the coolness of her palms drew a shiver of relief from him. Needing more he dropped onto her, letting his heat flow into her as she cooled him.

  “You feel so good, Belle. So cool here.” He ran his hands from her breasts to her belly. “And, so hot here.” He pulled out of her then thrust back in.

  She shoved her hips up, met his thrust and flexed the muscles around his shaft. He groaned and dropped down onto her again. He held still in an effort to hold onto his control.

  “Belle.” Her name came out as a groan. In the Zarronian language he said the bonding vow to her as he placed his armbands on her. Taking her right hand into his, he gazed into her eyes as he slid the band down his arm and onto hers. “I claim you as my bondmate for all time. I belong to you. My body, my heart, and my soul. Never will I leave you.” The band tightened for a moment then divided into two pieces. He slid the wider half back onto his arm then released her hand and picked up her left hand and slid the second band onto her arm. “You are my mate. It is my duty and my right to pleasure you.” The band divided and once again he slid the wider half back onto his arm.

  Taking both of her hands into his he squeezed them and told her in Zarronian, “I love you. You are my true mate for all time and we are one.” He kissed her hands then released them.

  Belle caressed his face then ran her fingertips over the sides of his head and down his hair. He shivered and slid his arms around her.

  “I’ve wanted you for so long, Ronin. I want all of you. I feel your need for me and I give myself to you.”

  “Belle,” he said, then lost control. She felt so good around him. So hot and tight. So soft and welcoming. He thrust hard and deep then pulled back and did it again.

  Their breaths synchronized and the sound of their hearts beating filled their ears. Her sighs and his groans filled the shelter along with the blue mist.

  She tightened her legs around his waist and held onto him as he took her and made her his. The smooth rhythm of his thrusts changed to a deep, fast pounding then slowed as he thrust once, twice, and one more time.

  His body jerked against hers as he slid his hand beneath her bottom and held her against him as he filled her with his seed. He pumped into her a few more times, drawing another, softer orgasm from her, before he slid to his side.

  His arm stayed around her, holding her close to him as their hearts slowed and their breathing calmed.

  Belle turned toward him until they were belly to belly. She ran her hand over the place where the sword had pierced him. The skin was smooth and without a trace of a scar. She planted a kiss on the spot then rested her head against him and closed her eyes.

  His breathing slowed and the hand on her back relaxed as he fell asleep. She’d just broken their mind connection when her mother’s laughter rang through her mind.

  I’ve got you now. So, you love the Zarronian? What price will you pay to save him?

  “The only thing you’ve left me,” Belle answered. “My life.” She whispered the words loud enough so her mother would hear them but Ronin wouldn’t be disturbed.

  Easing away, she covered him with a blanket, dressed, and stepped out of the shelter. Razz rose and moved to her. She led him into the shelter then released him and secured the door. The only thing she took with her was her love for Ronin.

  With every step away from him, Arl
yn harangued her, demanding she return to him. Belle laughed even though tears ran down her cheeks. “You’ve won many battles, mother, but I’ve won the war. I’ll meet my love in the next life. You will spend eternity encased in dark krystal.”

  The Kouncil will never catch me.

  Belle laughed. “Yes, they will, and very soon now.”

  Arlyn continued to rant but Belle refused to answer her as she walked toward the hot springs. She came to a river, conjured a boat and crossed it. She walked until the moon began its descent. Too weak to go on she accepted the hot spring would have to remain a sweet memory. The hidden bower she’d found would have to do.

  Shivering, she sat down, gathered her energy and conjured a small shelter. With the last of her strength she wrote her name on the outside. Below it she inscribed her love for Ronin. The words were written in lines of precious gems and shimmered beneath the moonlight.

  Weak and cold, she lay back and gazed at the stars. A bright shape streaked through the sky and she wondered if it was one of the Zarronian’s starships. Perhaps even the one that had brought Ronin to her.

  Touching the bands on her arms, she smiled. She’d found a worthy warrior and claimed him. Something she’d never believed she’d live long enough to accomplish. Thinking of him, she allowed herself a quiet laugh of joy for the first time in annuals. The sound whispered around the trees, startling a night bird and making it take flight.

  “Ronin, my love. My mate.”

  Hugging herself, she smiled at the memory of his arms around her, and the way he’d made love to her. She hadn’t understood the words he’d said but she’d felt them in her heart and soul. At that moment they’d been one, and they’d continue to be one until her last breath.

  As the sky began to lighten she sang a song of blessing, asking the goddess to help Ronin find his true mate.

  Then, cold and exhausted she entered the shelter and sealed the door behind her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ronin groaned from the fever burning in his veins. If his fever was blazing out of control Belle’s would be too. Her scent clung to the blanket, increasing his need. Rolling over, he reached for her and found only a cold mat. Opening his eyes, he sat up and looked for her. A pair of amber eyes gazed at him.

  “Where’s Belle?” He asked but didn’t expect an answer. Surprisingly, Razz gave him one when he moved to the wall and pawed it.

  Ronin grabbed his clothes and pulled them on then walked toward the wall. His movements triggered an opening to the outside. Frowning, he stepped out, glanced around the area and yelled her name. He waited for a response with the intention of scolding her for leaving the shelter without him When she didn’t answer, he called again, this time louder. As the nano-units clicked by his concern grew.

  “Razz, find Belle.”

  The wolf glanced at him then took off through the bushes. Ronin followed him through a grassy field and across a rocky plain. Ahead of them, the sound of rushing water told him they were nearing a river.

  If she’d gone to bathe alone he was going to blister her bottom. He ran and reached the river ahead of Razz. He searched the water and didn’t see her but he saw her footprints in the mud. They ended where she’d entered a boat that had been pulled up on the shore.

  The sight turned his concern to rage. She’d betrayed him and snuck away to meet an accomplice or her mother. A grim smile curved his lips. She didn’t know it but being away from him now would be painful. He’d suffer as well but only until she came crawling back to him. If she lived long enough to do that.

  Razz circled around in front of him then jumped up and growled in his face. His amber eyes blazed with a predatory gleam and his teeth dripped saliva.

  Ronin growled at him and pushed him away. “She’s a traitor. She’s betrayed me.” His voice was a deep growl.

  Razz pressed against his legs then moved away from the river. After a few steps, he glanced back then ran toward the shelter.

  Ronin followed him while cursing Belle and the river that had taken her away from him. She’d not only left him but she’d abandoned Razz. A creature she’d acted as if she loved. Angry, he decided he’d take Razz with him when he returned to the Venturer. He’d keep the wolf with him in his quarters. If Belle came back he’d lock her in the quarters next to him but he’d never trust her again.

  When they reached the clearing, the shelter had disappeared and his backpack and the blanket were on the ground. Razz sniffed the blanket, then picked up the backpack and carried it to Ronin. With a deep growl he dropped it on Ronin’s boot.

  Ronin jerked his foot away, looked down and saw the notes attached to the leather flap. He pulled them loose. His name was on one and Taryq’s was on the other.

  He tore open the one addressed to him.


  You were right when you said my presence in the camp was dangerous. I knew this but I wasn’t brave enough to leave. At least not then. Being with you has made me stronger and I’m no longer afraid to face my fate.

  What fate? Who threatened her? Then, ashamed of himself, he admitted she wouldn’t have left him willingly. Not after bonding with him. Not after saying she loved him.

  You are an honorable warrior. You vowed to protect me and you have done that and so much more. Allowing me to claim you saved my life. I could do no less for you. I will never forget the beauty of being one with you. Please forgive me for not being a worthy mate.

  Ronin let his hand drop to his side and spoke as if somehow she’d hear him, “You are worthy, Belle. I felt your love for me when you accepted my fever. You saved my life and will always be my beloved true mate.” Blinking his eyes to clear them he finished reading the letter.

  I release you of your vow with but one last request—please deliver the letter to my brother. It holds important information about Arlyn that he and the other warriors must know.

  The Goddess will remember your kindness to me and she will help you find your true mate. I know that she will.


  Ronin tightened his hands on the letter, crumpling it. He’d done this to her with his cruel behavior and even crueler words. He’d protected her from everyone but himself.

  Why had he spoken to her in his own language? Why hadn’t he translated his vow and declaration of love for her? She’d taken his fever but didn’t know that being away from him would kill them both. He had to find her before it was too late.

  He tore the second letter open and cursed when his implant refused to translate it. Frustrated, he shoved the letters into his pack and ran in the direction of the encampment.

  His fever grew with every stride he took. He fought to control it even as he knew Belle was suffering and he couldn’t help her.

  The thought of her in pain sent a streak of urgency through him. Struggling for air, he ran on, increasing his speed then forcing himself to drop back into a ground-eating pace. He couldn’t afford to collapse before he found Taryq. He had to discover what her letter said and where he could find her.

  Cresting the top of a hill, he saw a wide river in the distance. Bending over, he planted his hands on his knees. A shimmering blue mist with black swirls coated his skin from the tip of his fingers to his chest. Burning, and in need, he drew in several deep breaths and roared Belle’s name, entreating the Universe to help him. A cold wind came from the direction of the river, beckoning to him.

  He stumbled toward it. The freezing water would ease his fever long enough for him to go on. Running toward it, he studied it from east to west. It narrowed toward the west where an outcropping of rocks had tumbled into it.

  “Looks like we’re going swimming,” he said to Razz while he undressed and placed his clothes and boots in his backpack. The wolf paced the bank, stepped into the water, jumped back out and whined.

  “Come on,” Ronin said and waded into the water. Steam rose from his skin, revealing how high his fever had climbed. With a groan of relief, he dove into the icy depths and fought the current to reach the
other side. Halfway across he used the backpack as a buoy and let the current carry him toward the rocks. He caught ahold of one, planted his feet on the silty bottom and threw the pack to the shore.

  A moment later Razz brushed by him and jumped onto the rocks. Baring his teeth, he shook the water from his fur and stalked off.

  Ronin wiped the dirty spatters from his face and climbed out. He dressed and worked his wet feet into his boots while Razz checked out the area.

  The wolf appeared next to a large tree and signaled him with a small yip. Trusting him to know the direction of the encampment Ronin followed.

  They ran until the sun was high overhead, stopping only long enough for a few sips of water. The one time he’d tried to eat his stomach had rebelled. The cramping reminded him of Belle’s slenderness. Had his fever been affecting her since they’d met? Or, was this illness part of her culture’s claiming ritual?

  The more he concentrated on her the more he came to realize their minds were still connected. The bonding fever burned him from the inside out yet he shivered with freezing cold. It cooled his fever, allowing him to go on but he knew she was suffering from the cold. He felt her misery and it increased his concern for her.

  A feeling that quickly turned to rage when an unknown female voice filled their minds. Caught off guard, he stumbled and fell to his knees. Breathing hard, he focused on the shrill voice and listened as it berated Belle.

  Who was this female who dared to harm his mate? Determined to discover the identity he used their connection to demand an answer. “Belle, tell me who speaks to you.” He made the thought as demanding as possible.

  A small whimper was his only response. He pushed harder. “Tell me where you are. Tell me how to find you.”

  “Ronin.” Belle’s voice sounded weak and far away. “Always love you.”

  Thinking fast, he asked, “How far did you go on the river?”


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