Their Marriage Reunited

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Their Marriage Reunited Page 3

by Sheena Morrish

  Taking a deep steadying breath she finally left her spot and returned downstairs. Picking up the phone she dialled a number she hadn’t called in years and was surprised at how clearly she remembered it. A tense few seconds passed as it rang and she wasn’t sure what scared her more, that it might not get answered or that it would.


  And suddenly she was struck dumb at the sound of the voice she hadn’t heard in so long.

  “Hello?” he repeated impatiently and Lilly had a sudden image of him slamming the phone down before she’d had a chance to beg him for his help.

  “It’s Lilly,” she said softly and for a second she thought that he hadn’t heard or that he had and wasn’t going to answer her.

  “Lilly?” he asked incredulously after what seemed an age and she winced for he had every right to sound surprised. Hadn’t she told him that hell would freeze over before she would ever call him again? And as far as she knew that hadn’t happened.

  “Please Connor. I need your help,” she said quietly and could practically feel the surprise he was feeling.

  “And what sort of help would warrant a call from my wife I wonder?” he mused and Lilly gritted her teeth together furiously. She should have known that he would make her work for it. Probably punishing her for all the times she’d ignored his calls. She was probably just lucky that he didn’t simply hang up on her.

  “Please Connor. It’s important,” she said and wondered if he would just turn her away.

  “Tell me,” he invited and she was about to answer him when there was a sound behind her and she spun around to see Melissa standing behind her rubbing tired eyes.

  “Lilly? Where’s mummy and daddy?” Melissa asked and Lilly scooped the small child in to her arms aware that Connor was still waiting for an explanation, one that she couldn’t give in front of Melissa.

  “Lilly!” he reminded impatiently and she winced at the harsh tone that clearly told her he was a busy man and didn’t have time to wait around all day.

  “I can’t tell you over the phone,” she said as she hugged Melissa close and she heard his hiss of frustration.

  “Very well then. You can meet me at my office at ten,” he told her and she frowned as she glanced at Melissa.

  “I can’t,” she told him and could sense the steely determination even before he spoke.

  “That’s my final offer Lilly,” he warned and she gave a defeated sigh.

  “Fine!” she finally agreed knowing that he wasn’t going to give an inch and realising that she didn’t have a choice but to accept.

  “I look forward to seeing you,” he said mockingly and she glared at the phone even as it went dead.

  “Let’s get you some breakfast,” Lilly said faking a cheery attitude as she replaced the phone and seated her young charge at the table.

  It was just after ten when they entered the lift leading to his offices. She just hoped he would still see her and wouldn’t throw her out just to be petty. She had been as quick as she could but it had taken longer than she had expected to get Melissa ready and then the bus had been delayed. She hadn’t even had time to change out of the faded jeans and comfy shirt she had been wearing since last night. She already knew what a mess she must look and it was confirmed when his secretary gave her a suspicious look as she called Connor while looking more likely to call security than to let her through. She seemed more than surprised when instead Connor came out of his office his eyes immediately narrowing on Melissa who was clutching Lilly’s hand like it was a lifeline.

  “I had to bring Melissa with me,” Lilly said defensively and he shrugged off her explanation apparently not particularly interested in the reason that a child was invading his private rooms.

  “My secretary will look after the child,” he stated and Lilly thought to argue but realised he was right. Melissa shouldn’t be hearing the conversation that was about to take place. She didn’t want her to worry or become upset.

  “Stay here sweetie. I won’t be long,” Lilly assured her and Melissa stared nervously at Connor as though she didn’t trust him to let her go again.

  “Promise?” Melissa asked and Lilly nodded as she placed a kiss against her golden curls.

  “I promise,” she confirmed and Melissa seemed happy with that as she joined the secretary who was already pulling out crayons from god knew where.

  Lilly wished she could be nearly as happy. Instead she steeled her spine and followed Connor as he led the way in to his office and closed the door firmly behind him. She expected him to get straight down to business and was surprised when he headed to a drinks cabinet instead.

  “Drink?” he offered and she shook her head.

  “I didn’t come here for drinks Connor,” she reminded him and he inclined his head in acknowledgement.

  “No you didn’t. So tell me Lilly, what is so important that it dragged my wife out of hiding?” he asked mockingly and she flinched at the cold way he spoke to her though there was nothing cold about his eyes as he ran a heated gaze over her taking in the subtle changes to her. She knew what he would see of course. She had lost weight in the years since she had left him though it was no wonder with the busy schedule she kept. Her slender curves had gone from barely there to none existent and she knew that she was getting to the point of being too thin. Her hair was currently tied back in a messy bun but if she had left it loose it would have reached to her waist at least for she hadn’t cut it in forever. Her clothes were cheap and too baggy on her and no doubt she had dark smudges under her eyes from where she hadn’t slept.

  Whereas he looked even better than before. At thirty he barely even resembled the young man she had fallen in love with. Gone was the wild hair that he could never completely tame and his dark hair was instead kept short and neat. His cool grey eyes were no longer inviting and smiling but positively glacial instead when they weren’t observing her body. Gone were the jeans and shirt he had tended to wear when they were together and he was dressed in an expensive suit that screamed money. She couldn’t fail to notice the tightly knotted tie that Connor had always refused to wear even when he was forced to wear a suit before. It seemed he had embraced his destiny as head of his family after all and she wasn’t even sure that she recognised anything about him anymore. He had always had a smile ready for her but now his face was stiff and unyielding giving away no hint of his mood.

  “I was never in hiding. You knew where I was,” she snapped and one of his brows rose questioningly.

  “Of course I knew where you were. But I doubt I would have been welcome had I stopped by,” he suggested and she fought the urge to blush. She just had to keep reminding herself that she had nothing to feel guilty for. She wasn’t the one who had broken their marriage vows.

  “I didn’t come here so we could snipe at each other,” she informed him coldly and he inclined his head in response.

  “Then by all means tell me what it is that you are so desperate for help with,” he said gesturing with his hand for her to continue.

  “I need some money,” she admitted reluctantly and his eyes narrowed on her pale face. She could just guess what was going through his head right now. She was probably just another woman in a long line begging for a handout and the only thing she had over those women was that they happened to be technically married. It was that tiny thread that connected them she was hoping to exploit.

  “How much?” he asked curiously and she named a figure that made his eyebrows rise in surprise.

  “Please,” she begged him and he leant back against his desk as he observed her thoughtfully while he drank his whisky in one gulp.

  “And what exactly do I get in return?” he asked.

  And here it was. The hard part where she had to convince him that it would be worth giving her the money.

  “I thought we could make it my divorce settlement. We could sign the papers and I’m willing to sign something saying I will never make a bigger claim against you,” she suggested and was unprepa
red for the brisk shake of his head at the mere suggestion. As far as she was concerned it was the perfect solution. He was worth millions if not billions which meant that technically she should be entitled to half of that but she was willing to rid them of that tiny thread that held them together for a barely noticeable amount.

  “I think not,” he answered and she glared at him. How could he be so unreasonable? It was a perfectly good plan. A couple of signatures and a cheque and everything would go back to normal.

  “Why not?” she demanded and he shrugged apparently unconcerned that he had thrown her whole plan out.

  “Because I have no intention of getting a divorce,” he told her making her suck in a sudden shocked breath. He couldn’t be serious.

  “You’re being ridiculous,” she told him furiously and he seemed interested in her answer.

  “And what is so ridiculous about it?” he queried making her splutter at the absurdness of it all.

  “We haven’t lived together for five years. We don’t even know each other anymore,” she pointed out and there was that damn shrug again.

  “And whose fault is that?” he accused making her wince at the perfectly accurate accusation but only because he had no idea that she knew about his affair.

  “Mostly yours I’d say,” she told him in disgust and he seemed interested by that as well.

  “And how do you figure that?” he asked curiously and she cursed herself inwardly for she had never wanted him to find out that she knew about him and Alexis. She didn’t want to have to listen to the lies he told her in an attempt to gain her forgiveness. Didn’t want him realising that she knew what a fool he’d played her for.

  “Maybe if you weren’t such an arrogant jackass things would have worked out better,” she said extra sweetly and she was certain she saw humour lurking in his eyes before it was successfully blocked.

  “Is it wise to insult the man you came to beg money from?” he asked suddenly and she winced at the realisation that she was blowing her only chance at saving her mother.

  “I’m sorry,” she said stiffly though they both knew she wasn’t.

  “So tell me. What is it you need this money for?” he asked and she stiffened at the question.

  “That’s none of your business,” she told him and he revealed a smile that reminded her more of a predator than the man who had once been her lover.

  “I’m making it my business. That is if you still want my money of course,” he said and she balled her hands in to fists.

  “Maybe I’m tired of being poor,” she suggested and his eyes narrowed.

  “I would suggest the truth Lilly. I’ll know if you’re lying and I might be less inclined to help if I hear too many lies,” he told her and she winced.

  “You didn’t used to be so cruel,” she said furiously and that predatory smile was back.

  “And you didn’t used to be so secretive,” he countered.

  “Fine. You really want to know?” she said and at his nod she told him the whole sorry story.

  “It’s quite a situation you’ve got there,” he said finally and she glared at him. That was all he could say after she had poured her heart out to him in the hopes he would see how desperate she was for his help.

  “So will you help me?” she pleaded certain that even after everything that had happened between them he wouldn’t turn her down.

  “Provided you agree to certain conditions I don’t see a problem,” he finally agreed and she tensed up. The Connor she knew would never have attached conditions to the money. He would never have made her jump through all these hoops.

  “What conditions?” she asked suspiciously for she didn’t trust this new Connor.

  “There is only really one thing you have to do,” he said reassuringly and she frowned for he hadn’t been this helpful since she’d called him.

  “And what would that be?” she questioned.

  “It’s quite simple Lilly. I want what I once had, that’s all,” he said and her heart began beating so fast she thought it would burst from her chest. Surely he couldn’t be saying what she thought he was saying. It was impossible.

  “I don’t understand,” she lied and he gave a harsh laugh.

  “Yes you do. And this is my only offer so take it or leave it. All you have to do is return to my side as my wife and I will make sure your problems are all taken care of,” he told her while she stared at him in horror.


  Lilly continued to stare at him in disbelief certain that this must be some kind of sick joke and that any moment now he would laugh and tell her that he was only kidding but he simply remained where he was waiting for her to answer.

  “Is this some kind of joke?” she finally choked out and his expression didn’t change though his eyes hardened slightly at her question.

  “I’m perfectly serious,” he answered calmly and she choked out a harsh laugh that sounded foreign even to her own ears.

  “You’re delusional if you think that’s ever going to happen,” she said scornfully as though the whole idea was disgusting to her, which it should have been. She most definitely should not be feeling the faint flicker of lust right now.

  “Is that your final decision?” he asked in that same calm tone as though they were just discussing the weather and she glared at him. Just who the hell did he think he was to make these kinds of demands?

  “You know I would never come back to you,” she said in disgust and he shrugged as he moved behind his desk and took a seat.

  “If that’s your final decision then fine. I trust you can see yourself out,” he told her as he picked up a file and began reading apparently done with their conversation. Lilly stared at him for a few minutes certain that he was just punishing her. Surely he wouldn’t just let her walk out of here knowing that her family could die if he didn’t help her. But he didn’t so much as glance her way or even show any sign that he knew she was still there.

  “You’re really not going to help me?” she finally asked as it sank in that he wasn’t just playing games.

  “I told you my condition Lilly. It was your choice not to accept it,” he reminded her and she gritted her teeth. If she had thought that she hated him before it was nothing to the white-hot rage she was feeling right now.

  “My family could die if you don’t help me,” she told him angrily and he did glance at her then with ice-cold eyes that struck straight through her and sent shivers down her spine.

  “I offered my help and you chose not to accept,” he again reminded her.

  “Your offer was completely unreasonable,” she countered and again was that broad shrug that said he really didn’t care how she saw it.

  “Yet it is the only one you are going to get. I am not running a charity here Lilly,” he warned her and she ran her hands roughly through her hair unaware of several tendrils coming loose as she fought for control.

  “I’m not after charity. I could take you through the divorce courts and demand half of everything you have instead,” she threatened and he narrowed his eyes on her making her mouth run dry with sudden nervousness.

  “Try it darling,” he said with that same predatory smile that was starting to make her uneasy.

  “But you could lose half of everything. All I’m asking for is pennies compared to that,” she said in bemusement.

  “I doubt it. I have an exceptionally good legal team who would make sure that the case was stuck in court for years without an outcome. Maybe someday you would get half of everything but by then it would be of no use to your family,” he said calmly and she was shocked at how little he seemed to care.

  “You bastard,” she shouted and his eyebrow rose at that for she had never sworn in front of him. He probably wasn’t even aware that she could swear.

  “Something I have often been accused of being,” he assured her and she felt the sudden urge to cry or scream or throw something. Preferably at him.

  “You don’t even care. My family could die and you
don’t care,” she said sadly as the realisation sank in. He didn’t give a damn about her anymore, if he ever even had.

  “Do you really think that I hand out money to every sob story that walks in my door? Every day there are people dying out there and I can’t help all of them,” he said and she blinked back tears.

  “But you could help me,” she pleaded and he grimaced.

  “I’ve told you my offer Lilly. But I’ll be generous. I’ll give you twenty-four hours to think about it,” he said finally and she stared at him in genuine disbelief at how someone could be so cruel.

  “You think that’s generous?” she asked hoarsely and he gave a grim smile.

  “It is the best you are going to get from me I’m afraid. So go away and think about it. Let me know by eleven tomorrow what your decision is and believe me that decision will be final,” he warned her and she licked dry lips.

  “So if I say no?” she asked uncertainly and those cool eyes met hers.

  “Then that is the end of it. I won’t offer to help again,” he said.

  “And if I say yes?” she asked already disgusted at herself for even thinking of agreeing. A triumphant light shone in his eyes for a second before he disguised it and she told herself that she must have imagined it.

  “Then I will get rid of the problem and pay the debt. I will also provide your stepfather with round the clock care until he is better and a decent allowance to ensure that they don’t end up in this mess again,” he told her. A tempting offer if ever she heard one.

  “And what of me?” she asked wishing that she didn’t have to even consider it.

  “You will move back in with me and take your place as my wife just as you were meant to,” he said and she crossed her arms over her stomach as it churned uneasily.


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