Their Marriage Reunited

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Their Marriage Reunited Page 17

by Sheena Morrish

  There had been a loud noise and someone was suddenly falling but nobody had realised what had happened at first. It had taken a few precious seconds and more loud noises for them to register that someone was shooting people. And then there had been screams and panicking and a stampede as everyone rushed for the exits not caring who they trampled in their efforts to escape.

  Cameron had been frozen in shock. Not from the shooting and the terror around him but from the sight of his best friend dead on the floor and his current lover shrugging as though to suggest that it was normal for these things to happen.

  He had stumbled out of there and vanished in to the crowd unable to process that it had really happened. Everyone had scattered at the sounds of sirens approaching and Cameron had scattered right along with them.

  When the news of Nikos’ death surfaced nobody questioned whether Cameron had been there and nobody suggested that it was anything more than a tragic incident that could have been prevented.

  It had seemed somehow worse to Cameron that he had gotten away with leading his friend to his death and then abandoning him so cruelly. The guilt had been killing him ever since and he hadn’t gotten drunk or attended a party since the day it happened.

  He had been facing up to the fact that he needed to make this right somehow. There was no point in coming forward and announcing he had been there now. The shooters had been caught moments after it had happened and the whole thing had been classed as a tragedy that should teach the dangers of partying.

  It wasn’t enough for Cameron that the shooters had been caught though. His conscience wouldn’t let him rest and he had been thinking that he needed to do something to ease the guilt.

  It had been on his mind for weeks now that maybe joining the army would be the only thing that could rid these nightmares and make him feel like he had made sufficient reparation. But he knew it would kill his family to do it and he didn’t want to cause them pain but he couldn’t continue with all this guilt.

  It had been the memories of the Island that had driven him here hoping to find some clarity. It was the reason he had gotten the next flight out without even informing his family that he intended going away for a few days. Already he could feel the Island work its magic and he could already feel some of the guilt retreating as his choices became clearer in his mind.

  It was hours later when he finally decided to go in search of food and found himself choosing the pub instead of the family restaurant. Colour him surprised when the first thing he saw when walking in was a very familiar face that made him think fate was laughing at him.

  While he was feeling dirty from his secret and weighed down by his guilt it was just his luck to discover someone who looked beautiful and oh so innocent as she served out a tray of beers wearing her same old denim shorts and tank top.

  Alexa froze in the act of serving her tray of beers to the group of boys who had been coming in every night for a fortnight. They always paused to leer at her but tonight she barely even noticed them as her eyes became fixed on the man who had just entered the bar. She would recognise him anywhere even though she hadn’t seen him in four years.

  Cameron Wentworth. He had been her childhood friend and then had become her crush and she had secretly loved him for years before he had even noticed that she was no longer a child. She had been devastated when all her childhood dreams had been shattered by the realisation that he hadn’t felt the same way she had.

  She hadn’t thought she would ever see him again and now here he was looking dark and brooding and utterly gorgeous. A sigh slipped from her before she could contain it and she forced herself to harden that foolish heart of hers before it made her do something stupid like throw herself at him.

  He was even more handsome than she remembered and he had filled out a lot in the last four years. His dark hair was longer and curled at his nape while his normally warm grey eyes appeared colder and filled with a pain that she didn’t want to imagine. He was taller and his muscles more defined than the teenager she recalled. He seemed too serious for someone their age and she sent a hesitant smile his way as she made her way back to the bar.

  She didn’t even know if he would remember who she was let alone want to talk and catch up on times that probably meant nothing to someone as wealthy and well-travelled as him.

  “Hey,” he said in that cool husky voice of his and Alexa fought the shudder that wanted to work its way down her spine as she summoned a smile for him.

  “What can I get you?” she asked with that teasing smile that she had become so used to hiding from the other patrons who would take advantage if she offered even that.

  “Two beers,” he said softly a hint of sadness appearing in his eyes before it disappeared.

  “Meeting someone?” Alexa queried ignoring the stab of jealousy that ignited as she poured the drinks and wondered whether he even recognised her.

  “No,” he responded without further explanation and taking the hint Alexa placed the beers before him and accepted the money without further questions. She had given him his change and was about to turn away when he suddenly caught her wrist and she glanced up to find him staring at her in a way she remembered well.

  It was the look he always had when they were children and they’d found something he’d never seen before. He would stare at it as if analysing everything about it. As though by looking at it long enough he would commit all its secrets to memory. She used to find it fascinating but now it unnerved her to think he could be examining her for her secrets and ashamed of what he might discover.

  “Why are you working in this dump?” he asked instead as his fingers stroked her slender wrist and his gaze didn’t move from hers.

  “None of your damn business,” she snapped as she yanked her wrist out of his grip and turned to serve someone else. Four years since she had last seen him and the only thing he could do was mock her job. It bought fresh pain in to the part of her heart that had been broken years ago and had never quite healed.

  Cameron cursed inwardly as he watched Alexa storm away. She was beautiful. Stunning. And so out of his reach that he may as well not even bother.

  She had always been pretty but now she had gone from a skinny kid to a tall and slender young woman with long legs that seemed to stretch for miles. She had a tiny waist and a generous cleavage that more than one of the men in the bar had noticed. Her hair was the darkest black and was tied back in a simple ponytail that did nothing to tame the natural curls. Her skin was lightly tanned and paired with her small almond coloured eyes, slender nose and high cheek bones that only served to emphasise her Greek heritage.

  A kick of lust shot through him at the sight of her and it was all he could do not to squirm in his seat. She was gorgeous and he had lost his chance with her years ago.

  He wondered what she was doing working in this place. It had always been known as the place to avoid when he was a kid. It was the bar where only the foolish tourists and local drunks frequented. It was often the site of many a bar fight and his parents had warned them to never go there when they were growing up. Just the thought of any of those bar fights taking place around Alexa had him tensing in horror.

  Keeping a close eye on her he drank his first pint in months and then hesitated before raising the second glass to his fallen friend before drinking that too but at a slower pace.

  He took his time with the second beer and watched as Alexa moved from table to table with a friendly smile for each customer as she refilled their drinks and chatted for a few minutes to each one.

  The only two that gave Cameron concern were the local drunk in the corner who demanded another drink every few minutes and grew more insulting to Alexa with each one and the table of boys who grew more daring with their attentions.

  He could see the strain on her face as she gave the drunk each drink and accepted each insult without argument. But it was the boys who made the first move. It was almost closing time and Alexa was clearing their table when one of them grabbed that
firm ass of hers and leered at her. His friends cheered him on and Alexa said something to them that had absolutely no effect whatsoever.

  “Poutana!” the drunk in the corner muttered and Alexa went bright red as she sent the old man a stricken look even as she tried to remove the boy’s hand.

  Cameron had seen enough and before they could do anything else he was across the bar. He spun Alexa away from the kid and twisted his arm back until he cried out in pain.

  “Hey man,” one of the kid’s friends said and Cameron sent him a dark look that soon shut him up.

  “I suggest you leave quietly and don’t bother coming back,” he told them and they didn’t waste another minute as they bolted for the door leaving Cameron to step back and observe Alexa.

  He had thought she would be grateful for his interference but instead she was glaring at him as though he had done something unthinkable. Anyone would think he was the one who had grabbed her ass and called her names.

  “Are you alright?” he asked as he followed her back to the bar and she spun round so suddenly he had to take a step back to avoid crashing in to her.

  “I’m fine and I would have been fine without your help,” she hissed at him and he stared at her in fascination. She was like a spitting kitten and he couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face, which seemed to piss her off even more.

  “Come on Aly don’t be like that,” he said using his childhood nickname for her and she froze.

  “You remember me,” she breathed softly and he frowned at that.

  “Why wouldn’t I remember you?” he asked and she blushed slightly then turned away and began clearing some glasses from the top of the bar.

  “It was a long time ago,” she replied quietly and his frown deepened. Did she think him so shallow as to forget all the time he had spent on this Island?

  “Seems like yesterday,” he said equally quietly and she turned stunned eyes on him. Yet he spoke only the truth. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt as happy and carefree as when he was here with her.

  He might have grown up but the pressures of life had made him act in ways he wouldn’t normally have acted. He had dated women he didn’t really like simply because they were available and it was expected of him by his friends. He had drunk himself in to unconsciousness more than once though he had little recollection of any of those nights. He had simply been living rather than enjoying himself and although at first it had seemed fun he had long since grown bored of the same parties and the same women.

  His stomach clenched painfully at the thought of Nikos and how pointless his death had been for both of them and how he himself could have lost his life that night.

  “A lots happened since then,” she replied and he shot her a curious look though she ignored him and continued cleaning up the bar.

  She had sounded so dejected when she spoke that Cameron frowned at her. Just what had happened to Alexa to make her sound like that? She was only twenty and as far as he knew she had lived on the Island her whole life. What exactly could happen on an Island that was practically paradise for some?

  “Ever think of the times we had here?” he asked curiously and she gave him a soft smile that brightened her whole face.

  “Nope, never,” she replied and he nearly laughed at that.

  “Liar,” he murmured and she rolled her eyes.

  “We’re closing Cam. You have to leave,” she informed him and with one last glance her way he did as she asked.

  But if she had thought that she was rid of him then she was mistaken.

  Alexa smiled to herself as she placed the two beers on a tray and took them over to Cam’s table. For the past month he had been coming in every night and it had started to feel like old times between them. He had even been helping her clear away each night. She knew she was an idiot to let him get so close to her when he would just leave again but she couldn’t resist these few moments that reminded her of fond memories from her childhood.

  She put the beers before him and would have walked away but he caught her wrist and bought her back towards him with a grin that made her heart skip a beat.

  “So tonight?” he murmured as he rubbed his thumb over her pulse point and she fought the shivers that wanted to spread through her body.

  “Tonight?” she repeated in question and his smile deepened.

  “Me and you,” he added and she frowned.

  “I’m really not getting a complete sentence here,” she informed him with a raised brow and he laughed.

  “I thought it was time we spent some proper time together. Like over a meal,” he suggested and she chewed her lip nervously as she glanced over at the corner where the town drunk was well on his way to passing out.

  “I don’t know,” she answered uncertainly and he tugged her slightly closer.

  “We used to be friends,” he murmured and she let out a pained sigh.

  “Fine. After closing,” she confirmed and he finally released her and watched as she strutted back to the bar with her hips gently swaying.

  “You need a hand moving him?”

  Alexa glanced up from where she was finishing off cleaning up and summoned a smile for her colleague Petros as he pointed to the old drunk in the corner.

  “Would you mind taking him home?” she asked and he grinned at her as he ruffled her hair.

  “No problem. You shouldn’t have to drag him home again for the fourth night in a row,” he said and she summoned a faint smile.

  Normally she would have refused his offer and just dragged him out to the small hut herself but tonight she didn’t want to be late to meet Cam. It was the first night he had left early and she hoped he wasn’t planning on standing her up.

  She needn’t have worried for as soon as she stepped out the bar he was there waiting for her and she summoned a genuine smile as she finished locking up and followed him further in to the balmy night air.

  “It’s so peaceful up here,” he said as they walked quietly side by side and glanced up at the scattering of stars and bright moon.

  “Sometimes,” she murmured in response though it had been a long time since she had felt any peace on the Island and she doubted whether she ever would again.

  “What happened to you?” he asked suddenly and Alexa froze mid-step as panic settled in before she could successfully hide it.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m exactly the same,” she said in what was supposed to be a breezy tone but it missed by a mile and she simply sounded weary.

  “Are you?” he asked and she forced a laugh as she suddenly realised how pathetic they were. They were young and should be out having fun not walking along in misery wondering where life had already gone wrong for them.

  “I guess you just never saw the real me,” she told him with a smile and they continued on but he kept shooting suspicious glances her way.

  The evening was nice and Alexa found herself relaxing more than she had in ages though she still didn’t completely lose her tenseness. They shared some wine and some pasta then simply talked. They didn’t touch on any sensitive subjects but rather skirted them for more relaxed conversation. They spoke of old memories that made them laugh and long for the days of childhood.

  Before they knew it dawn had approached and Alexa stared in shock as the sun began to lighten the room making her realise how long she had stayed out. Panic surged within her and she tried to hide it as she turned to Cam with a smile.

  “I really should go,” she told him firmly and was unprepared for his offer to walk her home. She tried to dissuade him but he refused and she finally accepted that she was going to have to allow him to escort her back to the humble hut that was her home.

  She tried to measure her pace but couldn’t help but hurry a little though she hoped that Cam didn’t notice. It was only when they reached her home that wasn’t far from the bar that she slowed to a halt and turned back to face him.

  “I enjoyed tonight,” she told him and he curved an arm a
round her waist and pulled her closer towards his hard, warm body. Before she could say another word his dark head descended and her lips parted eagerly beneath his. Her arm twined around his neck and played with the hair at his nape as she pressed herself more firmly against him. He tugged her so close that she could feel her breasts crushed against his hard chest and she shivered as he moved his mouth from hers to trail his lips gently down her throat. A soft moan emerged from her making Alexa suddenly remember where she was and what she was doing. She pulled away abruptly and tried to put some space between them but Cam kept her within the circle of his arms though he allowed her breathing room.

  “I have to see you again,” he said softly as he placed a kiss at her temple and she smiled at him.

  “You see me every night at the bar,” she reminded him and Cam sighed.

  “There’s something between us Aly and there always has been. I just think we need to see where this could be headed,” he suggested and she chewed nervously on her bottom lip as she glanced from her home and back to him.

  “I’ll think about it,” she answered and he decided that he would have to be content with that as he gave her one last kiss then turned and left.

  He didn’t see Alexa turn to gaze fearfully at her home and nor did he see her take a deep breath, straighten her shoulders and march in as though she was going in to war.

  It was ten minutes later that Cam decided he wanted to see Alexa one last time before he went to sleep and so he turned right back and approached her home. His heart was light and a smile tugged at his lips as he thought of seeing her again. But as he approached the shabby hut that had seen better days he froze at the sound of a scream and smashing sounds.

  Entering her home at a run he was stunned to find her cowering in the corner of the small lounge as the drunk guy from the bar lashed out at her and then struck her with a piece of glass on her arm where she had raised it to defend her face.

  “Poutana!” he kept repeating over and over while Alexa sobbed on the floor.


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