Double Stuffed: An MFM Menage Romance

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Double Stuffed: An MFM Menage Romance Page 14

by Dawn, Daphne

  “About time you started to pull your weight around here.”

  I’m sure he’s just teasing me, but I can’t shake my guilt.

  “Look,” I start and search for the right words. “I owe you. I know I really owe you for jumping in and letting me have some fun.”

  Chase leans forward and kisses me on the forehead.

  “Bloody oath you owe me. And you can start by giving me the grilled cheese sandwich before I have to kill you for it.”

  We both laugh.

  Chapter 36


  I slide into the seat on the other side of Dianne. She’s got her usual in front of her: cup of strong flat white with soy milk and no sugar and two of my signature scones.

  Her laptop is on the table, and her attention is on the screen.

  She nods a curt greeting as I sit down.

  My feet are aching. I really need to get a better pair of shoes; these ones do nothing for my lower back. After an hour of standing on the kitchen floor, I feel as if I’ve been standing for days.

  My lips rest on my mug, and I take a little sip of my triple shot espresso. I didn’t sleep well and will need all the caffeine I can get into me to even be remotely with it.

  There’s something different about Dianne this morning. I furrow my brow.

  What is it? It’s not like me not to be able to pin point straightaway a change in a person I know well.

  “Love your hair, Dianne.” It suddenly hits me as if someone’s slapped me in the face. “Red suits you.”

  Dianne looks up and smiles.

  Her hand involuntarily reaches up to her newly colored hair.

  “Thanks.” She pauses. “It seemed a good idea at the time, but now I’m not so sure”

  I can sense her insecurity.

  “I really do.” I smile to reassure her.

  I go back to sipping my coffee. Chase is in the kitchen, slaving away. I started about two hours before him. Most of the preorders for the day have been packed and are ready to be delivered.


  I think I missed what Dianne just said to me.

  “I said you’re muffins have officially hit the big time.”

  I frown.

  “What do you mean?”

  Dianne turns the screen of her computer toward me.

  “Look, literally everyone’s feasting on this delicious little suckers.”

  Wide-eyed, I watch the who’s who of celebrities bite into and drool over my scones. I swallow.

  Wow. This was good news.

  “Congratulations, Leila. I think it’s fair to say you’ve hit the big time.”

  I smile at Dianne. Her words are music to my ears, but I know I’m not in the big time yet.

  Dianne’s looking at me, and I sense she’s after a response.

  “That’s great,” I say and look toward the kitchen. I wonder if Chase has seen these images. “I think we’ve got some way to go though before we’ll really be part of the big time.”

  Unease tugs at the pit of my stomach. Of course it’s great to see celebrities eat my scones, but where to now? Neither Blake nor Seth has said anything further about going into business with me.

  Had they gone off the idea? Had I simply become their toy and now they’re done with me? Am I out on my own?

  The more I think about it, the more worried I grow.

  And then it hits me like a speeding train without brakes, crashing into a brick wall.

  “Better get back to work.” I grab my coffee and turn the computer back toward Dianne. “The cafe won’t run itself.”

  Dianne is busy typing into her mobile and only nods.

  Armed with my cup, I make my way behind the counter and toward the kitchen. Since I have my coffee in my special cup, I wash it myself to put it back in its special place.

  I hear the door open and see a smartly dressed man come into the cafe.

  Instead of heading to the front counter, he strides to the back of the cafe and stops in front of Chase.

  Before I can ask what he wants, the stranger speaks to Chase.

  “Good day, dear sir.” He speaks in a very posh voice, and I wonder if this is one of Chase’s friends playing a prank on him.

  Chase has stopped what he’s doing and is looking at the man with his usual “let’s chill” expression.

  “Seth McDaniels sent me to ask if he can borrow Leila for a few hours.”

  At this news, my heart immediately summersaults several times.

  Chase looks at me.

  I clap my hands together and give him my best “oh please, Seth let me go, I promise I’ll make it up to you” look.

  Trusty Chase rolls his eyes.

  He’s such a softy. I really do love him.

  “If you must,” he starts, and I shriek in excitement.

  I throw my arms around him and give him a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thank you, darling,” I whisper, and he looks at me.

  “You owe me big time, cupcake,” he says, and I nod.

  “I know, I know. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

  I release Chase and follow the chauffeur out of the cafe. Dianne’s got her head down, but I see her grin from ear to ear.

  Chase is grumbling something, but I can’t hear what he’s saying. It doesn’t matter. He won’t stay mad at me for long.

  We go too far back. And, of course, I will make it up to him.

  Right out the front, there’s one of those enormous stretch limos sitting in the no standing zone. Instead of black, this one’s white.

  Mr. Chauffeur opens the door for me, and as I get in, he bows.

  I could get used to this.

  With a sigh, I sit on the black leather seats and look around. There’s an inbuilt TV and minibar.

  As we pull out into the traffic, I press the little intercom button.

  “Can you please tell me where we’re going?”

  What would it be this time? Last time a limo came to collect me, we went to the Bahamas. I feel like a little girl waiting for Santa Claus.

  “Mr. McDaniels asked I not tell you. He wants to surprise you.”

  Wow. Tingling starts behind my belly button and spreads through me like molten chocolate.

  I sigh. I open up the minibar and pour myself a glass of champagne. Then I turn on the music and sit back in my seat to revel in the luxury and daydream of what awaits me.

  Chapter 37


  I take a bite of cheese and enjoy the sharp flavors in my tongue.

  “What time’s she due?”

  I shrug.

  “Maybe in about ten.” My finger pick up a cracker and put more cheese on it. Fucking delicious. If the driver doesn’t deliver Leila soon, my plate of crackers and cheeses might be gone.

  “Medium rare?” Blake’s pointing at the steak. I nod.

  He’s been cleaning the barbecue for the last fifteen minutes or so. I’m still surprised he’s here. When I invited him, there’d been a distinct hesitation. I’m sure he’s just here to make sure I don’t spend any time on my own with Leila.

  Now that he’s here, I have to admit I’m enjoying his company. So far, he hasn’t said anything insulting. He even volunteered to grill the meat.

  With my glass of red, I’m enjoying listening to the hissing and spitting of the meat as it is put on the griller and the juices drip onto open flame.

  I take a sip of the bold wine. The sensation of spices and vanilla are a delight to my palate and compliment the cheese perfectly.

  “You want to try the cheese and wine?”

  “I’ll just turn the steak.”

  More spitting and hissing, like an angry meat god complaining about being disturbed in his slumber on the open fire.

  Nothing beats cooking on a real flame.

  When Blake comes over, I pour him a glass of wine and hold out the cheese platter to him.

  He takes a sip and nods his head appreciatively before sampling the cheese and crackers.

sp; “This is quite a lot of trouble you’ve gone to, McDaniels. I’m impressed. You don’t do things by half.”

  “My, my Blake,” I chortle. “Sounds like you’re paying me a compliment.” I stress the word me.

  “I like this place, Seth.” He gestures from left to right. “Luxurious and yet rustic, nothing too elaborate. And the food you’ve prepared tonight is outstanding.”

  “Look at us, would you?” I say to Blake. He does look at me quizzically.

  “We’re getting on. For once, we’re not fighting or competing.”

  A grin spreads across his face.

  “The power of a woman. A lion tamer, a witch, a goddess; our Leila really is something special.”

  “Not to mention, an amazing fuck,” I add and wink at Blake. He roars with laughter.

  The door opens and Leila joins us.

  I jump up and greet her with a kiss before Blake. A little competitiveness does not hurt.

  My hands grab her hips before one of them finds the back of her neck and pulls her closer into me. Hard and forceful, my lips crush down on hers. My tongue pushes into her mouth and engages in a duel with hers. My other hand wanders down onto her ass. Here I squeeze and massage each butt cheek in turn.

  “Hey,” Blake shouts and I pull back. I’m breathing a little faster than before.

  I take a step back and invite Blake to do the same. He hesitates for a split second before he also goes in for a passionate kiss. When he releases her, he hands her a bouquet of flowers.

  Leila buries her nose in them before putting them into the vase I’ve left on the sideboard for her.

  Fuck, this feels good.

  It’s time for me to hand my guest her glass of wine.

  Like a true wine connoisseur, she sniffs at it before she takes a sip.

  “Wow,” she mutters and drinks some more.

  “Pinot Noir?” she asks and tilts her head to the side, the way she always does when she’s thinking. It makes her look fucking hot.

  I nod.

  “You know your wines?” Blake asks, although it’s more a statement than a question.

  “A little,” replies Leila and takes another sip. “I like the Pinot Noir. It’s my favorite red, and so I learned a bit about the French varieties.”

  I clap my hands to announce dinner is ready.

  Blake tends to the meat and I walk Leila to the table where I pull out her chair.

  “I really love this place, Seth,” she murmurs into my ear. Her voice is music to my ears. “I’ve never really been inside a log cabin. This one is just amazing.”

  “Thank you,” I reply and wait for Blake to come and join us.

  It doesn’t take long for us to fall into an easy conversation. The beauty about Leila is she can converse on most topics.

  “Seth.” Blake slaps me on the back of my shoulder. “You’ve out done yourself. The food is fucking fantastic.” He turns to look at Leila. “Sorry about the language.”

  Leila giggles.

  “You’re right. This has been one of the best meals I think I’ve ever had. The salad and breads were just divine.”

  “Blake worked his magic on the meat.” I feel I need to give credit where credit’s due.

  Blake waves his left hand in a dismissive manner.

  “Tonight is all Seth,” he replies. “Amazing venue, amazing food and amazing wine are all due to my man, McDaniels.”

  I’m wondering if I’m hearing correctly. Blake compliments me? That’s new.

  Leila leans back in her chair and folds her hands in front of her. I want to get up and pick her up to take her upstairs onto my extra-large king-size bed.

  Once there, I just want to tie her to the bedposts and then suck on her pussy till she begs me to fuck her and fuck her hard.

  I glance at Blake and wonder what he’s thinking. Is he thinking about fucking her as well? Had we arrived at a mutual agreement?

  “This is one of my first houses I bought and rebuilt,” I tell them both. “It was in a pretty bad shape, but I could see someone once loved it. I thought it deserved to be restored to its former glory.”

  Leila rests her head on her right hand and sighs. I think I might drown in those eyes of hers.

  “You should be proud of what you’ve done,” says Blake and now I wonder if he’s just had too much to drink.

  Chapter 38


  I’m not sure if it’s that wine Seth gave me to drink, or if he put something in the food, but I feel an overwhelming need to tell the man what an amazing job he’s done in putting on this dinner at this exquisite house in the country. I also feel the need to be nice. It’s not like me and hence, I suspect Seth might have poisoned me.

  “Seth.” I put my hand on his shoulder. “This has been fucking fantastic. I mean it.”

  Seth is smiling at me.

  “You’ve already said so.”

  I nod. I know I have. I keep going on and on about it. It must be the fucking wine, or poison. Had it gone to my head? Was I slurring my speech? Would I pass out?

  Then it hits me. The fucking prick was trying to get rid of me, so he can fuck her by himself. No fucking way.

  “That’s how fucking amazing it is man,” I repeat and take my hand away.

  “You like your cooking?” Leila’s soft voice interrupts me.

  Slowly my head moves in her direction.

  “It’s more than the cooking babe,” Seth replies. “Most of what you ate has been produced by me and the family. I believe in the holistic approach. Grow what you eat, and therefore eat what’s in season.”

  I nod. I had never known Seth was so wise.

  Leila is nodding and hanging on his every word.

  “Most people wouldn’t know what fruit or vegetable’s in season. They just buy frozen crap at the supermarket.”

  Leila laughs.

  “Lucky, in the baking business I don’t have to worry about what’s in season so much.”

  Now it’s my turn to admire Leila. Here’s a woman who knows what she wants and is prepared to go after it. My thought process seems a little slower than usual.

  “The beauty about baked desserts,” agrees Seth.

  “It’s a pity most people don’t even enjoy their food,” continues Leila, and I stare at her.

  I think I’ll just listen to them. I love listening to Leila’s voice. It’s like angels singing. Not that I’ve heard angels sing, but that’s what I imagine they sound like.

  I must check out this red wine when my thoughts are not so muddled up. Fucking strong stuff, unless of course Seth has used poison.

  “It really has been a perfect evening,” purrs Leila and puts her hand on my thigh. Little electric shock waves shoot through me.

  “It’s not over yet,” announces Seth and I force myself to look in his direction. Can I see two of him, or are there really two of him? He’s such a fucking genius, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more than one of him.

  “I don’t think I can eat any more,” complains Leila and rubs her tummy.

  She’s moved her hand off my thigh. Put it back, I want to command but for some reason, speech and thoughts don’t work in unison right now.

  “Don’t stress my lovely,” replies Seth. “It’s not more food.”

  Ok, if it’s not more food what could it be? Realization dawns slowly. A house as large as this would have a bedroom, probably several bedrooms, but we only need one.

  I smile at Seth, an all-knowing smile.

  “Last week, I had a hot tub installed. So far it’s not been tested.” A deliberate pause. “I think we should test it now.”

  Instead of an answer, Leila pushes her chair back and stands up. Slowly, deliberately her fingers grab the bottom of her t-shirt before they pull on the material and move it up over her head.

  With a flick of the wrist, she throws the garment onto the couch. I whistle. My mouth is dry. I want to wrap my lips around those breasts of hers. My hands almost involuntarily reach for her bra and u
nclip it. The lacy bit of material drops onto the ground.

  She pulls her skirt down and I feast on her slip. And then she’s naked.

  There’s a glint in her eyes.

  I look at Seth. His fingers are fumbling with the buttons of his jeans, his top already gone.

  Not wanting to be left behind, I rip my own clothes off.

  Three seconds later, we are all in the hot tub. My thoughts are a little clearer. Any effect from the wine seems to have dissipated. And I realize Seth has not poisoned me.

  Leila sits between us.

  I accidentally touch her leg. She grabs my hand and brings it up to her breast. I watch open mouthed as she takes Seth hand and leads it to her pussy. This woman definitely knows what she wants and she’s not afraid to go for it.

  My fingers squeeze her nipples and massage her breast. She’s thrown her head back and purrs, cat-like.

  As I move into position so I can suck on those nipples, her hand finds my cock. It grows in her hand and she starts massaging it.

  Fuck this feels good.

  My mouth goes to work on those breasts. My hands move to her ass. I know Seth’s hands are busy with her pussy. I’m not sure, but I think Leila’s other hand is playing with Seth’s cock.

  I suck, pull, and bite at her flesh. At the same time, Leila’s fingers are working their magic on my cock. She rubs and massages and squeezes my balls. My cock is so fucking ready it feels as if it is about to explode.

  But there’s so much more I want to do to her. I want her to suck on my cock before I slam it into her. I want her to suck on Seth’s cock before he gets his turn.

  I look up into the night sky. Fucking awesome sight. The full moon is sitting like a giant round cheese in the black of the night with millions of stars around it.

  Leila has let go of my cock. She’s shifting position. Seth’s groaning.

  I look up into the night sky again as soft lips engulf my cock.

  I grab her head and look for Seth. He’s taken up position behind her. Like a spit roast, Leila is between us.

  I close my eyes and enjoy fucking Leila’s mouth.

  Chapter 39


  As my lips curl around Blake’s throbbing cock, I can’t help but think to myself about how much I fucking love having these two here with me. Seth prepared an amazing meal and a perfect fucking dessert. I literally could not be happier right now.


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