Double Stuffed: An MFM Menage Romance

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Double Stuffed: An MFM Menage Romance Page 88

by Dawn, Daphne

  “Whoa, careful,” I tell him, reaching for the bag before it slides off from his arms. “You don’t want to ruin Kayla’s lunch.”

  “No, I don’t want to ruin Kayla’s lunch,” he repeats after me, his tone of voice so monotone that I feel like a Jedi master implanting thoughts on unsuspecting citizens.

  Sometimes being a famous actor has its perks.

  “Actually, why don’t I take care of it for you? I’ll deliver lunch for her,” I continue, now transitioning into my no-really-I’m-a-nice-guy smile.

  “Er,” he starts, scratching the side of his head, his eyes never leaving mine. “I’m not supposed to do that. Company’s policy, ya know? I’m supposed to deliver the food to Kayla, not anyone else.

  “C’mon, man.” I laugh. “What do ya think I’m gonna do with this? Poison her? She’s my writer. I need her.”

  “Yeah, but still,” he continues, shifting his weight from foot to foot. I need to convince him to let me do the delivery—that’s my in with Kayla, and I’m not going to let it go to waste, whatever it takes.

  “Seriously,” I start, taking one step toward him and laying one hand on his shoulder. “I’m sure you have a lot of deliveries to make today, and you don’t need to walk across the whole studio lot just to deliver this.” I hold the food bag in front of his face for a second. “I’ve got it covered.”

  “I don’t know…” he whispers, taking his cap off and running his tongue between his lips. He looks uncomfortable, torn between doing what some big shot TV star tells him to do and obeying his company policy.

  Maybe I can help in his little dilemma.

  “Alright, man,” I tell him, stealing the cap off his hands and grabbing the pen he has tucked in his breast pocket. Holding the cap in the same hand I’m holding the food bag, I scribble my name across it and then hand it over.

  “Oh, shit,” he whistles, his eyes widening as he looks at my autograph. The kid’s a fan, that much I can tell.

  Maybe I can make him even more of a fan.

  Reaching inside my back pocket, I grab my wallet and take two one-hundred-dollar bills from the inside. I fold them up and then tuck them inside his breast pocket before he can stop me.

  “Just a tip,” I say. “I know you’ve been coming here every day since shooting started, and I want to know we all appreciate your hard work. Take the rest of the day off if you can. Treat your girl to dinner.”

  Is this how it feels to fucking bribe someone? Because I feel like Al Capone patting a dirty cop on the head.

  Although, yeah, I doubt Al Capone would bother with bribing the delivery guy from Organic Express.

  “Thank you,” the delivery kid finally responds, rocking back on his heels and putting his cap on. “I really, really appreciate it!”

  I offer him my hand then and give him a firm handshake, my you’re-welcome smile now plastered on my lips. Yeah, I have a lot of different smiles, and they all serve a purpose.

  “Well, shit. I pulled it off,” I whisper to myself as I watch the delivery guy turning on his heels and marching back out the studio gates. I stand there, watching him get inside his van and leave while I balance the food bag on one hand.

  Taking a deep breath, I turn around and start making my way toward Kayla’s office. I’ve never been there, as the head writer’s usually someone distant from day-to-day production, but now’s the time to get to know Kayla a little better.

  My fate hangs in her hands after all.

  Three minutes later and I’m standing outside her office, my right hand hovering over the door. I rap my knuckles against it and then perk up my ears as I wait for her reply.

  “Come in!” she shouts from the inside, and I reach for the door’s handle immediately. “Just on time. I’m so hungry that I—”

  “Yeah?” I chuckle, strolling inside her office and putting down her food bag on top of her desk. I look into her eyes, enjoying the way surprise has made her choke on her words.

  She wasn’t expecting to see me here. Why would she?

  “When did you get into the food delivery game?” She chuckles softly, tucking a lock of hair over her ear. Even though she sounds upbeat, I notice there are bags under her eyes (ones she has tried to conceal with her makeup), and her forehead is creased.

  More than just stressed, she looks overworked.

  “I’m a man of many talents.” I laugh, trying to get her mind off whatever’s worrying her. I don’t know why I’m doing this—it has nothing to do with wanting my character to stay alive. It’s just an urge to make her laugh and smile.

  “Besides,” I continue, trying to keep my focus, “I might need to keep my options open.”

  “Oh, so you’ve heard of it?” she asks me, reaching inside the bag and taking the small carton boxes from the inside.

  “Yeah, I’ve heard of it,” I reply, and then I sit on the director’s chair she has next to her desk.

  I might stay here a while.


  As I stare at Brad, who has made himself comfortable in my director’s chair, my nerve cells tingle ever so slightly. He certainly is a bit of eye candy. Nothing wrong with looking , I tell myself before I open my lunch pack.

  Since starting on this project, I order my lunch from the same place every day. I’m almost sorry Brad brought it in today as I always enjoy the little banter young JD and I have. Of course, I know his name is not really JD; I just call him that because he does remind me a little of the legendary actor of the same initial.

  And, of course, I love the way the young man turns bright red whenever I call him JD.

  “A penny for your thoughts?”

  Brad’s voice brings me back to reality.

  I hope I’m not blushing now. There’s no way I’m going to confess I was just thinking about the young delivery boy. LOL.

  Ah, hell, now I’m thinking in acronyms.

  “Work.” I’m not a very good liar, so being vague is the best way to deal with it. I was sort of thinking about work.

  “That bad?”

  For a second, I think I can hear real concern in Brad’s voice. I revel in it.

  I can’t recall the last time someone was concerned for me.

  I weigh up my answer. Should I be truthful? Some people believe you have to maintain a professional relationship with the actors, and therefore you never confide too much in them…or anybody for that matter.

  “Sort of.” I’m still not sure how much I should tell him.

  I wonder what the reason was for his appearance today with my lunch. And what exactly has he done to persuade JD not to come up and deliver lunch himself?

  “It’s a tough gig, isn’t it?” Brad prods. “Writing, I mean. It must be hard.”

  I sigh. I so want to talk about this with someone.

  To stall, I busy myself with my lunch. I spread out the serviette before I put the tub of salad on top of it. Occasionally, I glance at Brad, who has one leg crossed over the other.

  Briefly, I imagine running my hands over the muscles in his chest before letting them wander down his back.

  I must really stop my imagination from running away with me. I’m at work, not at home.

  “Can be,” I eventually answer and take a forkful of quinoa salad.

  “I reckon it must even be harder if you are woman.” There’s a deliberate pause, and I feel my heartbeat quicken as I wait for what else he’s going to say. “Particularly such an attractive and sexy woman as you.”

  Despite my best effort, I’m sure my cheeks are a little red.

  “I bet you say that to all the women,” I say before I can stop myself.

  What is wrong with me? Where’s my word filter? I never say these things.

  Brad chuckles. The sound of his warm, hearty laughter provokes a longing in me I haven’t felt in a long time. If I’m honest, I can’t ever recall feeling something quite like this before.

  I study his rugged features. He really is a spunk. And he’s got muscles too.

not shallow,” he replies and winks at me. “I mean what I say. Nothing wrong telling a woman she’s beautiful when she is.” He pauses, and my breathing has increased a little as if I’ve jogged up and down the hallway.

  “And,” he continues, now leaning a little toward me, “nothing wrong in telling her she’s sexy, if she is. And you are sexy.”

  Now my nerve endings are tingling in anticipation. It takes all my self-control not to go and rip his shirt open and start kissing his chest.

  Stay cool , I think to myself and smile. I nod in a graceful thank-you gesture, like one of those old-fashioned movie divas. At least I hope that’s what my gesture looks like.

  I take another forkful of my salad.

  “It’s a good show, you know.” Brad is leaning back in the director’s chair again, with his right leg now at an angle over his left one. He’s the picture of relaxation.

  If I were an artist, I would paint him in this posture, naked.

  I try not to smile from ear to ear. Brad has paid me another compliment. None of the other actors have done so.

  “Do you really think so?” I search in his eyes for mocking, but can’t see it.

  “I do, Kayla. I’ve worked on a few shows, but I’m really enjoying this one. I enjoy working with you.”

  I swallow the lump that has suddenly appeared in the back of my throat. He could just be saying this because he’s worried about being killed off.

  “And I’m not just saying it to get you to keep me in the show.” He winks at me as if he can read my mind. “Although, you know, I would do what it takes…” He leaves the sentence unfinished, a delicious grin on his lips.

  It’s my turn to laugh. He really is a very good actor, or a real charmer.

  “I have to say, so far I have enjoyed writing the episodes.” I decide to open up just a little.

  Brad’s brow furrows just a little.

  “So far? Something changed?”

  Not only is he good-looking, charming, and entertaining, he is also perceptive.

  My left hand brushes through my hair as I sigh.

  “I suppose every job has its good and bad days, and today’s a bit of a bad day.”

  His left eyebrow rises just a little, but he says nothing.

  “I love writing. I’ve always wanted to be a writer, and I think this could be my big break into the screen world.” I pause and take a sip of my coffee.

  Boy, this is good. “And I don’t want to stuff it up,” I add.

  When I finish my little unburdening, it’s as if a weight has been lifted off my chest.

  “Who says you’re going to stuff up?” Brad sounds genuinely concerned.

  I decided he’s not acting. He sounds too interested.

  “No one yet. But this killing off scene has me worried. It doesn’t feel right, and I see a different potential in the show. I think it needs to go in a different direction.”

  Brad studies me. As his eyes slowly travel over my face and down to my chest, I feel as if he is undressing me, slowly, deliberately.

  Part of me is tempted to check if my blouse is still buttoned up to the second button from the top, but I resist the urge. It feels incredibly sensual.

  Desire sweeps through me like a wildfire.

  His eyes find mine again. He smiles at me.

  “I think you’re a good writer.” He holds up his hand. “No, I think you’re a great writer. And I think you are good for the show. You have written fantastic stuff for all of us. You even managed to write lines Ian couldn’t stuff up.”

  At the mention of Ian, Ed’s words come back:”Ian’s off-limits.”

  I toy with the idea of sharing Ed’s words with Brad, but I decide against it. I barely know him, or his intentions. Although I wouldn’t mind betting his intentions right now were only on one thing.

  And strangely, I don’t mind.

  “Thanks,” I mumble, not sure what else to say.

  “Kayla.” His voice sounds a little more serious. “Whatever happens, this show won’t ruin you. Even if you don’t agree with what is being asked of you, I know you’ll turn it into something great. That’s what great writers do—they turn ordinary stuff into extraordinary things.”

  For a few minutes—okay, maybe seconds—we stare at each other. I lick my lips, thinking that if he was to rip my clothes off here and now, I wouldn’t stop him.

  “Of course, I still don’t think you should kill me.” Brad breaks the silence first. “Kill Ian,” he quips, and I cannot help but laugh.

  A glance at the time signals I must get back to work. I pack my half-finished lunch back into the bag. Leftovers for dinner.

  Brad watches my every move. I like his eyes. They are intense, sincere, and truthful.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” I reply and make sure my voice has a playful undertone.

  “I’m just kidding, Kayla.” Brad is getting ready to leave. “I didn’t come here to beg. I just wanted to enjoy the company of the talented, gorgeous, and sexy head writer of the show.”

  I smile. He makes his way to leave my office.

  “Pity you didn’t get to eat anything,” I say, and my eyes are downcast as I speak, emphasis on eat .

  It takes Brad less than two steps before he has his hands on my hips, and his lips are searching for mine.

  Our mouths melt together. He pushes his tongue past my lips and searches for mine. I respond and lean into him.

  His hands travel to my back. They briefly rest just above the dimples I have there, and they go for my ass.

  What am I doing?


  It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.

  But it’s not like I could help myself. The sound of her voice, the shape of her lips, the scent of her perfume…everything in her reeled me in, and I had no other option but to go right ahead and kiss her.

  She’s standing up now, and as our kiss grows fiercer, our tongues dancing with each other, I place my hands on her hips and force her to spin around. I push her against the wall, her back turned to me, and then I slowly begin to kiss her neck, caressing her breasts over the fabric of her dress.

  I can feel her breathing growing harder and harder; her eyes closed, her face tilted sideways toward my lips, and her hands on the wall. The taste of her body makes my brain start to overheat and, at the same time, my cock becomes as hard as concrete.

  Looking at her in such a vulnerable position, I just want to lift her dress, push her underwear to the side and slide my cock deep into her pussy in a single thrust.

  I grab her by the hair, making her turn around to me. I want to fuck her so hard, I can´t think of anything else.

  Pushing her back against the wall once more, I rest my hands over her breasts and squeeze them hard; as I do it, she takes her own hands to her shoulders and pushes the front of her dress down, the outer edges of her bra revealing themselves to me.

  Opening my right hand, I hook my fingers on the cup of her bra and tug on it softly. The moment her rosy nipple jumps into sight, I feel a rush of boiling blood making its way down to my cock and I simply lose it. Grabbing her half-naked breast, I lean in and wrap my lips around her hard nipple, sucking it into my mouth and running circles around her rosy tip with my tongue.

  Then I take her by the hand, leading her to her desk.

  I force her to sit down, pushing away all the stuff lying there. Slowly, leaning toward her, I took my fingers on the hemline of her dress. I raise the fabric, counting my breaths as I bare her skin.

  The moment I see the fabric of her thong, I simply lose it – I dive forward, pressing my mouth against her wetness, and I suck on it hard. Then, before I know what the fuck I’m doing, I bite at the drenched fabric of her thong and start taking it off her.

  Exposing her wet pussy, I press my fingers over her clit, and she opens her mouth and moans. Oh, and she´s moaning hard. I’m not simply rubbing her, or tapping my finger against her clit – no, I know what I’m doing and what kind of reaction I want out of her. I ru
b the tip of my finger around her clit and then press it from above, indirectly.

  Letting go of her clit, I go down to her inner lips, gently parting them with my finger as I go up and down her pussy. I let my finger go inside her just an inch, and her whole body tenses up, waiting for me to go all in.

  I take my time, though, slowly letting my finger in as if I have all the time in the world. I push it in gently, curling it upwards and rubbing her from the inside.

  I then slide another finger inside her pussy and increase the pace, sliding in and out her faster and harder. She starts to scream while, at the same time, I go back to her clit with the other hand, rubbing it with my fingers. She raises her thighs from the desk and starts thrusting against my hands, doing it as if her life depended on it.

  “Don´t stop!” She screams, arching her back. Her body tenses up, and I can feel her inner walls tightening around my fingers; I can feel pleasure coursing through her veins, and next thing I know her moans are filling the entire office.

  Still with her legs shaking, she slides off the desk and leans into me, her arms over my shoulders as her lips approach mine. She kisses me furiously, her tongue exploring my whole mouth. Then, she moves her lips to my ear, biting it gently.

  “My turn now…” she whispers with a grin on her face.

  Kayla’s hands leave my shoulders and go straight to my belt. Grabbing at it harshly, she unbuckles it, pulling it from the loops in my pants. She continues, undoing the top button of my pants. Then, she grabs the zipper, pulling it all the way down with one single movement.

  Her lustful eyes go straight to my crotch, my cock straining against the fabric of my boxer briefs, waiting to spring free.

  “You want this, don’t you?” She breathes out, slowly going down to her knees, her eyes never leaving mine. Her hands go down the side of my body, and she locks her fingers on my boxer briefs before tugging them down.

  My cock jumps up to salute her, and she moves fast – she curls the fingers of her right hand around my shaft, and then she leans in and takes me inside her mouth.

  She pushes herself down until her lips touch the skin at the base of my cock, its tip already pressed against the back of her throat, and she holds it there. She keeps my whole cock inside of her mouth until she can no longer do it. Only then does she roll her lips back up my shaft, slowly moving them until they’re wrapped tight around the tip of my cock.


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