Love Me (Trust Series #2)

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Love Me (Trust Series #2) Page 24

by Mayer, Kristin

  Damien strokes my back soothingly. “Shh, baby, it’s going to be fine. Nothing is going to happen to me. I’m relieved he might be targeting me over you now.”

  That only makes me sob harder.

  “Alli, look at me.” I raise my head, barely able to see him through the tears, as the sobs rack my body. I know what it feels like to be empty, and I just can’t go back there. I won’t survive it. I cannot lose him.

  “Listen, nothing is going to happen. I know you’re thinking about your parents, and that’s not going to happen to me. We are so close to getting this over with. I know it’s hard. We’ll take a long vacation when this is over, okay?”

  In between unladylike sniffles, I say, “You’ve missed so much work since we’ve been married.”

  “Hey, I worked too hard before because I didn’t have anything worth coming home to. I’ll call down and have some dinner prepared. Let’s take a look at all the renovations they’ve done and see if you like them, okay? We are going to be fine.”

  “Okay, but before we go, would you please make love to me? I need our connection. I need to feel you inside me, Damien.”

  Before he responds, he gently moves me under him, and I feel his erection growing.

  “Baby, you never have to ask your husband to make love to you.”

  And with that, he slips inside me, and he shows me how much he loves me. Slow and sensual, we caress each other. It strengthens me beyond words when we become one. All too soon, we both find our release, and it’s cathartic in so many ways.

  He whispers in my ear, “Alli, I’ll love you for eternity.”

  The house looks absolutely amazing with the transformation it is undergoing from the cool to warm colors. I jump up and down as I see the progress. Damien smiles at me.

  Looking around excitedly again, I ask, “Do you like it? I love it.”

  “I could see a family living here now, baby.”

  His hand reaches out and grabs mine. The same look crosses his face every time we talk about having a family, and it only warms me to the idea even more.

  “Me, too.”

  He picks me up and spins me around as I squeal in delight. The red kitchen is beautiful against the black granite. It truly is becoming a home for a family.

  Images of future family dinners cross through my mind. We will have a happy ending.

  He sets me down, and I give another squeal at the sight.

  He nuzzles me from behind as he murmurs, “I love seeing you this happy.”

  “Well, you’re the one who makes me happy. It’s not all the materialistic things. It’s what we mean together.” I’m still taking it in, realizing this is the beginning of our home as we start our life together.

  “Yes, but I love being able to provide for you.”

  It still stuns me how far we’ve come from the people we were just a few months ago. We were both afraid in our own way.

  I give him a good, hearty kiss with a popping sound. “Well, that you do in spades. Speaking of, I think you promised to provide dinner.”

  “That I did.” He grabs my hand as we make our way to a bar stool. “Have a seat.”

  I pop on the seat and watch as he goes over to the warming tray. He pulls out two plates of lasagna.

  Oh, that looks delicious.

  Damien sits down beside me and hands me my plate. “So, I was thinking that next time we are in North Carolina, we could go look at some houses together.”

  I take a bite. Oh wow, this is as good as it smells. “Sounds good, if we are going to be there a lot. If not, it seems like a waste.”

  He does a noncommittal shrug.

  Damien adds, “I think it also will be good to have a house on the West Coast to be near my other real estate office.”

  Oh, he’s smooth with how he just nonchalantly throws that in there as he continues to eat.

  I raise an eyebrow. “Are you trying to get a house in all fifty states?”

  “Only if it’s needed. I just think it will make it easier on us.”

  “I don’t mind staying in a hotel when we travel.”

  We both take another bite.

  He looks at me pensively. “Maybe, but when we start having children, it’ll be easier. That way, it won’t be an inconvenience to you or the baby to travel. You’ll have everything you need already wherever we go.”

  I start choking on my lasagna. How can he be so calm when he talks about that? After I clear the obstruction in my throat, I look over at Damien who is patiently waiting for my response. “Oh, okay. That makes sense.”

  I know he just mentioned family while discussing buying another house, but it’s as if he’s planning on starting tomorrow with how he said it.

  He starts patting my back. “Breathe, Alli. I’m not rushing us, just planning.”

  I nod. “Planning…I like planning.”

  He smirks at me. I just file this little conversation away for later to process. These next two weeks are not the time to be thinking babies.

  “On a separate note, I got a call from my accountant, wondering if you got the credit cards that you were set up with. He said you hadn’t spent anything, and he was just wanting to make sure you were taken care of. Is there something wrong with them? I want to make sure you’ve got everything you need.”

  Oh shit. I’d rather talk about babies at this point. I keep forgetting to use those stupid things.

  I’m going to go for nonchalant and then go cut up all my other ones as soon as this conversation is over. “Nothing is wrong. I’m good.” I continue to eat, hoping that we move on from this quickly.

  “Then, how did you pay for the watch? That should have created some kind of charge.”

  When he gets like this, he is like a bloodhound on the trail, and he does not give up until he’s satisfied with the response.

  Gah, I’m just going to fess up now. “Well, I’ve been meaning to move all my assets to a joint account, and I just haven’t had the time. It’s just easier to use the ones I had prior until I get it done.” Please, please, please let that work.

  I can see his agitation, and I prepare myself for an over-the-top response to my teeny-tiny oversight.

  Instead, I’m completely taken off guard as he takes out his phone and dials someone. “Bill, Wales. My wife does have the cards, but she has been using her other ones under her maiden name. She wants to combine all our assets and cancel her other cards. Will you make that happen? Thank you.” He hangs up with a seemingly satisfied smirk on his face.

  He is so frustrating at times. “Damien, did you really find that necessary? I could have handled it.”

  He calmly turns toward me. “Yes, I did find it necessary. You’re mine, Alli. Using cards with the name Allison Scott contradicts that claim. So, I’m expediting the process. It’ll be done today.”

  I want to pound my head on the table from how obtuse he can be. No one even pays attention to whose name is on a card. I have a huge ring on my finger to say I’m completely taken. I just take a deep breath. This must be very important to him, and it does save me the hassle.

  My mom used to always say, When you love someone, give him security on things he holds important.

  “Thanks for having it done, Damien. It’ll save me a lot of time.”

  I return his smirk, and he’s momentarily taken off guard by my lack of irritation.

  Ha. Ha. Ha. I can be amenable when I want to be, and honestly, it was going to get done eventually anyway.

  As I give him a light kiss on the lips, my phone chirps from my pocket. It’s Sam.

  Sam: You’re moving? Overseas!

  Oh crap. I totally forgot to tell Sam that it’s not for real.

  “What is it, Alli?”

  “Sam’s gotten wind that we’re moving, Damien. What do I do?” I sound a little panicky, even to myself.

  “You’re going to have to play along. You don’t want her to get involved, and we can’t take a chance.”

  I let out a breath at Damien’s calmin
g voice.

  Nervously, I start rapping my fingers on the counter as I stare at her text. “I’ve never lied to her before in my entire life.”

  He just sits there, and I can see the sadness in his eyes because I have to do this.

  I continue, “I understand that I have to, but it’s just hard with how much I’ve already kept from her. It’s worth it because you’re first in my life, but it still feels like I’m betraying her with an outright lie.”

  Sorrowfully, he responds, “I would move heaven and earth if there were another way.”

  I grab his hand, preparing myself for what I have to do.

  “I know.” It’s an awful feeling, betraying your best friend in the entire world. Taking a deep breath and feeling something awful spread through me, I lie to her for the first time as I respond.

  Me: Yes. I was going to call you today to tell you. Happened really quickly.

  Sam: Allison! I won’t allow it. You and me—pedicures tomorrow. Be prepared to talk.

  Me: Okay. xoxo

  Sam: My heart is breaking.

  Me: I know. Mine, too.

  Both our hearts are breaking for different reasons.

  I look over at Damien, and he is watching me cautiously.

  “You are not going to like this, but hear me out,” I say.

  His mouth sets into a firm line.

  “Sam wants to do pedis tomorrow, and I have to do this, Damien.”

  He goes to object, and I raise my hand to stop him before he tries to lay down the law. I don’t want to fight.

  “Whatever security is needed is fine. You can choose the place. I need to see her. This is my best friend, and she thinks I’m moving overseas for a few years. If I avoided her, that would definitely send a message to whoever is watching us.”

  His blue eyes are unwavering as he looks at my face. “Fine, but it’s going to be near the office, and security is going to be tight.”

  “Thank you, Damien.”

  He grabs my knee. “One hour, Alli, and then your ass is back with me.”

  “Okay, one hour. Let’s talk about houses again. You were much more agreeable about that subject.”

  He gives me a worried look. “Alli, I don’t like this.”

  “I know, but I have to do this, Damien.”

  Damien is a huge ball of nerves beside me as we head to the city. The pedicure place has been rented out for the morning, and I will have one security guard with me, one in the car, one out back, and one out front. The ones out front and out back are riding in a second vehicle that will follow Damien and me to the salon. It feels a little much, but there is no way that this girl is going to start any argument today. A third car is following us to take Damien to the office for an hour, and then he will return to pick me up.

  Damien is going over security measures like a madman. I almost want to call the whole pedicure off, but I know that it will look worse if I don’t talk to Sam after such an announcement. She refused to come to the house last night when I asked. She wanted alone time. I couldn’t say no. Damien knows I’m right, or he would’ve never agreed to it, and then the killer would have seen through this farce.

  Damien has kept me right next to him the entire ride. All of a sudden, I am slightly jostled as Damien fishes his phone out of his pocket. “Sorry, baby. I forgot to take it out of my pocket.”

  I give him a loving smile, which he returns.

  He goes into total business mode as he answers his phone, “Wales. Ben, I’ll be at the office in about twenty minutes after I drop off Alli. Have it ready for me then.” He hangs up the phone and continues on with his lecture with security.

  Thank goodness.

  We’ve arrived at the spa place. I get out of the vehicle last, and Damien escorts me in. It’s an ultramodern place, done in chrome and bright swanky pink.

  Sam is already handing off her chosen nail polish to one of the technicians. She looks so comfortable in her yoga pants and a sorority T-shirt. I wish I could go around in my yoga pants, but with the constant threat of publicity at this point, it’s not worth the rumors that it might cause about me not fitting into my clothes.

  Once this is over, I’m going on a yoga pant binge!

  When Sam spots us, she immediately starts heading our way. To try and head her off at the pass, Damien gives Sam a just-one-minute signal, and she halts her progress. She’s clearly agitated by the gesture. He grabs my shoulders, pulling me off to the side. I can see how nervous he is about letting me do this, but four security personnel should be plenty.

  “Alli, the security team is in place, and they have been given strict instructions on how to handle everything. If they say something, please do it. Your safety is the most important thing to me.”

  I need to calm him down. “Damien, you have four guys watching me, and I’m in a staffed pedicure place. Text me every second if you need to know I’m okay. Let me talk to Sam, and I will get straight back to you.”

  “I’ll be back in an hour. That’s all she’s getting. Stay safe.”

  It’s been forever since he’s said those words to me, Stay safe, and it causes me to temporarily panic internally. When he used to say it, he was always afraid of me leaving or disappearing like Rebecca. A sick feeling arises in me, but I need to stay strong. I am completely safe.

  “I promise. Love you,” I say.

  “Love you, too, baby.” He gives me a kiss on the lips and puts his forehead to mine. “You are the most important thing to me. You know that, right?”

  I smile as he gives me one last kiss.

  “I do. Ditto, hubby.”

  He looks over to Sam and gives a slight jerk of his head to permit her to continue on her warpath. She comes stomping up with enough attitude that it makes me nervous more than anything about the next hour.

  “Wales, how could you? You’re officially on my shit list, and it’s going to take a hell of a lot to make up for taking her out of the country.” She turns to me.


  Sam puts her hand on her hip. “Oh, girl, don’t even get me started on not giving me the heads-up first. As your sister, I should have been told before the big public announcement.”

  Damien and I both go to speak at the same time. “Sam—”

  She holds up her hand, and we both stop.

  “Wales, I’ll deal with you later. I’ve only got an hour with my best friend, so skedaddle.”

  With that, she’s ushering him out of the place, and I giggle at the expression on his face. He gives me a good-luck look because he knows I’ve got it much worse than he does, at least for the next little bit.

  Sam turns to me, and I immediately recoil.

  “Pick your color. They’re ready. Then, be prepared to spill, Allison.”

  I solemnly march over, and I honestly don’t care what color I choose. I pick a red color polish as if I’m about to be in front of a deadly firing squad, which isn’t far from the truth at this point. I walk slowly, hand my color to the technician, and take my seat.

  No sooner than my ass hits the cushion, I hear a no-nonsense tone from the spitfire girl sitting right next to me.

  “Spill, Allison.”

  I am not ashamed to admit that I practiced what to say in the shower this morning. Damien was brushing his teeth while I practiced and washed my hair.

  I go through my rehearsed answer. “Damien wants to expand into the European market, and I suggested moving there. We should be gone for a couple of years, and then we’ll be back. Of course, we’ll come to visit, and you’ll come to see us. It’ll be over before we know it.”

  She looks me over from head to toe with a scathing look, and then she looks to the technicians. “Hey, ladies, would you mind giving my friend and me five minutes? I have something personal to ask her, and I’m kind of embarrassed about it.”

  The technicians immediately stand. “Of course, ma’am. We shall prepare some beverages and be back in five minutes.”

  Sam feeling embarrassed? Not likely.

nbsp; “Thanks, gals.” Sam watches them disappear and then swings her chair to face me.

  The chairs swivel. How cool is that?

  Right now, I’m grasping at anything in order to avoid looking at my friend, who is about to go off on me like a bomb.

  “Allison, I call bullshit. You’re lying. Now, spill. You’ve been hiding something from me for a while.”

  I try to communicate through my eyes. “Sam, just drop it for now, okay? I will fill you in when I can, but this protects you, too.”

  She immediately simmers down at the sound of my voice. “Are you okay? Is Wales hurting you?”

  “No, Sam. He’s keeping me safe. Just trust me, like I have you all these years. I know you’ve been keeping something from me, and you’ll tell me when it’s time. Just know that things aren’t as they seem.”

  We sit there and stare at each other for a little bit. From my words, hurt passes over her eyes. She knows that I know something happened to her.

  “When you’re ready, I’m here for you, Sam.”

  She gives me a brief nod before she shakes her head and snaps out of the vulnerability that temporarily claimed her.

  “Okay, now, we can actually have some girl time. Inquisition is over. I’ve got an appointment in Atlanta later this afternoon,” she says.

  “I didn’t think I was going to survive. I heart you! What are you doing in Atlanta?” My mind breathes a sigh of relief. I’m so glad I didn’t have to sit there and lie to her about future fake plans.

  “Just saying hello to a friend. Heart you, too, bestie.” She turns toward where the ladies disappeared and calls out, “Hey, ladies, we are good to go here. Come on back.”

  I just laugh at Sam’s craziness.

  Everything seems normal again between us, and I long for the day when she can know everything.

  As our feet soak in the tub, Sam starts filling me in on her life. “So, because of the job, I have decided to step down from the sexual assault awareness program. I’m passing the position on to next year’s sorority president.”

  “It’s amazing how successful that’s become. Congratulations.”

  She smiles a contented smile as the techs start rubbing our feet.


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