Magic and Mayhem: Thor and Peace (Kindle Worlds Novella) (A Stacy Justice Mystery Novella (3) Book 0)

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Magic and Mayhem: Thor and Peace (Kindle Worlds Novella) (A Stacy Justice Mystery Novella (3) Book 0) Page 4

by Barbra Annino

  They acquired dozens of mosquito bites, eaten several thousand unidentifiable bugs, trampled a few ant hills, been scratched by branches, pricked with thorns and Thor had lost a nail somewhere near a spruce tree.

  There was no sign, no scent of The Viper or the missing children.

  Exhausted and sore, barely able to catch her breath, Lucy said. “This doesn’t make any sense. There should at least be a trace of him. A piece of fabric, a smell. This is where the children went missing, right?”

  He nodded. She was right, of course. The easiest way to locate them or him would have been to pick up on a scent and track it. But they came away empty.

  Thor glanced around the woods. The Geraghty woods. It didn’t make sense to him either. These woods were protected. No harm not of nature should come to any of these creatures. Not with Fiona’s animal sense, Birdie’s healing properties, and Lolly’s magic potions.

  Something wasn’t adding up.

  The 1:45 train came barreling through town, blowing its whistle. They were at the mouth of the river. If The Viper was in the area, if he were planning a moon ritual, this was where he would do it. He wouldn’t cast underground or in a cave. He would do it beneath the moon, with the power of the elements at his disposal.

  Lucy was saying something when Thor heard a distinct sound.

  “Shh,” he said.

  She stopped talking. Another whistle blew. The other sound rose out of the darkness once again. A sound they both knew all too well.

  A howl.


  The pair followed the howl to the river’s edge where a coyote pup and a young fawn were splashing in the water.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” said Thor.

  Lucy was speechless.

  “Hey!” Thor’s baritone voice stopped both kids in their tracks.

  The coyote, Mia, and the fawn, Eli, looked over to him.

  “Hi Misther Thor!” waved Mia who was missing a few canines.

  Eli bounced forward, “Who’s the pretty lady?”

  Thor looked at Lucy. “This is why I am never having puppies.”

  Lucy sighed. “So much for the army intelligence theory.”

  “You two get over here right now!” Thor bellowed.

  Lucy placed a paw on his shoulder. “Go easy, Misther Thor. They’re just babies.”

  He lowered his hackles.

  Eli’s tail flicked. “Are we in trouble?”

  Mia’s head was hanging low, her ears back, her tail tucked as she approached. “Are we?”

  Thor blew out a breath. “No, just come on. Your poor mothers are worried sick.”

  Mia said, “I didn’t mean to scare mama.”

  “Me either!” said Eli.

  Then they both burst into tears and Thor could hardly stand it. He laid his enormous body down on the ground and rolled onto his back. “Who wants an airplane ride?”

  Mia brightened. “I do!”

  Eli sniffled. “Me too!”

  Lucy shrugged out of her pack. “Okay, climb aboard,” she said, also rolling onto her back.

  The pup pounced on Thor’s belly and he rolled around, kicking his legs and pretending to bite her paws as she giggled and yipped at him. He glanced over at Lucy who was laughing as Eli tried to balance all his hoofs onto her paws and ended up splayed across her belly.

  Their eyes met and Thor couldn’t help but feel a twinge of longing.

  “Never?” asked Lucy.

  He just smiled.

  On the way back towards the house, with a puppy riding him like a jockey, Thor was still wondering about the missing bunny and baby squirrel.

  Lucy said, “It happens, Thor. Nature happens.”

  Mia said, “Are you talking about Peach?”

  Thor looked behind him and Mia put her tiny snout to his. “Rawr!” she yelled. She put her paws around his nose and gave him a nibble.

  He gave her a decent growl back and she giggled.

  “What do you know about Peach?” Lucy asked.

  Mia said, “She got stung by a bee and went to visit Aunt Fiona.”

  Lucy wrinkled her forehead, questioningly.

  “The ancestors. They live in the big house. Fiona is an animal witch,” Thor explained.

  “Perhaps the squirrel is there too?” asked Lucy.


  Eli was tramping along a few feet ahead of them and Mia jumped off Thor’s shoulders to catch up with the baby deer. Thor watched the youngsters, thinking about the crazy day he’d had and hoping upon hope that his witch wasn’t coming home tonight or he’d have a lot of explaining to do. He would never breach the security of the den if he didn’t think it absolutely necessary and now that he knew it wasn’t, he felt like a fool.

  The moon was high over their heads and Thor sniffed the air as they made their way through the woods. He didn’t smell any dark magic. He asked Lucy if she did since her senses were more attuned to that sort of thing. The answer was no.

  “He’s still out there, Thor. He did escape. Maybe we were wrong about the ritual, but the man spent a long time locked up. A long time contemplating revenge,” Lucy said.

  “Or he could be retired. Maybe he bought a condo in Florida. Took up shuffleboard,” said Thor.

  “Can you do that with half a hand?” asked Lucy.

  He was just about to respond when a bat smacked him right in the face.

  “AGH! WHAT THE HELL?” bellowed Thor.

  Lucy said, “Thor, language.”

  Juan hiccupped. “ Lo siento, El Jefe. I didn’t see you there.” His breath reeked.

  “Are you drunk?” asked Lucy, waving a paw in front of her face..

  Thor heard music then, coming from the cottage. “No way. No freaking way!”

  He whirled on Juan. “How did you get out?”

  Juan was flopping around, trying to steady his wings. He might have managed it too, if a branch

  Hadn’t clothes-lined him.

  From the ground, he said, “I am bat. I am the night. I am-“

  Then he passed out.

  Lucy and Thor stared at him.

  “Well, they can pretty much squeeze through a pinhole. He must have let himself out and unlocked the door,” Lucy said.

  “But it’s keypad coded! How would… I mean, there’s no way—you know what? Never mind. Take the kids to the big house. I have some cats to murder.”

  Lucy said, “Now, Thor.”

  He gave her a grumble and she said, “Okay, okay. Your circus. Your monkeys.” To the young tykes, she said, “Who wants to visit Aunt Fiona?”

  “Me!” shouted Mia.

  “Me!” shouted Eli.

  And they were off.

  Thor picked the bat up by his head and placed him on top of a shrub.

  Then he rumbled toward the cottage.

  When he reached the wide open front door, several sights and smells hit him all at once. Pizza, whiskey, chardonnay, and cat urine.

  Most who knew Thor, knew him as an intelligent, kind, patient, gentle giant.

  But there was another side to the Big Man that he normally reserved for warlocks, killers, and people who asked, ‘did you come with a saddle?’.

  This was the side that erupted.

  Thor roared and the twin foxes took off like lightening, bumping into each other along the way. They eventually crashed into the porch swing and knocked each other out.

  Jerry froze as if he’d been hit with a spell.

  Thor walked over to the groundhog and snarled. “Get everyone out. NOW. Take them to the Geraghtys.”

  “S-sure thing, Boss,” said Jerry.

  “Except those felines,” Thor growled. “They’re mine.” He could feel every inch of the hair on his back raise. His tail pointed skyward.

  Jerry stammered, “Um, funny thing.” He raised a paw. “They convinced Juan to let us out, threw a little party and then they split.”

  “Where?” asked Thor, eyeing the over-sized rodent.

  Jerry shrugge
d. “Said they were gonna go cruisin’ for chicks.”

  Thor lifted his chin and did something he hadn’t done in a long, long, while. He howled. Out of sheer frustration because there was no one to bite.

  He smelled furry things rush pass him in a haze and when he finally opened his eyes, Lucy said, “You called, General?”

  He looked at her, trying to remain calm. “This town is not normal.”

  “Yeah, I got that.”

  He shook his head in disbelief. “In the old days, I was shot at, imprisoned, tortured. But there were rules. You knew the enemy’s objective. But this…” He swept his paw across the room. “This is anarchy.”

  She gave him a sympathetic look. “You want me to help you clean up?”

  Thor shook his head. “I want to check on Rocket and the baby.”

  “But Tank is there,” Lucy said.

  Thor just looked at her.

  “Okay. Let’s go,” she said.


  They were half way to Rocket’s house when Lucy asked, “Why did you leave? It was such a big part of you. WOOF, I mean. Why did you leave?”

  He thought about it for a long time. It seemed like a dog’s year ago. More than that even. Truth be told, he hadn’t even thought of the military for a very long time. He would never regret the time he spent there. The friends he had made. The missions. But he didn’t miss it. He liked his life now. Loved his witch and the kooky little town they lived in. He liked working with the Seeker of Justice. Liked being her partner.

  Finally, he told Lucy the truth. “I watched too many go over the bridge.”

  She nodded, understanding.

  He gave her a sideways glance. “Why did you stay?”

  She met his stare. “It was all that I knew. But this is my last mission. I’m retiring.”

  A spark of hope filled his heart. “Where will you go?”

  “The Commander has a placement for us,” she said softly.

  Us. Her and Tank.

  He extinguished the spark and they walked along in silence for a few minutes.

  “If he comes for you, I’ll be here. Just watch for the signs, okay?”

  Thor looked up. He didn’t see any crows. “Any tips, witchy one?”

  “Yes. Always use the peephole and don’t let him in.”

  “Ha ha.”

  Lucy thought a moment. “There’s a lot of magic in those woods.”

  “But they’re protected.”

  “Only from harm. He could still infiltrate the forest. Blend in with others. But you’ll be able to see the marks you made.”

  He nodded.

  They found Tank perched under a tree several feet from the house trying to slap away a fly. He ended up smacking himself in the face.

  “This guy? Really?” he asked Lucy. She shook her head and went to greet her mate.

  Thor trotted over to the baby’s room window and took a peek. She and Rocket were sleeping soundly. Relief waved through him.

  He joined Lucy and Tank, cringing when he noticed Tank’s paw around her back.

  “Thanks for looking after the baby.”

  “No problem, Champ. Been a quiet night.”

  Lucy said, “I’ll check in with the Commander.”

  She pulled a gadget from her pack and stepped aside.

  Thor stood there uncomfortably, not knowing the protocol. Should he just leave? Shake Tank’s hand? Punch him in his stupid, furry face?

  “So how did everything go? Did you find the missing familiars?” Tank asked.

  “Yes. Well, most of them.”

  He wondered if he would ever find Gypsy’s boy. Maybe Lucy was right. Maybe the poor thing was a victim of nature.

  He heard Lucy say, “Yes, Commander. Okay. See you soon.” She tucked her gadget away and trotted back towards them.

  She said, “They’ve located the missing familiars in an eastern town that’s heavily cloaked in magic. It made communications difficult. Apparently, a training session was scheduled, but the dates were changed and not everyone got the memo.” She heaved a sigh. “I’m sorry, Thor, looks like we jumped the gun on this one.”

  Tank said, “Hey, don’t sweat it. It’s not like that time the General here jumped the gun, eh Thor?” He winked and slapped Thor on the shoulder.

  Thor gave a low growl. He hated winkers. And wankers. This douchecanoe was both. “I never jumped the gun on a mission.”

  He stepped forward and Lucy stiffened.

  She said, “Boys, let's relax.”

  Thor could feel his blood begin to boil. What the hell was Tank implying?

  Tank stood taller, as if his balls had just dropped. “Sure you did. Remember? The Viper mission?”

  Thor snarled and chest-bumped the German Shepard. Tank growled.

  “I never gave that order!” Thor barked.

  “That’s not how I remember it. In fact, isn’t that how you lost your stripes?”

  Lucy growled then. “Tank, you’re out of line. None of that is true!” She snapped.

  Thor said, “I’m only going to warn you once. Shut your mouth or I’ll shut if for you.” He bared his teeth.

  Tank curled his lip, advancing on Thor, but Lucy put her teeth on his shoulder, yanking him back.

  “Don’t do this,” she barked. “Please.”

  “Yes, please, Tank. I really don’t want to get blood all over the lawn,” said Thor.

  Tank said, “You think you’re so tough, don’t you? You think you’re so much smarter than me.”

  Thor said, “I think a pet rock is smarter than you.”

  “Thor!” snapped Lucy. To Tank, she said, “We’re leaving. NOW.”

  “Fine. Let’s go, Lucy,” said Tank.

  Lucy gave Thor a disappointed look.

  “Hey, your idiot boyfriend started it,” said Thor.

  Tank grumbled, “At least I’m not dumb enough to get myself cloned.”

  It was as if all motion stopped in that moment. Not even the wind blew.

  Lucy tensed, staring at Tank first and then Thor. What she saw in his eyes frightened her and she stepped back, shaking her head.

  Because she knew.

  “No, it can’t be,” she whispered.

  “That information was classified, Tank.” Thor lowered his head, his battle-ax arm shook with rage.

  Tank turned back. “No it wasn’t.” He flicked his eyes away.

  Lucy looked at him in horror. “Yes, it was, Tank.”

  Only she and Thor knew about The Viper shifting into Thor’s form before the attack. No one else except the Commander was privy to that information.

  Tank licked his lips. “You must have told me, Lucy.”

  She shook her head vigorously. “No, I didn’t.”

  He was the rat. All these years, Thor had never known who on his team had tipped off The Viper of his identity. Now he knew. This son-of-bitch stole his life. Stole his love. And he had to pay.

  Before Tank could even think about running, Thor leapt, slamming all four paws and all 180 pounds into the enemy. The Shepard squirmed beneath him and they tumbled down the hill, jaws snapping, teeth flashing and dripping with venom. The growls grew louder as Thor’s rage intensified. He could hear Lucy’s cries, but he didn’t care because at that moment, he was primal, functioning only on instinct. A perfect killing machine.

  He would make it swift, for Lucy’s sake. He sunk his jaws into Tank’s throat and was about to rip it out when Lucy screamed.

  “No! Thor! Don’t! I’m pregnant!”

  He stopped, thought about killing him anyway until Tank croaked. “Please.”

  The Shepard’s eyes were filled with fear and he wet himself.

  Disgust filled the Great Dane as he slowly released his hold on the traitor. Disgust that he once trusted this dog. That Lucy did. And that he was going to father her puppies.

  Thor stood up, tasting the blood in his mouth. “You’re no soldier,” he said to Tank.

  Tank didn’t meet his eyes as Lucy ran dow
n the hill.

  “How could you?!” She screamed and sunk her own teeth into Tank’s shoulder. He yelped in pain. “You set him up! How could you?!” She bit him again and Thor felt a hint of satisfaction as Tank screamed.

  “I did it for you, Lucy! I was in love with you, but you only had eyes for him!” He had the goddamn nerve to glare at Thor.

  “You almost got her killed, you dumb son-of-a-bitch,” said Thor.

  Tank’s head drooped. “I know. But she wasn’t supposed to be there. It was supposed to be you.”

  That part was true. Lucy wasn’t supposed to be on the front line, but she sensed something wasn’t right and broke orders.

  “Where is he, Tank? Where’s The Viper?” demanded Thor.

  Tank looked at him. I don’t know.”

  Thor charged at him, knocking him to the ground. He pinned his throat. “Tell me! Or I’ll end you right now!”

  Tank stammered, “I don’t know, General, I swear, I had nothing to do with this!”

  Lucy said, “He’s telling the truth. When he lies his tail wags.”

  Thor jumped to his feet.

  That’s when he heard the crows.

  All three canines looked to the sky.


  Thor ran faster than he had ever run in his life. He took shortcuts through lawns, leaping over fences, bushes, and one motorcycle until he reached the Geraghty house. There was a light on in the kitchen and Thor went to the back door to check on his family. He didn’t see the Geraghty Girls and wondered if they were upstairs in the magic chamber. He did see two bunnies, sleeping in the sink, Daisy and Eli curled up on the rug, and Jerry eating a banana.

  He thought of something that Lucy had told him once about sigils and stepped back, testing her claim. He lifted his neck skyward and concentrated on the embroidered symbols that covered his new collar. He felt sparks and heat, and motion. He closed his eyes, imagining what magic would look like. When he opened them, Thor could just make out the transparent barrier that hugged the house. The wards were functioning. Good.

  He trotted around to the back of the cottage and was about to let himself in when he heard a rustling behind him. The Great Dane whipped around so fast, he nearly lost his balance.


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