Dangerously Mine

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Dangerously Mine Page 10

by A. M. Griffin

  After a few moments, she twirled her hips in circular motions before bringing them up to take more.

  “No, little one.” He put a hand on her hip, stopping her from rising any farther. “I won’t be able to contain myself if you keep doing that. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I don’t want you to hold back. I can take it,” she whispered. Eva moved his hand and brought her hips up in one swift motion, taking more of him.

  He groaned and she moaned, her slickness overwhelming him.

  With a loud cry, he reached under her, gripping her ass roughly in both hands, lifting her hips higher. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs squeezed tighter around his back. Holding onto her tightly, he pumped into her deep and hard. The faster he moved, the louder she screamed. Her fingernails dug into his back, legs pulling him in deeper.

  She wanted it all.

  She could take all he gave her.

  She was his little warrior.

  She clawed and screamed as her pussy convulsed and erupted, covering his cock with her slick juices. After two more thrusts, he joined her, spurting his cum deep inside her. Her pussy milked him for every drop.

  Lying with half of his body on her and the other on the bed, he kept her legs around his waist. He wanted her close at hand when his cock got hard again. She stroked his hair slowly, his breathing started to slow and he drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “My sweet baby, how are you doing?” Taio closed his eyes and inwardly cringed at the familiar high-pitched voice.

  His mother had arrived.

  He turned to greet her. “Hello, Mother. I trust your trip was satisfactory?”

  He opened his arms as his mother came to him, returning his hug and planting a soft kiss on each cheek. Although it was a standard greeting for loved ones, his face reddened at the public display of motherly affection. Rasha making light kissing noises beside him didn’t help matters either.

  “The trip was as well as could be expected.” His mother shot a quick look in his father’s direction.

  His mother and father had an arranged marriage and it was well known they did not get along. They tried to avoid each other at all costs, only being in the same room for diplomatic purposes. He guessed that helping him find a mate was considered a diplomatic purpose.

  “Greetings, King Xochis,” Taio said. He addressed his father by his official title, as he preferred.

  “Greetings, Prince Taio.” His father nodded slightly, choosing to call him a prince, even though he was King of Sonis. “I hear you have acquired a new species. Let me take a look at her.”

  Taio stilled. While he could let his father’s slight of word go, he could not tolerate his father’s interest in Eva. Taio hadn’t told his father about Eva and didn’t plan on it. Someone was feeding, or had fed, information to him. Bedding as many females as possible was among the many high qualities his father had. Taio made a mental note to keep a guard with Eva at all times with strict instructions she should never be left alone with his father.

  “I am afraid she is not for public use,” he said without a hint of remorse. “But there are many other species coming within the next day or so for the festivities.”

  His mother became very still under his arm. He didn’t like to talk about his father’s transgressions in front of her, even if she was well aware of her mate’s extramarital affairs.

  “Prince Taio!” A smile crossed his lips as his sister came into view across the room. Saia had on a red gown, accentuating her golden skin tone. Her red-colored slippers made a soft padding noise on the floor as she ran his way.

  At seventeen birth cycles, Saia was the highlight of his life. Shortly after she had her fifteenth birth cycle, he’d petitioned his father to send Saia to live with him, wanting to offer his little sister a better life. He knew it was only a matter of time before his father bonded her in a contract for monetary or political gain and that would be the day he would have to kill the king.

  Reaching him, she ran right into his arms and, despite his size, almost knocked him and his mother down.

  “Ship told me you bought me something while you were on Xenaris!” Saia said.

  “Really, Saia, princesses do not behave in such a manner!” his mother said, exasperated. Taio smiled, this was not the first time his mother had talked to Saia about her behavior. As if on cue, his father turned and walked off.

  “I am sorry, Mother, I couldn’t help myself,” Saia said. She wrapped her arms tighter around his midsection.

  He released his mother and returned his sister’s embrace, lifting the younger female off the ground, kissing both cheeks. Saia giggled in return. “You get prettier each time I lay eyes on you.”

  Saia was two heads shorter than he was, with the same lavender-colored eyes that he and his siblings had inherited from their mother. Her thick black hair hung down in cascading waves below her waist.

  “Paw. You always say that.” She playfully hit his arm. “Ship promised I would like my gift. Let me see it.”

  “I have your gift right here.” He patted his jacket pocket. “But it seems you lost what little manners I remember you having.”

  “Oh! Don’t play games with me, Taio. Please. I promise to be on my best behavior.” She jumped from one foot to the other, waiting for him to retrieve the necklace from his pocket.

  Bringing the necklace out, he fastened it around her neck.

  “Oh it’s beautiful! Mother, isn’t it lovely?” She turned to show the necklace to their mother. “It matches my eyes. Thank you so much, Taio,” Saia said before her mother had a chance to answer. She wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tight.

  Eva stood in the elaborately furnished ballroom, watching the exchange between Taio and his family from afar. It was obvious from the way his face lit up that he cared for his mother and sister deeply. Even without an introduction, she would have been able to spot them.

  Another male walked into the room, greeting Taio, Saia and his mother with a hug. The new visitor had to be his younger brother, Kiehle. He was almost a replica of Taio. Biting her fingernails, a habit she had thought she lost a long time ago, she looked on. Was he going to call her over, she wondered, secretly hoping he would.

  As she watched them, her chest began to constrict, the old feelings of abandonment and loneliness started to surround her. She brought her hand up to her heart. She imagined the loneliness taking root inside as if it were a weed, winding its way around her heart and smothering it. Would there ever be a time when she had family to greet her? On this new world, she was no more than an orphan. Now she was one who had also lost a planet.

  She slowly rubbed her hand over her chest, trying to ease some of the tension away. No such luck. She could feel her eyes begin to water. Blinking back tears, she turned away from the reunion. She would not embarrass herself by crying in public.

  Crap, what is coming over me? Why am I so fucking emotional?

  Eva hadn’t been sure if she should even attend the welcome ball for the royal family. Only after Lo’Ren and Mazel had made such a fuss about it did she finally agree to come. Although Taio had not broached the subject of her attending at all, he didn’t seem to mind when he found out.

  She looked down at the blue silk gown with matching slippers. Mazel had picked out the ensemble. Lo’Ren even weighed in and approved her choice. Thanks to Mazel, her hair was up in an intricate design, held in place by diamond pins.

  Eva reached for her hair, mentally counting each exquisite pin. Eleven. The thought of walking around with the expensive hair decorations made her nervous.

  She didn’t claim to be the prettiest girl in the room, but she was happy about how it all had turned out. If she was to meet the royal family, she would at least look presentable. She tried to remember the last time she even wore a dress.

  This is a bit over my head. She scanned the room, fighting the urge to leave.

  The only reason she stayed rooted in place was beca
use of Mazel’s efforts. Well, that, and she had also promised Lo’Ren she would tell her all about it tomorrow. If she left now, her new friend would bug her for days about the injustice of not being able to attend and not getting the scoop about the party.

  “You must be Eva.” A female’s voice intruded on her thoughts.

  Eva jumped at the sound of her name. Damn, she was losing her touch. A couple of months ago, no one would have been able to sneak up on her. She turned around, surprised to see Taio’s mother talking to her. Shit. Neither Taio nor Mazel had explained what the protocol was for greeting royalty.

  “Umm…hello, yes, I’m Eva.” She stuck out her hand, but quickly brought it in when his mother stared at it, confused.

  She then attempted a curtsy, the kind she had seen on multiple television shows. His mother lowered her eyes and looked to be searching the ground for something. Wrong again. Eva straightened; this was not going as she had hoped. “Nice to meet you,” she finally said.

  “Nice to meet you too.” The queen gave her head a slight nod. “I hear you are sharing a bed with my son.”

  Eva’s breath caught in her throat. Damn, this lady sure is straightforward.

  “Will you continue to stay in my son’s room while the guests are here?” the queen asked.


  Maybe they were really conservative people. That would explain why his mother disapproved of her staying in Taio’s room. “I could leave if you think it would be best?”

  This was her first time meeting his mother, or anyone’s mother, for that matter, and she was not going to ruin it by doing or saying anything to upset her.

  “That would be best.” His mother smiled warmly in return. “I am afraid that if you remained in his bed, he might become…distracted.”


  “Well, yes. I am not a male, but I should think it would be extremely difficult to find a future mate with a concubine in my bed. That would be difficult, even for a male.”

  “Picking out a future mate?” Now she was really confused. What was going on here? At no time had he mentioned anything about finding a “future mate”. I will kill him.

  “Taio did not explain this to you?”

  “No, I’m afraid that he didn’t. I’m sorry to intrude on his party. I really am.” She tried to force the words out of her mouth.

  “Tsk. I thought he would have explained his plans to you before now.” The queen shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. What will be, will be.”

  “He never told me. Are you sure?” she asked. Was his mother mistaken? A mate? She didn’t expect marriage from him, but she thought there had been some kind of connection between the two of them.

  “Well, of course I am sure. He invited me here to help pick out a potential candidate.”

  “Oh.” Her eyes scanned the room, finally taking it all in. Every female in attendance positioned themselves in Taio’s line of sight and watched him. Potential candidates.

  They all knew the nature of this gathering. Everyone here must know. Everyone except for me.

  “I can see why he is enthralled with you.” His mother’s eyes scanned her from head to toe. “Unfortunately, I think he intends to keep you.”

  “Do you mean make me his mate?”

  The queen laughed. “No, no. Not as a mate. You would never do. He is a king and you are but a mere…slave.”

  A mere slave.


  “Oh I understand,” Eva said. “I think I should remove my things from his room then.” Turning away from his mother, she looked back over her shoulder. The queen was already making her way back across the room to her family.

  She picked up her pace. She had one goal and one goal only—reach the exit before the tears completely overtook her eyes.

  “Where are you going?” Mazel reached out and grabbed for her arm. She had not even noticed his assistant, who had hurried to her side.

  She turned red-rimmed eyes to Mazel. Hissing, she slapped her outstretched hand away. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Mazel’s mouth opened to a perfect O as she stepped back, bringing her hand to her chest. “I am sorry, Eva. I thought…”

  Eva turned away and ran out of the room, pushing past anyone who stood in her way, not hearing the rest of Mazel’s words. What did it matter anyway?

  How could he have done this to me? The same thought repeated in her head as she ran through the palace. Did everyone know the “gathering” was planned so he could find a mate? She’d stood there, hoping he would call her over and introduce her to his family.

  Ha! A mere slave. She mentally beat herself up for even thinking she could have been a part of that love. All the while he was planning to discard her for another, as if she were trash.

  She ran toward their shared rooms, tears of betrayal pouring down her cheeks.

  She ripped off the foolish dress, kicked off the useless shoes and took the ridiculous pins out of her hair. She grabbed and threw on the only thing comfortable to her, her fighting suit and boots.

  She was gathering her belongings, as meager as they were, when Taio arrived. “Eva, little one, what are you doing?”

  “What the hell do you think I’m doing?” she said through clenched teeth. How dare he put her through this humiliation and then waltz in here as if nothing was the matter. He didn’t even have the decency to tell her, letting her instead find out from his mother! His mother, of all people!

  “Why do you have your things?” He walked closer to her, his eyes intent and focused on the clothes she had in her hands.

  “Because your mother thought it would be best if I didn’t share your bed while you ‘looked for a mate’!” She kicked the bed. “And I happen to agree with her.” She turned around and glared at him. “Why didn’t you tell me any of this beforehand? I had to find out from…her.”

  “I am sorry. I thought you understood.” He took the clothes out of her hands.

  “Understood what, exactly?” She narrowed her eyes, snatching her clothes back.

  He’d never told her he cared for her, never told her he loved her, never pretended there was anything more than sex between them. She did understand. She had taken a little form of affection and built something fictional around the feeling. “I thought you understood that as king I need to find a mate.”


  “Eva, I need a mate who will bring prosperity to Sonis so that it can be a thriving world. I need to help my people be able to provide for themselves.”

  “So, I don’t mean anything to you?” Her chest was on fire. It was going to explode.

  “It is not about me or about you. I cannot be so selfish as to only think of myself right now. I have a whole world to think of.”

  He was right. She had been an easy lay and nothing more, fulfilling her duties as a slave and concubine. He had not promised her anything, so why was she demanding what he had not offered her? She sniffed and picked the rest of her clothes off the bed.

  “I need to find a bag. I couldn’t find one. I don’t want to walk through the halls with my clothes hanging in my arms.” How embarrassing. The tramp walk of shame.

  “Where do you think you are going?”

  “I asked Ship to help me. He found an empty apartment for me in the main palace.”

  “What!” Startled by his sudden outburst, she jumped back. “You will not move out of here!” he said.

  “Your mother said I shouldn’t stay here. Plus, I can’t be here with you while you are making plans to mate with someone else.”

  “Eva, didn’t you hear me? I need to mate with someone who will bring prosperity to Sonis. The match will be in name only. You are mine. You cannot go.”

  You mean you won’t let me go.

  “You will stay here with me,” he said. “When I find a match, we will figure out the rest later.”


  “Eva, what would you have me do?”

  Be my protector as you promised. She lowered
her head. “Take me home.”

  He walked closer to her. “This is your home.”

  “No, it’s not. I want to go home. To Earth.” Her chest constricted.

  “There’s nothing left for you there.”

  Her eyes met his. “There’s nothing for me here either.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “You belong to me.”

  “You don’t own me.”

  “Yes I do.”

  She held her clothes tight in her hands. She was leaving. It was no point in arguing with a thick-headed barbarian.

  He growled low in his chest as she walked closer to the door, arms full of clothes.

  “Taio.” She turned her head to look at him. “You may own me on paper, but I will never be your slave.”

  She turned and left.

  Chapter Sixteen

  She had almost forgotten what it was like to have a place of her own. Since she’d spent the last few years in a communal living arrangement, the apartment was more than she could have ever dreamed of, one bedroom, a small kitchen and dinette area and a living room with a balcony overlooking a radiant green pond.

  Although she enjoyed the privacy of having her own place again, the next few days were long and tiresome. Eva spent all her free time on the training field. With Coyl gone, training with the guards had been easier. Well, first off, there wasn’t anyone on the field trying to kill her. She stayed there from dusk to dawn, wearing herself out.

  She left the training field only to eat and sleep. The guards even invited her to their private dining hall with them. They even went so far as to start to treat her as one of their own. She would rather eat with them than be forced to watch Taio and the “candidates” ogling each other through the evening meals. Since he was so busy with his guests that he didn’t have time to visit the training field, she didn’t have to see him at all, really.

  During the day, he was out of sight, out of mind. It was during the evening hours that thoughts of Taio crept up. She never imagined the three weeks she had spent with Taio would have this big of an impact. Most of all, there was no one there to stop the nightmares.


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