Book Read Free

The Journey Home

Page 16

by Lee Carroll

  There was only time for 9 of the 27 to bring their stories to Mike that day, and then the lights went on. Mike sat in silence, realizing that again lunchtime had gone by unnoticed. Red came from the rear of the room and faced Mike.


  “No—exhilarated!” was Mike’s reply. “Do we have to stop?” Red laughed heartily and motioned for Mike to stand and join him on the way to dinner.

  “There will be two more days of this, Michael Thomas. There is time for most of the family to speak.” Mike had about a million questions as he was led back to the dining room.

  “Red, will you stay for dinner? I mean—I know you don’t eat, but I would like to ask some things.”

  “Yes, of course.” Red was amused. Mike thought he probably had other things to do, not realizing that Red was there solely for Mike and others on the path at that moment.

  They entered the dining area where two place settings were arranged. Mike looked at the table questioningly.

  “Who is joining us?”

  “I thought you invited me,” replied Red with tongue in cheek.

  “But you don’t eat!”

  “Says who?” Red was having fun, as he placed himself at the table opposite Mike and poured himself a refreshing fruit drink. Mike was still confused.

  “I never—I mean—none of the other angels ate. I just thought—” Red interrupted Mike.

  “Michael, angels don’t have to eat, but I am joining you in this human necessity because it is enjoyable for you to have a companion who is also eating. Right?”

  “Correct.” Mike couldn’t argue with that. It had been weeks since he had enjoyed a meal with anyone. The last time it had even come close to happening was when Green watched him. At least it had been company. Red was fun! He was perhaps the most human of them all.

  “I feel honored that you would think so,” replied Red, chewing his bread, reading Mike’s thoughts completely. Mike ate his meal haltingly, stopping often to ask Red questions.

  “Red, was what just happened real? I mean, when they were speaking to me—was that just some kind of new projection technique that I haven’t seen yet?” Red again laughed, wiping his chin with a napkin.

  “Why is it that humans want so desperately to assign reality to illusion? Even sometimes when truth is presented, humans deny it as a trick. I’ll never understand that.”

  “Well?” inquired Mike.

  “Absolutely real,” replied Red. “More real than your own reality on Earth, Michael. They are here in person for you in this house.”

  Mike didn’t understand that completely, but continued to ask questions.

  “Red, all the strange-sounding names—I noticed that my image didn’t have one—only that strange writing I have seen before.”

  “You do have one, Michael, but it is hidden for now. If appropriate, someday you can learn of it, or at least the part of it you can speak—but it has no bearing on your enlightenment. After all, you don’t know my name, and it hasn’t stopped you from enjoying your time here.” Red took another bite.

  Michael had never considered the fact that the angel names of those he had met in the various houses were unknown to him. He just called them by their colors. It was easier for everyone, and they encouraged it.

  “Red, what is your real name?” Mike was really interested. He took another bite of salad as he waited for Red to answer.

  “You make an assumption that a name is a sound, Michael.”

  Mike noticed that Red was an inept eater. You could tell that it was his first time. The food kept falling out of his mouth back onto the plate. He was on his fourth napkin and trying his best to emulate a human in the mannerisms and etiquette of consuming food. It was really quite funny, but Mike was so engrossed in his questions that he didn’t react to it. Later, he would have a good laugh, but not at Red’s expense. Red continued, after wiping his mouth again.

  “All entity names in the Universe are energy, including yours and mine. They have color, vibration, sound—even intent! They cannot be given completely as a sound in the air as your Earth name can. Even the names written and spoken that you heard today are only a portion of the actual energy of an entity’s complete name; they are given as best they can be just for you. When spiritual beings greet each other, they can ‘see’ the names. Each entity carries his entire lineage and accomplishments in the colors and vibrations within his Merkabah—the name for an angelic body. It’s far more complex than you can understand at this moment, Michael, since it is interdimensional.”

  “Red,” Mike began, wanting to know more, “today in the theater, why were some of the images in the top row skipped over when it was their turn to present their stories?” Mike was especially curious about the image of the red-haired woman whose energy had captivated him early on. She had appeared in the top row but had been skipped.

  “These are humans you didn’t meet, Michael.” Red took a drink, and unsuccessfully tried to keep the fluid from running out of the corners of his mouth. Again the napkin was applied—the seventh one.

  “So the ones I didn’t meet—they don’t count?”

  “Unfulfilled contracts are not normally shown here, Michael.You wouldn’t relate to any of them, since you didn’t meet them in your life. The ones that will introduce themselves to you are only the family you have met so far.”

  Mike sat back for a moment and again reflected on a thought he had not had for some time. He wondered about the appropriateness of his journey in this land of seven houses. If he had stayed in Los Angeles, he would have obviously interacted with some people who had spiritual plans to meet him. Had he interrupted some kind of cosmic plan?What would be the consequences? Red was “listening” and addressed his unspoken question.

  “Michael, listen to me. Not everything you contemplate is understood within the dimension of the three. Your mind isn’t that of God here. You can’t know what we know yet. You are still human, and you are greatly loved for being just that. There is more happening here than you know. You chose to leave the path, and it is an honor that you did. Nothing is inappropriate that you have chosen to do. We would not be helping you in this manner if it were not anointed that you were here at this time.”

  Mike had never thought of his choice to be on this path as an anointed one. He continued to think of it as an escape. He was in training to go home, and for some reason that was honored and blessed by these angelic beings. Red was right. He didn’t see the big picture.

  “Will I ever understand?”

  “When you stand before the door to home and open it, you will.”

  Red stood up and graciously excused himself. After the door was shut, Mike arose and walked around the table to the chair where Red had sat eating with him. It looked like a three-year-old had been there! Crumbs, fruit juice, and pieces of food were everywhere. Mike burst out laughing.

  “I love you, Red!” he exclaimed. Mike realized how thoughtful Red had been to offer to eat with him. He had tried. I guess even angels have things they can’t do, Mike thought. Then he became introspective and wondered, If there are things angels can’t do, and angels are part of the whole, I wonder if there are things God can’t do? Mike heard an answer in his head immediately. It was the voice of Violet!

  “Yes. God can’t lie. God can’t hate. God can’t make unbiased decisions out of the scope of love. This is the essence of why you have the lessons of Earth, so that God can have an unbiased test.”

  Wow! Mike knew that something profound had just been imparted, but he understood none of it. Perhaps, in time, even this will make sense, thought Mike. It was good to hear Violet’s voice again. What a place!

  Mike slept, but the two angelic names Anneehu and Eleeuin kept appearing before him, along with vivid colors and geometric patterns. It was all so wonderful! Despite the recurring light show, Mike slept well.

  THE NEXT DAY, Mike could hardly wait to get started. He wolfed down his breakfast and followed Red to the theater. He literally scampere
d to the big padded chair and awaited more introductions and enlightened words from his new family. This time it was the turn of some of those who hadn’t been so friendly. Still, it all seemed so correct.

  The bully, Henry, came and stood before him, telling Mike of the contract between them and the heaviness of its origin. Mike and Henry had been shipmates in some distant past, and the interaction of their lives at that time had dictated lessons to be learned together this time. It was all so fascinating, and somehow it made sense. He and Mike were partners in a dance of energy that was ongoing. He faded, and Mike thanked him for playing his part so well.

  Next, the woman who had killed his parents with her car spoke. She took pleasure in her explanation. She called herself the “walk-in catalyst for completion”—more spiritual talk that Mike didn’t understand yet. It was as if she had an appointment with Mike’s parents on that dark farm road that night, and she had been there right on schedule. She told of the planning session, and how all the entities had clapped their hands in glee when it was finished. Death didn’t have the same energy behind it for those on the other side. It was almost like a play!

  The woman never apologized for what she had done. She didn’t have to, since it was in perfect order. There was no more judgment from Mike. In fact, Mike told her as much.

  “Thank you for your gift, precious one.” Mike meant it.

  The procession of family origin for that day was completed, and Mike again arose and went to his meal. Nine more had given their stories and lineages. This time he did not ask Red to eat, but instead to remain while Mike ate. He had more questions and didn’t want the distraction of flying food and spilling fluids.

  “Red, many of these beings are still alive on Earth. How can they also stand before me in such a way and tell me their stories?”

  “Again, Michael Thomas, you use your human experience to understand the reality of home. The ‘real Michael Thomas’ can be many places. The ‘piece of God’ that is the higher part of your soul is not fully present as you walk on Earth, but is elsewhere doing other things—such as making other plans for energy potentials with the family now that you have changed your path.” Red smiled while he let Michael take in the full meaning of what he had just said.

  “New plans?”

  “Yes,” replied Red.

  Mike was astounded. It was starting to fit together. Planning sessions occurred not only in the beginning before he got here, but new ones due to his enlightened choices were ongoing even now, using a part of him that he was not even aware of!

  “So does that make me some kind of split personality?”

  “Michael, close your eyes.” Red was giving Mike a lesson. “Concentrate. Remember the events of today. Imagine yourself back in the theater.” Mike did so. Red continued, “Now, where are you?”

  “In the theater,” replied Mike.

  “I thought you were eating here.”

  Mike opened his eyes and looked at Red in a disgusted manner. “Wait a minute, that’s only my imagination. It doesn’t count any more than my dreams. My real body is here. My thoughts are in the theater.”

  “Okay, which is real—your body or your thoughts?” Red asked.

  “My body—I think,” replied an uncertain Mike. Red didn’t answer. Instead he leaned forward and gave Mike something to think about.

  “Mike, last night...” Red paused for effect, “... you met your folks again, you know. This time they showed you their real energy, and you called them by their real names. You traveled places with them and had a great time.” Mike stopped eating.

  “You mean that was real?”


  “But I was asleep—dreaming!”

  “Your humanness won’t let you understand the reality of Spirit, Michael. Your consciousness is the actual reality. The physical is only temporary. Your cellular structure, although a sacred vessel in itself, is only a place where the Spirit of your consciousness resides, and you can take that Spirit anywhere you want. Therefore, wherever your thoughts are, your reality is. Believe me, it is so.” Red smiled.

  “I can leave my body?” Mike was puzzled.

  “You do it all the time, Michael!” Red was amused. “This puts you in two places at the same time, as you call it. Not so unusual as you think! As long as you remember to come back to the human vessel, it is appropriate. You are committed to carrying your consciousness in that vessel as long as you are on Earth, but you can still travel.”

  “You said there was part of me that is not here?”

  “Yes.” Red knew what the next question would be.

  “Where is it?” Mike asked. Red arose from his seat and headed toward the door in order to let Mike retire for the night. He turned to honor the last question.

  “It is in the most sacred place of places. It is with all the others. It is in the temple of physics. It is with God.” Red left.

  Mike was hearing all kinds of new information and couldn’t decipher any of it. The temple of physics? What could that be? It sounds like a church science project, or a movie with Harrison Ford. What could it mean? It seemed like every answer to a question generated more questions.

  Mike retired. Just before going to sleep, he remembered what Red had said about his dreams being his actual reality. Had he really traveled somewhere last night with his family? If so, why didn’t he remember it clearly? It was all so new—all so amazing. Mike was still thinking about it when he dozed off into that state that left his human mind muddy about what was really happening. Then, he again traveled to his favorite spot—one he had been to so many times while asleep—where love meets reality, and family gathers to speak of things past, present, and future—where the laws of physics are seemingly violated, but are actually created. He would remember none of it later.

  IT WAS THE FINAL day in the Red House. In the theater, only a few astral presenters came forward, since at least five had been skipped over as ones that were not current to Mike’s experience so far. He met the school teacher he had reported to the faculty, and the thief who had seemingly started all this by his actions in Mike’s apartment. It all seemed so long ago.

  Mike listened to them all. He honored the fact that they were family and were connected in so many ways to his current and past lives. When finished, Mike had an overview that almost no human had ever possessed. He had a far more enlightened idea of what life was all about. Again, he lamented the fact that he could carry none of this back to Los Angeles, or that he hadn’t known it originally.

  If he had understood contract and karmic energy, he would have had such a peaceful understanding of even the most emotional experiences! It would have helped make Mike the finest human who had ever walked the planet. Perhaps these things were never to be known by humans on Earth. Perhaps that was the lesson that was spoken about so often. It was almost like being in the dark and seeing if you could discover the light anyway. It was a giant puzzle, but Mike was grateful for this educational and enlightening journey.

  That night, Mike spent some time in ceremony with his body, as Green had taught him. He felt another shift coming and treated it exactly as Green had shown him. It passed within a few hours, and Mike knew absolutely that he had graduated to another level where the biology had melded with his spirit in some way. It seemed as if Mike’s acceptance of what he had learned from the different houses had caused a physiological reaction within his cells. Then, he remembered again what Green had told him about how his actual spirit was carried in each cell. It made sense.

  He slept well again, oblivious to his astral travels and his family meetings, and awoke refreshed. After breakfast, he put on his full complement of sword, shield, and armor and left to meet Red. Red was there, ready to accompany Michael to the door of the house. On seeing Mike approach, Red was obviously affected.

  “Michael Thomas of Pure Intent. You’ve changed.”

  “I know.” Mike was timid about the ceremony and shift that he’d experienced the night before. “How can you tell,
Red? How can an angel tell if a human has shifted vibration?” Red was still looking at Mike with an awed expression.

  “Your colors give you away,” said Red softly. “Never has a human shifted so far, so fast, Michael. You are one-of-a-kind in this place. You have embraced everything and understood quickly what was put before you. You are indeed a special human!” Red turned and led Mike back out of the maze of hallways to the small door of the red house. Mike walked into the sunlight and began to put on his shoes, which he found undisturbed where he had left them. He hadn’t understood about the colors, but it didn’t matter.

  “I shall never forget this place, my red friend,” Mike said. “Here I met my family for the first time.”

  Red smiled. He knew the truth. Michael had met his real family for the first time as Michael Thomas, the human. Michael actually knew the family well.

  “Michael Thomas, you are still in for many surprises in the two houses to come. Your new vibration will make these all the more intense. Are you prepared for these?” Mike thought this sounded ominous.

  “Is there a problem ahead, Red?” Mike was concerned.

  “There will be some challenges, physically, spiritually, and for the human heart, before you get to the door marked home,” Red answered seriously. “These will be perhaps the greatest ones you have faced so far in this land. Some may call into question this very path and the reality of it. Some will astound you in their scope. Some may even frighten you.”

  Mike straightened up when he heard that. He knew that some kind of test was ahead. As before, Mike was resolute. He hadn’t come this far to back out now.

  “I understand,” said Mike. “I’m ready.”

  “Indeed you are, my human friend.” Red continued to look at Mike as though he had never seen him before. “I have a question,” Red asked. “You will hear it this morning, and only two more times. The last time will be the most important one.”


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