The Journey Home

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The Journey Home Page 19

by Lee Carroll

  “Michael, be still for a moment,” the angel said in a comforting and compassionate voice. “What is it that you hear when my voice speaks to you? There is a complement of love and peace that has affected you from the beginning of our partnership. You even asked about it, remember?Your intent to move forward may seemingly rob you of precious personal things. This is a staple of your journey. Remember when Blue told you this? He told you that your old vibration was comfortable, and the new one would take some getting used to. Outside the house of Orange you also learned of this when your precious belongings were discarded. You lamented and mourned their loss, but it was necessary for you to move forward. After a while you did not think of them again. Yesterday you gave intent for the largest personal change so far, and in response to your request, you have changed greatly. It gets more personal as you go along, Michael. Your sight, your voice, and your very thoughts will take on more purpose. You are turning into a warrior of the light—just like Mary.”

  Mike felt a rush of understanding and wisdom from White’s words, but the information also heightened his need to ask White about his spiritual quest. As well as he could, he ignored the odd-sounding voice that was now his.

  “Thank you, White. I understand. I am grateful for the gift and will get used to it as I did the other things. Please, White. We need to speak. I need counsel.”

  White knew what was coming and spoke.

  “There is much I can tell you, Michael, and I will answer whatever I can. There is also an area that is reserved for your wisdom only. Your intent has given you the power of ultimate choice and wise discernment. These choices are anointed and filled with your own essence. They mold your future and create your reality. They affect others around you and must be, therefore, of your own making.”

  Mike expected this. He knew from being in this place that the angels were not going to walk his path for him. He knew that the lessons were his own, and that what he did had to come from within his own mind. Still, he was going to try to extract some knowledge that might help him to better understand what was really going on, and what he should do next.

  “You are a fine teacher, White.” His new voice was driving him crazy. He remembered the first time he had heard his own voice on a tape recorder as a boy. “I sound like that?” he had wondered. “No way!” This was similar.

  White quickly turned before Mike could ask anything more and moved down the corridor. Mike followed the large floating entity. It was like being given a tour of an entirely new house. Things were so different. The beauty was astounding and spectacular. It was like a wonderful gallery of architecture and sculpture all at the same time. Everywhere there were breathtaking things to see! He had missed all of this with his old vision, and it made him wonder what it was that he was currently missing, and what he might see in even higher dimensions.

  “The colors, Michael,” White answered Mike without even turning around.

  “Sir?” Mike didn’t understand the statement. He followed along.

  “What you are missing are the colors.”

  “But this is the white house,” Mike stated as they moved forward. The angel laughed a great laugh. It filled the corridors and made Mike smile.

  “Only to your human eyes, Michael. The actual color of Love is far beyond the vibration you perceive. It is not white as you see it. You see white because none of the other vibrations are available. It is actually devoid of color for you. In reality, the color shimmers with an overlay of all Universal vibrations together. It is pure, and is at the top of the spectrum. It is the color of an interdimensional light so great that it has substance and thickness. It is a billion, billion times as bright as your Earth sun. It is the color of truth. There is much you cannot see as a human.”

  “I love this place!” exclaimed Mike.

  “We shall see if that feeling remains,” said White.

  Mike again reacted with curiosity to the angel’s suggestion that he might change in some way. He had to ask more questions. They continued down the dazzling hallways until White led Mike into a room that had windows and one chair.

  “Another journey?” Mike inquired.

  “Not exactly,” stated White. “But it will take you somewhere.”

  White again took up a place before Mike and announced his readiness to continue with business.

  “Michael Thomas of Pure Intent, what is it you wish to know?” Mike had his questions all ready for White.

  “White, from the depth of your wisdom, and in a way that I might be able to understand, can you tell me if my quest in this great land is appropriate spiritually.” Mike needed to know from the source if what he was doing was correct.

  “Yes, I can.” White remained quiet for a moment, as though he were going to answer literally yes or no to the question. Then, he continued before Mike could press him further on the issue.

  “I told you from the beginning that what you are doing is appropriate for your life. In addition, there is no way that we would all be in support of something that was not correct for you.”

  “But Mary?” Mike blurted out in his new uncontrollable voice. “She had all the gifts and tools, but was still on Earth. Isn’t that a better thing? Doesn’t it represent a higher spiritual purpose?”

  “For her,” replied a wise White.

  “But I’m in training to serve myself, White! I’m going ‘home’ to where love is. I’ve asked for something selfish. How does it serve Earth? I’m on a path that seems to provide nothing but what I want!”

  “Seems?” White interrupted.

  “Yes. It seems that way.” Mike was exasperated. He fell silent.

  “Since when did you care about serving Earth, Michael?” White was having fun. Mike was taken with the question. He didn’t answer right away.

  “I don’t know.” Mike was pensive. “I guess it’s all part of the new me.”

  “What did I tell you when we first met about the way things seem?” White was testing Mike.

  “That things are not always as they seem,” said Mike. That had been the recurring theme of his journey, and both Blue and Violet had actually stated those very words. With the addition of White, three angels had said this.

  “Very good!” replied White. “What else?” Mike fell silent. He didn’t remember. The angel continued. “Your wish for home is not selfish but natural, and it is not in conflict with the desire to honor your purpose for being human.” White paused. “Now that you have made it this far, I will tell you one other thing.” The grand angel moved to one side, as though preparing for something. “There is a new energy on your planet. It vibrates with potential change and a wonderful purpose. Your request for home is honored because of this new energy. Your journey, therefore, is one taken by few humans, since it has not been available until recently. You, Michael Thomas, are a forerunner of this process. That is why we celebrate you so with your success and wisdom.”

  Mike was silent for a long time. Finally, he spoke.

  “Okay, so it’s sanctioned.” Mike was being logical, yet weighing the facts as he knew them. “But for me, would it have been better to return to Earth? To do what Mary did?”

  “For you?” White tilted his head. “Are we being selfish?”

  “I didn’t mean it that way.” Mike realized that a logical argument wasn’t going to work with the master of Love. “I mean, where should I really be? What should be my action that fulfills the greatest good for all? This is my real question.”

  This statement caused White to swell up with great pride. He smiled broadly at Mike and spoke intently.

  “When this question is asked, Michael Thomas, it shows that you truly are beginning to understand the way things work. Your wisdom is starting to show, Michael.”

  “Thank you, White, but what is the answer?” Mike ignored the compliment and winced a bit as he pressed the angel for more. It was uncomfortable to be so aggressive with such an entity of gentleness.

  “The greatest good?” White began to move away.
“It’s your own reality, Michael. And you, as a human vibrating with a new intensity, will create it for yourself. There isn’t one entity in the Universe that can do it for you.” White had moved to the door.

  Mike understood that he had shifted into a discussion that would go no further. These were the questions that the angels would not—or could not—answer. He tried one more tactic.

  “White, will I be able to discern what is the highest good for all?”

  “The next event will be the test of that.” White opened the door and was about to leave. Mike wondered where the angel was going. White continued speaking.

  “You don’t have all the information yet, Michael. This is the house of love. There is still more for you to see here.” White moved out into the corridor.

  “And Michael,” the angel said as he was closing the door, “it gets harder now.” White left and silently shut the door to the room. Mike heard the click of the latch, and all was still.

  Mike knew that something was coming, something potent. What else could there be? What could be shown to him that would cause an even greater disquietude in his soul about the appropriateness of his journey? Mike turned in his chair and faced the area where White had stood. He was patient. The fact wasn’t lost on him that whatever was going to happen was going to happen without White. Whatever it was, he was required to go through it alone, and obviously White wanted it that way.

  The entire room seemed to change slowly, and the light became different around him. The white of the walls dimmed, and a concentrated space about 15 feet in front of Mike’s chair was turning into a glowing haze. Slowly, the haze turned into an indistinct figure of some kind. Mike was very attentive. He was about to meet someone. He remembered that White had mentioned earlier that this would be so. The figure continued to emerge. Like a stage being flooded with light, the area around the emanating silhouette grew gradually brighter so that Mike could watch the developing persona that was coming into view. Mike was actually becoming used to this magical way of presenting things, and he sat on the edge of his chair peering into the changing space before him.

  It was a female! The shape took form slowly as Mike watched. He took some long breaths as his apprehension mounted. His intuition was set on high. The very cells of his body vibrated with excitement, telling him that what was before him was extraordinary. His new gifts of discernment were shouting that what was coming was unique and powerful. The image finally became solid. His visitor was here!

  The woman before him took his breath away. There was far more here than simple loveliness. He had an instant feeling of family, of connection, and it agitated Mike’s inner being. She was spectacular! What was it he was feeling? Why were the alarms of his heart going off?

  Her flowing red hair set off a perfect face of compassion and incredible beauty. She smiled at Mike, and his heart just about leaped out of his chest. Her green eyes sparkled like emeralds set in the perfect ivory of her skin. Mike swore that he again smelled violets. All kinds of things went through Mike’s mind. Perhaps this was the goddess of love—like the sirens of old legends. Mike was having trouble with his breathing, until he realized that he was holding his breath! What was this about? He looked at her in amazement. What could make him swoon in this manner?What was his heart doing? His brain felt like mush, and he could only sigh with longing at the sight of this glorious creature.

  Mike had seen many angels along the way, but this one had to be the grandest. Perhaps this is what White meant when he had told him that there was one even grander. Mike could not speak. The heart connection of this woman to him was astounding. He felt as though he was at a reunion and was about to greet a long-lost love. The haze was now gone completely, and she stood in his dimension in all her grandeur.

  Mike was in a stupor. In all his experience, he had never felt himself vibrate in this fashion. He could not concentrate on the words that he wanted to say. He didn’t know what to ask. He knew her—or did he? How could her presence affect him like this? What was the feeling he had of remembrance? Then he realized that he did recognize her! It was one of the faces in the Red House within the chart of family. She was one of those who had not come forward to meet him as the others had. It had been the image of the red-haired woman whose energy had captivated his interest right away. Why hadn’t he met her then? What was it that Red had told him about the faces he didn’t meet? They were unfulfilled contracts? What did that mean?

  The revelation was slowly unfolding in Mike’s mind as the two of them continued looking at each other in a charged silence. If she is on the chart in the Red House, Mike thought, then she is not an angel!She is part of his human karmic family! Mike was beginning to have a bad feeling about this encounter, although his soul continued to sing a song that was brand new to him. It was a song that spoke of joy, purpose, and love. What a feeling, and what a dichotomy! Part of his brain was telling him that he was about to be in trouble, and another part was rejoicing. The rejoicing part was like the child who sees Disneyland for the first time and has been counting the days, enduring the agonizing wait for the grand payoff. The troubled part, however, was his heart. It felt like it was in a wringer!

  Mike felt stupid. He again realized that he was not breathing properly. The figure before him was affecting his physiology. The very sight of her magnificence was causing a reaction in his body. Why were his hands sweating? She wasn’t an angel, yet the woman before him was affecting every cell in his body. He didn’t know if he had the physical power to speak. He felt teary-eyed and emotional, like seeing a long-lost friend who he thought had died. This was indeed an experience to remember. Luckily, she spoke first.

  “Mike, it’s me.”

  The familiarity and kindness of her voice practically knocked him over. Mike was glad he was seated, for his knees were weak, and his legs were vibrating like so much jelly. His entire body reacted to a voice that he absolutely knew! But who was she? Her gleaming eyes and expression pleaded for him to recognize her. He did, but not the way she wanted. Mike had to speak. His adrenaline was pumping like that of a school boy reacting to the beautiful girl across the room who finally had spoken to him. Her physical body was glorious, and her clothes were a perfect fit. He could just imagine what it would be like to hold her. Oh my God!Mike realized with some embarrassment and disgust that he was in the first stages of physical desire! What had Green said about that? That intimate physical relationships within pure love represented the catalyst for enlightenment? Mike’s humanness made his thoughts somehow seem out of place here, but it was happening, and these feelings seemed to be appropriate and spiritually perfect. Suddenly, he could hear Green laughing. He ignored the sound and mustered up his courage. He spoke in a shaky voice.

  “Your outfit is nice.”

  Good God, what had he said? What kind of ignorant, unimportant, inappropriate, inane, insipid thing had he done? This gorgeous creature comes into his space in the House of Love, he is filled with awe, and that’s the only thing he has to say? Mike was mortified at his stupidity. She smiled. He melted.

  “Thank you, Michael.” She winked. “I am Anolee, your love contract, Mike.” Somehow Mike had known that. His heart was pounding at the sound of her voice. He wiped his wet hands on his pants, then realized she had seen him do it. She stepped forward and came closer. The light she was bathed in followed her. Mike felt himself try to disappear into the chair as he forced himself backward in reaction. The sound of the cushion wheezed in response. He wanted to stand, but knew he would probably fall over—something that he did not dare risk her seeing. He had been foolish enough already. She was amused at his shyness but did not comment on it. He felt overwhelmed by her presence. When she had come forward, he had watched her walk, and he recognized the motion. Indeed, there was part of him that knew her intimately. Her new proximity to him only heightened his awareness of who she was. She continued.

  “Had you stayed on Earth, Mike, there was the energy potential for our meeting. We planned it together
, remember?” Mike didn’t, and he didn’t want to hear this. She saw the beginning of his pained expression and his sinking heart.

  “It’s okay,” she said. “I’m here to tell you that what you are doing is honored. The family is proud, and we are all celebrating. Especially me.”

  Mike couldn’t get past the obvious. It didn’t matter that it was okay. He didn’t care that the family was celebrating. All he wanted was her! All his life he had looked for true love. All his life he had searched for this very thing. He had known that perfect love was possible, that he could enter into a partnership that was ordained and correct before God. He had prayed for it as a boy, observing how much in love his parents had been and how they had treated each other. He had expected it as a man, and that was why he had been so depressed after his relationship had fallen apart. This had been the crux of his search for completion back on Earth. It had been his contract! Now, it was manifesting itself before him, and he was allowed to greet it—and learn that it had been there all along. The realization hit him like a sledgehammer in the heart. HE HAD LEFT TOO SOON!

  Then, he was struck by another thought and was compelled to ask, “Anolee, did we have a contract for children?”

  “There were to be three,” she replied.

  Mike was emotionally devastated by this answer. He could not speak. He let her continue to tell him the spiritual names of the children, but he agonized as he heard every word. Even though she was there to honor him in love, he felt tortured. His heart was being torn apart piece by piece with every word, as he realized what he had missed. The unborn children! The experiences! What had he done? Mike began to lose control, his emotions welling up. He wanted to hold her and tell her how sorry he was that he had not stayed. That’s not why she was there, but that’s what he wanted to do anyway. Tears began to stream down his cheeks, and he began to shake. She had finished her story and had given him the information she had come to give.


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