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The Journey Home Page 25

by Lee Carroll

  The cab Mike hired took him to a better part of town, where he immediately checked into a fine hotel. He breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the lush furnishings and the brightly lit and ornately decorated lobby area. This was more like it! He would look for another apartment in the morning—after he obtained the kind of new employment he deserved. Even as Mike crossed the lobby to find the elevators, heads turned in his direction. There was a positive presence about Mike, and he commanded attention. Was he someone special—a star, perhaps?

  Mike was lying on the bed of his hotel room when he began to wonder what had happened to him. He felt wonderful! He felt peaceful. He absolutely knew that he could find a great job tomorrow, in one day—even in Los Angeles—because he was very good at what he did. He could hardly wait to meet people and give of himself, perhaps even start a great career.

  Then it happened. He thought of Shirley, his lost love, and there was no pain. There was no stab of remorse over losing a precious relationship, or of feeling pathetic and needing to hide because of it. Mike actually made a face when he thought about the kind of person he had recently been. UGH! What was I thinking that would cause me to behave in such a manner? She was only fulfilling her contract. I was as responsible as she was for the event.

  Good grief, what was he saying? But it was true! Mike did something that would have mortified him a few hours ago. He went to the phone and dialed the number he had known so well. It rang once, twice, then a delightful feminine voice came on the line.


  “Shirley!” Mike was elated to hear her voice.

  “Mike?” Shirley didn’t seemed pleased to hear his.

  “Listen, I just wanted to make sure that you were okay, and tell you that I really feel good about everything that happened.”

  “Mike? Is this really you? You sound different.”

  “I just wanted closure on our time together, and to tell you that I hope your life is really good. You deserve it, and I think you are really a great gal.”

  “Mike? This can’t be you.”

  “It’s me.”

  “You’ve got another girlfriend?”

  “No, Shirley. I really am serious. I just called to tell you that I’m okay and that I wish you well in whatever you do in the future. We had a good time, and I hope you remember me in a good light.”

  “Mike? What’s happened?”

  “Can’t talk now, but maybe some other day. Good-bye!”

  “Mike? This is a joke, right?”

  Mike hung up the phone with a feeling of wonderful serenity. He had closed that part of his life and was extremely glad to have put it away. The sound of her voice hadn’t stirred up any negative feelings at all, only the peacefulness of completion and a sense of moving forward.

  Mike felt odd. Something was very different. He was doing things that were not like the old Mike. He felt the energy of the moment and was not worried about being in a hotel, spending a hundred dollars a night. He absolutely knew that his abundance would be able to cover the hotel charges from the income of his new employment—a job he didn’t even have yet! This was not the old Mike. This was a “current” Mike who understood self-worth and the universal workings of things. Mike was beginning to feel like he had been reborn, and all the healthy feelings that accompany a man who is happy with himself were solidly in place. He felt chills going up his back, and somehow he knew what they meant. He went directly to the door of his room and opened it. There, with fist poised to knock, was his friend John!

  “Hi, John!” Mike hugged his friend.

  “How did you know I was out here?” John was perplexed.

  “Intuition, I guess. Come on in.”

  “You’re a hard guy to track! I heard about the break-in at your place and came right over after the night shift. Your neighbor told me you were here. Are you okay? Your head okay? And what’s wrong with your apartment? What’s the deal with a hotel and all?” Mike held up his hands as if to stop the machine-gun approach to the questioning, and smiled at John.

  “John, my head’s fine, and I don’t belong in that dump. I also don’t belong in the job I have. You and I both know that.” John was dumbfounded. He had been hoping that Mike would snap out of it eventually, but he wasn’t expecting Superman overnight.

  “Michael, what has happened? You are really different!”

  “I know. I can’t tell you why, but I just know so much! And I feel good about everything, peaceful and energetic about life.” John was absorbing it all and said very little. “I would get you something refreshing to drink, but I just got here myself. Want to go to dinner downstairs?”

  “You mean in the restaurant?”

  “Yes. It’s on me.”

  “Sure!” John looked hard at Mike. “Boy, have you changed!”

  Both men exited the small hotel room together and ended up in the fine restaurant within the lobby of the hotel. There, John listened to Mike talk about everything except his dream. He spoke of closure with Shirley, his plans for a new job, and his outlook on life. Mike spoke eloquently about how truth always wins, and how forgiveness and integrity create peace in any life. The things that he had criticized before, he now spoke gently of, and allowed for differences in opinion. He spoke about the fact that a human didn’t have to accept what was just handed to him, and that a person could create his own reality.

  John didn’t say anything. He was transfixed! He let Mike go on and on, through a nice large dinner, then dessert, and then coffee. He felt like he was attending some kind of “feel good” lecture, but it was affecting him. It all made perfect sense. Finally, he spoke while Mike’s mouth was full.

  “Mike, did you have a near-death experience or something like that?” John was serious. The day before, Mike had been his old worthless self, ready to be homeless, mope around, and suffer willingly.

  “No, John, I guess I had a NEAR-LIFE experience.” Both men laughed with the release of tension. Although the situation was comical, Mike was also contemplating exactly what had happened. He wasn’t ready yet to claim that his vision had been real, but he felt so good about life!

  John didn’t want to say goodnight. He was benefitting by the energy around Mike and knew it. He was even convinced to search for a new job himself. Mike had convinced him that he was worth more, and John had agreed. He was invigorated by Mike’s enthusiasm and the newfound positive personality. It was addictive, this positive attitude, and as for the high-minded thoughts? Well, he didn’t know about those, but it certainly didn’t hurt to listen. It made him feel like he was worth something.

  The two men said goodnight, and again Mike gave John a warm hug. John realized that Mike had never done that before, and now in one evening, he had done it twice. What was with this man? What a good friend to have! It seemed as though Mike were in a different world, or somehow still here, but full of peace and love for humanity in general. He was nonjudgmental and happy. What a guy—what a difference!

  Mike went back to the hotel room and sat alone on the bed. Dare he believe for even a moment that his dream journey was real? If it had been real, then why was he back on Earth? Nothing seemed correct. Nothing seemed to be what it was supposed to be. What? Things are not what they seem? Mike was starting to feel a strange but familiar presence. His intuition was prodding him forward, and his body was speaking to him.

  Mike got up and went to a chair across the room. There, he did something that felt absolutely normal to him. He closed his eyes, held out his hands, and spoke out loud ceremoniously.

  “In the name of Spirit, I ask that I should be shown what I need to know about this situation. I celebrate it, even though I do not understand it.” Mike was silent, his eyes closed. Then, everything exploded in a burst of brilliant light.

  Mike was whisked through the portal of dimensionality into a place that had been prepared for him and him only. It was the inner sanctum of Michael Thomas’s communication with Spirit, a place he would return to often in his meditations. He float
ed there in space, totally aware that he was again in his “dream” state, only this state really wasn’t a dream, was it?

  “No, it isn’t, Michael Thomas.” The voice of White! Did Mike dare open his eyes? He didn’t want to break away from this place, for he knew that it was a dimension where he was only a visitor. He didn’t want to be snapped back to the hotel room until he was ready. The voice of the great white angel continued.

  “It’s simply another state of altered reality. Which one is the most real to you now, Michael?”

  “White!” Mike spoke out loud.

  “Yes, Michael.”

  “It’s so good to hear you!” Mike was very excited. He almost shouted, “White! It wasn’t a dream! I knew it!”

  “It wasn’t a dream, Michael.”

  “What happened?Why am I not in heaven?Was there a mistake?” Mike felt so pleased to again speak with his spiritual friend!

  “Open your eyes, Michael. We have company.”

  Mike did as he was told, and gradually opened his eyes. The inter-dimensional portal remained stable, and Mike was not removed from his meditative state. He was floating in the lotus position in a space of incredible whiteness. It reminded Mike of the white place where he had originally met the great white angel of love. Below, but around him, were seven entities taking form in a circle. As he watched, seven hazy color groupings began to evolve. Each group was like a cloud of faint color, slowly filling itself out and gradually gaining form. He knew what was happening, and his heart jumped with joy!

  Below him the seven clouds of subtle hues intensified in color and eventually glowed brightly as their real brilliant selves. There was Blue, Orange, Green, Violet, Red, White, and even GOLD! Evenly spaced, the small clouds gradually grew and became the solid angelic forms that he had met and spent time with seemingly only yesterday. Mike was overjoyed to see them. His friends were here! He was careful not to break the spiritual tether that still connected him to his humanness in the hotel room. Mike was again in two places at once.

  The seven angelic entities in Mike’s sanctuary remained for some moments, hands raised upward toward Mike in ceremony around the center. Mike celebrated with them. He felt an incredible feeling of sacredness around the circle, and honored it by not speaking. It was the Golden One who spoke first.

  “Michael Thomas of Pure Intent, we greet you!”

  “And I, you,” said a grateful and peaceful Mike.

  “What is it you wish to know, Michael?” The golden one was almost laughing. He knew what Mike knew, and therefore knew that Mike was beside himself with the desire to understand what had gone wrong. Why was he on Earth again?” It was White who spoke next, in answer to Mike’s thought question.

  “Perhaps you wish to review your original request, Michael?” Mike didn’t know what White meant, but he was quiet while the great angel continued. Like a tape recording, Mike was suddenly presented with a verbatim playback of another point in time, a time when Mike had earlier verbalized to White what he felt HOME was. Mike listened to his own voice with the others.

  “I want to be loved and around love. I want to feel peaceful in my existence. I don’t want concerns and trials from the interactions of those around me. I don’t want to worry about money. I want to feel RELEASE. I’m tired of being alone! I want to mean something to other entities in the Universe. I want to know that I exist for a reason, and do my part— to be a correct and appropriate part of God’s plan. I don’t really want to be a human as I have been. I want to be like you!”

  It was Mike’s description of his expectations of HOME. These were the words he had used when the great white angel had asked him to define HOME!

  It was the voice of Blue who spoke next.

  “Behold your life, Michael Thomas. You have the intuitive map that will allow a peaceful existence, since you understand the currentness of the way Spirit works.” Mike realized that Blue was right. He was not concerned about getting work tomorrow. He had his “map,” and it would help him navigate to the correct place.

  The voice of the orange angel came next.

  “And the gifts and tools of your high vibration on the planet will keep you balanced and out of the drama of those around you if you choose. And in the process, you have the power to slay any negative thing that should ever try and get in your way!” Mike knew Orange was telling the truth. Mike was not concerned at all about any former drama in his life. The Shirley incident was gone from his consciousness, as if it had never existed.

  The voice of Green followed. It was filled with humor and was unmistakable.

  “Your biology will give you the release you need, Michael. It is now filled with wisdom and knowledge.” Mike had never felt better, and he knew how to keep himself fit. Green’s teachings had been paramount!

  It was now Violet’s turn. Her voice was mellifluous and float ed to Mike’s ears.

  “You are now part of God’s plan, Michael, with purpose and responsibility. You create your own reality, and there never needs to be a moment of worry again. The family surrounds you!” Mike knew she was right. He indeed would create his future, without worry. He knew the family was there to support him, and he would always be in the right place at the right time.

  Red’s voice spoke up.

  “You will never again be a human as you were, Michael. You have been changed forever by your own intent.” Right again! Mike could never retreat backwards. He was not the same man. His apartment belonged to an old pitiful person, and even the clothes would have to be given away. Mike was new!

  Then, the spectacular voice of White sounded again.

  “You are a correct and appropriate part of the plan of Love, Michael. You are loved without measure, and you have the ability to give the same love to others. You have yet to realize the gift that is before you!” What did that mean? Why was White always the one with the statement that created a question?

  And, finally, the voice of the golden one, so large and potent, so sacred, yet so soft.

  “You wanted to be like an angel, Michael?What is it you learned in my house? You are a wonderful piece of God, walking the planet in a very high vibration. An angel in disguise, one of the few who even know it, and anointed of God.” Indeed, Mike had asked to be like the angels, never knowing that he really was one.

  Suddenly, they seemed to speak as one, as they all presented a thought to Mike’s ears simultaneously.

  “This IS home, Michael Thomas. You are here because you asked to be. It is the place where you belong and can make a difference for the planet. Each item you asked for is now in place. You are a warrior of the light. Like Mary, your human counterpart, you resound with the vibration of God. You have slain the giant, accepted the golden one, and have the wisdom of the ages!”

  There was more, and Michael Thomas knew it was coming. The angelic beings lost their form once again, and seven small clouds of brilliant hue melded together into one vibrating area of brilliant diamondlike light! The iridescence and sparkle of the cloud was spectacular beyond words. The angels were having a meeting. Mike intuitively knew it. After some time, he again heard them speak as one.”

  “Michael Thomas, we give you a new entity designation today. As you walked the path, you were known as Michael Thomas of Pure Intent. You stand today as a graduate, a high vibrating entity who is neither fully human or fully angelic. Instead, you are now MICHAEL THE CURRENT. It represents the vibration of the “now” and is one of the highest compliments we can bestow.”

  Mike thought this was very funny, but knew that the angels were serious in their honoring of his new vibration. The spectacular diamond cloud slowly became a diamond shape and seemed to rise up from below and flow over him, encompassing the entire space he was in with a diamond light. He was washed in love, and again felt overwhelmed by the presence of God. Each cell celebrated, and his biology responded with a welling-up of feeling and appropriate thanks. The feeling permeated every pore of Mike’s body, and he knew it was time to return to the hotel ch
air. The angels had one more message, and as Mike was again returned to his meditative chair, the words of their collective energies rang in his ears.

  “Michael the Current, YOU ARE DEARLY LOVED.”

  Mike sat for some time in the hotel chair, coming down off his “high” of meditative realization. Everything he had experienced in the houses of spiritual training was real! All the teachings were accurate and valid, and all the knowledge and power was still his, as he sat in that Los Angeles hotel room. He reeled at the concept and wondered how many others like him there were.

  Mike was exhausted. He almost fell asleep in the shower, but he finally made it to bed. He was too tired to think about what was next. He had to sleep, and he did—very well.

  Mike was ready for life the next day. He went out on the balcony of the hotel and surveyed the area. There was no limit to what he could do. He would indeed make a difference wherever he walked. Mike knew that much was in store for him and that he would have much to work out and learn about, especially how to integrate his new vibration while being around the older vibration of the other humans. He wasn’t worried. He had the love and understanding wisdom of the ages within his soul. The angel inside him would take care of it, and he would always know what to do with every situation.

  The new job was even easier to get than Mike had thought. Big companies need good sales people with integrity, and Mike exuded who he was with every word and step. He had purchased a new wardrobe and had set his goals high. He walked into the largest company that needed his expertise, past the sign that said “No help needed.” He had his job in minutes and left the building ready to hold yet another ceremony focusing on how humans can create their own reality.


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