My Kinda Night (Summer Sisters Book 2)

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My Kinda Night (Summer Sisters Book 2) Page 10

by Lacey Black

  When we step outside, he helps me into my coat before putting his on. It’s a completely gentlemanly gesture, one that makes me swoon just a little bit more. If that were possible.

  “Come on,” he says with a smile, pulling me in the opposite direction of the hotel. I think my body silently weeps for a moment.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Over there,” he says, pointing to a park entrance.

  He wraps his arm around my shoulder as we walk towards the park entrance. Rod iron fencing as a large gateway greets us as we step into the wide space. Even though the sun has long ago set, the moon illuminates a large playground area with everything from jungle gyms for all ages, basketball courts, and even a skate park. A walking path winds through the park, which we stick to for quite a ways. We come across park benches and picnic areas, trees and flowers. It’s a beautiful area, one I wouldn’t mind enjoying during the daytime.

  “It’s a beautiful night,” I say, my arm wrapped around his waist as we leisurely stroll by a large fishing pond.

  “It is,” he confirms, looking up at the night sky. Even with all of the lights and sounds of the city around us, you can still see the stars shining brightly in the clear sky.

  We stroll along, making our way around the outskirts of the park. We run into the occasional joggers, a few power-walkers, and even a couple holding hands and enjoying a walk in the park, but for the most part, it’s a quiet, serene moment. A perfect moment.

  Eventually, towards the back of the park, we come upon a grouping of trees. It’s dark but not in a scary way; it just speaks of seclusion. Apparently, he feels the same way, because the next thing I know, we’re not on the walking path any longer. I’m startled when I feel the coarse bark of a tree at my back.

  But there’s no time to think.

  I feel the warmth of his body pressed against me moments before I feel his hands on my cheeks. My skin tingles as he slides his big hands down, grazing over the long column of my throat. A hearty moan rips from my throat, but it’s swallowed by his mouth. The kiss is primal, urgent, and not anything less than perfect. My tongue slides along his, tangled in a sexual dance that makes my blood boil and my panties soaking wet. I pulse with want, my flesh on fire with need.

  “You taste so fucking good,” he whispers harshly without removing his lips from my own. “I can’t wait to taste every inch of your body later.”

  I shiver in anticipation at his words. “Yes. I want that. All of that.”

  “It’s a long walk back to the hotel,” he says his hands sliding down my chest. “Unless…”

  “Unless?” I ask, that one word throaty and high-pitched.

  “Unless you can keep quiet for a minute.”

  Before I can register the meaning of his words, he’s unbuttoning my jeans. Another shiver rakes through my body, but not because of the cool air. This one’s of eagerness. I feel his touch as he places his hand on my lower stomach and gently slides it down into my panties. I’m on fire, my legs quivering and barely keeping me upright.

  “I love touching you,” he says as he moves his fingers between the lips of my drenched pussy.

  “I love it when you touch me.” I moan when two of his fingers press into my wetness. My legs long to spread, to wrap around his waist and ride the waves of pleasure he’s about to inflict.

  His fingers are more insistent as he thrusts them in and out of my body. My lips latch on to his hungrily and frenzied, the only way I can keep from screaming out in ecstasy. He works me over thoroughly and completely, like a maestro orchestrating a symphony, and before long, I’m climbing towards an epic orgasm.

  “I can feel your body clenching around my fingers. You’re so close, beautiful.”

  “So, so close,” I whisper in a rush of broken words.

  “Come for me. I want to feel it on my fingers and see it on your face.”

  As if on cue, I detonate like a bomb, bliss gushing from my body in waves. He prolongs my release by rubbing over my clit. I practically melt into a pile of mush, and if he weren’t holding me up, I’m sure I’d be lying on the ground by now. My legs shake and my core trembles as his dark brown eyes pierce through my post-orgasmic haze. They’re rich and alive with yearning, a desire so profound I feel it deep in my soul.

  “That was the hottest thing ever.” He kisses me square on the lips, his fingers still buried inside me. “I want to do it again, but this time, I’m going to taste it on my tongue.” He nips at my swollen bottom lip. “And then I’m going to feel how fucking amazing it is on my cock.”

  He goes in for another bruising kiss that leaves me breathless. Blood starts to pump recklessly in my body again, and my slick pussy clenches around his fingers again. I’ve never had this sort of sexual drive before; not before Dean.

  Quickly, he pulls his hand from my pants and secures the button. I’m left panting and brainless as I lean against the tree, thankful for its presence to help hold me upright. He pulls my shirt down, followed by my coat, and gazes into my eyes.

  “I’m about to Hulk out of my pants. I need to get you to a bed. Now.”

  Unable to form words, I nod my head in response. There’s no other place I want to be than below him, above him, around him. As long as he’s inside me, that’s the only thing that matters, the only thing I crave.

  Standing up and taking his hand in mine, I try my best to convey just how much I want him. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Twelve


  I move as fast as I can without dragging her behind me, but my legs are being driven by pure lust. I’m dying to have her, to feel her body wrap around my cock like a glove. Last night was the worst night of sleep I’ve had in I don’t even know how long. The glow from the television illuminated her flawless skin and her rich brown hair. Her mouth was slightly agape as she slept, the occasional soft snore slipping from her sweet lips. I was pretty much hard as a rock the entire night, unable to close my eyes for fear that I’d miss out on one moment of watching her. Yeah, it might sound a little creepy, but whatever. I was completely enamored and transfixed and wasn’t even touching her.

  While she showered tonight, I had to get my mind off her nakedness, so I called home. Bri told me all about her day, from the time she woke up through the very phone call we were having. Mom said she was good and that everything was fine. I knew it would be, but when your entire life is wrapped up in one little girl, you still can’t help but worry a little bit. Since I got the phone call out of the way, I’m free and clear to consume myself on everything Payton for the rest of the night.

  And, fuck, am I ready to devour.

  Our hands are still tangled as we step inside the hotel. Heat pelts us in the face causing my cheeks to sting a little. It didn’t feel that cool outside when we were in the park, but that could very well have been because my blood was boiling and my hand was down her pants, coated in her juices.

  There’s no one else waiting for the elevators as I push the call button. It arrives just a few moments later, and as soon as we step inside, I’m engaging the close door button. The moment we’re ascending, I pounce. She’s expecting my assault, her mouth open and tongue greedy. The kiss is searing, the kinda kiss that brands you for life. She tastes like heaven as my hands slide up her sweater, eager to touch more of that warm, soft flesh.

  Her moan fills my mouth and the empty elevator. It’s fuel to my already burning desire for her. I almost fall to my knees and rejoice when her hand grasps my cock through my jeans. Suddenly, it’s my own groan of ecstasy that fills the small car. Everything inside of me begs to hit the stop button so we can finish right here, right now.

  “God, I want to fuck you so bad. I want to take you hard and then slow and then fast again. I want to make you come so many times you can’t remember your name. I want to make you scream my name until your throat is raw and your voice a whisper. And then I’m going to go agonizingly slow and worship your entire body with my mouth. I’ll do it over and over, until we’re bo
th so exhausted that sleep is the only option left. And when we wake, I’ll start all. Over. Again.”

  My own words surprise me. I’m not usually this vocal about my wants and needs. Heaven knows I would have never said any of that stuff to Brooke. But Payton? She brings out this primal, edgy, raw hunger that’s buried deep inside me.

  Her hand flexes around my engorged cock as the sexiest gasp slides from her lips. Mentally, I strip us both naked, lift her in my arms, and bury my cock in her wetness. But the ding of the elevator reminds me that we’re still in a public setting. Even though we’re alone in the car, there’s a good chance we’re giving some security officer in a little room somewhere enough spank bank material to keep him busy for a while.

  A group of men that I recognize from the convention are laughing, waiting for us to disembark the elevator car. I keep my head down as I grab her hand, rushing her behind me. I don’t even try to mask the erection in my pants. They must notice her swollen lips and my raging boner because their laughter stops instantly as we walk past. They step in the car and immediately start laughing again. I should be embarrassed about being busted in my current state of horniness, but I’m not. I couldn’t care less.

  Keeping one hand still locked on hers, I slide the key card into the slot, noticing a slight tremor to my hand. Payton steps up behind me and plasters her curves against my back. With our fingers still locked, she slides her hands around me, gripping at my chest and sliding down my abdomen. I close my eyes, rejoicing in the way her breasts smash against my back and her hands roam over my torso.

  Finally, the little light turns green. I drag her inside the room as if the hallway were on fire. The loud click of the door shutting is the last thought I have before I’m lost in her. Her touch, her taste, her scent. It’s everywhere, wrapping around me like a vice and refusing to let up its grip. Not that I want it to.

  With a little more force than I intend, I push her against the wall. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rough,” I pant, searching her emerald green eyes.

  “Please be rough. I like it when you take what you want, because you make it feel so good when you do.”

  Flame, meet gasoline.

  My hands are a frenzy of gripping fingers and grabby palms. There’s no couth to my movements as I remove her coat and sweater. She’s panting with need as I watch, hypnotized, by the way her chest quickly rises and falls. Those glorious breasts are being contained by a thin, black lace bra, her nipples straining against the coarse material.

  Removing my own coat, I never take my eyes off her. My need to be inside her is overwhelming, my control completely gone. Hell, did I ever really have it when it came to her? Even in the beginning, the first time she walked into my office, I’ve been hanging on by a tiny thread. One look from those spellbinding eyes was enough to send me spiraling out of control.

  I unbutton my shirt, leaving it hanging wide open. She has a thing for my shirts; this proven by the fact that she wears one to bed at night. Her pupils dilate further until you can barely tell what color her eyes are. Reaching down, I unsnap her jeans. My hands are itching to touch her, so as I slide down the material, I do it with both palms firmly against her skin.

  When I reach her ankles, I regrettably remove her heels. I’d leave them on if I could get her jeans off without having to eliminate them. The way her body looks in a pair of black heels and lace is sexier than any Victoria’s Secret model I’ve seen. Payton has curves, the body of a real woman. And I’m about to worship at her altar.

  “I want these back on,” I instruct as I decide to slip the heels back on her bare feet.

  The moment becomes surreal, like an out of body experience. As I regain my full height, I openly stare, transfixed by her radiance. In nothing but the lace bra and matching panties and fuck-me heels, I’m forever gone, lost in an image I will never forget. Her hair cascading down her shoulders, lips plump from my kisses, and the scent of her arousal; it’s all part of my greatest fantasy come to life.

  I kick off my shoes, pull off my socks, and drop my jeans. My hard-on has practically taken on a life of its own, jetting painfully out of my body, standing at complete attention. Regrettably, I slide my shirt off so that I can get to the undershirt beneath. While pulling it over my head, Payton bends down and grabs the button-down.

  “I want this back on,” she says with a teasing smile, dangling the material from her pointer finger.

  Hell, I guess we all have our own vices. Unable to hide my own smile, I slip the shirt back on and lose my boxers. I step forward, caging her against the wall with my body. Placing my forearms against the hard surface brings me close to her, but not close enough. My lips devour hers slowly, a sensual kiss that will surely build into something more, something epic. They always do with her.

  Payton pants against my lips when I finally break the kiss. Her eyes are molten and her body sways, as if pulled towards my touch. A need for pleasure has completely taken over my body. I know I should slow things down, should taste her with my mouth, but I can’t fight it any longer. I need to be inside her.

  Quickly, I unclasp her bra and grab the thin straps of her panties. “I’ll buy you new ones,” I say as I rip them from her body.

  She gasps and moans at the same time. “Oh, God.”

  Lifting her in my arms, Payton wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I’ve never done this against a wall, and it’s already proving to be a little more difficult than I anticipated. But my cock lines up perfectly with her pussy, so I’ve got that going for me.

  “Shit, I need to grab a condom.” Regret filters through me. Moving away from her is the last thing I want to do right now.

  “I’m clean. I haven’t been with anyone but you in a while.”

  “Me too. It’s only been you since you walked into my office.” Not that they were lined up before then either. There was only one woman between Brooke and Payton and that was the result of a drunken night at a bachelor party more than two years ago. “You’re protected?”

  Something flashes in her eyes. I’m not sure what it means. It speaks of hurt and sadness, but she quickly pushes it away and answers. “Yeah.”

  That one word is music to my ears. Pulling back slightly, I thrust forward, engulfing my cock in her tight, wet heat. Neither of us filters our moans. It’s fucking perfection. Giving her a second to adjust to my size, I slowly begin to move my body in and out. My legs and arms are burning and her heels are biting into my lower back, but I don’t care. This? This is pure magic.

  “So good.” I’m surprised the words are coherent considering my eyes are practically crossed in pleasure.

  My hips start to buck wildly as I begin to chase the release I know is inevitable. I’ve teased myself too long without any relief, and this is the ultimate respite. I find her lips with my own once more as her pussy starts to tighten around me. Her hands dive into my hair, gripping and pulling as she rides me. It’s a sweet pain that coincides with the indulgence.

  Pushing her into the wall, I use it as leverage. My thighs are on fire, but I don’t pay any attention to it. I focus solely on giving this gorgeous woman another mind-blowing orgasm. Keeping both hands on her hips, I pull back, looking down and watching my cock disappear into her pussy. The base of my spine starts to tingle, and I know I won’t be able to hold off much longer.

  Payton arches her back into the wall, pushing her breasts upward, as if offering them to me on a buffet. I’m able to bend down slightly and still pump my hips, so I lick from the top of one breast down to her erect nipple. Another moan fills the room, driving me further into insanity. Using my teeth, I latch on to her, sending her soaring over the edge. She comes violently in my arms and on my dick, practically screaming her release.

  Mine follows.

  Removing my mouth with a pop, I thrust and succumb to the magnitude of my orgasm. Blinding white light infiltrates my mind and I swear I lose consciousness. I’ve never come so hard in my life.

  When I open m
y eyes, Payton’s eyes are closed, but she’s smiling. We’re also a knot of legs and arms. I’m not exactly sure how we ended up on the floor, but I’m guessing somewhere between the most powerful orgasm of my life and my legs giving out.

  “You’re not hurt, are you?” I ask, looking her over as much as I can.

  “Are you kidding? I’ve never been better.” She never opens her eyes, but her smile widens.

  She’s straddling my lap, legs still wrapped around me. I’m still buried inside her. I can feel my dick twitching, probably seizing from exertion. Payton leans forward, wrapping her arms around my neck. I can feel her breathing starting to even out as little puffs of hot air hits my neck.

  “Come on, sweetheart,” I say, gently moving her. “Let’s get into bed.”

  She murmurs something incoherent as I attempt to stand on shaky legs. My arms are Jell-O, but I somehow manage to pick her up and carry her to the bed. It’s still made from the maid service earlier in the day, so I one-handedly pull the thin white blanket and sheet back before lying her down. Chuckling, I grab those black heels and toss them on the floor before pulling the sheet up.

  In the bathroom, I lose my dress shirt and grab a washcloth. Honestly, I could use a quick shower, but opt for just a wash-down with the cloth so I can get in bed with Payton quicker. There’ll be time in the morning for a shower. Hopefully together.

  Rewetting and wringing out the washcloth, I head back into the main room. She’s sleeping peacefully, her soft brown hair splayed out on the pillow. Holding that cloth, I gingerly pull the sheet back. I’m not sure if this is chivalrous or creepy, but I move her legs and wipe up the mess I made. It actually gives me some weird sense of pride when I see my mark running down her leg.

  I know. I’m not right.

  Tossing the wet cloth on the floor, I slide into bed beside her, scooping her into my arms. My entire body screams with exertion, my lids drooping the moment my head hits the soft pillow. Payton snuggles in close, resting her head on my shoulder and wrapping her arm around my chest. When she throws her leg up onto mine, my wayward dick starts to stir again. See what happens when you actually use it for its intended purpose?


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