My Kinda Night (Summer Sisters Book 2)

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My Kinda Night (Summer Sisters Book 2) Page 19

by Lacey Black

  I can’t help it, I laugh hard. “Well, even if your options are limited, I’m honored. I’ll be there.”

  “Thanks, man. Let’s order so we can catch up.”

  Greg and I each order the prime rib, baked potato, and vegetables and are on our second beer before we turn the conversation from his upcoming wedding to me. “So, what’s new with you? Last time we spoke Bri was getting ready to start school.”

  “She’s in kindergarten and loves it. The geek in me loves it that she wants to read books every night instead of video games or something like that.”

  “Oh, I get that. Keri loves those dirty romance novels. Reading those things before bed is better than porn,” he says with a cocky smile.

  “Well, thankfully she’s a little young for that, but I get what you’re saying. I’m glad you found someone who has the same interests as you.” Back in school, Greg was your typical bookworm like me. We spent many weeknights studying together in the campus library. Even though our fields of study were different, it was nice to have a buddy to hang out with, even if the majority of the time was spent on homework.

  “What about you? Anyone beating down the door to become Mrs. McIntire?”

  My face flushes instantly as Payton’s picture comes to mind. “No, not really.”

  Greg looks at me with a critical eye and must notice my hesitation. “No?”

  I give my friend a small smile and wait him out.

  He sits back and gives me his own knowing smile. “I’ve got all night.” Apparently, he’s going to wait it out too.

  Finally, after three or four minutes of both of us just staring at each other with stupid smirks, I concede. “Fine. There’s someone. It’s new, but I have high hopes.”

  “This is big,” he says as the waitress delivers our food. “I mean, you haven’t dated much since Brooke.” He makes a face like he bit into something sour when he says her name. Greg wasn’t a fan of Brooke’s the few times we all hung out. No, it’s not something he confessed, but I could see it on his face and read his body language well enough to know that he didn’t care for my girlfriend. And I’m certain the feeling was mutual.

  “That was a polite way of saying single loser.”

  “No way. You have been a committed dad for five years, most of them as both mom and dad. You’ve done something very commendable, my friend. I hope to be half the dad you are someday.” He offers me a warm smile that tells me he means every word.

  A blush creeps up my neck at the compliment. “Thank you.”

  “Anyway, back to this woman. Who is she?”

  “She owns a business here in town, and I’ve known her since I moved here. We’ve…been friendly for a few months now, but recently decided to date more publically. Frankly, she’s amazing and I love spending time with her.”

  “Nice. Sounds like a great woman. You know, you’re welcome to bring her to the wedding in August.”

  “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there,” I say, finishing off my steak. “She met Bri earlier in the week by accident.”

  Greg pushes his plate away and tosses his napkin on the table. “By accident? How does that happen?”

  Again, I feel myself blush. Thank God the lights are fairly dim in this joint. “She was at my office when Mom stopped by with Bri. I had no choice but to introduce them. Bri fell in love with her right away, which makes me happy, but I’m still a little worried that she’ll get too attached. Not that I don’t see this going further with Payton, but it’s still new, you know?”

  “I hear ya, and that makes sense. I’m glad to see you smile again, buddy.” As the waitress delivers our check, he continues. “I hope it works out for you. You deserve this more than any man I know.”

  “Well, thank you. I’m heading over to a local pub tonight to meet up with her and her family. It’ll be my first time officially meeting them as the boyfriend.”

  Greg smiles widely. “Good luck. If you can survive the family, you can survive anything.”

  I hope he’s right. Just hearing a few of Payton’s stories about her family, and those from a few residents around town, I know her family is extremely close and maybe a bit whacky. Honestly, that might be the aspect I’m looking forward to the most. I’m an only child so there’s a huge thrill at getting to see the camaraderie they share, firsthand.

  “You’ll bring Keri by soon so I can meet her, right?” I say as we step outside of the bar. The night air is crisp and you can feel the rain coming in.

  “Yes. We’re going home for my mom’s birthday in May so we’ll make arrangements to get together. Maybe I’ll be able to meet your Payton,” he says with a smile.

  “Maybe,” I agree with my own grin.

  We do that customary bro hug that all guys seem to know and agree to be in touch soon. As I quickly make my way to my car, I run through a few pieces of our conversation. It was great to catch up with my friend, but I’m anxious to get to the next part of my night. I shoot a quick text message to my mom and make sure everything is good with Bri, and after receiving her confirmation that everything’s great, I jump in my car and head towards The Beaver.

  I head towards Payton.

  * * *

  The Beaver isn’t crowded as I make my way inside and towards the front bar. There’s a handful of stools open, and fortunately one right beside Ryan Elson. I’ve not officially met him, but I’ve seen him around town enough to be able to pick him out of a crowd. He’s incredibly tall with brown hair and brown eyes and has one of those tans guys get from working outside.

  “Hey, is this seat taken?” I ask before sliding on the stool.

  “Nope. It’s yours,” he says with a friendly smile. “You must be Dean. I was told to be nice,” he adds as he extends his hand.

  I can’t help but laugh as we shake hands, instantly feeling at ease with my new situation. “I am Dean, and you must be Ryan.”

  “That’s me. Josh should be here any minute. Actually, I’m surprised he’s not here yet. He usually beats me to these things.”

  “These things?” I ask as I order a beer from the bartender. Payton says these nights last pretty late so I should be okay to have one or two before switching to water. Then I’ll be good to go and hopefully can talk her into coming home with me.

  “Sister nights. They do them every month. They’re supposed to be girls only, but Josh and I always crash them. Some of them complain, but it’s all goodheartedly and not meant to offend. Payton used to be the biggest offender actually, which is why I’m loving the shit out of her inviting you tonight.”

  “I see. Well, since it sounds like a big deal that I’m here, I guess I’ll take that as a positive sign.”

  “You should,” he says before taking a drink of his beer. “They’re in the back room, but I’ve seen Payton look out the window no less than a half dozen times.”

  “Really?” I ask, looking just off to my right and noticing the window for the first time. There’s a handful of brunette women all clustered together, staring and smiling. Every once in a while, one of them says something that makes the others cackle.

  “We’ve had an audience since you sat down. I’m surprised one of them hasn’t come out to refill drinks.” Ryan nods toward his bottle of beer. “This’ll be my last one and then I’ll switch to non-alcoholic. One thing I’ve learned about these sisters is when it’s time for girls’ night, they love to drink.”

  “I figured as much. I’ll have one and then switch to water.”

  “You can help chauffeur. It’ll be like your initiation into sisters’ night. But be ready. They love to talk about sex. Like all the time. They get all embarrassed when Grandma and Grandpa talk about it, but they’re just the same. The apples definitely didn’t fall too far from the tree.”

  As he looks over at the window where the girls used to be standing and smiles fondly. Even though we can’t see them, it’s like he knows his woman is on the other side of the wall. My heartbeat picks up at the notion that I could be in the same b
oat as Ryan. I can picture her standing in front of whatever project they’re working on, with paint smeared across her cheek. I give my own involuntary smile, knowing that she’s there, and I’m right here thinking about her, waiting for her.

  I’m falling in love with her, this I can no longer doubt. Shit, I’m probably already there, and that thought is both scary and exciting. I haven’t considered the possibly of falling in love after the mess Brooke left behind, but now? I’m anxious to see what transpires next.

  We chat for the next hour, both switched to something other than alcohol long ago. Ryan fills me in on one of the jobs he’s working, as well as some of the home improvement projects he’s doing in his spare time at the home he purchased last fall with Jaime.

  The lights flicker a few times as the storm outside picks up intensity. It’s been coming down in buckets for the better part of an hour, but I haven’t noticed much. I’ve enjoyed hanging out and talking with Ryan, though he was a little concerned that Josh hadn’t arrived yet. He also filled me in on Lexi’s husband, Chris, who rarely attends family functions, let alone sisters’ nights.

  All and all, it’s a pretty good night.

  It only gets better when the door opens to the backroom and the woman I’ve been fantasizing about walks into the bar, a wide smile across her face.

  Yep, I’m pretty sure my heart is already gone.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  He’s here.

  I knew it, felt it, the moment he hit The Beaver. No, that’s not a euphemism for something dirty. My body was on high alert and my lady parts started to tingle. When I looked out the window and saw him sit down beside Ryan, I’m pretty sure I started to pant. And that’s what drew the attention of my sisters who all ran to the window to gawk at the newest piece of man candy to grace a Summer sisters outing.

  My newly glazed, brightly painted vase is drying on the rack. I love paint nights with my sisters. Even though I suck, it’s a huge stress reliever to paint. And it does help that the instructor often walks around and helps fix my mistakes. So at least when I leave, I’m not completely embarrassed by the finished product.

  Jaime’s the first one out the door. She’s practically sprinting towards Ryan. “Hey, babe!” she hollers, sliding onto the empty stool on the other side of her man.

  “You’re gorgeous, and pleasantly tipsy,” he says with a huge smile before kissing her soundly.

  “Stop that! It’s sisters’ night! No boys, remember?” AJ chastises.

  “Normally, I’d be on your side, AJ, but not tonight,” I say as I approach Dean. He looks so handsome in his white button-up shirt and dark blue jeans. He’s wearing his glasses, which does weird things to my lady parts.

  “I’m not wearing any panties,” I confess against his ear, my lips grazing along the shell of his lobe.

  He responds with a gasp and a cough that’s an attempt to cover his groan. His eyes are dilated already and his smile predatory.

  “No having sex at The Beaver, ladies.” This from Lexi who’s tipsier than normal. “Where’s Chris? I told him to have his ass to The Beaver tonight or else he wasn’t getting the beaver any more. Not ever. I’m officially cutting off the beaver. He’s done.”

  “Stop saying beaver,” Abby requests. “It’s gross.”

  “I told him I was getting hammered. He had strict orders to pick me up and sex me down tonight. It’s baby-making night, dammit! I’m ovulating!” Lexi slurs as she props her hip against an occupied barstool. Fortunately, the guy who’s sitting there just shuffles over a bit and lets her lean on him.

  “Hey, where’s Josh?” Meghan asks, looking around to the other side of Ryan.

  “Uhhh, we haven’t seen him yet tonight,” he answers.

  “That’s weird. He texted me an hour ago and said he was on his way,” she says absently while grabbing her phone.

  “It’s really odd that Josh isn’t here yet. He’s usually the first one to crash our night, but even when he’s running behind, he’s always here by the time we’re done with our outing,” I tell Dean.

  “Did you have fun? Your vase looks like it should be displayed in a museum.”

  “Are you kidding me? How much have you had to drink tonight?” I ask with a laugh. “I suck, I know. You don’t have to kiss my ass to get laid tonight. That’s a definite,” I add with a smirk.

  “Can you two hold off longer than Ry and Jaime tonight?” Lexi asks, interrupting us and leaning into my arm. “Because those two will barely make it out of the parking lot before the sexing starts. Since my own husband doesn’t care to make sure I get home, I’m going to need a ride and I’m hoping you two are a safer bet.”

  Dean grins warmly at my drunk little sister. “You can have a ride, but I can’t promise you anything on the sexing part.”

  Lexi groans. “Payton Ann! You’re rubbing off on poor Dean. He probably never used the word sexing in his life, but he hangs around you for two minutes and now he’s a regular dirty word maker-upper like you!”

  “Um, actually, that’s your word,” I reply to Lexi.

  “Oh, yeah, it is. My bad, Dean. I’m rubbing off on you. I like you. I think I’ll keep you.”

  “Actually, I think I’ll keep him. You already have a man.”

  “My man sucks donkey balls, Payton!” she practically hollers, drawing the attention of our sisters and others around us. “Oh my God! I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I’m such a horrible wife, aren’t I? I am. I’m horrible.”

  “You’re not horrible, Lexi, you’re just frustrated. That’s completely understandable.”

  “Did you tell Dean you weren’t wearing any panties yet? Dean, she’s not wearing any panties,” Lexi yells to the bar.

  He laughs at my sister’s antics. “She did tell me. I’m very excited about the no panties bit,” he says with a smile.

  “Good. Because someone should definitely be sexing tonight since it won’t be me. Ryan and Jaime will be sexing, but they always have the sex. Someday my twin and her Levi will be sexing too. I know it. They both want the sex, but won’t get off their asses and just have the sex.” Yeah, that drew the attention of Abby.

  “I’m not going to have sex with Levi. We’re friends.”

  “Friends shmends.”

  “Stop calling it the sex. You sound like Grandma,” Abby retorts.

  Lexi gawks at her, wide-eyed and shell-shocked. “What did you say?”

  “She’s kinda right. Grandma always calls it ‘the sex.’ She’s rubbing off on you,” AJ adds.

  “Fuck. I sound like Grandma!” Lexi declares with a sour look.

  “I’m sorry my family is so crazy. I’d like to say that this isn’t normal behavior, but it really is. My sisters are nuts, but they’re the best.” My mouth is close to Dean’s ear so that he can hear me over the excessive noise in the bar.

  “You’re family’s great. I’m an only child so this level of chaos is new and exciting for me.”

  “You should see us at a dinner where my grandparents are present. They add a level of craziness that’s unprecedented.”

  “Can’t wait to officially meet them,” he says with a warm smile, and I can’t help but grin back.

  He’s touching my back, running his hand up and down while we talk. His cologne tickles my nose and makes me want to lean further into his embrace. I still haven’t ordered a fresh drink so I use my empty hand and snake it around his waist. We’re close–and in public, I might add, but I don’t care. Maybe it’s the alcohol or maybe it’s the fact that I’m just okay with a little PDA with Dean.

  Crazy, right?

  “Guys, I can’t get a hold of Josh. He’s not answering his phone,” Meghan says, pulling my attention away from Dean’s brown eyes and towards a pair of very worried green ones.

  “I’m sure everything’s fine, Meg. He probably got called back to work or something,” Abby adds.

  “To the bank? What could he possibly be called back to work for on a Saturday night

  “Maybe he forgot where we were painting the pottery stuff tonight,” I say, trying to calm down Meghan. She’s definitely getting herself worked up.

  “He told me he was on his way here, Pay. And now he’s not answering his phone or texts.” She gazes down at the phone in her hand, silently begging it to ring.

  “I’m sure he’s fine, Meggy. Don’t get worked up until you have a reason to,” Lexi says, sounding a little more sober than she did just moments ago.

  The front door of the bar opens up and a couple walks in, shaking the rain off their jackets. The lights have flickered a few times over the course of our pottery night, but we’ve never lost power. The wind has been howling and the thunder shaking the building, but we’ve been inside the entire time so haven’t dealt with the effects of the storm.

  “Holy cow, it’s really coming down out there,” the woman says to the crowd at large. “We had a hard time getting here. Main Street is shut down at the edge of town because of a big accident. We had to drive around the Perry farm in order to get here.”

  “How bad of an accident?” a man sitting near Ryan asks.

  “Bad. Multiple cars. I heard it was head-on,” she says.

  I step forward to flag down one of the bartenders when I feel a hand on my forearm. My heart stops beating when I see Meghan’s stricken face. “We need to go.”

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, confusion mixing with my panic.

  “It’s Josh. Something’s wrong, Pay, I feel it.”

  I stare at my sister for several heartbeats, not sure what to do. Josh could walk in the door any moment, and we’ll all have a good laugh at Meghan’s paranoia. “Meg, maybe he’s just stuck somewhere. That other couple said they had a hard time getting here. Plus, it’s storming. I’m sure he’s just tied up with the accident.”

  “Payton, he is the accident. I can feel it.” Her voice drops and I almost don’t hear her words. But I do. I hear them, and I’ll never forget the way my body shivers. Tears start to fill her eyes and something clenches in my stomach. She’s certain, and until we find out differently, there’s not going to be any way of convincing her otherwise.


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