My Kinda Night (Summer Sisters Book 2)

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My Kinda Night (Summer Sisters Book 2) Page 26

by Lacey Black

  We all cried when we first got here. I’m not gonna lie, it was hard to look at the bar and know that Josh wasn’t going to show up well before closing time to drive her, and any of us, home. I’ve caught her many times staring off at nothing, the look of sadness and longing so clearly prominent on her beautiful face, traces of tears in her eyes.

  We’ve all kept a close eye on her, especially since she hit the drinks pretty heavily at first. She’s still grieving, and probably always will be, so who are we to stop her? As long as we make sure she’s safe, I say let her let her hair down. It sure beats sitting at home, surrounded by his things and his memory, like she has been for more than three months now.

  “Throw, Payton,” my evil opponent, AKA AJ, hollers from across the yard, her nose practically dropped into a glass of some frothy girly drink.

  “You know, for a teacher, you have no patience,” I retort, taking a bag in my hand and getting into position to throw.

  “I have tons of patience, believe me. Last week, I caught two eighth graders making out beneath the bleachers, and I politely escorted them back to class without going into the syphilis and genital herpes lecture,” she says.

  “In junior high? We didn’t even think of doing that stuff until high school,” Jaime says beside me. She’s AJ’s partner.

  “Well, you may not have, but ol’ Lexi was always sneaking off with that guy who ended up leaving town on a motorcycle the day of graduation and never coming back,” Abby, my partner, says from across the game.

  “Whatever,” Lexi chimes in from the picnic table, where she’s sitting with her partner, Meghan, awaiting for their turn to play the winner. “That motorcycle was hot.”

  “Didn’t he wear leather pants?” AJ asks before throwing her bag and sinking it in the hole.

  “Mmmhmmmmmm,” Lexi coos, a lustful grin barely concealed behind her drink.

  “Remind me how you ended up with Chris again,” I joke. But glancing over, I see a look on her face that tells me my comment might have hit a little too close to home for Lexi. She was always the most ornery sister, giving our dad and grandparents many sleepless nights.

  I watch her look inside the bar, her eyes resting on the place where Ryan and Dean sit and talk. Chris isn’t there, but he never is. If the look on her face is any indication, I’d say Lexi is about at the end of her rope with her husband’s constant disappearing routine.

  “Anyway,” she says, drawing out that word, instead of answering my question. “His name was Blaze, and yes, he had that old Harley. Lost the V-card on that bad boy.”

  “You lost your virginity on a motorcycle? That’s what Grandma meant! How did we not know this?” Jaime asks, her face showing the same shock I’m sure we all feel.

  “Ehh, everyone assumed it was with Chris because I started dating him shortly after, and I didn’t say anything to dissuade you.”

  “But a bike? How does that even work?” I ask, glancing back at my sexy, nerdy accountant, and wondering if he’d be willing to get a motorcycle. Or rent one? Maybe we can borrow one for a night or two.

  “It’s definitely possible. A few ways, actually,” she says without adding anymore. And the rest of us are all left wondering and imagining the possibilities.

  “Hey, doesn’t Levi have a bike? You could do some research and report back next month,” I say to my little sister across the yard.

  Abby makes a face and stutters. “What? I’m not…doing that…sleeping and stuff…with Levi! He’s my friend,” she adds with as much conviction as she can muster.

  “Friends to lovers, Abby. That tale is as old as time,” I remind her.

  “Actually, that tale was enemies to lovers,” AJ adds.

  “Whatever,” I say, pointing my finger at the shyer of the twins. “You should go for it. I think Levi likes you.”

  “Not happening,” she mumbles, glancing over to where her best friend is chatting it up in the bar. He’s surrounded by females, all smiling widely and hanging on his every word. Some, even hanging on him.

  My heart goes out to her. I know she has feelings for him, even if she refuses to acknowledge it. Jaime and I share a look, having our own conversation without even uttering a word. We’ve been able to do it since we were little. Yes, I see the look she gives him. Yes, I’ve caught the way he watches her when she’s not looking. Yes, I think they need a little nudge towards each other.

  Smiling, I glance over and see my own man watching me from the window. Yeah, I might have needed a little nudge myself. I’m so thankful he took a chance on me and wouldn’t let me push him away. Lord knows I was going to, but he held his ground, and the result is a relationship that is heading towards Foreverville. For as much teasing as I’ve given Jaime for her coupledom with Ryan, I’m all giggly and giddy at the prospect of a long-term future with Dean.

  When our game is complete, Abby and I crowned victors by, well, ourselves, Ryan and Dean make their way out to the garden. He’s at my side, his arms wrapped around my waist, and pulling me close into his embrace.

  “Ready to go home?” he whispers, his warm breath tickling my ear.

  “Yeah,” I answer, glancing over at Meghan. Abby and AJ are right there, talking and engaging with her, but I can tell she’s reached the end of her night. “We need to take Meggy home.”

  “Okay. My car is out front. Leave yours here and we’ll run over and get it in the morning.”

  “I brought Abby too,” I tell him.

  “I can take Abs home.” The comment comes from behind me, and a moment later, Levi steps up beside me.

  “You sure you don’t have entertaining to do tonight?” I ask with a smile, glancing over his shoulder to see a slew of women staring, grinning, and waving at him.

  “Naw, I’m good,” he says, heading over to where Abby is standing. She’s laughing at something AJ said, but sobers as soon as Levi walks up. I don’t miss the way he touches her back as he steps up to her side, nor the way her slight smile appears to be filled with nerves.

  “Let’s grab Meg and we’ll head back to your place.”

  “It’ll be your place soon,” Dean says, guiding me towards my other sisters.

  “It will.”

  “Do you guys want a cat? I know one that you can have as a housewarming gift,” Ryan says, stepping up beside us.

  “Don’t you dare give away my Boots! I would cut you off so fast, you would remember what it was like to lose a tooth before you’d remember what it was like to have sex with me.”

  Dean whistles beside me, but it’s drowned out over my laughter.

  “You know I wouldn’t do that, babe. As much as I’d love to pawn Satan’s cat off on sweet little Bri, I would never do that to them. Boots is our pain in the ass. I love you too much to hurt you like that.” Ryan pulls Jaime into his arms and kisses her square on the lips.

  “Let’s go. I can’t wait to play with your joystick. Maybe even road-head for being so awesome,” she whispers very loudly.

  “Time to go,” Ryan hollers, practically dragging Jaime to the door. She waves over her shoulder, a bright smile on her face as they head home for the night.

  “Do you think they’ll make it home in time or will one of us be bailing them out again for indecent exposure?” Lexi asks.

  “Oh, leave them alone. They’re young and in love.”

  “Speak for yourself. She was my ride,” AJ chimes in.

  “We’ve got you,” I tell my sisters.

  With Abby heading home with Levi, that leaves Meghan, Lexi, and AJ to pile in the back seat. As we make our way through the bar and towards the parking lot, some swaying a little more than others, I revel in the fact that I’m so close to my sisters. We’ve always been tight, but as we grew older as adults, we’ve formed an inseparable bond. We’re sisters, sure, but we’re so much more than that. We’re best friends. We’re confidants. We’re the lifelines that get us through the hard times when all we want to do is call it quits.

  We’ve got each other’s backs, an
d won’t let them go at it alone.

  We’re doing it for Meghan, and we’ll do it for anyone else if the need ever arises.

  After dropping them off at their homes, Dean and I make our way to his place since it’s closer. Brielle is spending the night with Gretchen, so we have the place to ourselves. Stepping inside the front door, I instantly feel the difference.

  “It’s so quiet without her here,” I say aloud.

  “Always has been that way for me too,” Dean replies, taking my purse out of my hand and depositing it on the table. “We’ll just have to come up with our own ways to fill the silence.”

  Turning, I find his eyes dark with desire, and they are locked on me. “I can think of a few ways to make some noise.”

  His lips are soft but urgent as he takes the kiss straight to scorching. There’s a trail of clothes from the living room to the kitchen where I’m perched on top of the kitchen table. “I thought I’d have a little snack before bed.” His grin is wicked as he squats between my legs.

  When he goes to remove his glasses, I stop his arm. “Leave them on.”

  “You have a thing for geeks, Miss Summer?”

  “Only you.”

  He gives me another killer smile, his hands running up the insides of my thighs, before settling in for his midnight snack. Sighing happily, I rejoice in the feel of his touch. And I’m not just talking about with his hands. He has a firm grasp on my heart and my soul. His grip is so deep, so strong that I’m sure I’ll always feel it. He’s a part of me.

  Yep. Only him.

  Another Epilogue


  The truck is quiet as we make our way towards our shared building. Why do I feel so antsy? I’m practically dancing in the seat, while he’s sitting there, all cool and collected, his arm casually resting on the window ledge, one hand on the steering wheel.

  But Levi’s always cool as a cucumber. That’s one of the things I always envied about him. His laid back, go with the flow attitude.

  That’s also what draws every other woman with a pulse towards him.

  “Did you have fun tonight?” he asks, drawing my attention back towards him.

  “Yeah. I’m glad Meg came out for the night. It wouldn’t have been a sisters’ night without her.”

  “It was good to see her out,” he adds, keeping his attention on the road.

  We’re silent the rest of the way to our apartment building. Levi parks his truck in the back lot, and asks me to wait before I get out. The truck is big and tall, with meaty tires and an engine that’ll pull about anything. He’s always been a gentleman when it comes to his truck, which is why I wait for him to come around and help me down.

  “Thanks,” I tell him as I slide out. His hands are warm against my waist, and even when my feet are both firmly on the ground, he still holds my hips.

  I’m unable to move, unable to think, unable to breathe. I’ve been close to him more times than I could possibly count. We’ve slept in the same bed (clothes on, of course), ate off of the same plate, and given massages after horribly long shifts at the firehouse. But this? This feels different. It’s almost intimate.

  Which is how I know I’m reading this completely wrong. No way does Levi think of me in any way other than a friend, a sister almost. We’ve been close since we met, but lately I feel things are shifting. My feelings for him have been changing, and I just don’t know how to handle that.

  Slowly, I take a step back, losing his touch. He locks up his truck and, together, we make our way into the building. We take the stairs up to the third floor. Since Levi told me about what he learned about elevators in firefighting school, I’ve avoided them, if possible. If there’s ever a fire, it’s quite easier to get out via stairs than it is to get out of a stuck elevator, and then down and out of the building.

  When we get to the third floor, I head towards my apartment, which happens to be directly across the hall from his. No, that wasn’t planned. Levi was already here, and when this one became available, and I was looking to get out of my dad’s house, he put in a good word for me with the superintendent.

  “Well, good night,” I say, placing my key into the knob and giving it a turn.

  I don’t get a response, so I glance over my shoulder to see if he’s still there. He is, and he’s close. His chest is practically pressed against my arm, which makes the hairs on my arm stand on end. My breath hitches in my throat, and it’s suddenly hard to swallow.

  He reaches forward and gives the knob a turn. When he does, his hand wraps around mine, encompassing it in heat that shoots straight up my arm and spreads through my entire body. Levi gives the door a little push, which moves his head very close to mine. I’m paralyzed with nerves, fear, lust, everything. It’s all there, fighting to be the front-runner in the Drive Abby Crazy race.

  “Night,” he finally whispers, his breath fanning across my cheek.

  And before I realize what’s happening, he places a kiss on my forehead. Sure, he’s done it before, but this time, his lips linger there, as if there’s a permanent connection between his lips and my skin.

  Oh God, how I would like to know what his lips feel like against my skin. Other skin.

  That thought startles me and I jump back. I quickly put distance between us, stepping into my apartment so that I can no longer smell his delicious cologne. He seems casual as he gives me a little smile and wave before turning and heading across the hall.

  My heart is hammering in my chest as I wait for him to unlock his door. When he does, I get another wave before I close and lock my door. Only then does he close and lock his own. It’s the same every time.

  But this time, I feel like I’m about to have some sort of coronary episode. This is the worst scenario that I could ever imagine. I think about him day, night, and every waking moment in between. I try to fight it, but the more I do, the harder it seems to make it through the easiest of situations. Like dinner or a simple phone conversation.

  I want my best friend.

  But I know that’ll never happen.


  Find out more about Abby and Levi in My Kinda Song, coming Summer 2017.

  Dear Reader,

  If you’ve read my books prior to this one, then you know I did something in this book I’ve never done before.


  When I started plotting this series last summer, I knew I was going to lose a character. It was something I wanted to do as an author, but I was so very nervous. Death isn’t easy, but it’s a part of life. That’s why I did it. If you were one of the readers who fell in love with Josh in the first book, I truly am sorry for your loss. And I do believe that, as readers, we love, hate, laugh, and cry right along with these characters and their stories. We live them. So his death was part of all of us. It wasn’t easy. Believe me, I second-guessed myself several times, sent text messages to my friends, and questioned if this was the right step. But it was.

  I promise you this: It will be okay. I would never leave you without a happily ever after. Ever. So while you may want to throw your e-reader at my head right now, please promise me you’ll see this ride through the end. Meghan will be okay. She will heal. She will get her happily ever after.

  I promise.

  All my love,



  As always, this entire process wouldn’t be possible without the love and support of so many!

  Nazalea and the InkSlinger PR team – thank you for your support and resources! I definitely have the best in the business behind me!

  Sara Eirew – I don’t know how you do it, but each cover is better than the last! Your work truly amazes me, and I still get butterflies every time I first see a cover.

  Mike Chabot & Rachael Baltes – You ARE Payton and Dean! Thank you for gracing the cover of this book!!

  Kara Hildebrand – This marks our sixth full-length novel and second novella since we teamed up and I couldn’t be happier! Thank you for taking the chance on me!r />
  Sandra Shipman – You’ve been along for this ride almost since the beginning, and I appreciate everything you do to help polish each book and for your reviews and time!

  Jo Thompson – You are so much more than a beta and a proofreader. Though, you do those things pretty damn well. You are my friend, first and foremost. Thank you for encouraging me to cross the border so I could hug you!

  Amanda Lanclos – For two and a half years, you’ve been there for every book, from the brainstorming to the release. You are as much a part of these books as you are a part of my heart. You’re by book soul sister, and I only wish I didn’t have to wait two years to hug you!

  Brenda Wright – Thanks for putting up with my brand of crazy. You’re the best in the formatting business and make my stuff look professional and polished.

  Carey Decevito – Thank you for your eagle eye and helping polish the book, but also for not killing me when you hit 70%. But most of all, thank you for the hugs in Niagara and the friendship we’ve formed.

  Holly Collins – My bestie. You are the first set of eyes to see a completed story, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I love you as if you were my blood sister.

  Lacey’s Ladies – Whether you were one of the first or new to the group, you guys keep me sane and smiling. Thank you for your support and accolades with each release. I just pray you don’t all kill me with this book.

  My husband and two kids – Thank you for allowing me to step away from our every day life and write. I know it can be difficult, but I can follow my dreams because of your support. I love you guys to the end of time.

  And to all of the readers, THANK YOU for reading!

  About the Author

  Lacey Black is a Midwestern girl with a passion for reading, writing, and shopping. She carries her e-reader with her everywhere she goes so she never misses an opportunity to read a few pages. Always looking for a happily ever after, Lacey is passionate about contemporary romance novels and enjoys it further when you mix in a little suspense. She resides in a small town in Illinois with her husband, two children, and a chocolate lab. Lacey loves watching NASCAR races, shooting guns, and should only consume one mixed drink because she’s a lightweight.


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