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Sidespace Page 35

by G. S. Jennsen

  They fight their way through the ship to the bridge, where they encounter Harper, who agrees to help them. She distracts Liam, then when Caleb and Noah open fire, disables his personal shield. Caleb kills Liam. Caleb, Noah and Harper rush back to the Siyane and escape just before the cruiser crashes.

  Noah and Harper help Caleb dig a tunnel to where Isabela and Marlee are trapped, freeing them and several other people. Harper elects to remain in the city to aid with rescue efforts. Noah decides to find transportation back to Earth, eager to return to Kennedy, and Caleb heads for Seneca, and Alex.

  The Metigens arrive at Seneca in overwhelming force. Alex, on the Churchill with Rychen, and Morgan, on the SF flagship with Gianno, take charge of the battle, employing a number of surprise weapons and tactics to gain an early advantage over the Metigen armada.

  Several hours into the battle, Alex argues as it stands now they will not achieve complete victory. She convinces Miriam and Rychen to allow her to break into one of the Metigen superdreadnoughts, where she and Valkyrie believe they can hack the core operating code. She hitches a ride atop a recon craft, experiencing a thrilling and terrifying journey through the heart of the battle.

  Inside, Alex finds a cavernous space, with power conduits and signals running in every direction, and goes in search of the engineering core. When she hears her father in her head during the search, Valkyrie confesses that the Artificials’ search of military neural imprints turned up one for Alex’s father, taken before his death. Not surprisingly, it was compatible with Alex’s brainwave patterns, so Valkyrie loaded it into her processes to increase their knowledge of military tactics. Valkyrie then enriched the imprint, creating a more fulsome representation of David Solovy’s mind and leading to the unexpected result of his personality manifesting.

  When they locate the engineering core Alex immerses herself in it to access the ship's programming. Valkyrie inserts a subtle logic error into one of the base routines, and they quickly depart the ship.

  A major battle also ensues on and above Romane. Malcolm takes a special forces squad groundside, where he meets up with Mia in the governor’s emergency bunker. Mia believes she and Meno have developed a signal beam to nullify an alien vessel’s shields. He agrees to help her test it out on one of the smaller alien ships wreaking havoc in the city. They depart the bunker with part of Malcom’s squad, while the rest of the squad conducts rescue operations. The test is successful, and Mia/Meno transfer the code for the signal to Devon, who deploys it to all the fleets.

  They are returning to the bunker when Malcolm receives an order to arrest one of his Marines who was part of the rescue team on suspicion of working for the Metigens. When arrested, the suspect detonates a bomb he’d placed at Mia’s home. The explosion badly damages Meno’s hardware, abruptly severing his connection with Mia and causing her to stroke.

  Caleb reaches the fleet at Seneca, and he and Alex enjoy a jubilant reunion. Suddenly Alex collapses to the floor as the trauma to Meno and Mia reverberates through the Prevos’ connection to one another. Once Alex recovers, she, Devon and Morgan decide it’s time to implement their secret plan to ensure victory.

  Miriam is overseeing both battlefronts from the War Room when she’s informed Devon/Annie have taken control of both Earth’s and Seneca’s defense arrays. Panic erupts among the military and government leaders. At that moment Miriam receives a message from Alex asking Miriam to please trust in her, and trust Richard. Richard indicates he knows something but won’t divulge what it might be.

  Hervé judges it’s necessary to use the Kill Switch, but Miriam shoots her with a stunner before she can do so. Miriam refuses to act against the Prevos, even as they turn the defense arrays inward.

  Unbeknownst to Miriam, shortly after the Prevos were created, they uncovered the full Metigen network of spies and assassins. Before leaving Earth, Alex went with Devon to see Richard and gave him a list of enemy agents, and he contacted Graham and Will on Seneca. They formulated a strategy to arrest or kill the agents at the last possible moment, and enlisted Olivia Montegreu’s aid in the effort. Miriam was kept in the dark because revealing Hervé’s involvement ahead of time would’ve alerted the aliens to the fact the Prevos were onto them.

  The defense arrays fire—on dozens of Metigen superdreadnoughts hiding cloaked above the major cities of Earth and Seneca. Armed with massive firepower as well as the disruptive signal beam Mia/Meno developed, the superdreadnoughts are destroyed. The Prevos had picked up the stealthed vessels hours earlier, but again, revealing them too early would have tipped their hand.

  An alien representative contacts those leading the military assault, but Alex takes charge of the conversation. The alien says they are open to considering cease fire terms, but Alex notes the aliens are in no position to bargain, as humanity’s forces have decimated them. She orders them to retreat through the portal and to cease their observation of and meddling in Aurora. She also asks for an explanation for their aggression; the alien replies that humans are far more dangerous than they recognize and must be contained.

  The alien accepts her terms, but warns humanity not to come looking for them beyond the portal. Alex doesn’t respond to the warning, instead ordering them to retreat now. They do so, and the war comes to an end.

  Later, as EA Prime Minister Brennon gives a speech mourning those lost and vowing a new era for civilization, Gianno and Vranas worry about the future of peace with EA and the danger Noetica poses, before separating to celebrate the victory with their families.

  Noah reaches Earth and intercepts Kennedy as she is about to leave Vancouver. He finds her cold and dismissive, and provokes her into admitting she was hurt by him eagerly running off with Caleb, then not contacting her. He admits his mistake and being angry with her, but pleads his case by regaling all he went through to get back to her as fast as possible, and they reconcile.

  On New Babel, Olivia and her partner-in-crime Aiden prepare to expand their spheres of influence. When Aiden suggests they merge their cartels—the one thing Olivia had warned him never to do—she uses a cybernetic virus to kill him, then begins taking over his cartel.

  Alex returns to Earth and reunites with her mother. She elects not to tell Miriam about the construct of her father, and after catching up they agree to meet for lunch the next week.

  Caleb and Alex visit Mia, who remains in a coma and was brought to EASC’s hospital at Alex’s request. Dr. Canivon says she’s somewhat optimistic she can rebuild Meno, and together they can repair the damage to Mia’s brain. Caleb authorizes her to move ahead, though there’s no guarantee Mia will be herself should she eventually awaken.

  They return to Alex’s loft for a romantic dinner. Caleb presents her with a belated birthday gift—a bracelet crafted from a piece of his sword, the only remnant of the Siyane’s hull before it morphed into adiamene.

  He divulges that Graham has offered him any job he wants if he’ll return to Division. Alex encourages him to do so, insisting they can make a long-distance relationship work. He challenges her about what she truly wants from him. When she caves and admits she selfishly wants him to stay with her, he immediately resigns from Division and asks her to marry him. After an emotional discussion, she says yes.


  Miriam returns from vacation to move into the new Headquarters building. She and Richard are discussing threats on the horizon and long-term strategies when she receives a message from Alex.

  On Atlantis, Kennedy and Noah are enjoying their own vacation, expecting Alex and Caleb to join them later in the day, when Kennedy also receives a message from Alex.

  The Siyane hovers in the Metis Nebula, just outside the ring of ships patrolling the portal to prevent any Metigen incursion. Valkyrie has been installed into the walls of the Siyane, and Alex and Caleb have married. They activate the portal and accelerate through it on a quest for answers about the Metigens and their network of multiverses.

  * * *

  G. S. Jennsen lives in Colorado with her husband and two dogs. Sidespace is her fourth novel, all published by her imprint, Hypernova Publishing. In less than two years she has become an internationally bestselling author, selling in excess of 50,000 books since her first novel, Starshine, was published in March 2014. She has chosen to continue writing under an independent publishing model to ensure the integrity of the Aurora Rhapsody series and her ability to execute on the vision she’s had for it since its genesis.

  While she has been a lawyer, a software engineer and an editor, she’s found the life of a full-time author preferable by several orders of magnitude, which means you can expect the next book in the Aurora Rhapsody series in just a few months.

  When she isn’t writing, she’s gaming or working out or getting lost in the Colorado mountains that loom large outside the windows in her home. Or she’s dealing with a flooded basement, or standing in a line at Walmart reading the tabloid headlines and wondering who all of those people are. Or sitting on her back porch with a glass of wine, looking up at the stars, trying to figure out what could be up there.


  Title Page

  Dedication & Acknowledgments

  Aurora Rhapsody

  Map of Colonized Worlds

  Map of Portal Network

  Dramatis Personae

  Aurora Rising Synopsis

  Aurora Thesi

  Contents Overview



  1: Ekos-1

  2: Ekos-1

  -- Ekos-2

  3: Ekos-2

  4: Ekos-3

  5: Ekos-2



  6: Earth

  7: Unknown Location

  8: Earth

  9: Earth

  10: Space, NE Quadrant

  -- Messium Stellar System

  11: Erisen

  -- Earth



  12: Oryktos-4

  13: Oryktos-4

  14: Rudan

  15: Rudan

  16: Aurora Thesi



  17: Romane

  -- Seneca

  18: Earth

  19: Earth

  20: Seneca

  21: Earth

  22: Arcadia

  -- Earth



  23: Kamen-1

  24: Kamen-1

  25: Kamen-1

  26: Ireltse

  27: Ireltse

  28: Ireltse



  29: New Babel

  30: Seneca

  31: New Babel

  32: Earth

  33: Erisen

  34: Seneca

  -- Earth

  35: Pandora Stellar System

  36: Earth

  -- Seneca



  37: Ireltse

  38: Ireltse

  39: Ireltse

  40: Ireltse

  41: Nengllitse

  42: Aurora Thesi

  43: Idryma



  -- Siyane

  -- Pandora Stellar System

  -- Romane


  Author’s Note

  Appendix A: Supplemental Material

  -- Map of Portal Network (Updated)

  -- Dramatis Alienorum

  Appendix B: Aurora Rising Detailed Synopsis

  About the Author

  Sidespace Blurb

  Table of Contents

  Appendix B










  Title Page

  Dedication & Acknowledgments

  Aurora Rhapsody

  Map of Colonized Worlds

  Map of Portal Network

  Dramatis Personae

  Aurora Rising Synopsis

  Aurora Thesi

  Contents Overview


  1: Ekos-1

  2: Ekos-1

  -- Ekos-2

  3: Ekos-2

  4: Ekos-3

  5: Ekos-2


  6: Earth

  7: Unknown Location

  8: Earth

  9: Earth

  10: Space, NE Quadrant

  -- Messium Stellar System

  11: Erisen

  -- Earth


  12: Oryktos-4

  13: Oryktos-4

  14: Rudan

  15: Rudan

  16: Aurora Thesi


  17: Romane

  -- Seneca

  18: Earth

  19: Earth

  20: Seneca

  21: Earth

  22: Arcadia

  -- Earth


  23: Kamen-1

  24: Kamen-1

  25: Kamen-1

  26: Ireltse

  27: Ireltse

  28: Ireltse


  29: New Babel

  30: Seneca

  31: New Babel

  32: Earth

  33: Erisen

  34: Seneca

  -- Earth

  35: Pandora Stellar System

  36: Earth

  -- Seneca


  37: Ireltse

  38: Ireltse

  39: Ireltse

  40: Ireltse

  41: Nengllitse

  42: Aurora Thesi

  43: Idryma


  -- Siyane

  -- Pandora Stellar System

  -- Romane


  Author’s Note

  Appendix A: Supplemental Material

  -- Map of Portal Network (Updated)

  -- Dramatis Alienorum

  Appendix B: Aurora Rising Detailed Synopsis

  About the Author

  Sidespace Blurb

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Dedication & Acknowledgments

  Aurora Rhapsody


  Dramatis Personae

  Aurora Rising Synopsis

  Aurora Thesi

  Contents Overview



  1: Ekos-1

  2: Ekos-1

  -- Ekos-2

  3: Ekos-2

  4: Ekos-3

  5: Ekos-2



  6: Earth

  7: Unknown Location

  8: Earth

  9: Earth

  10: Space, NE Quadrant

  -- Messium Stellar System

  11: Erisen

  -- Earth



  12: Oryktos-4

  13: Oryktos-4

  14: Rudan

  15: Rudan

  16: Aurora Thesi



  17: Romane

  -- Seneca

  18: Earth

  19: Earth

  20: Seneca

  21: Earth

  22: Arcadia

  -- Earth



  23: Kamen-1

  24: Kamen-1

  25: Ka

  26: Ireltse

  27: Ireltse

  28: Ireltse



  29: New Babel

  30: Seneca

  31: New Babel

  32: Earth

  33: Erisen

  34: Seneca

  -- Earth

  35: Pandora Stellar System

  36: Earth

  -- Seneca



  37: Ireltse

  38: Ireltse

  39: Ireltse

  40: Ireltse

  41: Nengllitse

  42: Aurora Thesi

  43: Idryma



  -- Siyane

  -- Pandora Stellar System

  -- Romane


  Author’s Note

  Appendix A: Supplemental Material

  -- Map of Portal Network (Updated)

  -- Dramatis Alienorum

  Appendix B: Aurora Rising Detailed Synopsis

  About the Author

  Sidespace Blurb





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