Munch Time 1

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Munch Time 1 Page 7

by Amanda Fleming

  "God, I think I may have overdressed." Paige said sheepishly as she approached the small booth that Courtney had gotten. Courtney shook her head.

  "Stop. I wouldn't change you for anything. You are just absolutely lovely." She said genuinely, her accent still having that musical lilt to it. Courtney couldn't take her eyes off the beautiful, busty girl in front of her.

  Paige felt herself blush.

  "You look great too."

  "You're dear for saying it." Courtney shrugged "I only barely had time to get home from work to change."

  "Where do you work?" Paige asked, realizing she knew next to nothing about Courtney.

  "The university. The publishers. Legal department." Courtney said casually "Bunch of slave-drivers."

  "You're a lawyer, but you're so young." Paige said, smiling.

  "I think I used that line on you already." Courtney chuckled as she looked at her menu "But I graduated school a bit early."

  "I have to ask, it's been bugging me the last two days, where are you from?" Paige asked

  "The accent you mean?" Courtney smiled "I'm from Scotland originally. Edinburgh."

  Paige smiled, although still somewhat confused. She'd seen Scottish comedians and Scottish movies and Courtney's accent was far softer.

  "You don't sound it." Paige smiled.

  "Ach, well, I kin git a wee bit coarser if ye like lass." Courtney said, now adopting a harsher tone that Paige did recognize a bit "But I'm afraid the Duncans of Edinburgh have always had a bit more o' the posh in us than most."

  Paige laughed. So did Courtney.

  "But I have something to ask you, that's also kept me wondering for days." Courtney said, returning to her normal accent, "What in the world is the difference between a Feminist Comic book shop and a regular one."

  "Oh it's stupid and geeky." Paige shook her head

  "Wouldn't ask if I didn't want to know."

  "Well, I wanted to stress that it's a female friendly environment. Where I'm not going to sell anything I feel is exploitative and skeezy. Like any comic book with a woman's dead body stuffed in a refrigerator."

  "Ugh. They had one?" Courtney asked. Paige shook her head with similar disgust.

  "Don't get me started. So, anyways, my shop and my rules." Paige said simply.

  "Not that I disagree with your decision but isn't that pale lad behind the counter just the type to accuse you of censorship or some such?"

  Paige smiled. Damian had, in fact, first made that argument. Paige had laid down the law though.

  "He is. But two problems there. One, he's wrong. It's not censorship for a private individual to decide what she will or won't sell in her privately owned store. I'm not limiting anyone's access to it. There are other shops. Two, I told him if he didn't like it he was more than free to go get another job where he was paid to do nothing all day."

  Courtney just smiled.

  "Well, like I said, I respect both your conviction and your cause." Courtney nodded. At this point waitress came and the two of them worked it out. Aloo Gobi, Chana Masala and Spinach Paneer were favourites for both of them and so they'd ordered the three of them to share along with rice and naan. Paige had ordered a glass of Riesling and Courtney, expressing her thanks to Paige for ordering alcohol first, ordered a lager. The food came quickly and their meal were both tremendous. Paige hadn't eaten much the last few days because of the butterflies in her stomach and Courtney had apparently skipped lunch and so they were both famished.

  Their conversation, or as much of one as they could manage between mouthfuls, went equally well. Paige was an only child to two parents who had reacted largely well to her coming out at 15 whereas Courtney and her older brother had split time between their divorced parent's places. When Courtney had come out to them at 19 her Father had reacted well while her mother, apparently somewhat religious, had been disapproving at first but had eventually come around. Paige loved science-fiction, stand-up comedy and punk rock whereas Courtney loved the classics, pop music and football. They then argued for a bit about whether it should be called football or soccer. It was declared a friendly draw.

  Paige was positively sinking into her date and began to slow her eating, both from feeling full and knowing that when the food was gone the date would be coming to a close. Courtney apparently felt every bit as into it, or full, and began slowing down herself. Eventually they ran out of food completely and the bill had come. Paige reached for it but Courtney playfully slapped her hand away.

  "Not on your life. This was my thanks for your help." Courtney said as she put her credit card down on the table. Paige agreed but it felt wrong. The idea that she was on a date with this beautiful, engaging, smart and funny woman and didn't have to pay for the privilege? It felt wrong.

  "Then you're going to have to let me pay you back with a drink." Paige insisted, reaching across the table to let her fingers dance over Courtney's. Courtney smiled.

  "Well, if I must." She said with a cheeky grin. "Maybe catch your boy at the pub you were talking about?"

  Paige frowned. She'd been thinking of something slightly more intimate than Damian and his yapping about which previously cool movie director was now a monster on the scale of Stalin but she agreed.

  "Can I go home and get on more comfortable shoes?" Paige asked, feeling her heels digging slightly into her ankles. "It's on the way."

  "Of course." Courtney nodded. "I saw an ice cream shop next door so why don't be terrible and have some on our way?"

  Paige nodded. She knew Dave's Gourmet Ice Creams well and a cone of his famous blueberry ripple sounded like the near perfect cap to the delicious, engaging meal. Courtney extended her hand to Paige as they left the restaurant. Paige didn't even think for a second before taking it and hers and walking from the restaurant hand in hand.

  Chapter 3.

  They continued their conversation as they walked home in the cool air. Paige had been disappointed by Dave's being out of her favourite flavour but the new toasted marshmallow flavour they'd had was a fine replacement. She didn't know how Dave actually made it taste as though the marshmallow had been roasted but, well, he did. Courtney had laughed when she'd seen that they had a Guinness flavoured ice cream and gotten her cone full of it. All on the walk to Paige's place she'd darted little looks at Courtney. Walking side by side was nice but it meant she could no longer look at Courtney as she could when they were sitting across from each other. Every now and then, when she'd dart her eyes to appreciate the delicateness of Courtney's features or the way the light brown ice cream dripped along her beautiful lips, Paige was pleasantly surprised to see Courtney's eyes looking back. Both of them would quickly look away when that happened. They'd both finished their cones when they'd finally turned the corner onto the little, well lit street that Paige's house was on and Courtney had walked her to her door.

  "You should probably come in, I could be a second." Paige smiled. Courtney, however, shook her head.

  "I was thinking, and don't dismiss this out of hand as being crazy, maybe we shouldn't head back out." Courtney said. She seemed nervous but, well, bold.

  "Well, alright." Paige sighed. Did Courtney want the night to end? Paige certainly didn't.

  "Now hear me out." Courtney said "You'd said that there are three things that a relationship needed to work, right?"

  Paige nodded. That had been a part of their conversation over dinner.

  "You said, and I quote, that you needed attraction, well-matched personalities and sexual compatibility, right?" Courtney continued. Paige smiled, she could instantly hear what Courtney must be like as a lawyer. Paige nodded, looking deeply into those gorgeous blue-green eyes that were sparkling at her.

  "Well," Courtney continued "I propose that we've established two of the three. I think it's safe to say that we're both attracted to one another and if that meal was any indication then I think we're going to get along famously. That really leaves the sexual compatibility, though it's somewhat forward I know, I've always been
an impatient sort and...."

  "Oh sweet Jesus shut up." Paige said as she grabbed Courtney's sweater and pulled her tightly to her lips. She finally did what she'd wanted to do since the first second she'd seen the beautiful red head and hungrily kissed her soft, delicate lips. She felt Courtney kiss her back just as hungrily. Their tongues mixing, their saliva mingling. Courtney smelled like strawberries and her kiss tasted like curry, ice cream and beer. Paige loved curry, ice cream and beer. Paige moaned into Courtney's mouth as she felt the girl's hands on the back of her dress, tightly squeezing Paige's butt in both hands. Paige's hands were fumbling with her keys, desperately trying to get them into the lock. Paige cursed the man who'd invented doors as she stumbled, not breaking her kiss for a second before finally getting the door open and pulling Courtney inside. Paige tried to keep a cool head, she knew she'd have to actually be the guide here, but the kiss was so hot, the first real kiss she'd had in months, that she felt her head spinning. She bumped against the railing of the stairs, reminding her that her bedroom was actually upstairs, and actually had to fight for a little space. Courtney had pushed her against the railing and had her hand on the outside of Paige's thighs now, pushing her dress up and lifting Paige's leg. Paige pulled Courtney by the collar of her dress shirt, keeping the kiss intact as she backed up the stairs.

  When they made the perilous journey to the top of the stairs, clothes became almost being torn off by their wearers. Paige undid her dress at the neck and let it fall to the floor, feeling relieved that she'd been optimistic enough to wear something sexy underneath. A lacy baby blue corset that pushed her already ample breasts up higher, giving her a river of cleavage that Courtney ran her tongue along as soon as it was visible.

  "God," Courtney exclaimed appreciatively, "I've wanted to do that all night.

  Paige giggled as the two stumbled into the bedroom. Courtney yanked her own sweater over her head, pulling the dress shirt with it. Paige noted that her date had planned ahead on the possibility of states of undress and her own breasts were invitingly presented in a cutely patterned demi-bra. They were smaller than Paige's but still full and perky and were instantly covered by Paige's mouth, kissing as much of the soft flesh as she could before yanking the breasts out of their cups and beginning to encircle Courtney's small pink nipples with her tongue as she sat down at the foot of her bed.

  "Oh fucking hell." Courtney moaned appreciatively as she felt Paige's mouth and tongue swirling around the sensitive buds of her nipples and sucking them into into her mouth with such a delicious intensity. She clutched Paige's head to her bosom and momentarily forgot her own burning desire to enjoy every inch of Paige's body. Her hands undid her jeans and yanked them to the floor, stepping out of them as she kicked off her shoes. Paige's hands went next, also pulling Courtney's panties down around her ankles. When Courtney stepped back to get out of the tangle of clothes on the floor, Paige finally got a chance to admire Courtney's naked form with some distance. She was gorgeous. Fit and toned and curved. She still looked beautifully shy and innocent even when naked from the waist down with her boobs hanging out of her bra.

  Courtney practically jumped back into Paige's arms, straddling her waist as the two kissed. The Scottish girl's hands beginning to unlace the lingerie Paige had worn almost as if she'd rehearsed the act for hours and quickly tossing it aside. Paige's very large but perfectly tear dropped shaped breasts fell free. Courtney's hands helped themselves to as much of the soft, sensitive flesh as she could fit and she squeezed. Firmly but still gently and softly. It was like she just wanted to appreciate the gorgeous orbs filling her hands but squeeze them hard enough to make sure they weren't some sort of fantastic illusion. Paige pulled her own panties down around her hips as best as she could with Courtney on her lap and finally succeeded, leaving the two women a naked, intertwined kissing tangle of limbs. Courtney pushed Paige onto her back and began kissing down from Paige's neck to her chest.

  "Mmmm, no" Paige moaned. "Want to do you first."

  "No chance, love." Courtney playfully shot back. Paige knew it was crazy but just hearing Courtney call her "love", even though she knew it was a casual term of endearment, was delightful.

  "You paid for dinner." Paige kept at it, her grip on Courtney's hair keeping her from travelling down any further.

  "So I should get to do what I want first."

  Paige seized the initiative. She rolled Courtney onto her back and, after some ministrations, turned her body around as she climbed on top of Courtney. A compromise that she'd forced on Courtney, maybe, but a compromise that seemed eagerly accepted. They shifted on the bed enough so that Paige could duck her head in between Courtney's thighs while Courtney was able to do the same. Both girl's seemed as eager as the other and there was barely a split second between each girl's tongue beginning to lick at each others wetness. Paige loved the position. It was awkward eating pussy upside down after most of her practice doing it from the other way but the giving and receiving of such delicious pleasure could not have spoken more to her interests. Courtney was as wet as she'd ever seen a girl and Paige gave her the works. Her fingers using some of the excess wetness to rub and roll at Courtney's clit while her tongue eagerly licked at every fold and line Courtney had. The ministrations bringing loud, eager moans from the beautiful red-head.

  The only difficulty Paige was having, really, was the way that Courtney's own well practised tongue was desperately working it's way inside her. Courtney was less about her hands than Paige was but her tongue was long, relentless and, Paige thought as she squealed at a particularly phenomenal trick that Courtney was pulling off inside her, double-jointed. Both girls seemed in a race to get the other to cum first and neither one seemed inclined to pace themselves whatsoever. The closer that Paige got to feeling the warmth and wetness burst from Courtney's efforts the more determined she was to get Courtney there first. Courtney had seemed unable to control her moans, which themselves were a pleasant sensation when her mouth was where it was, when Paige lightly sucked her clit into her mouth and worked her fingers inside Paige and did that again with renewed vigour and intensity. Courtney responded to the challenge by licking deeper, harder and faster.

  Both girls exploded at the same time, flooding each others face with cum. Both girl's paused for only the briefest of seconds to enjoy their orgasms, Paige thought hers definitely ranked among her top 1 of all time,before redoubling their efforts. The first round had been a draw and both seemed more determined than ever to win round two.

  The two didn't stop at just one though. Only their first together had occurred simultaneously but as they kept at each other with one or the other pausing to ride and buck and crest as another one washed over her it soon became apparent that it wasn't a sprint but a marathon. Now it was going to be about who could give the other the most possible pleasure over the course of the night. Fingers and tongues got sore and Paige had to switch to her weaker left hand a few times as she kept up her pace but she was just so enraptured by making Courtney climax that she ignored whatever fatigue she felt. Her own orgasms were phenomenal, brilliant and beautiful and bubble gum and all that, but it was Courtney's that drove her. Paige felt Courtney buck and moan three more times beneath her before, finally, she pulled her tongue from Paige and moaned a final time, gushing again, before asking for mercy.

  "OK, ok, ok. Oh fuck, oh fuck, time out." Courtney panted. Paige, being a bit of a brat, gave Paige's sensitive clit one final roll around her tongue before rolling off. When she did it was like she felt the four orgasms of her own finally catch up to her. She felt like every little bit of pleasure she had inside her had been tortuously coaxed from her. She felt exhausted and satisfied and soaked and out of breath. Paige looked over at the clock. They'd been at it for almost 45 minutes. It'd felt like 5. Courtney, if anything, looked even more worn out and happy and dreamy. Paige twisted around again to embrace Courtney in her arms and, her face still fresh with her juices, kissed her lightly on the mouth. Courtney did her best to ki
ss back but she really just had to be a willing participant. Paige kept looking into Courtney's face, even more gorgeous wrapped up in her bliss, and smiling.

  "Damn." Paige laughed "I was really hoping we'd have sexual chemistry."

  "Fuck me." Courtney moaned deliciously, ignoring the joke.


  "How are you even moving?" Courtney said, finally opening her gorgeous greenish-blue eyes. Paige marvelled at them. It was like they were constantly shifting between the two colours and finding new blends every time she looked at them.

  Paige smiled and kissed Courtney on the cheek again. Courtney rolled over onto Paige and kissed her appreciatively. She looked around the bedroom after finally collapsing. The bedroom was covered in posters for comic book characters and bands and movies.

  "Fuck me, you're a bit of a dork, aren't you?" Courtney said as she kissed Paige's delicate nose.

  "Just a bit." Paige said, already feeling her strength recover for another go-round. She'd been saving up a lot these last few months.

  Chapter 4.

  The next day at the store, Paige had not been even remotely able to wipe the smile off her face. She actually hummed along to the music Damian was playing, something that annoyed him to practically no end, but she couldn't even care about that. Her night with Courtney hadn't ended until 3 in the morning. They'd retired to the shower and done stuff there and then again in bed and then sleep and then they'd woken up and done stuff in the morning. Courtney had actually had to leave on the Saturday morning to go into work. They'd kissed and exchanged numbers and then Paige had pulled Courtney back to bed and 45 short minutes later they'd left the bed for good. Paige had laid in bed for a while, replaying the night in her head for a while and thinking about Courtney before, eventually, getting out of bed and making it to the store at 1 in the afternoon. She couldn't stop annoying him with her cheerfulness. She was actually singing along to a song that Damian was playing, not knowing the words at all but trying to remember what she'd heard so far, that he finally snapped.


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