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The Romantic Dominant

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by Maggie Carpenter


  Video Book Trailer

  Maggie Carpenter


  This book is for adults only, and contains scenes of spanking, graphic sex, bondage, sensory deprivation, and are fantasies only, intended for adults. This book is not for children, nor does it condone corporal punishment of children. This book contains scenes of nonconsensual activities, BDSM and other nonconsensual activities. This book does not support nonconsensual spanking or any other nonconsensual activities, sexual or otherwise.

  Copyright © 2014 Maggie Carpenter

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Published by Dark Secrets Press

  Ebook Cover Design

  Ashley@ Redbird Designs


  Polgarus Studio

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  Heavy rain was about to descend upon the city and Zander Davis was a very happy man. He loved the rain, he loved cuddling in the rain, making love in the rain, and heating up a beautiful woman’s bottom when it was chilly outside, and he’d just been presented with an unexpected and delightful surprise.

  Zander was a hopeless romantic, but over the years romance had eluded him, the heart-stopping, ‘thunderbolt’ kind of romance, the loving, intense, all-consuming passionate romance that he craved, but sitting with his friend who was also his Head of Security, Nick Cordova, at a sophisticated bar named Willows, an exotic looking, black-haired woman had just perched herself on the barstool next to his. The moment her heavy-lidded, deep green eyes had seductively twinkled up at him, she had literally taken his breath away.

  A real estate developer, Zander specialized in office parks. He had accumulated wealth, but he’d never found the ‘right’ woman with whom to share his success. Staring back at the green-eyed beauty he sensed that was all about to change, but a new problem had arisen; he unexpectedly found himself tongue-tied. The stirring in his belly and his surprising desire to kiss her thick, moist, eminently kissable lips was doing nothing to ease his discomfort.

  Zander had never thought himself particularly handsome, nor was he tall, standing around 5’11, maybe 6’ on a good day, but Nick, the quintessential playboy, was jealous of Zander’s ability to attract women, and he claimed it was because Zander was the strong, silent type.

  “Hi,” Nick smiled over Zander’s shoulder, realizing Zander had fallen victim to an attack of speechlessness. “I’m Nick, can I offer you a drink?”

  “My name is Gabriela, and thank you, no. I’m waiting for someone.”

  “Lucky man,” Zander commented, finally finding his voice.

  “Thank you,” she sparkled back at him.

  She had an accent, not one Zander could place, but as the three of them talked, Nick controlling most of the conversation, she revealed she was from Brazil. As Zander finished his beer and ordered another he made a conscious effort to relax.

  Take a deep breath. She’s already told you she’s waiting for someone. Annoying, but there it is.

  “I cannot find the right man here,” she abruptly declared, capturing his attention.

  “You tell me what kind of man you want, and I’ll be him,” Nick offered enthusiastically.

  She eyed him suspiciously, then broke into a laugh.

  “I think it’s not you. I think you would not know what to with me.”

  Nick rolled his eyes in frustration.

  “Please, won’t you at least give me a chance?” he begged. “I may not be an old man like my friend here, but I what I lack in years I make up for with eagerness,” he winked.

  Zander shot his friend a scowl. Nick may have been several years his junior, but he didn’t appreciate being called ‘old.’

  “You don’t understand,” Gabriela remarked softly. “The man I look for doesn’t beg a woman, not for anything. It is the woman who begs him.”

  Zander felt a jolt, a sharp, stabbing, prickling in his loins, and glancing back at her, he had an overwhelming desire to see her do just that; beg him.

  Beg him to kiss her.

  Beg him to suck his cock.

  Beg him to fuck her.

  The heat traveled across his face, and shocked at his unpredictable and profound response he quickly downed a large gulp of his fresh beer.

  “Ah, so my feeling was right,” she breathed, touching his hand. “You know what I am speaking about.”

  A slice of electricity traveled up his arm and into his heart making it thump against his chest, and an odd panic pulsed through his veins.

  “What?” Nick demanded. “What do you know, Zander?”

  “I know nothing. I’m Sergeant Shultz,” he hastily replied.

  “Who is this sergeant?” Gabriela frowned.

  “Zander has an addiction to old television shows,” Nick chuckled. “Shultz is a character in one of them.”

  “I think Zander has another addiction,” she purred, a cheeky sparkle in her eye.

  “And I think…” he began, letting his thoughts finish the sentence, using his frown to send her the message, you need to be spanked.

  To his great delight the gorgeous girl blushed furiously and dropped her eyes, her submissive reaction firing his Dominant soul to life and propelling an intense stirring in his cock. It was the ringing of Nick’s phone a moment later that broke the spell.

  “Sorry, I have to take this,” Nick announced, and hurried away for some privacy.

  “Your friend is quite a ladies’ man I think,” she murmured, lifting her gaze.

  “He is a bit, apparently he likes it that way,” Zander remarked.

  Her eyes were utterly mesmerizing, and he wanted to see them glow up at him as he tied her wrists, or teased her mercilessly, or-

  “I’m sorry if I offended you,” she apologized softly, interrupting his salacious thoughts.

  “You didn’t offend me,” he replied, trying to control the pulsing in his temples.

  “Would you like to sit at a table?” she asked.

  “Aren’t you waiting for someone?” Zander inquired, please say it’s nobody special.

  “Yes, but he is so late. I wonder if he is coming.”

  As he gazed at her beauty it happened again; the stirring, the odd ‘something’ in his belly.

  You are so gorgeous…

  “So you will sit with me?” she repeated, smiling her request. Z
ander knew Nick would be a while; he always was when he answered his phone and excused himself for privacy.

  “Sure, why not?” he smiled back, surrendering to the invisible pull, and I’ll be praying the entire time, whoever it is you’re waiting for doesn’t show.

  They settled into a corner table and his prayers were answered. Whoever she’d been waiting for never appeared and they ended up chatting until closing time. Zander found her smart and funny, charming and sexy as hell. As the last call was made, and the few remaining patrons began to finish their drinks, he was determined to see her again, and again, and again.

  “This has been such a pleasure,” he smiled. “Would you consider joining me for dinner?”

  “I would like that very much, but before we part company may I ask you something personal?” Gabriela asked softly, “I don’t wish to pry, but…”

  “It’s okay,” Zander assured her, “you can ask me anything.”

  He was more than slightly buzzed, and having surrendered to the intense attraction he was more than happy to share as much of himself as she wanted.

  “You are what I said earlier, aren’t you? You like things different.”

  Zander couldn’t stop the swell in his heart. He didn’t speak lightly about his dark desires, and this enthralling creature was asking him to open up. It was a door through which he absolutely had to walk.

  “Yes, Gabriela, I like things different,” he confessed, using her charmingly crooked phrase.

  “And if a girl is naughty?” she pressed.

  “If a girl is naughty she is spanked,” he sighed, feeling a tingling through his entire body as he spoke the words, talking about what he loved, what he craved, what he needed.

  “And you like her to beg,” she continued, dropping her voice.

  Zander leaned forward, propping up his chin with his hand, his elbow resting on the table, and staring at her he lost himself in her extraordinary emerald eyes.

  “Yes, I do,” he began, feeling his Dominant soul roaring to life. “No, it’s more than like. I don’t like her to beg, I love her to beg, especially after I’ve teased her for an hour. I love her to reach for me, I love her to kneel, but do you know what I love most of all?”

  “Tell me,” she breathed, completely entranced.

  “I love a woman who lets me be a man for her, a woman who loves being a woman, who wants me protect her and spoil her, who wants to be cherished,” he finished.

  Sighing heavily she reached forward, and taking his hand from under his chin she brought it to her face, holding it against her cheek.

  “I would love to see you again,” she whispered, “and I hope it’s soon.”

  Zander silently groaned. He longed to place his lips against hers, to feel her longing, to slide his mouth across her neck while he tweaked a nipple, listening to her gasps of pleasure and pain.

  “It will be soon,” he promised. “Very soon.”

  He watched her close her eyes, knowing she was memorizing the feel of his fingers against her skin, and he let her, basking in the heady connection that had captured them both.

  “I hope you know, usually I am not so forward,” she sighed, lifting her eyes. “I just felt something, feel something, when you look at me. Life is too short to be timid.”

  “May I have your number?” he asked.

  Smiling softly she opened her bag and withdrew her business card. Her name, Gabriela Costa, was scrolled across the center in dark green ink, and underneath in block letters the words, ‘Interior Design,’ and a phone number. Pulling out his wallet he stuffed it behind his drivers license, a place he put cards he was determined not to lose.

  “Miss Costa, it has been absolutely delightful spending this evening with you, and if I may I’d like to escort you to your car.”

  “Yes, please,” she nodded.

  He took her hand as she stood up, helped her on with her heavy winter coat, and with a gentle hand at her waist he moved with her through the dim lounge to the exit.

  The wind was blustery, the promised storm was threatening, and he hurried her across the dark parking lot to her car. She unlocked and opened the door, and as she paused before climbing in he leaned forward and kissed her cheek. As his lips brushed her skin he felt a surge of emotion and wished he was climbing in the car with her.

  “Please drive safely,” he murmured, his lips against her ear. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “I will,” she promised, and settled behind the wheel.

  Shaking off the urgent temptation to grab her hand, pull her from the car and kiss her fervently, he closed her door and made his way to his Mercedes on the opposite side of the lot.

  The air was icy, helping to clear his head, but as he began driving home he realized he shouldn’t be behind the wheel and pulled into an all-night diner for some coffee and a slice of pie.

  Her beautiful ghost sat across from him, reminding him who he was, and how much he needed the sizzling romance about which he’d dreamed for so long.

  As they had sat huddled at the corner table, neither Zander or Gabriela had noticed the man lurking at the far side of the bar. His name was Connor Matthews, and Connor Matthews had arrived thirty minutes late for his date with Gabriela Costa.

  Connor Matthews always arrived late. It was a deliberate act designed to put the woman off-balance. If the young woman in question, usually naive and eager, insisted it had been her fault and she had misunderstood the time, he would happily allow her to take the blame. An angry, impatient welcome he found amusing, but he would sooth her, winning her over with his sophisticated charm.

  Whatever the reaction the technique served its purpose; ascertaining the temperament of the young woman to better understand her.

  To arrive and find his date had joined another man for a drink was a first, and completely and utterly unacceptable; Connor had sat watching, his fury building.

  It mattered not that he had agreed to meet Gabriela simply because he was bored and thought it might be interesting to spend five minutes with a woman over twenty-five.

  It mattered not that he had a girl bound and blindfolded in his house, pining for his return.

  It mattered not that he had a bevy of young, vulnerable beauties, anxiously waiting for his call.

  It mattered not that Gabriela wasn’t his type at all.

  What mattered was, she should have waited for him.

  What mattered was, she was supposed to have been sitting at the bar with him, being seduced by him, by his charm, his good looks, his stature and his wealth, not some other man who had just happened along.

  Gabriela was going to pay for her sins, and pay dearly.

  It would take time. He was still training his latest slut-slave, and the two that would follow were already lined up, their seduction through the internet and telephone well under way.

  Gabriela would have to wait, but Connor could be very patient when it came to such things, and the hunt, the stalking, was always so entertaining.

  As he watched and stewed, the chorus of his favorite song, sung by Sting, a man whose name he found particularly appealing, played loudly in his head;

  Every breath you take

  Every move you make

  Every bond you break

  Every step you take

  I'll be watching you

  Every single day

  Every word you say

  Every game you play

  Every night you stay

  I'll be watching you

  Connor Matthews was not just a jealous man or a control freak, Connor Matthews was a psychopath who used the label, Dominant, as a his lure.


  Several Months Later

  The audience was in darkness, the writhing female body on the stage was full and robust, her arms held above her head by a leather cord hanging from the unseen ceiling, and her bottom, round and proud, seemed to be begging for the flogger that was about to lash its tendrils across her skin.

  The flog
ging demonstrations at the club were always popular, and Zander’s late arrival had landed him in the back row. The submissive at his side was inexperienced and nervous, though dressed in a scarlet satin corset and black seamed stockings she looked every bit the part. He’d bought her the outfit that afternoon, along with the patent leather red heels, and the rhinestone chocker that graced her neck. The entire package had been sitting on his bed, waiting for her arrival.

  Her name was Abigail Miller, and he’d met her on Facebook. After a few weeks of online chats and some time on the telephone they’d decided to meet for coffee. She was sweet and good company so he’d asked her out, but during dinner he’d found her younger than she appeared, and realized she was not a woman with whom he would pursue a relationship. He hadn’t planned to take her out again, but when he’d mentioned the club she’d begged him to take her.

  They were late arriving because Abigail had taken her sweet time dressing. He’d sent a car to deliver her to his penthouse, she’d oooh’ed and aaah’ed as she’d walked into the spacious living room and stared out at the view, then locked herself in his bathroom to change. For such things Zander wasn’t a patient man, and after twenty minutes he had knocked on the door.

  “My hair isn’t working,” she’d complained. “I bought this new mousse and it’s making it all sticky.”

  “We’re already running late. If we don’t get there soon we won’t be able to get seats for the demonstration, at least not decent ones. We have to leave.”

  She didn’t comply, and Zander wondered if she was purposely defying him because she wanted to be spanked. He’d run into the scenario before; sometimes he’d oblige, sometimes he wouldn’t. When she’d finally emerged, he was pacing.

  “It’s so irritating when you spend a bunch of money on something and it doesn’t work,” she complained.


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