Chasing For Cubs: BBW Shapeshifter Navy SEAL Second Chance Forbidden Pregnancy Romance (Shifter Squad Nine Book 3)

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Chasing For Cubs: BBW Shapeshifter Navy SEAL Second Chance Forbidden Pregnancy Romance (Shifter Squad Nine Book 3) Page 5

by Anya Nowlan

  “I sort of did,” Thor nodded. “I packed up the house, or more like sold all of the goddamn stuff at a garage sale, took the money and went straight to the closest recruitment center. It took them about twenty seconds to decide they wanted me. I guess it’s easy to tell that I’m a shifter just by lookin’ at me. When I told them I was a panther, they were sold and I was shipped off to basic.”

  “Did you regret it?” Nia asked, unwilling to let go of his hand.

  It felt more like home than anything else ever had and she needed another minute or two to figure out why that was.

  “The Navy?” Thor asked, frowning again, the mask on his face cracking a little because of it. “No, I don’t think so. It was either the Navy or end up in underground fightin’ rings or the like. I had a lot of pent-up aggression to work through. I think I’m a good ten percent in on it now, so with a couple more decades I might be half-way through,” he said, chuckling.

  Nia relaxed a little. If he could laugh about his somewhat murderous existence, maybe it wasn’t too bad?

  “So how come you’re not with the Navy anymore?” she asked, willing the conversation to keep going.

  “I was with the SEALs for a few years. Got dishonorably discharged,” Thor explained, his expression turning dangerously neutral again. “Anger management problems,” he said, smiling again as if nothing had happened.

  You keep hanging on his every word! Stop it!

  She wasn’t going to stop it.

  “Would have never guessed,” she teased, and Thor squeezed her hand at that.


  “Only when it suits all parties involved,” Nia quipped back.

  Thor smirked at that but he didn’t continue on with his little confession. Nia figured that she was lucky to have heard as much as she had and she didn’t press on, choosing to bask in the knowing that this particularly fascinating man had found it in his best interest to share information with her. Despite the fact that they’d been sneaking through the jungle together, half-expecting to get shot or apprehended at any moment, the day had been the most fun Nia had had in a long, long time.

  “I think we could try taking off the mask now,” she said softly after a while, when the light had dimmed completely outside and they were only illuminated by the soft glow of the torch and its reflection off the curtain of water to Nia’s right.

  “Guess we can be disappointed now just as well as later,” Thor agreed with a shrug, making Nia stifle a slight groan.


  “This might be a little bit uncomfortable,” she warned as she started peeling the green goop off of his face and eyes.

  It came off as one long strip, pulling the skin slightly with it. Nia had to put her fingertips gently on his eyelids to keep from having the delicate skin there get bruised. The area around his eyes was still irritated and red, with minor cuts and bruises showing through as well.

  When the last of the mask had come off and Nia had rolled it into a ball and tossed it in the other corner of the cave, on top of previous other more or less successful attempts, she took a deep breath and leaned back on her haunches. Watching Thor with tentative expectation, she cleared her voice before speaking.

  What if this works and he doesn’t like what he sees?

  The thought was sudden and uncomfortable.

  “Can I open my eyes now, doc?” he asked, putting some of that Texas swagger in his tone again and arching a brow.

  Despite her girlish worries, Nia had to laugh.

  “Sure, give it a go.”

  Slowly, Thor opened his eyes. He had the most beautiful green eyes Nia had ever seen and she realized that she hadn’t gotten to stare at them half as much as she would have liked to. The depths were clear and without the haziness that had been in them before. He stared intently at Nia while she scrutinized the whites of his eyes and his pupils from several angles, trying to focus on the problem rather than the handsomeness of her ‘patient.’

  “Nothing?” she asked after a while, realizing that Thor hadn’t said a word since he’d opened his eyes.

  When she pulled back a little with a worried frown creasing her brow, she noticed that Thor looked positively flabbergasted, his expression one of blank shock. It only made her scowl deepen.

  “Thor? Are you okay?” she asked, a small tremor entering her voice.

  “Never been better,” he said gruffly.

  The next thing Nia knew, she was enveloped in a tight, warm, possessive embrace and Thor kissed her like she was the only oxygen he knew.



  Oh my God.

  That was by far the most intelligent thing she could think of at the moment, finding herself wrapped up tightly in Thor’s strong arms, kissing him back with the same kind of ferocity that he was showing her. Nia’s hands slipped up his taut chest slowly, almost hesitantly, before sliding around his neck and feeling his warm skin beneath her fingertips.

  It was a bit coarse, a bit sunburnt. It felt heavenly to touch.

  Her lips parted as Thor pushed his tongue into her mouth and she moaned loudly, giving into his need with all the eagerness that she could muster. She hadn’t even noticed, but Thor had pulled her into his lap and she was straddling his wide thighs, her legs pushed apart. With some embarrassment, Nia realized that she was completely and utterly wet for him.

  No wonder… This isn’t fair!

  But it wasn’t like she was about to object. His hands glided down her lush curves and tan skin, settling on her hips for a moment but then going lower until he squeezed her ample ass with both hands. She whimpered a little, being pressed deliciously closer to him and feeling the outline of his hardening cock through his camo pants.

  Or maybe that was a handgun hidden in his pants? It was way too big and way too hard to be a… No, it definitely was.

  The scarlet blush that tinted Nia’s cheeks spread to her neck and chest, only slightly hidden by her dark skin. Struck with sudden shyness, she wrestled herself out of the kiss – with her body objecting the whole way – and pushed her hands on his chest to put a tiny bit of distance between them. Even the sliver of space was too much, made evident by Thor’s hard breathing and the violent shudder that thundered through Nia.

  “Whoa. What was that?” she asked, gasping for air and slicking her hand through her wild, curly chestnut hair.

  When her hand went to rest on her neck, she felt how heated her skin was under her touch and she knew she had to be blushing from head to toe. She made a move to scramble off of Thor’s lap but he wouldn’t have any of that, putting both hands on her hips and pulling her closer to him, his gaze steely.

  “My thank you for givin’ me back my eyesight,” he said, his voice deadpan. “I thought it was obvious. I guess I should show you again if you missed it the first time,” he quipped, moving to kiss her again.

  He could only brush his lips against hers lightly before she pulled back again, cringing at the fact that she did so.

  Fuck, he tastes so good.

  Her lips felt like they were on fire from touching and kissing his, his taste lingering on her tongue. It was divine and she wanted more of it. Hell, she wanted as much as she could get of it but the rational part of her brain was making it damn near impossible to enjoy the newfound affection being thrown her way.

  “No, fine, I get that,” she said. I totally don’t, though. “But… so you can see now?”

  “Never better,” he said, nodding with a smirk. “Maybe some lingerin’ focus issues at the edges but it seems to get better when I get closer.”

  With that, he leaned forward and caught her lower lip between his teeth for a moment, sucking on it and making her moan and twist in his lap. His cock throbbed against her and if she’d had any doubt if it was really all him then that settled it. It definitely was. And she wanted to see it in all its glory.

  “You’re not being serious,” she protested again feebly, pushing him away.

  Thor gave in easily enough.
He had plenty of strength on her and she couldn’t have made him move if he hadn’t wanted to. His grip remained firm around her hips though and frankly, Nia didn’t mind it one bit. Instead, she found herself wiggling closer to him, eager to have more of him against her even if her mouth kept saying something different.

  “I am. Well, sort of. I don’t think I needed the whole healin’ bit to want you right here like this,” Thor said, giving her body a long, appreciative look. “I think I missed out on a lot of good views today, Nia. I would have loved walkin’ behind you all day a lot more if I had known what was in front of me. You’re fuckin’ gorgeous.”

  Oh great, as if I wasn’t blushing hard enough.

  Nia flicked her gaze down, looking at the narrow sliver of space between them as if she was trying to disappear into it. When she slipped her tongue over her lips, wetting them, Thor raised her chin gently with two fingers, making her look at him.

  Her dark brown eyes met his greens and she had to bite her tongue to keep from gasping. Those pristine green pools seemed to stare right through her now and see everything she could have possibly been hiding within her. It was like he was reading her like an open book and for once, it wasn’t scary. Something within her told her that Thor could be trusted with everything she had.

  “Listen, I know I’m comin’ on a bit hot and heavy but I can’t help myself. I’ve been feelin’ somethin’ odd all day and now that I can finally see you, it makes perfect sense. I can’t keep my hands off of you and I don’t particularly want to. If that doesn’t work for you then just say so and I promise I’ll be as perfect of a gentleman as a Texas panther can be,” he said with a toothy grin, sliding one of his big palms up her ass and along the small of her back, making her stifle a moan.

  “But if you’re feelin’ it too then… well… it’s not like we can do anythin’ about my squad tonight. Best wait until dawn and I can think of a few things we could do with that time.”

  He quirked an inquisitive brow at her and Nia found herself nodding slowly at his words. They sounded perfectly logical. Her whole body was purring with the opportunity of touching Thor more, of tracing all of those tattoos with her tongue and fingers and exploring his body to its fullest extent.

  Her animal stirred inside of her, pushing against the borders of her restraints. It had been a long damn time since she’d felt anywhere near safe with anyone and the sensation was… not something she could deal with easily. But kissing Thor seemed to make it better, so who was she to judge, right?

  “I guess if you put it that way,” she began, noting the little hint of a purr in her voice as she leaned into Thor.



  She stared at those mesmerizing eyes of his up close for a moment before he grinned and she couldn’t help herself any longer. Her lips sought out his and she moaned into the kiss as he put one hand behind her neck and pulled her even closer. Their tongues intertwined and it felt like all of her senses were suddenly coming to life.

  Having spent the vast majority of her life roaming the forests and being as close as one could get to a child of nature, she had never felt quite so in touch with herself and everything around her than she was when she kissed Thor Dremmons. He made her soar higher than she ever had, which was saying something, and she didn’t want to come down, not for a minute.

  He pulled away suddenly from the kiss though, keeping a grip on the back of her neck.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked sternly. “I don’t want to force you into anythin’. Well, I do, but I won’t. Not if you-“

  Nia smiled, stopping his rambling by putting a finger on his lips and hushing him.

  “Shut up, soldier.”

  At least he could take an order.

  Thor kissed her finger and then they attacked one another again with newfound hunger, throwing caution and whatever else they should have been worrying about to the wind. Her hands went to his shirt immediately, tearing it up and out of his pants and then over his head. When she tossed it aside, the guttural growl that escaped her surprised even Nia with its feralness.

  Thor fell back against the cool wall of the cave, obviously enjoying the attention he was getting from Nia’s outright hungry stare.

  “Like what you see?” he started, slipping a hand down her thigh and tracing a pattern there with his gruff fingertips. “’Cuz I know I am.”

  All Nia could do was stare blankly, letting her hands work on his belt at the same time. He had an eight pack. It was ridiculous. Who has an eight pack!? She wouldn’t have been surprised to find him hiding a couple more below the belt, but when she managed to undo it, she found the perfect V of an Adonis belt instead, further confirming that she might have just died and gone to heaven.

  “You can say that,” she said, trying to sound like a woman who was in control.

  It didn’t exactly come out as in charge as she had hoped it would, evident by the low chuckle that Thor let out. But he didn’t mock her for it. Instead, he practically ripped her shirt off her body, revealing her heavy, full breasts and her smooth chocolate skin.

  He traced both thumbs down her neck, over her collarbone and then to her breasts, circling the dark nipples. Nia had to suck in a breath and her back arched to meet his touch, hands gripping his thighs for support as a shiver arced through her. The smallest movement of his hand sent her to heaven and she felt like the last bit of intelligence she had managed to hold onto was seeping out of her.

  Nia wasn’t even sure that she minded.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured, accentuating his words by putting his hands on her waist and pulling her closer so he could suck one of her nipples into his mouth.

  His sharp teeth locked around her nipple and she twisted in his grip, mewling a little as her fingers coiled in his short hair and then moved down his neck and back. He had more tattoos on his back and she couldn’t wait to see them in better light.

  As if she didn’t weigh a thing, he picked her up and moved both of them a few feet to the left, to her makeshift bed. It was just a couple of thin straw mattresses on top of each other but it was plenty for the both of them. When he set her down, he spread her legs and pressed his weight on her for a moment, letting her feel the heaviness of his big form as he kissed her hungrily.

  Faintly, as if she was observing instead of being the one sensing it all, she could feel herself shiver again and hear herself gasp as her short nails raked down his back and pushed his pants lower. Thor got the hint easily enough, sitting back on his haunches for a moment and then removing his pants completely. While he took off Nia’s, she could only stare at his cock, jutting out like a column of marble, her mouth watering.

  I should patch up wounded soldiers more often, she thought.

  It was a tiny attempt at making light of the situation, even if she knew that no other man would have been allowed to touch her like that or get close so quickly. There was something about Thor that brought down all of her defenses and she didn’t even want to build them up again.

  He grinned, seeing her awe-inspired gaping at him and she had to close her mouth to regain some of her eagerly lost dignity.

  “So I’m assuming you’re not having second thoughts?” he teased, leaning down to kiss her.

  Nia could only murmur something between a ‘hell no’ and something far more obscene, her hands groping along his toned muscles eagerly, feeling his tight abdomen contracting beneath her fingertips. She could hear the sharp intake of breath he took when her hand closed around his cock, pumping it up and down quickly once or twice, and then gripping it harder for a moment.

  He seemed to pause, his whole body going rigid for a second as he shuddered above Nia, making her smile. With her free hand, she cupped his heavy balls for a moment, before scooting up a bit and planting a kiss on his chin.

  “Running out of words all of a sudden, soldier?” she asked, loving the fact that the tables could be turned so easily with just the right kind of touch.

  Thor simply growled
in response and the next thing she knew, her legs had been pushed apart and Thor had settled between her thick thighs, one hand grabbing her left leg and bringing it closer to his body. He was a man on a mission and Nia had to let go of him as he moved lower, his body crowding her as he came for another kiss. This time, there was more biting involved and she could taste his hunger in the way he kissed and the way his body moved.

  Nia moaned into his mouth and he growled back, his eyes flashing gold. Her animal reacted to his primal nature and she could feel her eyes changing color for just a moment as well, an almost matching, but lighter color of golden yellow in her otherwise dark brown pools. Thor smiled, seeing her like that, but before he could ask about it, she had pushed him down and hiked her ass off the ground, capturing his hips with her legs.

  His cock was pressing against her wet slit now and she rubbed herself against him, making his eyes roll back in his head a little. Nia stifled a grin, feeling how big he was and how ready he was for her. The next moment, he had pushed her body down again and forced into her, making her body erupt in a scream as she convulsed when he split her open.

  “Oh my God!” she wailed, only to get a chuckle from Thor for it.

  “There are no gods here, honey. Just us.”

  His voice was low, barely more than a snarl, and it rippled through her in the most delicious way. Relaxing her body, she gave herself into the moment, letting him spread her wide one thrust at a time until he was completely in her, filling her to perfection. Her mind ceased to function and any doubts, questions or worries she may have had when he first kissed her disappeared in a puff of physical exhilaration.

  She started moving against him, falling into his rhythm, and their bodies slicked with sweat. Despite the cool air and the quickly dropping temperatures, Nia felt like her whole body was on fire. She couldn’t stop touching him, couldn’t stop wanting to have all of him against her at all times. They sucked on one another’s tongues and their kisses seemed to go on forever, just the way Nia wanted and needed it.


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