The Air I Breathe

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The Air I Breathe Page 17

by K. Renee

“As soon as possible.”

  “You mean like tomorrow at a courthouse or in a month or two in an actual ceremony?” I know it will probably sound like I don’t want to get married right now to her but that is so far from the case. I’d marry her tonight if I could but this isn’t Vegas, and I need to know what she wants.

  “Like Vegas.”

  I can’t help but grin. “Baby, we are not in Vegas.”

  She sighs and shrugs her shoulders. “We can be.”

  “It about four and a half hours from here or more because you’ll have to pee every five seconds.”

  She narrows her eyes at me, and I just grin.

  “Let’s do it. Me and you can have a road trip and we’ll have fun the whole time together, just the two of us. Please!”

  She gives me that damn pouty lip, and I instantly give in. “Okay, we can go. I just need to make sure the guys can cover me at the gym first.” She squeaks out and wraps her arms around me, kissing me soundlessly.

  “You are the best!”

  She still doesn’t realize that I would do anything to make her happy.



  We don’t get to leave after our talk, but when I woke up this morning, Sager had our bags packed and was sitting on the couch talking to G when I walked into the room.

  “We shouldn’t be gone long. I just need you or one of the guys to watch the gym and teach my classes for a few days.” He pauses, and I can’t help but grin at him. When he notices me, he grins and waves me over to him. Pulling me into his lap, he wraps his arm around my belly, his hand rests on the side of it as the baby kicks.

  “Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll pay you whatever you want.” He pauses again before continuing, “Thanks man, I owe you one.” After they say goodbye, he tosses his phone on the couch next to us.

  “You almost ready to head out?”

  I’m sure the look on my face right now is priceless. I jump out of his lap and rush toward the bedroom.

  “No, I need to shower and get ready!” I slam the bathroom door shut behind me and hurry as fast as my pregnant ass can to get undressed and in the shower. As I turn the water on, the door to the bathroom opens, and Sager comes strutting in the bathroom like he’s the hottest thing in the world. Who am I kidding, he is. His fingers are on the button of his jeans, and I forget how to even breathe as he starts to undo them and push them down his thighs.

  His dick springs out, and I’m too far in lust to even realize I thought about the word dick.

  “You see something you like, babe?” he asks as he gets closer to me.

  I nod my head, unable to say a word. As he gets closer, he reaches out and grabs the bottom of his shirt, tugging it up and over my head effortlessly.

  After he tosses it into the laundry basket that I insisted we get so there weren’t clothes all over the floor, he pulls the curtain back and helps me into the shower.

  The feel of the warm water feels amazing on my skin, and when he steps in behind me, I’m moved out from under the stream. It doesn’t take him long to wrap his arm around me and pull me into him, back under the stream of the water.

  His hands slide up and down my body, and it doesn’t take him long to growl out his first instruction. “Hands on the wall, I want you to show me that beautiful pussy.”

  A little moan slips from my throat because I love when he gets all bossy like that. I do as he says and he runs his hands down my back, and he grips my hips. His mouth moves across my skin and as soon as he sucks my girly bits into his mouth, my back arches and my eyes squeeze shut.

  “God,” I moan as he starts to work me over. Every little suck and nibble has me moaning and breathing hard. He slips a finger inside of me and starts to work me like that for a few minutes, his tongue moving to that place that I’ve never let anyone touch before.

  Looking over my shoulder at him, I see the look on his face as he watches me and probes my backside with his tongue. When he pushes his tongue in a little, I yelp and try to pull away, but it’s no use. He’s holding me right there as he continues to use his tongue.

  After a few seconds, it starts to feel good, and I let the tension melt from my body as he continues to work me over. When I can’t take it anymore, I grab one of my nipples and squeeze it between my fingers. Every inch of my body comes alive, and I’m crying out my release in seconds.

  As I’m coming down from my orgasm, Sager steps up behind me, and I feel him probing my entrance. He slowly pushes the head of himself into me, and I let out a breathy sigh. His hands stay on my hips as he starts to move. Each thrust of his hips has me bracing myself for impact. His grunts fill the shower and with each of his thrusts, I push back into him.

  He moans out my name, and I know he’s getting close. The sound of his hand cracking against my ass is heard before I feel it and I whimper something unintelligible out.

  I will never get tired of this man. Not for the rest of my days and I am so glad that he’s mine.

  He reaches around and rubs me between my thighs, and my legs start to shake, and we both come together.

  His lips trail over my skin as he places light kisses on me and pulls me back into his chest. “I love you, Cameo.”

  I melt a little inside and whisper back, “I love you, Sager.”

  Once he pulls out of me, we spend the rest of our time in the shower actually showering. By the time we get on the road, I’m already whining about being hungry and having to pee. Sager just gives me the stink eye and I grin back at him.

  “I told you to pee before we left.”

  I roll my eyes at him. It’s such a parent thing to say, and right now, I’m getting a little hangry so I don’t want to hear his bitching.

  “I did. I have to pee again.”

  He just shakes his head and continues driving for another ten minutes before he says an exit that we can stop at. When he pulls into the parking lot of an old crusty diner, I wrinkle my nose, and he gets out without saying a word. I watch him walk around the car and open my door for me. Reaching a hand in, I take it and let him help me out of the car.

  “This place is…” I trail off as I scan the parking lot. There is a ton of old beat up cars, and the weeds are pretty overgrown.

  “It’s the best breakfast ever. So stop being judgmental and get your sexy ass inside so I can feed you and we can get back on the road.”

  Instead of saying anything else, I take his hand and let him lead the way.

  When we walk through the door, it catches me by surprise. The place is decorated in a fifties theme, and the booths look worn and comfortable. Sager leads me toward the bathroom and waits for me by the door as I take care of business.

  As I walk back out, I see him talking with an older waitress. They are both smiling, and when I walk over to him, he wraps his arm around me pulling me into his side.

  “Amelia, this is my fiancée, Cameo. Cam, this is Amelia.” I give her a polite smile, unsure of how they know each other so well.

  “Oh wow, it is so great to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you over the last few months. This one couldn’t stop going on and on about you. Such a pretty little thing.” She smacks Sager in the stomach and grins. “He never told me how pretty you were. You are practically glowing.”

  I feel my skin blush at the compliment, and instantly my hand goes to my stomach. Every time someone has said I was glowing, I get weird and touch my belly. It’s some weird thing that I always do even if I don’t realize it.

  “Thank you,” I murmur. Plus, I’ve never been good with compliments. Sager has known that for a while now.

  “How far along are you?” she asks as she shows us to a table.

  “Six months.”

  Her attention moves to Sager and she scolds him. “You didn’t tell me you were going to be a daddy.” He gives her that sexy little grin that melts the panties off of every woman in the vicinity.

  “My bad. I at least told you about Cameo.” He winks at me and pulls my chair out for me. I take a
seat, and she shakes her head at him.

  “If your mother was still alive, she’d skin your hide.”

  “True, but Amelia, you and I both know she would be happy as hell.”

  She gives us a huge grin and nods her head. “Yes, she would. She would have loved to see you so happy.”

  Amelia sets down two glasses of water and walks away with a huge smile on her face. Looking over at Sager, I try to figure him out. He has never really talked about his parents before, but then again, I’ve never asked for more.

  Part of me thought that asking would only make things, I don’t know, more real. “I thought you were cut off.” He nods his head solemnly.

  “My father and step-monster cut me off. My mother was nothing like them. I didn’t even know that the step-monster wasn’t my mother until about five years ago. I came into this diner and took a seat. The woman who waited on me was my real mother.” He gets a sad look on his face as he continues.

  “She had me when she was eighteen and my father, the bastard he was, took me and told her to get lost. He married Kendra soon after and I was told she was my mother. As soon as I walked into this diner and saw her, I felt like I knew her. It was bizarre, but I didn’t question it. I got to know her instead.”

  Two plates are set in front of us, and Amelia says, “The day she saw you in this place was the happiest of her life. She hated herself for letting your father take you away but knew that she couldn’t provide for you like he could. Getting you back at the end of her life was the best gift she could have ever asked for.” She pats Sager’s shoulder, and he gives her a sad smile.

  “And Amelia here is like the second mother I never had. She got to listen to me vent about you since day one.”

  I can’t help but laugh at that and she chuckles too. When she walks away, I reach across the table and take his hand in mine. “You never told me this.”

  He shrugs, not really saying much about it. “I mean, there wasn’t a whole lot to say. I came here when I needed to vent. Amelia and I would sit at this table for hours talking about you, about my mom, and about life in general.”

  I feel my nose start to tingle and then tears start to fill my eyes.

  “Don’t cry, babe.” He scoots his chair over to me, and I end up crying on his shoulder while people just stare. I don’t even have to look up to know that they are watching us. “I love you, and she would have loved you too.”

  I sniff a few times before wiping my eyes. Looking up at him, he’s got a reassuring smile on his face, and I am glad that he is the stronger one. I would never be able to do it.

  “Now eat so I can get you to Vegas and a second ring on your finger.”

  A squeal erupts behind us and arms are wrapped around the both of us.

  “You didn’t say you were getting hitched!?” I look at Amelia sheepishly when she pulls away. “Sager, your momma would have been so proud of the man you are.” She squeezes each of us and then wipes at her eyes before walking back toward the back of the restaurant.

  I wipe my own eyes again before I start to dig into my food. The rest of our time in the diner is pretty quiet minus the small moans that come from my mouth as I savor the food. So freaking good.



  When we finally get to Vegas, Cameo is passed out with one hand resting on my dick. I literally am not even sure how she’s sleeping like that because it looks uncomfortable as hell. I sure as hell wouldn’t be able to do it.

  I park the car at the valet and extract my dick from under her hand, careful not to wake her. I stretch a little as the valet comes over to take my information down.

  “Checking in?”

  “Yes. Under Sager Stone.”

  He starts writing a few things down on a tag and rips the end off, handing it over to me.

  “Are you needing help with any bags?”

  “No, I got it. Thank you.” I hand him a tip and walk over to Cameo’s side to open her door. Leaning in, I press a kiss to her neck, and she opens her eyes slowly. Her eyes take in the lights, and she slowly stretches.

  “Come on, babe, let’s get you checked-in and we can go eat.” I take her hand and help her out of the car, taking most of her weight when she leans against me. One thing that this pregnancy has done is made her tired all the time. She used to be going and going all day long, never really stopping for much. I’ve watched her clean my whole house before because she was bored.

  I had to pick her ass up and toss her on the bed just to get her to give me a few minutes. It didn’t take me long to have her naked under me either.

  The valet sets the bags on the ground next to the trunk, and I grab them both as we make our way toward check-in.

  “Wow, this place is amazing.” Her eyes are scanning over every inch of the place, and I can’t help but think how cute she is sometimes. I’m sure that douche Alec never took her anywhere. He probably kept her locked up at home, bored.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

  She grins up at me, and I get us checked into the room and on our way up to our floor. As soon as I get the door open, Cameo rushes inside and heads right to the bathroom. I think the only reason we didn’t stop a million times for her to pee was because she slept most of the way.

  Setting the bags on the bed, I take off the shirt I’ve been wearing all morning and open the first bag. Before I can even get it open, Cameo has her hands on me. “Sager.” I turn to face her, and she lowers her hands to my jeans. She starts to undo them, not saying another word, just staring into my eyes.

  As soon as she gets my jeans and boxer briefs down, she pushes me back on the bed. I end up taking a seat on her bag and have to move it so I don’t get a curling iron or straightener up my ass. Dropping the bag on the floor, she takes a seat on my lap, and my dick hardens when I feel her warm, wet flesh.

  My hands grip her ass as she wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me into a kiss.

  “Thank you.” She slowly starts to grind against me and I don’t even know what she’s thanking me for but fuck, I’ll take it. I lift her up slightly, and she grips my dick, slowly sliding herself down on me.

  I groan out in pleasure, and she closes her eyes. “You don’t need to thank me, babe. I’d do anything for you.”

  I slowly slide her up and down me, her belly rubbing against mine with every move. I close my eyes as she starts to bounce up and down on my dick, my lips parting slightly. Fuck, she feels so damn good.

  “Sager,” she moans, head tipped back.

  She starts to move even faster, and I have to hold her up to keep us from both toppling over to the ground. Every thrust feels fucking better than the last and when she rests her forehead against my shoulder, I don’t expect her to bite me.

  I grunt out in pleasure from the pain and force her down on me, grinding her down on my dick even harder. I can feel my orgasm right around the corner, and I know it won’t be much longer for her. Her pussy is already squeezing the shit out of me, and I don’t know how much more I can take before I come.

  Her nails dig into my shoulders as she continues the pace.

  “I’m going to come,” I murmur, biting her earlobe. She moans out my name before she comes around my cock. Her juices are covering me, and I pick her up and gently lay her on her back. I pound into her until she’s gasping for air and digging her nails into me even harder than before. The pain triggers my orgasm and fuck if it isn’t the best fucking one ever.

  I rest my forehead against hers, careful not to put too much pressure on her stomach.

  “Amazing,” she whispers.

  “You want to say ‘I do’ tonight or tomorrow?”

  She gets this huge toothy grin on her face and gives me the sexiest answer ever. “Now, I want to be your wife now.”

  I grind into her and her lips part. Reaching a hand up, I use my thumb to trace her bottom lip. “I will be glad to make you my wife right this second.” She sucks my thumb into her mouth, and my dick hardens again, but
she pushes me away from her.

  “No. We are getting married before we do that again.” She giggles at her little bossiness and I just shake my head. She doesn’t even say the word sex. So fucking adorable and innocent.

  “Say sex.”

  She shakes her head no at me and tries to push me off of her, but I don’t move. “Just say it, babe. I want to hear you say all the dirty words you refuse to use.”

  “Why?” She narrows her eyes at me like it’s some sort of conspiracy.

  “Because I find it hot as hell, I love when you say dirty words.”

  “You want me to say sex, cock, dick, pussy, fuck, and cunt.”

  I bite my bottom lip and groan. “Fuck me,” I mutter. I didn’t expect her to say all of those. I would have been good with just one.

  “You already did.” She gives me a cheeky fucking grin, and I press my lips to hers before pushing up on the bed and standing.

  I pull my jeans back up and button them. “Can we go dressed like hobos?”

  She gives me the stink eye and goes into the bathroom before coming out and pulling her dress over her head. She drops it on the floor, and I’m tempted to go right over to her and kiss her until we both can’t breathe, but I stay rooted right where I am.

  “No, dress normal.”

  I stare at her for a second and try to figure out what she means by ‘normal.’

  I watch her pull out a dress that I can’t wait until I get to peel it back off of her body when we get back. Even her heels are sexy as fuck and I can’t wait to have those wrapped around my hips as I fuck her.

  “Stop thinking about fucking me.”

  I bite my knuckle and groan. Looking over at her she’s got a smirk on her face. She knows exactly what she’s doing to me right now.

  “If you say fuck one more time, I won’t be liable for what I do to you.”

  She winks at me and continues to get ready.


  As soon as we get to the Elvis Chapel of Love, the Elvis dude grabs ahold of Cameo and drags her off singing some awful rendition of Blue Suede Shoes. She eats it up and giggles as he serenades her.


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