CHERUB: The Fall

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CHERUB: The Fall Page 24

by Robert Muchamore

  ‘James,’ Dana said.

  ‘Yep,’ he replied as he put the walkie-talkie up to his ear.

  ‘The Audi is backing out of its parking space,’ Dana said.

  ‘Ewart’s coming out of the restaurant with Kate on his tail,’ James said hurriedly. ‘I wish I’d taken the stun gun out of your bag.’

  ‘Too late now,’ Dana said.

  ‘OK, I’m on the move,’ James said. ‘I’ll keep in touch.’

  Ewart walked briskly, so Kate had to jog to catch up with him. Ewart heard her coming and looked backwards, with a curious smile.

  James considered shouting a warning, but Ewart’s expression changed from are you flirting with me to oh my god before he got the chance. James couldn’t see much from behind, but saw enough to realise that Kate had pulled a gun from inside her jacket.

  James’ guts somersaulted as Ewart walked obediently into an enclosed courtyard behind the restaurant. For all he knew, Kate was planning to kill Ewart as soon as he was out of sight. The closest thing James had to a weapon was his Swiss army knife. He pulled it from his pocket as the Audi tore down the road and swung sharply into the narrow yard.

  James peeked around the corner and saw Ewart looking extremely tense as Kate held a silenced pistol to his chest. She opened the back door of the Audi and gestured for him to get inside as a car horn blasted less than twenty metres away.

  James looked up and saw the red Volkswagen. Dana braked sharply before making the tight turn into the courtyard, but made a split-second decision to accelerate hard when she saw Ewart, Kate, the Audi and the gun. Airbags exploded in Dana’s face as the Volkswagen smashed into the back of the Audi, while the Audi ploughed into the courtyard wall.

  Both Ewart and Kate instinctively jumped clear as James began sprinting across the courtyard towards them. Ewart had kneed Kate in the chest and was twisting the gun from her hand.

  Once he had control of the gun, Ewart knocked Kate to the ground with a powerful kick and turned the pistol on James.

  ‘Don’t shoot me,’ James gasped, raising his hands in the air.

  Ewart hadn’t recognised James with his hood up, but he immediately knew the voice.

  ‘What the hell are you doing here?’ Ewart asked incredulously.

  ‘Behind you,’ James pointed, as he watched the driver jumping out of the car holding another silenced pistol.

  Ewart swung around with the gun, so that he and the driver had identical weapons pointing across, with their muzzles less than twenty centimetres apart. James was tempted to turn and run, but then he noticed Kate crawling towards Ewart.

  ‘Watch your leg!’ James shouted.

  But the warning was too late. Kate plunged a hunting knife through Ewart’s shoe and deep into his foot. As Ewart twisted around in pain, the Audi driver grinned. James was certain that Ewart was about to get a bullet through his head and that the driver would probably aim the next round at him.

  As James turned to run away, he heard a crackling sound. The driver collapsed to the ground with blue sparks lighting up his face. James realised that Dana had shot him with one of the stun guns. It was a huge relief, but they wouldn’t be safe until they had both of the silenced pistols in their hands.

  Kate stabbed Ewart for a second time; hitting him in the thigh as she snatched the gun. James raced across the courtyard and dived forward, landing heavily on her chest. Her ribs crunched as he wrestled the gun from her hand.

  The front doors of the Audi were both open and James found himself staring at Dana through the plush interior of the car. ‘Have you got the other gun?’

  Dana raised it limply.

  ‘Are you OK?’

  ‘Been better,’ Dana said. ‘My ears are ringing from the explosion, but thank god for airbags eh?’

  ‘Why are you two here?’ Ewart groaned, as he looked at the growing patch of blood on his jeans.

  ‘You lied about the security tape,’ James said, as Kate rolled on to her side and began coughing up blood. ‘We thought you were working for Hilton.’

  Dana had grabbed her mobile. ‘This is agent eleven-sixty-two,’ she yelled. ‘I’m here with James and Ewart and we’ve got a situation. The cops will be here any minute and we need a response team to come and bail us out.’

  Ewart was in a lot of pain from the two stab wounds, but still managed a tiny smile. ‘Whatever the reason, I reckon you two just saved my butt.’

  36. CELLS

  The CHERUB control room made immediate contact with the chief inspector in charge of the local police station. After hearing a security password, she agreed to seal the crime scene, take all of the casualties to the local hospital under police guard and await the arrival of an investigation and clean up team from CHERUB.

  As he was loaded into an ambulance, Ewart told James not to let the padded envelope out of his sight. Kate, who’d suffered several broken ribs when James landed on her, shared the ambulance. The Audi driver had been restrained by Dana after recovering from his fifty-thousand-volt nip. He was arrested and driven to the police station.

  After handing the pistols to the cops, James and Dana were given a ride by a tough-looking sergeant, who’d been instructed not to speak to them. When they arrived at the police station, he led them to a deserted corner of the staff canteen and told them that someone was coming to collect them.

  As they drank Cokes from the vending machine, James slid out the contents of the envelope. The first page was typed on Madeline Cowell’s personal stationery using an old fashioned manual typewriter:

  Dear Jason McLoud,

  You and I have a long and combative history, but I have always admired your dedication and integrity as a reporter.

  Lord Freddie Hilton and I worked together for more than thirty years and – as I am sure you suspected – we were also lovers. Perhaps it is this that blinded me to the evil nature of the man.

  As always, I attended the Hilton summer barbecue this July. Freddie took me aside and made it clear that he was prepared to do whatever it took in order to allow his son Sebastian to reach the highest ranks within British politics. He asked me whether I was likely to have ‘any kind of problem’ with this.

  When I said that I didn’t like his increasing appetite for power, Freddie began to issue veiled threats. I’d had a few glasses of champagne and soon found myself taking part in a distasteful scene, at the end of which I was escorted from the Hilton estate by a security guard.

  Over many years, I have learned much about the Hilton family’s business and personal affairs. When I sobered up that evening, I realised that Lord Hilton is not a man who likes anyone to have a hold over him and reached the conclusion that my life might be in some danger. If you are reading this, then I have most likely been proved correct!

  I could, of course, have brought this information to you or to the police during my lifetime, but it does not show me in a good light and may even have left me open to a criminal prosecution.

  I did not involve my children in this, because I felt that their eyes might be irresistibly drawn towards the contents of this envelope. Instead, I entrusted the documents to my long-term housekeeper, Sarah Thomas, telling her to give them to you in the event of my untimely death. Sarah is a simple, honest soul. My children will be provided for from my estate, but I would ask that you divide any money that you make from this story with Sarah.

  The following page contains an index of the cassette recordings and documents in this envelope. Wherever possible, I have also provided additional notes, including extensive details of the Hilton family’s overseas bank accounts and details of people who will be able (though not necessarily willing!) to corroborate all of the evidence within.

  Yours sincerely,

  Madeline Cowell

  James flipped to the next page and skimmed over the list of documents. They appeared to detail everything from tax evasion, illegal bank accounts, sales of aircraft components to countries under United Nations embargos and favours done for senior politici
ans to secure Sebastian Hilton’s seat in parliament.

  ‘Is there anything about the murder of Obidin?’ Dana asked.

  James shook his head. ‘I guess that was after Cowell retired, but with all these details of secret bank accounts, I’d bet that the investigators will find a link.’

  Dana nodded. ‘Even if they don’t, there’s enough evidence here to put Lord Hilton and his son away for a good few years.’

  James drummed his fingers nervously on the table top. ‘I guess that’s Lord Hilton’s fate sorted. I just wish I knew my own.’


  Zara arrived an hour later. James was relieved to see her smiling as she entered the canteen.

  ‘Have you seen Ewart at the hospital?’ Dana asked.

  Zara nodded. ‘I popped in briefly. He seems OK. He’s moaning that they’re not giving him enough pain relief, but that’s just Ewart. You should see the fuss I have to put up with at home when he puts his back out.’

  ‘Cool,’ James said. ‘I’m glad it’s not serious.’

  ‘I have to admit I’m still confused,’ Zara said. ‘We realised that you’d both disappeared with the Volkswagen early this morning. Lauren thought you might have run off together, but her theory didn’t make any sense because you hadn’t packed any clothes or possessions.’

  James and Dana looked at each other.

  ‘What gave Lauren that idea?’ James asked.

  ‘She said that you two were having an affair and that you’d run away because she was planning to tell Kerry all about it. She seemed pretty upset.’

  ‘We didn’t run away,’ Dana grinned.

  ‘I figured that much out for myself,’ Zara said. ‘I got security to run a check on your movements and they picked you up sneaking in and out of Ewart’s office with the documents. What on earth possessed you to do that?’

  James looked awkwardly at the tabletop. ‘I thought he was going to stitch me up in the investigation.’

  ‘Pardon me?’ Zara spluttered.

  James thought about mentioning Mr Pike’s involvement, but couldn’t see that it would do anyone any good.

  ‘To be honest, I’ve never liked Ewart much,’ he blurted. ‘I was worried that he was going to make me a scapegoat, like he did with Nicole when we were on the drugs mission a couple of years back.’

  ‘Oh come off it,’ Zara said. ‘Nicole consumed a class-A drug. You can’t blame Ewart for that.’

  ‘I guess …’ James said. ‘I’m just trying to be honest. For whatever reason, I didn’t trust Ewart so I went to look at all the paperwork in his office.’

  Zara nodded. ‘And you discovered that he knew a lot more than he was telling you.’

  ‘So you knew?’ James gasped. ‘You knew that Ewart had the CIA tape and didn’t bother telling me?’

  ‘It was an extremely difficult decision,’ Zara said. ‘We wanted to put you out of your misery, but MI5 were pressuring us to send you down to London for more interviews. We couldn’t risk even the slightest chance that you’d let something slip out during a long interview.’

  ‘I’m trained for that kind of stuff,’ James said. ‘You could have trusted me.’

  ‘I know you are,’ Zara smiled. ‘But MI5 interrogators are trained to wheedle secrets out of intelligence agents with a lot more experience than you. One slip of the tongue, one flippant answer, or even just the fact that you seemed a bit more confident than you had done in previous interviews might have tipped them off that Ewart’s investigation was close to uncovering the truth.’

  ‘And you were dealing with some powerful people,’ Dana nodded.

  ‘Exactly,’ Zara said. ‘When you’re trying to bring down one of the richest men in the country, and his son, who also happens to be junior intelligence minister, you can’t take any unnecessary risks.’

  ‘We were sure Ewart was taking bribes off Lord Hilton when we saw the new Lexus,’ James added.

  Zara burst out laughing. ‘It was Ewart’s thirtieth birthday present from me. I got a good raise when I was promoted to chairman. We’d never really had a decent car before and I wanted something that was a bit flash, but also safe and comfortable for the kids.’

  James decided to cut to the chase. ‘So are me and Dana getting nailed for going after Ewart, or what?’

  Zara shrugged. ‘I can’t condone you going through secret papers in my husband’s office, or breaking out of campus in a stolen car. But, you’ve been through a miserable few weeks, what with getting beaten up and then worrying about the investigation, and I can hardly ignore the fact that you saved my husband’s life. I guess the two sets of factors just about cancel each other out.’

  ‘What about me?’ Dana asked.

  ‘How long have you got to carry on cleaning the mission preparation building?’

  ‘Two and bit weeks.’

  ‘You can take today off, then get back at it tomorrow, OK?’

  James felt like a massive weight had been lifted off. For the first time in weeks he didn’t have to worry about the investigation, or the threat of being kicked out of CHERUB.

  ‘What about the envelope?’ he asked.

  ‘I spoke to Ewart about it,’ Zara said. ‘He reckons that Jason McLoud will want it now that he knows Sarah Thomas isn’t a crackpot. McLoud can break the story and save us the awkward task of having to explain where we fit in; but we’ll keep the originals of everything just in case.’

  Dana smiled at James. ‘Do you realise, we’d have been spared all of this if McLoud had bothered returning his answerphone message from Sarah Thomas two weeks ago?’

  ‘Yeah,’ James moped. ‘Stupid old codger.’

  ‘We’d better get moving,’ Zara said. ‘I want to get all of the documents and tapes back to campus ASAP. Once our bods have made duplicates of everything inside the envelope, we’ll have someone drive it down to McLoud’s house and slip it through his letterbox. If he gets his act together, he should be able to sell an exclusive to one of the Sunday papers.’

  ‘We know the Hiltons have McLoud’s phone tapped already,’ James said. ‘What if they try and bump him off?’

  ‘It’s a possibility,’ Zara nodded. ‘I’ll have someone keep him under close surveillance until the story breaks.’

  Zara led James and Dana out of the canteen and on to a staircase that led towards the parking lot at the back of the police station.

  ‘You know,’ Zara said, as they hurried down the steps. ‘Maybe you snuck out of campus for the wrong reasons, but it took guts to step in when the father of my children had a gun pointing at his head. I reckon you two are gonna look good dressed in black …’

  37. FOOD

  James got back to campus at three-thirty. He ran through the corridors near the science labs and grabbed hold of Lauren as she left her last lesson of the day.

  ‘Black T-shirt,’ Lauren grinned, as Bethany walked out behind her. ‘Congratulations. Of course, I got mine first, so I’m still senior.’

  ‘Whatever,’ James said anxiously. ‘What did you tell Kerry?’

  Bethany started laughing. ‘You’re ghost white, James. You’re shitting yourself.’

  ‘Who’s talking to you?’ James spat.

  ‘When we saw that you and Dana had gone, I mentioned that I’d caught you snogging,’ Lauren explained. ‘I said that you’d been having an affair and had probably run off together.’

  ‘Did Kerry hear about this?’ James asked.

  ‘Well …’ Lauren said sheepishly.

  Bethany butted in. ‘It’s all over campus. It’s all everyone’s been talking about all day. Kerry was crying. Gabrielle and a couple of the other girls were comforting her.’

  ‘She’s gonna break my neck.’

  ‘I expect she will,’ Bethany said brightly. ‘And I really hope I’m there to see it.’

  Meanwhile, Rat had come out of another classroom. ‘I thought you’d eloped with Dana.’

  ‘That was the first time I’d ever kissed her,’ James yelled.

‘Nobody believes that,’ Bethany sneered.

  Rat nodded. ‘Seriously James, nobody believes it was the first time. Especially with her boobs out and everything …’

  ‘I didn’t even get to see them,’ James said. ‘And I don’t care whether you believe me or not. It happens to be true.’

  ‘It doesn’t really matter what we believe,’ Rat noted. ‘If I was you, I’d be more worried about what Kerry believes.’

  ‘Where is she now?’ Bethany asked.

  ‘She has football practice,’ James said. ‘It doesn’t finish for another twenty minutes. I don’t know what to do. I mean, if I confront her she might go nuts. But she might be even madder if I don’t have the decency to face her.’

  ‘Are you going to try getting back with Kerry, or are you going to start a thing with Dana?’ Rat asked. ‘I’d definitely pick Dana, there’s more of her to grab hold of.’

  Lauren punched Rat on the arm. ‘Don’t ever speak about girls like that. We’re not ornaments, you know.’

  ‘Rat, I haven’t had time to think about that,’ James said. ‘Right now I’m just trying to stay alive.’

  ‘This is gonna be so much fun,’ Bethany squealed.

  Lauren turned angrily towards her best friend. ‘Will you stop stirring it? I know you two can’t stand each other, but he is my brother.’

  ‘Fine, I’ll leave,’ Bethany said indignantly. ‘But don’t forget about our biology project. I’ll see you in my room later.’

  James gave Bethany the finger as she walked away.

  ‘I tell you what,’ Lauren said. ‘We’ll go over to the all-weather pitches together and meet Kerry after practice. She probably won’t get so angry if I’m there.’

  James looked at his watch and shook his head. ‘It’s too soon. I haven’t worked out what I’m gonna say to her.’

  ‘You can’t keep running away,’ Rat said.


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