A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to the War on Terror

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A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to the War on Terror Page 154

by Larry Schweikart

  in Maryland

  Cato Conspiracy


  Cayce, Edgar

  Celtic Thesis

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)


  Cervera, Pascual

  Chamberlain, Daniel

  Chamberlain, Joshua

  Chamberlain, Neville

  Champlain, Samuel de


  Channing, William Ellery


  Charles I

  execution of

  Charles II

  Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge

  Charleston Plot

  Charles Town

  Charter of Liberties

  Chase, Salmon P.

  background of

  political strategies of

  Chase, Samuel

  Cheney, Richard

  Chernenko, Konstantin


  Cherokee Nation v. Georgia

  Cheves, Langdon

  Chiang Kai-shek

  Chicago Metropolitan Vice


  Child care


  empire of Japan and

  Korea and

  Chinese Exclusion Act

  Chisholm, Jesse




  evangelism’s impact on

  sex relating to

  Christian Science

  Christian Science Monitor


  autonomy of

  separation of, from state

  sex, marriage and

  Church, James Robb

  Churchill, Winston

  iron curtain relating to

  Roosevelt, F.D. and

  Circular Order No. 13

  Cisneros, Henry

  Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

  Civil libertarianism

  Civil rights

  Civil Rights Act of 1866

  Civil Rights Act of 1875

  Civil Rights Act of 1957

  Civil Rights Act of 1964

  Civil rights movement

  Civil service, reform of

  Civil Service Commission

  Civil War

  advantages in

  African Americans in

  battles of, described

  casualties in

  Cold Harbor

  emancipation and

  end of

  food supplies in

  forces in

  foreign powers and

  historiographic debate over

  Indians in

  liberty during

  militia units in

  motives in

  naval battles in

  naval strategy in

  poverty during

  railroads in


  secession in

  start of

  strategies in

  taxation during

  Union destabilization in

  Civil Works Administration

  Clark, William

  Class struggle, Constitution and

  Clay, Henry

  in 1824 election

  in 1832 election

  in 1844 election

  in 1848 election

  political goals of

  Clayton Antitrust Act

  Cleaver, Eldridge

  Clemenceau, Georges

  Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. See Twain, Mark

  Cleveland, Grover

  in 1884 election

  in 1888 election

  in 1892 election

  economic policy under

  political beliefs of

  as president

  Clinton, Bill

  and 1992 election

  bin Laden and

  corruption of

  economic policies of

  foreign policy of

  Hussein and

  impeachment hearings on

  as president

  scandals of

  Clinton, De Witt

  Clinton, George

  in 1808 election

  in 1812 election

  Clinton, Hillary Rodham

  Cobb, Howell

  Cobb, T.R.

  Coca-Cola, and cocaine

  Cohen, Lionel

  Cohens v. Virginia

  Cold war

  Berlin during

  containment policy during

  end of

  ICBMs during

  jazz musicians during

  space program during

  sputnik during

  Cole, Thomas


  Collins, Neil

  Colonial America

  Great Britain and

  health in

  life in

  science, education, and music in

  Colson, Chuck

  Columbus, Christopher

  first voyage of

  Indians and

  second voyage of


  Command of the Army Act

  Commerce and Labor, department of

  Committee on Public Information

  Common Sense (Paine)

  Declaration of and

  Commonwealth v. Hunt


  Communism. See also Marxism

  American Communist Party and

  Bush, G.H.W. and

  collapse of

  containment policy and

  iron curtain relating to

  McCarthy and

  Marshall Plan and

  movement of

  Truman Doctrine and

  Communist Manifesto (Marx)

  Communist party

  Compromise of 1850

  Compromise of 1877

  Computer industry

  Comstock Laws

  Comstock Lode

  Concord, MA, and Revolution

  Condit, Gary

  Confederate Army

  Confederation Congress

  powers of

  views of, on Great Migration


  Roosevelt, F.D. and

  Roosevelt, T. and


  Congress of Industrial Organizations

  Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

  Conkling, Roscoe

  Connecticut Compromise

  Conquest, European attitudes on

  Conscience of a Conservative (Goldwater)

  Conscription Act. See Draft


  Ballinger-Pinchot controversy about

  buffalo’s fate depending on

  Roosevelt, T., and



  See also State


  First Amendment

  Second Amendment

  Third Amendment

  Fourth Amendment

  Fifth Amendment

  Sixth Amendment

  Seventh Amendment

  Eighth Amendment

  Ninth Amendment

  Tenth Amendment

  Thirteenth Amendment

  Fourteenth Amendment

  Fifteenth Amendment

  Sixteenth Amendment

  Eighteenth Amendment

  Nineteenth Amendment

  Twenty-first Amendment

  Anti-Federalist attacks on

  Articles of Confederationv.

  class struggle behind

  law and

  Necessary and proper clause


  slavery referenced in


  Constitutional Convention

  slavery issues at

  Constitutional Convention of 1821

  Containment policy

  Continental Army

  Continental Congress

  Adams, John, in

  operation of

  Contract with America

  Contrast, The,

  Cook, N.D.

  Cooke, Jay

, Calvin

  and 1924 election

  foreign policies of

  low unemployment under

  as president

  welfare capitalism under

  Cooper, James Fenimore

  Copley, John Singleton


  Corbin, Abel

  Cornbury, Lord

  Cornell, Alonzo

  Cornwallis, Lord

  Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de

  Corporate money, during New Deal

  Corporate regulation


  of Clinton, Bill

  freedom and

  Cortelyou, George

  Cortés, Hernando

  in Tenochtitlán

  Cotton, John

  Cotton diplomacy

  Cotton gin

  Courts. See Federal courts



  Cox, Archibald

  Cox, James M.

  Coxey, Jacob “Crackers,” 158

  Crane, Stephen

  Crawford, William

  in 1816 election

  in 1824 election

  Crazy Horse

  Crédit Mobilier

  Creek Indians

  Creel, George

  Crime. See also Organized crime

  Crittenden, John J.

  Crittenden-Johnson Resolutions


  Crockett, Davy

  Cronkite, Walter

  Crook, George

  Crook, William

  “Cross of Gold” speech

  Crowley, Aleister


  American concerns for

  Bay of Pigs in

  Castro and

  Hearst and

  humanitarian relief for

  IRBMs in

  Kettle Hill in

  McKinley and

  missile crisis of

  revolts in

  Roosevelt, T., and

  San Juan Heights in

  Spanish-American War relating to

  as Spanish possession


  Cumberland Gap

  Cumming, Alfred

  Currency Act of 1764

  Current Literature

  Curtiss, Glen

  Cushing, Caleb

  Custer, George

  Czolgosz, Leon

  Dale, Billy

  Dale, Thomas


  Dane, Nathan

  Dare, Virginia

  Darrow, Clarence

  Dartmouth College

  Darwin, Charles


  Daschle, Tom

  Daugherty, Harry

  Davenport, Charles

  Davis, David

  Davis, Henry W.

  Davis, Jefferson

  background of

  Davison, Henry

  Dawes, Charles G.

  Dawes, William

  Dawes Plan

  Dawes Severality Act


  Dean, John

  Deane, Silas

  Debs, Eugene V.


  Hamilton on

  Jefferson on


  war, of Germany

  Decatur, Stephen

  December 7

  Declaration of Independence

  adoption of

  Christianity and

  Common Sense and

  drafts of

  indictment of slavery in

  Declaration of Rights

  of English Protestants

  Declaration of Rights and Grievances (1774)

  Declaration of the United Nations

  Deere, John

  Delaware River

  Delaware Tea Party

  De La Warr, Lord Thomas West,18

  Delta Force

  DeMille, Cecil B.

  Democracy, development of

  Democracy in America (Tocqueville)

  Democratic National


  Democratic party

  in 1860 election

  founding of

  goals of

  Irish in

  and labor unions

  structure of

  Demographics, of America in 1800

  Department of Agriculture

  Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW)

  Department of Homeland Security

  Department of War

  Desegregation. See Race relations; Segregation

  De Smet, Pierre

  Dewey, George

  Dewey, Thomas A.

  Dias, Bartholomeu

  Díaz, Porfirio

  Dickinson, John

  Dingley Tariff

  Dinwiddie, Robert

  Direct representation

  Direct Tax of 1798 Discourse to Prove a Passage by the North-West to Cathaia and the East Indies (Gilbert)

  Discourse on Western Planting (Hakluyt)


  Disney, Walt


  Dobyns, Henry

  Doctrine of Nullification

  Dodd, S.C.T.

  Dole, Robert

  Doolittle, Jimmy

  Douglas, Lewis

  Douglas, Stephen

  in 1860 election

  Lincoln and

  Douglass, Frederick

  Doyle, John


  Drake, Francis

  Dred Scot ruling of 1857

  Drew, Daniel

  Drexel, Anthony

  Drift and Mastery (Lippmann)

  Drudge, Matt


  Duane, William J.

  Du Bois, W.E.B.


  Due process

  Dukakis, Michael

  Duke, James B.

  Duke of York. See James II

  Dunmore, Lord

  Durant, Thomas

  Durant, William

  Dutch, in America

  Early, Jubal

  East India Company

  Eastman, George

  Eaton, Peggy


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