A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to the War on Terror

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A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to the War on Terror Page 160

by Larry Schweikart

  Declaration of Rights of

  politics in 1700s

  slavery in

  Statute for Religious Freedom

  Virginia, 318–19

  Virginia Cavaliers

  Virginia Company

  Virginia Plan

  Virginia Resolution

  Volcker, Paul

  Volstead Act

  Volunteer army


  of blacks

  of women

  Voting Rights Act

  Waco, TX

  Wade, Ben

  Wade-Davis Manifesto

  Wages/jobs, increase in

  Wagner, Robert

  Wagner Act Walden (Thoreau)

  Walesa, Lech

  Walker, Robert J.

  Wallace, George

  Wallace, Henry

  Wanniski, Jude

  War. See also Civil War; Cold war; Revolutionary War; Vietnam War; World War I; World War II

  of the Austrian succession

  Black Hawk’s

  Boer War

  of 1812

  in Europe

  French and Indian

  of Jenkin’s Ear

  King George’s

  King Philip’s

  in Korea

  in Middle East



  in Philippines

  on poverty

  powers of

  of the Roses

  Russo-Japanese War


  on terrorism

  Warburg, Paul

  War Department

  Ware, Henry

  War of 1812

  results of

  War Finance Corporation (WFC)

  War Hawks

  War Industries Board

  Warmoth, Henry

  Warner Bros.

  War Powers Act

  War Production Board (WPB)

  Warren Commission

  Warsaw Pact

  Wars of the Roses

  Washington, Booker T.

  Washington, D.C.

  invasion of

  Washington, George

  Arnold and

  cabinet established by

  farewell address of

  forces of

  foreign policy under

  life of

  military tactics of

  nationalism of

  oath of office of

  Proclamation of

  Neutrality of

  religious views of

  reputation of

  at Valley Forge

  Washington, Martha

  Washington Conference

  Washington Pact

  Washington Society

  Washington Territory

  Watch Tower Bible Society


  Water supplies

  Wayne, Anthony Way the World Works, The (Wanniski)

  Wealth of Nations (Smith)

  Weapons. See also Atomic bomb

  of mass destruction (WMD)

  Weaver, James B.

  in 1892 election

  Weaver, James K.

  Weaver, Randy

  Webster, Daniel

  Webster, Noah

  Webster-Ashburton Treaty

  Weimar Republic

  Weizmann, Chaim


  Wells, Henry

  Wells, Madison

  Wells Fargo

  Welsh revival

  Wesley, John

  West, Benjamin

  Western Federation of Miners (WFM)

  Western Hemisphere, unrest in

  West India Company


  Westmoreland, William

  Weyerhaeuser, Frank

  Weyler, Valeriano

  What the Social Classes Owe to Each Other (Sumner)

  Wheeler, William A.

  Wheelock, Eleazar

  Whigs, (American) Revolutionary era

  Whigs (English)


  Whiskey Rebellion

  White, Ellen G.

  White, John

  Whitefield, George


  Whitewater Development Company

  Whitman, Marcus

  Whitman, Walt

  Whitney, Asa

  Whitney, Eli

  Wickersham, George

  Wildcat banks

  Wiley, Harvey

  Wilhelm (kaiser)

  Wilkes, Charles

  Wilkinson, James Will to Believe, The (James)

  Willey, Kathleen

  William of Orange

  Williams, Roger

  Willkie, Wendell

  Wilmot, David

  Wilmot Proviso

  Wilson, Henry Lane

  Wilson, James

  Wilson, Woodrow

  and 1912 election

  and 1916 election

  background of

  Darwinian views of

  foreign policies of

  Fourteen Points of

  Wilson, Woodrow (cont.)

  income tax relating to

  Mexico and

  progressivism of

  tariffs relating to

  Winning of the West, The (Roosevelt)

  Winthrop, John

  Wirz, Henry

  Witherspoon, John

  Withholding taxes


  Wolfe, James


  rights of

  suffrage of

  in workforce

  Women Rebel, The (Sanger)

  Women’s Army Corps (WACS)

  Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)

  Women’s Peace Party

  Wood, James

  Wood, Leonard


  Worcester v. Georgia

  Works Progress Administration (WPA)

  World Trade Center

  on 9/11 1993

  bombing of

  World War I

  armistice in

  beginning of

  British blockade during

  end of

  Germany and

  Lusitania sunk during

  U.S. involvement in

  U.S. neutrality during

  World War II

  American industry during

  Bataan in

  blitzkrieg during

  bombing campaign during

  celebrities during

  costs of

  D-Day in

  empire of Japan during

  Germany during

  Holocaust during

  intelligence gathering during

  Japanese Americans during

  Liberty Ships during

  Manhattan Project during

  Midway during

  Omaha Beach during

  Pacific and

  Russia during

  soldiers during

  Yalta and

  World Wide Web (www)

  World Zionist Organization

  Wounded Knee

  Wozniak, Steve

  Wright, Frances

  Wright, Susan Webber

  Wright Brothers

  Writs of Assistance

  WWJD movement (What Would Jesus Do?)

  X, Y, Z Affair


  Yamamoto, Isoroku

  Yancey, William

  Yellowstone National Park

  Yeltsin, Boris

  York, Alvin

  Young, Andrew

  Young, Brigham

  Yousef, Ramzi

  Zimmerman, Alfred

  *These are generalizations only; there are exceptions, which nonetheless prove the rules.



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