Neon Nights (Against the Odds Book 1)

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Neon Nights (Against the Odds Book 1) Page 19

by Bryony Kayn

  She turned then, pressing her back against him, her arms up and her hands behind his head, fingers tangling in his hair as he kissed her neck. His right hand rode her swaying hip while his left hand splayed against her sternum. The music had the right beat, and they swayed in tandem, completely oblivious of anyone around them.

  When the song came to an end, Jake turned and pulled Nikky’s head down to kiss his cheek. He put his arms around her, holding her close for a moment. “Are you okay?” he asked softly, his lips against her ear.

  “You know me,” she replied, pulling back enough to look into his gold-brown eyes, so close in color to her own. “I’m a tough bitch. I can handle anything.”

  He gently touched her bicep, and carefully didn’t comment on the way she flinched away. “Even Steve?”

  She shrugged, stepping back from him as the band started into the next song. “One way or another,” she said, putting her hand on his chest. “I’m gonna go smoke. See ya later.” Then she turned and slipped through the crowd, heading for the back hallway and leaving Nikky to return to the busty brunette who waited for him.

  Once out back, Jake leaned against the Lexus and lit a cigarette, taking a deep drag. She wasn’t surprised when the service door opened again and Steve stepped out. He let the door swing shut behind him, bumping against the brick she’d placed in the jam, and just stood there for a moment looking at her. Finally, he crossed the space between them and came to stand in front of her. His face was expressionless, but his dark eyes glittered even though they were shadowed by the glare of the security light behind him.

  “Was it Nikky?” he asked softly.

  Jake sighed, pushing a hand through her hair as she tried to control her irritation. “No,” she replied, just as softly. “Don’t ask me anymore, babe. I don’t want to argue with you.”

  “I don’t know who I can trust you with,” Steve said.

  She laughed, meeting his gaze squarely. “Either you trust me with everyone, or with no one, babe. The choice is yours. It’s the same choice I have.”

  He stepped closer, reaching out to touch her face. His expression loosened a bit when she didn’t shy away from him, and he gently caressed the place where he’d slapped her this morning. Luckily, it hadn’t left a mark. “I can’t stand the thought of you with some other guy, Jae. What’s in the past is in the past. But from now on, I want your word you won’t slip again.”

  She cocked her head to one side, her eyes moving back and forth on his face, searching for some hint of a lie. Or the truth; she wasn’t sure which. “And do you give me your word for the same? Even if you do, how far can I believe you?”

  His hand slid down to her neck, and he stepped closer, straddling her crossed ankles as she leaned against Angel’s car. “I’ll swear on anything you want,” he said, his other hand coming up to smooth her hair away from her face. “I’ll give you any promise you want,” he went on, leaning down, his lips less than an inch from hers. “Just promise me that you’re mine. I cannot bear the thought of losing you.” His lips touched hers then, lightly.

  She tilted her head slightly, raising her chin to kiss him back, the slightest pressure of his lips starting desire burning through her. Her cigarette smoldered unremembered between her fingers, and she parted her lips, inviting him to deepen the kiss. The touch of his tongue against her lips, gently probing, made her sigh. She dropped the cigarette so she could reach up and push her fingers into his hair. She held his head, pressing forward against him, and kissed him with the sudden surge of passion he’d kindled in her. The night before, spent in sweet seduction, was little more than a dream compared to the fire he built in her.

  Steve pulled her close, his arms around her tightly, lifting her away from the car so he could feel her body against the length of his. He felt her hands moving through his hair, her heart pounding against his chest. This was all he wanted, this and nothing more. To hold her and kiss her; to feel her submit to him, giving herself to him with nothing hidden and nothing held back. He pushed away the anger that came with the thought of some other man holding her like this, of her responding like this to someone else. He concentrated completely on the woman in his arms, her mouth open beneath his, soft moans coming from her throat as her trembling hands clutched his shoulders.

  “Promise me,” he whispered, his breath warm against her ear, and she shivered. For this moment, nothing else in the world mattered to him. “Promise me that you’re mine.”

  “I am,” she replied, kissing his neck. “I’m yours, baby.”

  “Come to my house tonight,” he said, his arms tightening around her. “Stay with me tonight.”

  Jake pulled back a little, just far enough to be able to see his face. His eyes were still shadowed, but she could feel the power in his gaze all the same. She forced herself not to just give in, although it would have been easy. When he was like this, it was so easy for her to just let him have his way. “Your word, first,” she said, her fingertips caressing his jaw. “I promised that I’m yours. I need to hear it from you.”

  He smiled, the curve of his lips slightly mocking. “I’ve always been yours, Jae.”

  Her lips tightened. Was he making fun of her? Or did he just think she was stupid? “I want your word that you won’t fuck Debra again. Or any other woman, for that matter. I want to hear you say it. And I want you to make me believe you.”

  The smile was gone now, no expression readable on the hard planes of his face. “I only want you, Jae. No other woman. That’s the truth.” He kissed the tip of her nose, then her cheek, then moved his mouth to her throat, the tip of his tongue flicking against her warm skin. “You have to believe me.” His breath was hot against her skin, and she shivered. Regardless of what she thought, her body wanted to believe. She wanted him, as she had always wanted him. He was a drug, and she was hooked. She felt herself slipping, unable to hold out for more.

  “I’ll stay with you tonight,” she whispered, gasping as his teeth grazed her skin lightly. “God, I want you.”

  He smiled against her neck as she gave in. “I love you,” he said, his mouth coming back to hers to taste her lips once more. “I love only you.”

  She said nothing, surrendering to his overpowering animal magnetism. Her heart was pounding and she was panting and all she wanted was to give this man anything and everything he wanted from her.

  The next few weeks were much calmer, for which Jake was grateful. She spent most of her time with Steve, either at his house or at Angel’s. She went to the studio with Steve each day and enjoyed watching and learning the behind-the-scenes process that went into recording an album. Angel said nothing about the fight that had occurred in his kitchen, and the others seemed completely unaware that Jake and Steve had had any kind of falling out. Swan remained absent from the Neon, but Jake was glad of that. She was afraid Steve would be able to read the truth in Swan’s eyes, and she didn’t want him to get hurt because of her.

  “Hey, sexy,” Nikky said, putting his arm across Jake’s shoulders when he found her at the bar waiting for Juan to fill her drink order. It was his standard greeting for her and elicited the smile he’d been hoping for.

  “Hey, yourself,” she replied, slipping an arm around his waist. “What’s up?”

  “What are you doing next Saturday?” he asked.

  She laughed. “What do you think? I’m working.”

  “Think maybe you could get someone to trade with you?”

  She shrugged, her brows drawn together. “Maybe. Why? Are you asking me out?”

  He grinned. “In a manner of speaking. It’s time for the annual Envy Bash. You’ve missed the last few, so I wanted to personally invite you to this one.”

  Jake laughed aloud at that. “You’re still doing that?”

  “Every year,” he said. It had started as a joke about six years before. At that time, their friends who hung out together at the Neon had been one step above flat broke, if not worse. Of them all, only Nikky had been well-off. He’d nev
er gone out of his way to flaunt it, but he never hid his wealth, either. He had decided to throw a party and invite the crowd that hung around with Blackstone. When everyone arrived at his huge, obviously expensive house, there’d been some grumbling that he was just showing off. Nikky, being the kind of guy he was, just laughed it off. He’d christened the party the “Everyone Should Envy Me Bash,” and it was quickly shortened to the Envy Bash. Since then, he’d held an Envy Bash every year. Most of those from the old crowd who were still around were pretty well-off themselves now, and few of his close friends envied him—at least, not for his money.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” she promised, giving him a squeeze before slipping free to lift the heavy tray Juan had loaded for her. “If I can’t get the night off, I’ll just have to show up late. But I’ll see if I can’t browbeat someone into switching with me.”

  “Great. Just let me know.”

  “Sure thing,” she said, balancing the tray on her shoulder. “Steve and Marlo just came in. Let them know, too.”

  “I will,” he replied and turned to see the two men coming through the crowd toward him. Steve’s expression was dark as he watched Jake walk away. Nikky just ignored him. Steve was in a bad mood more often than any other two people he knew combined. “Hey, man,” he said, shaking hands with Marlo. “What are you guys doing next Saturday?”

  Steve pulled up in front of the grand entryway of Nikky’s palatial house, turning off the engine but leaving the keys in the ignition. Nikky had hired a valet service for the evening, and a young, uniformed man opened Jake’s door for her. She smiled at him when she got out, glancing sideways at Steve as the man grinned at her. He was cute—but way too clean cut for her tastes. She’d always preferred men who were a little rough around the edges.

  “Ready?” Steve asked, slipping his arm around her as he took the claim check from another valet. He was wearing his leathers and a black silk shirt unbuttoned halfway down his chest. His hair hung in messy curls around his face, falling to brush his broad shoulders, and Jake smiled. He was very attractive, and she enjoyed just looking at him.

  “Let’s do it,” she said, slipping her arm around his waist as they walked up the wide steps into the elegant foyer. She had taken some time over her own wardrobe for the evening and wore all black as well, which made her long hair seem a lighter shade of blond. Her dress was short and formfitting, showing off her legs. The low neckline revealed her cleavage, and spaghetti straps left her shoulders bare.

  “Wow,” Nikky said, stepping forward to claim a hug from Jake. “Drop-dead gorgeous doesn’t cover it,” he added, then held out his hand to shake Steve’s. He wore a white silk shirt and faded designer jeans, casually elegant against the classic décor of the huge room. His blond hair hung in waves past his shoulders and he could have been as much a rock star as Steve. “Glad you guys could make it. The party’s by the pool, of course. You know the way?”

  “Yeah,” Steve replied shortly, as Nikky wasn’t the only man in sight giving Jake admiring glances. “Gonna be a full house?”

  “If everyone shows, they should be able to hear us all the way to the Neon,” Nikky said, laughing. Then he turned away from them to greet the next guests to arrive.

  Jake was aware of Steve’s displeasure, but after all, what was the point of dressing like this if she wasn’t going to get some notice? She took Steve’s hand, entwining her fingers with his, and winked at him. “Come on. I want a drink.” Then she led him farther into the house, heading for the back where already over a hundred people were gathered, talking and drinking.

  Angel and Spyk were already there talking with Quinn and a dark-skinned, exotic-looking woman Jake hadn’t met. She went straight to them, pulling Steve along in her wake, and gave Angel a quick hug. When she released him to hug Spyk, Steve scowled, but Jake just flapped her hand at him. She knew he didn’t like Spyk and couldn’t understand how Angel had hooked up with her, but it wasn’t any of his business—and she’d told him so.

  “You look hot,” Spyk said, looking Jake up and down with the same appreciative expression on her face as Nikky had worn.

  “Look who’s talking,” Jake returned, smiling at the redhead. Spyk was wearing a dusky-green dress no longer than Jake’s with carefully placed cutouts on either side of her waist, at the small of her back, and on her chest to bare her cleavage. She was showing a lot of skin, but all in a good way, and Jake could tell that Angel liked the dress a lot. “Where did you find this?” she asked, touching Spyk’s hip.

  “You like it?” Spyk asked seriously.

  “I love it,” Jake answered truthfully.

  Spyk smiled, just a bare curve of her full lips, and tossed auburn hair behind her shoulders. “I made it.”

  Jake stared at her. “You’re kidding.”

  Spyk shrugged. “Not a bit. I make a lot of the stuff that I sell at Jezebel’s. When I couldn’t find anything I wanted to wear tonight, I just came up with this instead.”

  Jake stepped closer, putting her arm around the other woman, and said, “We need to talk.”

  Spyk laughed, throwing back her head. “For you, Jakey, I’d make any kind of dress you want.”

  Half an hour later, Nikky joined the crowd of people around the pool. Most of those he had invited had arrived by now, and anyone who showed up late could just find their way back to the festivities. He wasn’t about to spend all evening hanging around the front door. He had hired the band Player, and ordered a stage placed at the edge of the patio. Lights were strung across the courtyard, and speakers were set up along both sides of the stage. He nodded when he saw Jake in the midst of the dancers before the stage, dancing with Spyk of all people. The two women, so disparate in appearance but both absolutely gorgeous, drew many eyes. He caught sight of Steve and Angel standing to one side watching the women. Angel was smiling, and of course, Steve was scowling. “He should just drop the attitude and learn to dance with her so he doesn’t have to keep watching her dance with everyone else,” Nikky muttered to himself under his breath, then dismissed the scene.

  Watching from the sidelines, Steve could see Jake was having a great time. She seemed to have as much fun dancing with Spyk as she did with anyone else, with perhaps the exception of their host. She’d made it clear on the way over that she intended to dance with anyone who asked her tonight. On her nights off, she generally didn’t go to the Neon, and being able to dance only on her breaks at work was never enough for her. Because of that, she meant to take full advantage of Nikky’s bash.

  Steve finally managed to dispel his irritation enough to begin enjoying himself as well. He’d had a couple of drinks by now and had run into several people he hadn’t seen in months, if not years. Last year’s Envy Bash had taken place while Blackstone was on tour, and they’d been unable to attend. Most of these old acquaintances had known Jake back in the day, and they all commented to Steve on how good it was to see the two of them back together again.

  Spyk finally appeared through the crowd and commandeered Angel, dragging him back onto the dance floor. Steve turned to see Jake dancing with some guy he didn’t know. He watched closely for a moment, but the man didn’t seem to be getting too handsy with her, so he let it go.

  After another hour or so, Jake finally came back to where Steve was standing talking to a group of people while he drank a Jack and Coke. “Please, please let me have a swallow of that,” she said rather breathlessly and took the glass from him when he held it out. She took a couple of sips, sighing in pleasure, and handed the glass back to him as she slipped an arm around his waist.

  “Having fun?” he asked, his tone gentle. This was like a blast from the past, and he enjoyed seeing her cutting loose a little.

  “Absolutely,” she said, smiling up at him invitingly. Reading her smile correctly, he leaned down to kiss her, unsurprised by the heat of her response. Dancing always seemed to turn her on, which was part of the reason he put up with it.

  “I wondered if I’d see you here,”
a sultry female voice said from behind them, and Steve pulled away from Jake a bit to turn toward the speaker.

  Debra was about the same height as Jake but much more voluptuous. She wore her straight black hair cut short at the nape of her neck, where it fell into feathery points against her skin. Her eyes were hazel green with flecks of gold, and she wore a dress of metallic gold cloth that brought out the striking color of her eyes.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce us?” Jake asked evenly, though her eyes were narrowed. She could guess who the other woman was by Steve’s reaction.

  “Jake, this is Debra Elliot,” he said, his voice neutral. “Debra, my girlfriend Jake.”

  The black-haired woman looked Jake up and down and seemed not to be impressed with what she saw. “I’ve heard a lot about you,” she said, her tone rather condescending.

  “Really?” Jake commented bluntly. “I don’t think I’ve heard anything about you at all.”

  Debra stiffened at the snub but didn’t respond to it. She turned back to Steve, the warmth coming back into her voice as she said, “I haven’t seen you for a couple of weeks, Steve. I was starting to wonder if I did something to make you angry.”

  Jake looked at Steve, too. This bitch had seen him two weeks ago? Why had he gone to see her after he’d given Jake his word that he’d stop fucking around?

  “I’ve been busy,” Steve said, his jaw clenched. “I told you the last time I saw you that I wouldn’t be around anymore.”

  Debra pouted a little, reaching out to put her hand on Steve’s arm familiarly. “That’s not exactly what you said,” she contradicted.

  “So what did you say?” Jake asked, her voice icy. She had moved away from Steve and now stood hipshot and furious as she glared at him.

  “Jae, calm the fuck down,” he growled, reaching out to take her arm, but she pulled away from him.


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