Heart of the Galaxy (Paranormal Romance Aliens)

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Heart of the Galaxy (Paranormal Romance Aliens) Page 3

by Cristina Grenier

  “May we talk after I have bathed?” she asked timidly.

  He heard the shyness in her speech and regretted his harsh tone. He gentled his voice.

  “Yes, of course. Just press this button and speak. I will hear you,” he said. He indicated the red button on several of the walls.

  “Alright. Thank you,” she said softly.

  “Enjoy your bath, Jess,” he smiled. He then left the room.

  Jess went into the bedroom and looked around for her travel bag. She didn’t see it. She crossed the room and opened what must be the closet and was again flabbergasted. It was a walk in closet that was brimming with clothing. She wandered inside and gently touched the garments. They were of a strange design; nothing like the clothing that she wore on earth. The tunics were short with the hem cut on odd angles. Many of them were off one the shoulder, boat neckline, strapless or accompanied by thin straps. The leggings that were to be worn with the tunics were attached to the back of the hanger. Then there were the full length and short dresses. The garments were of the softest fabric she had ever felt and they glittered of vibrant colors. She looked everywhere in the closet but didn’t see her own clothes. She wondered what could have happened to them. Jess shrugged. She would ask Troy about it when she spoke to him later. For now she would make a selection from this fine array of apparel. Jess selected a shimmering blue asymmetrical mid-thigh tunic that had a slightly off the shoulder boat neck collar. It was simple yet dazzling. She then chose pale silver knee high boots. The silver boots highlighted her striking pale hair. She carried the items into the bedroom and set them on the bed. She then entered the bathroom and was giddy in anticipation of her bath. She ran the tub water and poured in vanilla scented bubble bath. The fragrance filled the entire room. She removed her clothes and tossed them on the floor then wriggled her fingers in the water to test the temperature. It was perfect. She stepped into the large tub and sank into its warm depth. Jess laid back and relaxed against the bath pillow. She thought this was absolutely heavenly. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the gushing, rippling water run over her tired limbs. She hadn’t realized just how tired she was until now. Not only was she physically tired but she was mentally exhausted as well. She’d had to take in and assimilate strange and quite frankly unheard of information and apply to her life. It was overwhelming and scary. The luxurious bathroom gave her a sense of normalcy and she just wanted to forget everything and revel in her bath. She was alone in her private bath and she was at peace. She sighed deeply as she picked up the large sponge and began gliding it over her body. Her strokes were smooth and languid. Jessica had no idea she was being watched.

  Troy stood before the wall monitors and stared at Jessica. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from her exquisite brown body. He knew he shouldn’t be spying on her while she was bathing but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. He wanted her. He finally could admit it. He had been struggling with the reality of it for three years. The feelings of want had assaulted him when she turned twenty years old. He remembered how happy she had been at her twentieth birthday party. Surrounded by her parents and friends, her face had been aglow with innocence and joy. It was then that he’d felt his first twinge of desire for her. He no longer saw her as the pal that he hung out with. She was suddenly a beautiful, alluring and extremely sexy woman. And all he’d wanted to do was plunge his bulging rod into her. He recalled leaving the house for a bit to get his aching appendage under control. He’d had to remember why he was with her and keep his mission foremost in his mind. And nothing had changed. She was still his charge and he still needed to protect her. It had just grown increasingly more difficult as she matured. Her body had fully developed; her slender hips were more rounded while her breasts were full and ripe. Her small waist fit perfectly in his hands and her long shapely legs could easily wrap snugly about his muscular body. How was he to spend intimate hours in her company without wanting to ravish her? Watching Jess in her bath was pure torture but he wouldn’t stop. He couldn’t. She sat up and was about to rise from the tub. He should turn off his monitors to allow her privacy. But the gods have mercy on him, he couldn’t do it. He had to see her wet, slick body as she stepped from the tub. His penis screamed in desired agony. He put his hand to the wall for support as desperate want assailed him; but he never took his eyes from the monitors. Jess wrapped a thick, fluffy towel about her and left the bathroom. It was only then that he shut off his monitors. He had to. He was about to ejaculate.


  Jess dressed in her tunic and boots. She looked in the full-length wall mirror and was amazed at her appearance. The blue tunic absolutely glistened while the boots complemented the ensemble. She brushed her long silvery hair until it shone. She found an assortment of makeup on the dresser and decided to try it. She used only a light application of powder, blush and lipstick. Her eye lashes were naturally long and full. She looked in the mirror one final time then pressed the red button.

  “Yes, Jess,” Troy answered.

  “I would like to come see you but I have no idea of where to go or how to get there,” she said.

  He chuckled.

  “Not a problem. I will come get you,” he said.

  He was gone before she could reply. She moved to sit on the sofa and wait. She had not been waiting long before he arrived. Her door opened and he walked into the room. It seemed he had bathed and changed as well. He wore a dark grey tunic, black leather leggings and tall boots that rose just above his knee. Jess thought he was very handsome. She stood up and moved toward him. Troy caught his breath. She was gorgeous.

  “You’re beautiful, Jess,” he said.

  “So are you….I mean you’re very handsome,” she stumbled.

  “Thank you,” he smiled. “Did you enjoy your bath?” He knew the answer as well as she did.

  “Yes. I adored it. These accommodations are fabulous,” she enthused.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet. I have much to show you. Come,” he directed as he took her arm.

  Jess smiled as she thought about his use of that word. It’s funny that he never used it before. She guessed she would just have to get used to it.

  “By the way, where are my clothes? I couldn’t find them?” she asked curiously.

  “They’ve been burned,” he said.

  “Burned?” she exclaimed. “But why. What am I supposed to wear?”

  “What you have on is lovely and appropriate. You’re starting a new life, Jess. And you should begin to integrate yourself into that world; starting with your clothing,” he said. “Since you will not need your old clothes anymore, we burned them.”

  Jess started to object but decided not to. What he said made sense even if she hadn’t accepted her new life completely. Besides, she found her new wardrobe to be wonderful and would not miss her old clothing.

  “I see,” was all she said.

  They left her room and walked down the corridor. They entered the lift and had gone down several levels when loud crashes and jolts occurred. The doors opened on the Bridge level. They stepped out just as another jolt threw them to the floor. Jess cried out.

  “What’s happening?” Troy yelled.

  “We’re under attack. They know she’s here,” Ashton shouted.

  Chapter 3: Revelation of Powers

  Jess scrambled up and held on to an instrument console.

  “Are you alright?” Troy asked her urgently.

  “Yes. I’m okay,” she said.

  “It’s going to be alright. Just stay where you are,” Troy said. He hugged her quickly then moved to where Ashton stood.

  “Shield strength,” Ashton shouted.

  “Ninety-two percent, Captain,” someone responded.

  “Fire at will,” Ashton called.

  “Aye, Captain,” an officer replied.

  Jessica couldn’t believe her eyes as she stared out of the viewing pane. Never in her life had she seen anything like what was happening. There were oblong spaceships soaring through space bla
sting missiles and torpedoes at them. Jessica thought she may as well have stayed at home for she would surely meet the same fate. Captain Ashton was yelling commands of evasive maneuvers. Officers were calling responses. There was pandemonium at large as everyone fought to do their perspectives jobs in such turmoil. But it was only a matter of time before one of those missiles would strike them and they would die. The ship was swaying and leaning this way and the other. Jess held tightly to the ship’s railing as she made her way to the lower level. The fight seemed closer and bigger from this near vantage point. Missiles connected with torpedoes and the explosions were immense and deafening.

  “That missile is going to hit. Our phazer missed it,” Troy yelled.

  “Prepare for impact,” Ashton warned.

  Jessica stared at the fast approaching weapon. She placed her hand at her throat. There it was. She felt it. Her birthmark was vibrating. She cried out at the intensity of it. Troy heard her.

  “Jess! Are you alright?” Troy yelled.

  Ashton glanced at her anxiously. Jess stared at the coming missile and raised her hand against it. The missile exploded into a million fragments. She continued to hold her hand up and the enemy ships began to disintegrate one by one. The few remaining alien ships began to flee. Troy and Ashton stared at her in amazement.

  “Should we pursue, Captain?” the first officer asked.

  “Fall off,” Ashton answered. “Resume course.”

  “Aye, Captain,” the officer said.

  Troy hurried to Jess’s side as she lowered her hand. Jess looked at him in confusion.

  “What happened? Did we destroy the missile in time?” she asked.

  “We did not,” Troy said.

  “But I saw it disintegrate. Who blew it up? Was it friendly fire?” Jess asked in confusion.

  “No, Jess. It was you,” Troy said softly.

  “Me? What are you talking about?” Jess was baffled.

  “Your star began to vibrate, didn’t it?” Troy asked. He knew the answer but he needed her to realize it.

  Jess put her hand to her throat. She could still feel the sensation of the throbbing symbol. She nodded slowly.

  “It was but I didn’t understand why it was vibrating,” she said. “I saw the missile coming straight toward us. I put my hand up as if to ward it off and then—

  She stopped speaking and stared at Troy in confusion and fear. Troy put his hands on her shoulders. He looked into her sea grey eyes.

  “And then it blew up. You did that, Jess. You wanted to prevent the missile from hitting us. You reacted instinctively and unconsciously. You destroyed that missile and the other ships as well,” Troy said.

  “I did?” Jess was having a hard time absorbing this information. “No, I didn’t. I can’t. I’m not able to do such things.”

  “You are, Jess. And in the midst of an emergency you acted unknowingly to save us,” Troy said.

  Jess could only look away from him in denial.

  “That missile would have encountered our force shield and blown up anyway but you saved us the trouble,” Ashton smiled. “You can be our secret weapon anytime.”

  “It’s starting, isn’t it?” Jess mumbled.

  Troy understood her question.

  “Yes, it is. It is time for you to assume your rightful place,” Troy said. “It’s the reason why the Wulshuk are pursuing you. They want the power that belongs to you.”

  Jess pulled out of his grasp.

  “I have to think. I need time to think,” she cried.

  She ran from the Bridge. Troy started to go after her but Ashton caught his arm to stop him.

  “Let her be, Troy. She needs this time alone,” Ashton said.

  “But I must make her understand the importance—

  “She will in her own time. Jessica will come to know who she is. Let her do it in her own way,” Ashton persuaded.

  Troy didn’t like leaving Jessica alone but adhered to Ashton’s advice. Maybe Ashton was right. And it wasn’t as though she could run away. She was on the ship and wherever she was he could find her. He would give her a little time; but only a little. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to stay away from her for longer than that.


  Jess wandered aimlessly about. She had no idea of where she was going. She stopped in front of a door and its door opened. She went inside and gazed at her surroundings in awe. It appeared to be a sort of hot house conservatory. There were greenery and plants everywhere. The air was fragrantly scented and Jess sniffed appreciatively. She slowly moved about gently touching the flowers and plants. She slowly moved toward the center of the room where a brilliant white light blazed through an impressive, majestic dome. Jess gazed up at it incredulously. She could see the millions of stars and clusters, asteroids and milky ways. It was truly spectacular. Jess sat on the convenient bench under the dome and continued to star into space.

  “It’s magnificent, isn’t it?” a female voice said quietly.

  Jess turned toward the voice. She saw a petite, young woman attired in long, flowing yellow dress. It was a strapless gown that was fitted at the waist as the skirt cascaded to the floor. Jess thought she was beautiful with her long blond hair and arresting golden eyes.

  “Yes, it is. I would never tire of looking through the dome,” Jess replied.

  The woman moved silently to join Jess on the bench.

  “I am Roz. And you must be Jessica. Welcome,” Roz said as she extended her hand in greeting.

  Jess shook her hand and found it to be soft and warm.

  “Hello. How do you know who I am?” Jess asked in surprise.

  Roz smiled.

  “You’re the new face and you are not Tramask, which is mine and Troy’s race,” Roz said. “We were told that we were picking up a very important guest that was traveling with Troy. I saw Troy earlier. I knew you were on board.”

  “I see,” was all that Jess could think to say. Although Roz had not said or done anything untoward, Jess felt uneasy in her company.

  “Why do you travel with us?” Roz asked bluntly.

  Jess was surprised that Roz did not know. She had assumed that everyone on the ship knew. Apparently not. Jess’s instincts suggested that Roz should remain in the dark as to her purpose.

  “This journey takes me to my family,” Jess said. It wasn’t a complete lie. Troy had said something about her meeting her natural parents. She assumed they lived on Topal.

  “Have you been parted from them for long?” Roz asked.

  “Yes,” Jess replied.

  Jess did not elaborate. She saw Roz bristle. That puzzled Jess. Why would Roz react so? As if she wasn’t getting the information that she sought. Jess was instantly on guard.

  “I’m sure they will be happy to see you. Of what Tablet are they?” Roz asked curtly.

  Jess was non-plus. She had no idea of what to answer. She knew nothing of her parents or their origins.

  “Jess! Here you are,” Troy said as he walked briskly into the room. “I see you’ve found our conservatory and have met Roz.”

  Jess stood.

  “Troy! This place is wonderful,” Jess said as she reached for his hands.

  He clasped her hands tightly. Roz noticed the gesture and stiffened. She didn’t like the obvious closeness of Troy and Jessica. It made her wonder what the nature of their friendship was. She must find out.

  “I’ve just been chatting with Jessica and admiring the view,” Roz said sweetly.

  Jess thought the conversation was more of an inquisition; and she was the suspect. She just didn’t know what crime she had supposedly committed.

  “I see,” Troy said. Troy didn’t seem altogether happy with Roz. “I want to show you about the ship. Come.”

  Troy tugged on Jess’s hand to follow. Jess glanced at Roz.

  “It was nice meeting you,” Jess smiled.

  “And you,” Roz replied.

  Roz’s lips parted into a smile but it did not reach her hard golden eyes. Jess g
uessed that Roz had an agenda. She could only hope it wouldn’t include her. Troy was pulling Jess out of the room by this time. They exited and moved quickly down the corridor.

  “Troy, slow down,” Jess insisted.

  Troy slowed his pace.

  “Sorry,” he said. He offered her a lopsided grin.

  They entered yet another room that was huge and full of round tables and chairs. There were also long couches around the perimeter of the room. Jess saw the bar to their right and guessed that it was a place to have meals.

  “You are correct,” Troy said. “It’s called the Mezzine.

  Jess looked at him in shock. She had not spoken aloud.

  “You can read minds too?” she said irritably.

  He nodded.

  “But I do not often do so. It can be an invasion of one’s privacy,” he said.

  “Like mine,” she retorted.

  He smiled.

  “Yes, like yours. But I wanted to know what you were thinking,” he replied.

  “There’s always the old fashioned way of asking,” she snapped.

  “I’m not sure you will always tell me,” he responded.

  He guided her over to the couch by the huge window. It was the length of the entire side of the room. They sat.

  “Why were you in such a hurry to leave the conservatory?” she asked.

  “You wanted to stay there with Roz?” he quirked an eyebrow.

  “Well, no. She was asking too many questions,” Jess said.

  “I heard the last question she asked you. She was prying,” he said crossly.

  “She didn’t know why I was on the ship. I thought everyone on board knew,” Jess said. She was perplexed.

  “Not everyone. Only Ashton, his wife and two key officers are aware of our situation,” Troy explained. “And it needs to stay that way.”

  “She asked me about my parents and their Tablet. I didn’t know how to answer her,” Jess said.

  “Your natural parents are of the Shozar Tablet. It describes the origins of your family’s genealogy. Your heritage,” Troy explained.

  “Oh good Lord! There is so much I have to learn. I don’t know if I can do this,” she cried.


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