Heart of the Galaxy (Paranormal Romance Aliens)

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Heart of the Galaxy (Paranormal Romance Aliens) Page 7

by Cristina Grenier


  Jess wasn’t tired at all. She had a plan. She had been waiting for Troy to make a serious move on her but he had been respectfully disciplined. Each night she had kissed him with all of her limited experience but it hadn’t moved him enough to ravish her. She fell asleep each night wanting more and more. Her unsatisfied longing made it almost impossible for her to sleep. She had timidly expressed her dilemma with Rakia as they had become very close. Rakia had laughed and suggested that she openly tell Troy her feelings. But Jess had been hesitant. She was still shy about speaking sexually with him. She understood that this new world had a very different outlook on sex. There were no censures or inhibitions in place that would cast a disapproving eye on mating outside of marriage. But still she had hesitated. Well, the vacillating was coming to an end starting tonight. Her desire for Troy was filling her every waking and oftentimes sleeping moment. She loved him and wanted to show him how much. Jess prepared her bath, removed her clothes and stepped into the huge spa tub. She sank into the warm lavender scented water and breathed in the sweet bubbly aroma. This was heavenly. She loved her baths and had trouble leaving the luxurious haven. She closed her eyes and relaxed in the tub for a long while. She eventually opened her eyes and began to wash. She didn’t know how much time had passed but felt she should to hurry if she wanted to carry out her plan as designed.

  Chapter 6: A New Home

  Troy had wandered about the ship trying to kill time. He’d gone to the Bridge to check on the search for Roz. Ash told him that they had tracked the shuttle’s signature and gotten close enough to attach location devise. They chatted a few minutes more then Troy left the Bridge. He then went into the Mezzine and chatted with some of the officers. After having a few drinks with them he left to return to his quarters. He stared at the monitors and raised his fingers to view Jess’s quarters. He stopped and fisted his hand. He had sworn he wouldn’t spy on her. He had to keep that promise. He tore off his clothing and entered the shower. He set the temperature dial to nearly freezing to cool his ardor. By the time he finished his shower his sexual need was under control. He put on his black pajama bottoms and a matching sheer robe. Upon tying the silk belt he forced himself to sit on his favorite lounge for ten minutes. The time passed at an excruciating slow rate. He tried to think of all manner of things to take his mind off of Jess. But nothing seemed to work. Finally ten minutes elapsed and he lunged from the chaise and exited the room. He wanted to be with Jess and he would not forego her presence for another minute. He needed to be with her. She was his air to breath, his water to drink. He cared about her more than he ever thought possible and he would not stay away from her any longer. He entered her quarters and stopped short. The room was dimly lit with a scattering of candles. He could smell cheery scented incense drifting through the air. He looked at the bed but she wasn’t there. He searched the room knowing that she was there. He could sense her presence.

  “Jess?” he called out softly.

  There was no answer.

  He slowly circled the room, peering into each shadowy corner. Finally his blue eyes met her tempestuous grey spheres. They were bright with eager anticipation. She silently stood in the corner watching his every move. What was she up to?

  “Jess. Why are you hiding in the dark?” he said quietly.

  “I’ve been waiting for you. You really took your sweet time,” she chuckled throatily.

  “I would have come sooner had I known of your impatience,” he responded in low tones.

  She pushed herself away from the wall and slowly glided toward him. As she entered the light he caught his breath. He had never seen her dressed this way before; if you could call it dressed. Her short, sheer blue night dress barely concealed her most intimate areas. Her wild silver hair cascaded down her back and her mysterious eyes beckoned him like the pull of a magnet. She stopped inches in front of him. She thought he was the most magnificent man she had ever seen. Strong, tall and masculine he was the epitome of what she wanted and needed in her life. Her fingers ached to caress and glide over him.

  “Are you ready for bed?” she whispered.

  Troy knew that he would not be able to hold back any longer. He could not get into bed with this temptress and not make her his own. She had to know where her provocative behavior would lead.

  “Are you prepared for what will happen there?” he asked hoarsely. His cock had sprung to attention at the sight of her.

  “I am ready, Troy,” she murmured.

  She stood on her tiptoes and looped her arms about his neck. Pulling his head down she kissed him passionately. He crushed her to him and swept his tongue into her mouth. Long moments passed before he dragged his lips down her throat. He nipped her ear and suckled her neck.

  “My stars, you’re beautiful,” he groaned.

  He scooped her up and laid her on the massive bed. Coming down on top of her, he kissed every inch of her. He kissed her through the thin material of her gown and it was electrifying. She arched and writhed beneath him in abandon. Troy exalted in her untamed response to his touch. She was free and natural. She held back nothing. He sat back on his heels and removed her seductive nightdress. He sucked in his breath when he saw that she wore no underpants. Jess lay total immobile as his gaze raked over her. She instinctively wanted to cover her private with her hands but managed to refrain. She watched his response to the sight of her with bated breath. She prayed that he liked what he saw.

  “Troy, do you…I mean I am—

  “I adore you, Jess. You’re gorgeous and have nothing to be ashamed of,” he said. “I am honored that you would give your beautiful body to me.”

  She smiled at his words. He threw off his robe then leaned down to kiss her breasts. Jess gasped in delight. He suckled each nipple; nipping and tugging until she was insane with desire. He then trailed his mouth down her flat belly and tongued her navel. He continued downward. When his lips touched her curls she clutched his head and tried to pull him up.

  “Let me Jess. I must have you and I promise you will love it,” he rasped.

  She slowly released the sides of his head. When his tongue lightly licked her heat she nearly bucked from the bed. She clutched the bedcovers and screamed in ecstasy. Jess was lost in excitement and rampant yearning. She had no idea that lovemaking could be this intense and thrilling. Her need was building and she couldn’t seem to get enough. She felt that she would soon explode if she didn’t reach that elusive something. She wasn’t sure what it was that she wanted; she just knew she had to have it. Troy held her legs apart as he ate his fill. Maybe it was wrong but she didn’t want him to ever stop kissing her there. Troy sat up and she wanted to yell for him to come back. He hurriedly yanked off his pajama bottoms and moved above her. He kissed her slowly and thoroughly as he pushed his engorged penis into her sacred hollow. Jess stiffened.

  “Easy, sweetheart. Just relax and breathe deeply,” he whispered.

  He moved in and out repeatedly. When he felt her hymen he smiled. It didn’t matter what world a man was from, he still was joyful knowing he was a woman’s first sexual experience.

  “Troy! It hurts,” she cried.

  “I know, baby. But it won’t for long. Trust me,” he implored. “Hold me tightly.”

  She put her arms about his waist as he quickened his pace. He covered her mouth in a deep kiss as he thrust through. Her scream was swallowed in his mouth. He stilled to allow her time to grow used to him.

  “Are you alright?” he murmured.

  She nodded, unable to speak.

  “It’s about to get glorious, sweetheart. I promise,” he smiled.

  Troy kept his promise as he began to ease in and out. Jess soon forgot any pain as rippling pleasure coursed through her. Troy increased his pace and Jess felt herself sailing on the milky way of sexual exhilaration. It was unlike anything she had ever experience. It felt so good! She felt herself cresting the peak of the highest mountain. Troy was quickly losing control and knew he was about to
come. They both released a thunderous yell simultaneously. Troy collapse atop her and gasped for breath. Jess was breathless as well. After a few moments Troy began to move off of her. She draped her legs about his waist.

  “Don’t. Stay,” she murmured.

  “I’m too heavy, sweetheart,” he muttered.

  “Not yet. Just a little longer. I like the feel of your weight on me,” she begged.

  Troy remained atop of her for a while longer.

  “How do you feel?” he asked.

  She smiled slowly.

  “Wonderful,” she replied.

  He looked at her and laughed. He rolled off of her and brought her atop of him.

  “I see you like sex,” he grinned.

  “Maybe,” she said non-committedly.

  “Oh, there’s no ‘maybe’ about it. You love sex. Admit it,” he insisted.

  “And what if I do?” she challenged.

  “Then I’m you’re man to give you as much as you want,” he chuckled.

  “Good. I wouldn’t want it with anyone else,” she quipped.

  “Damn straight, you don’t. I would kill any man who even thought about possessing you,” he said sharply.

  “Such violence, Troy,” she giggled.

  “He would deserve it if he ever looked at you in that manner,” he said. He kissed her. “Thank you for giving me your most precious gift. I will cherish it always.”

  “You’re welcome, Troy. It was always yours to have,” she sighed.

  She closed her eyes and soon she was asleep. Troy thought about what she said. She had given him her body. Would she also give him her heart? She didn’t know it but she held his heart in the palm of her hand. And he wouldn’t stop until he held her heart as well.


  Jess sat in bed and stared down at Troy while he slept. Last night had been magical for her; even if she were a bit sore. She had never dreamt that making love would be so thrilling and exciting. She could remain in bed with Troy for weeks and be perfectly content. She smiled. She was no longer the innocent, naïve girl she had been before last night. She has passed through the right of womanhood initiation and she reveled in it. Troy was lying on his side and he turned onto his back as he slept. The bed covers had been kicked off sometime during their passionate lovemaking and his bare form was on display for her pleasure. She feasted her eyes on the splendid male specimen that he was. Muscles rippled throughout his entire body; firm and strong. His belly was flat and ripped while his thighs were toned and massive. Jess looked at his sex. She had never seen a penis before, not even last night, and was quite curious. It was quite large even when relaxed. It was hard to imagine that his member had actually been inside of her. She was amazed that it fit. She looked at his face to see that he still slept then slid her hand lightly across his thigh. She paused. Did she dare touch him? Would he wake? She so wanted to know what his cock felt like. She decided to take the chance. Just as she were about to touch him he bent his knee, stretching his thigh outward. It was like he was giving her better access. She looked at him closely. Was he pretending to be asleep? He sighed and turned his head to the side. His eyes remained closed. Jess took a deep breath then clasped his penis. He was smooth yet she could feel the tiny ridges as well. She slid her hand along the length of him and felt him grow. It was an extraordinary sensation to feel him expand in her palm. She increased the pace of her hand and felt her own desires begin to surge. Troy was jerking involuntarily but he still appeared to be asleep. Her growing excitement compelled her to taste him. She lowered her lips to his penis head. She flicked out her tongue to touch him. Then she opened her mouth to enjoy the full flavor of him. Troy grasped her head and flipped her onto her back; his cock still lodged in her mouth.

  “I see you woke up hungry this morning,” he growled. “I’ll happily feed you.”

  He began easing his rod in and out of her mouth. The rapture he felt was exquisite. Jess began to finger his nuts as she suckled his cock. He groaned in pleasure. He turned to face her feet, without removing his member from her mouth. He spread her legs and plunged his tongue into her damp haven. She bucked against his mouth. She was out of her mind with desire.

  “Troy!” she shouted.

  He moved away from her face to focus on just pleasing her. She writhed and twisted; wanting more and more. Troy gave her what she wanted. It was beyond what she could handle. She felt herself coming and could not stop the avalanche. She clasped his head with her thighs and climaxed in his mouth. Troy could feel the rolling sensations of release tumbling through her body. It was such a turn-on. He moved up beside her and held her in his arms.

  “Good morning,” he smiled.

  She smiled.

  “Good morning. Will every morning be like this?” she asked softly.

  “It will if you want it to be,” he replied.

  “I think I do,” she murmured.

  He laughed.

  “So do I,” he agreed. He brushed her hair back from her face and noticed her ears. “Your ears have reverted to their original form.”

  Jess touched her ears in wonderment. She could feel the pointed tip and that they were flat to her head.

  “They have. Will anything else change about me?” she asked as she fingered her ears.

  “No. As I said we are very similar to the human form. Are you okay with the transformation?” he asked.

  “Yes. I’m fine with it. I knew it would happen. It was only a matter of time,” she smiled wryly.

  “I’m glad you’re okay with it,” he smiled.

  “There’s something I’ve wanted to ask you about,” she said.

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  “How is it that you’ve seen Ash so recently?” she asked.

  “When you thought I was visiting relatives in other states I was actually hooking up with Ash who was exploring space near Earth,” he explained.

  “Ah! I see. But of course you couldn’t tell me that,” she surmised.

  “Of course not. You’d never have believed me anyway and it served my purpose for you not to know,” he said mildly. “Satisfied?”

  She smiled wickedly.

  “Not quite,” she said sassily as she pulled his head down for a sensuous kiss.

  That kiss led to much, much more. They spent the majority of the day in bed; making love time and again. Jess eventually went into the bathroom to bathe and Troy joined her. They bathed each other which led to a passionate escapade. By the time they dressed and emerged from their quarters it was late afternoon. They encountered Ash and Rakia dining in the Mezzine. Rakia smiled knowingly at them and Jess blushed. Troy laughed.

  “Come join us,” Ash said jovially.

  Troy seated Jess then himself. He held up his hand for the waiter to come to the table. The waiter came over and Troy placed the meal order for he and Jess. The waiter moved away. Jess looked at Troy in annoyance.

  “You placed my order without asking me what I wanted,” Jess exclaimed in irritation.

  Troy grinned unrepentantly.

  “Of course. I know what you like,” he grinned.

  “You still could have consulted me. Maybe I’m not hungry,” she retorted.

  He looked at her in disbelief. He leaned over and whispered in her ear.

  “Remember, we worked up an appetite,” he murmured.

  Jess blushed and smacked his arm. Troy laughed at her flaming face.

  “What did you say to her?” Rakia asked.

  “Don’t you dare tell them,” Jess exclaimed. She whispered to Troy. “Or you will know hunger pangs forever.”

  Her play on words was not lost to Troy.

  “You’re cruel, woman,” Troy said in mock horror. “But you win.”

  Jess gave him a satisfied smirk. She caught Rakia’s eye and mouthed the word: later. Rakia smiled. Ash grinned despite his bafflement. He didn’t know precisely what was going on but was ecstatic that his friends were happy. The food and drink arrived and there was much laughter at the

  “I have good news for you, Troy,” Ash said.

  “What is it?” Troy asked.

  “We have been able to make up for the lost time in tracking Roz. We will arrive at Topal in three days,” Ash announced.

  “Three days!” Troy said in wonder. “How is that possible?”

  “The Commodore is a very swift vessel. She can move faster than even her designers recognize,” Ash said proudly. “When I need her to respond she does so without fail.”

  “We will soon be home, Jess,” Troy said.

  “The only home I know is Earth. I cannot think of Topal as such,” Jess said soberly.

  Her hand lay on the table. Troy covered it with his own.

  “You will, Jess. You will soon come to know and love Topal as your home,” Troy said quietly.

  “Topal is where your parents reside, Jess. It would be good for you to come to know them,” Rakia said gently.

  “I feel no tugging of the heartstrings to do so,” Jess stated. “I do not know them, nor do I want to.”

  “Give them a chance, Jess. They had very good reasons for what they have done,” Rakia said mildly.

  Jess sighed heavily.

  “I know you are all anxious to return to Topal. It is truly your home. But for me it represents incredible responsibility that I may not be able to shoulder. It is not a future that I eagerly anticipate,” She said miserably. She pushed back her chair and rose. “If you will excuse me.”

  Jess hurried from the Mezzine. Troy rose to follow her.

  “No, Troy. Let her go. She must come to terms with her fate on her own,” Rakia said.

  “But she is afraid. I should be there for her,” Troy said stubbornly.

  “And you will be but not now. Now, she needs to discover her innate strength that will undergird her when she needs it most. You cannot give her that strength,” Rakia said. “She must find it within herself, now, before she is thrust into a very different world.”

  “How much does she know?” Ash asked.

  “Almost everything,” Troy said.


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