Heart of the Galaxy (Paranormal Romance Aliens)

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Heart of the Galaxy (Paranormal Romance Aliens) Page 10

by Cristina Grenier

  “You will come with us,” he graveled. His voice was guttural and harsh.

  She saw that there were four of them. They weren’t Wulshuk. They looked entirely different; from their short, squat stature to their wrinkled dark yellow skin.

  “No!” she yelled as she recoiled from him.

  “You don’t like me? Too bad. You’ll be with us until we have no more use for you. So get used to us,” the creature said.

  He pulled her several steps along with him. Jess dug in her feet and stopped.

  “Come on!” the leader shouted as he approached them.

  He slapped Jess hard. She palmed her face in pain.

  “I am Kor, leader of the Jeplong and you will do as you are told,” he spat.

  Anger bubbled inside of Jess. Her normally light grey eyes turned almost black in her growing rage.

  “Never!” she shouted.

  She swung her free arm across her body and the creatures slammed against the trees with a sickening thud. They crumbled to the ground. She then held up her palm to face them and a bolt of lightning emitted from her hand striking the creatures. They disintegrated and their remains disappeared through the ground. Troy stood on the deck and witnessed the entire episode. He had just walked onto the deck and saw Jess at the lake with the aliens. He was about to run to her defense when he saw her throw them against the trees. He stopped and remained on the deck to watch as she easily destroyed them. He smiled wanly. He was proud that she had handled the alien intrusion but a bit sad in that she had not needed his protection. She had grown more confident in her skills and was less reliant on him. He had known this day would come but the selfish part of him was hoping that it would be delayed. He wanted her to need him, to want him to be around. Would she still seek his presence knowing that she could defend herself? He could only hope that she would. Jess saw him on the deck and waved. She began running back to the house. She stopped in the clearing and looked up at him.

  “Come down,” she called out.

  “Come up,” he countered.

  She looked at him in exasperation then took two steps forward. She gasped as she felt herself rise from the ground. She grinned and extended her arms upward. Her speed increased and she was soon standing on the deck within seconds. She laughed delightedly.

  “I’m here,” she giggled.

  “So you are,” he smiled. Troy pulled her to him and kissed her soundly. He then pulled back but kept his arms about her waist. “Good morning. I see you had some morning visitors.”

  “Uh huh. I vanquished the horrid creatures. The leader said he was Jeplong. I guess I now have to worry about them as well as the Wulshuk,” she grimaced.

  “Unfortunately yes. They are pesky bugs but they are no real threat to you,” Troy evaluated.

  “They interrupted my visit to the lake. It’s so beautiful. Come see it with me,” she enthused. She tried to pull him toward the steps but he wouldn’t move. “Troy! Come on.”

  He shook his head.

  “Not now. Maybe this evening. Right now I want to show you Citrola,” he grinned.

  “Alright,” she said excitedly.

  He grasped her hand and pulled her down the steps. At the bottom of the stairs, he looked up at the opened door and moved his hand sideways. The door shut and locked.

  “Magic comes in handy,” she mused.

  “Indeed it does,” he laughed. “Let’s go.”

  They moved to the front of the house then walked down the street.

  “We’re not driving, or should I say flying?” she asked in bemusement.

  “No. Citrola is best seen by walking. Are you up to it?” he smiled.

  “Of course. Bring it on! Show me your playground,” she laughed.

  They walked all over the city. Jess was amazed at how similar Citrola was to Earth. She looked at the tall buildings, restaurants, busy streets with pedestrians rushing to and from. It reminded her of Chicago or New York. The city was alive. She could feel its pulsating heartbeat and she was inextricably drawn to its very fiber. Troy obtained two sausage link sandwiches from a vendor that were very similar to the hotdog. Jess noticed that money did not pass between them.

  “Troy, why did you not pay the vendor?” she asked. She bit into her sandwich.

  “Money is not thought of in the same manner as it is on Earth. Our government, the Ruling Intelligence Counsel takes care of their citizens. They take care of everything. So there really is no need for money here,” he explained.

  “Everything?” Jess asked in awe.

  “Yes, everything. Food, clothing, housing. Everything,” he reaffirmed.

  “So, that vendor did not expect you to pay him?” she queried.

  “He did not. He gave us the sandwich because we asked for it. He assumed that we were hungry,” Troy said.

  “Wow! That’s really cool,” Jess exclaimed.

  “Yeah, it is,” he smiled. “There are a lot of cool things about Citrola.”

  They spent a wonderful day sightseeing. Troy was an informed and humorous guide. Jess didn’t remember the last time she learnt and laughed so much. It was late afternoon when they were sitting in on a bench watching a magnificent water fountain display in the center of the plaza. Many people sat on neighboring benches that surrounded the water fountain and watched the artistic spectacle. Jess oohed and ahhed at each remarkable rise and fall of water. Troy pulled her to his side and she laid her head on his shoulder.

  “Thank you for showing me your city, Troy. I think I love it as much as you do,” she said softly.

  “It was my pleasure, Jess. I wanted you to see Citrola as I do. It is truly an extraordinary city. It’s the shining star of Topal,” he said quietly.

  “Troy, will I have to leave Citrola when I assume my role as the guardian of the universe?” she murmured.

  “Not if you don’t want to. When that time comes you can go wherever you want, do whatever you want and be whomever you want. It will be your choice and no one shall gainsay you,” Troy replied.

  “That sounds rather nice. I think I will stay right here with you. If that’s alright,” she looked up at him.

  He grinned.

  “It’s more than alright. It’s what I was hoping you would say,” he chuckled.

  “Darn! I should have kept you in suspense,” she teased.

  “You cruel woman!” he laughed as he began to tickle her.

  People who sat on nearby benches looked at them and smiled benignly. Jess laughed uproariously as she tried to twist out of his grasp.

  “Stop, Troy. Please,” she begged mirthfully.

  He stopped and drew her legs across his lap. She playfully punched his arm.

  “Had enough?” he grinned.

  “More than enough,” she giggled.

  “How would you like to see your sister and brother tonight?” he asked seriously.

  Jess’s eyes grew round.

  “Really?” she asked.

  He nodded.

  “I told Boshar that we might come by if you were up to it. Your siblings are there waiting on the off chance that you show up,” Troy explained.

  “When did you have time to arrange this?” she asked in amazement.

  “This morning while you were at the lake,” he replied. “Do you want to see them this evening? You don’t have to. We can always go at another time.”

  “No. I mean yes. I want to see them tonight,” she answered elatedly.

  “Then we shall go,” he smiled.

  Jess hopped off of the bench and held out her hand.

  “Let’s go,” she encouraged.

  He laughed.

  “I’m coming. I’m coming,” he grinned.

  They happily left the plaza totally unaware that they were being watched.

  Chapter 9: Betrayed

  When Jess met her brother and sister it was like they had always known each other. Oshun laughed and cried at the same time as she hugged her Jess. The two sisters bonded instantaneously. The same could be said wh
en Jess hugged her brother Shan. They connected as though they had known each other all of their lives. Tah sat with his children on the lanai, telling amusing stories. Boshar stood in the doorway and watched her children come together with tears in her eyes. Their union was something she had dreamt about for years and it was now manifesting; thanks to Troy. Boshar pulled Troy aside and hugged him.

  “Thank you, Troy. Thank you for bringing my daughter home,” Boshar whispered emotionally.

  “You are welcome, Boshar. But I had little to do with it. It was simply time. She needed to be home for a variety of reasons,” Troy replied. “I was just the vessel that brought her here.”

  “You are humble, Troy. But you deserve a great deal of credit. However, I will not embarrass you,” she smiled. “But know that my heart is filled with gratitude toward you.”

  Troy raised her hand and kissed it.

  “I know,” he smiled. He looked at the siblings as they laughed together at some crazy joke that Shan had told. “They act as though they have never been separated. It is good to see.”

  “Yes. They have wanted to know their sister since they were told of her existence,” Boshar said. “Especially Shan, for he remembers Jess when she was an infant. He was only three years old but he has never forgotten her.”

  “I imagine the separation has been particularly hard on him. To have her and then lose her. He couldn’t have understood why at his young age,” Troy speculated.

  “He did not. And he rejected every explanation we gave him,’ Boshar recalled. “He cried every day, demanding that we bring her back. Oh, that was such a devastating time.”

  “But she is back now. And your family can start rebuilding your relationships. It will take time but all will be well,” Troy said earnestly.

  “You sound like Tah. He keeps telling me to give it time. But so much time has passed already. I want the happy ending now,” Boshar said wistfully.

  “You will get your happy ending, Boshar but it will require patience and a willingness to accept the pace that Jess has set. She will not be forced,” Troy said.

  “I know you are right. But patience has never been one of my qualities,” she said ruefully.

  “Nor was it mine. But I have come to adopt it. Jess was a huge incentive,” he said.

  “You’re in love with her, aren’t you?” Boshar said. She looked into his deep blue eyes and could see the answer.

  “Yes, I love her. I have for a very long time,” Troy admitted.

  “But you are not sure she returns your feeling,” Boshar said intuitively.

  “I am not,” he replied honestly.

  “Do not fear. All will be well,” she returned.

  “Throwing my words back in my face?” he quipped.

  Boshar chuckled.

  “I wasn’t but they are true nonetheless. Jess will soon tell you how she feels about you. It is as you say: she cannot be forced,” Boshar said kindly.

  “So I must utilize more of the virtue that I have so little of,” he said in self-deprecation.

  Boshar smiled.

  “Yes, you will. And you must tell her of your connection with her. Or all could very well be lost,” Boshar said.

  “I will tell her,” Troy said.

  “Soon, Troy. It must be soon,” Boshar insisted.

  “Is this one of your premonitions, Boshar?” Troy asked somewhat jokingly.

  Boshar did not smile.

  “I have a very strong feeling of doom if you do not share this information with her. Please, Troy. Tell her,” Boshar persisted.

  “I will, Boshar. I will tell her tonight when we go home,” he promised.


  Jess’s exclamation drew their attention.

  “What did you say?” Jess repeated.

  “That you and Troy will enter the portal together to assume your powers. He has a Galaxia Star as well,” Oshun explained.

  Boshar gasped. Troy turned ashen.

  “Oshun. Silence!” Shan ordered. He could see from Jess’s reaction that she did not know of this information.

  Oshun appeared confused.

  “I’m sorry. I thought you knew,” Oshun said apologetically.

  Jess was in shock. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Troy would assume his great powers if they went through the portal together? That’s the reason he has been with her all of these years. The reason he brought her back to Topal. The reason he courted her, made love to her, and made her think that he really cared about her. He was only using her for his own gain. My God! What a fool she had been.

  “Jess,” Troy said brokenly.

  He advanced toward her.

  “Stay away from me,” she cried.

  “Jess, you must listen to me,” Troy said as he continued to approach her.

  “No! I don’t have to hear another word that comes from your mouth,” she yelled. “You’ve been using me all along. You only protected me for your own gain. You needed me to secure your own power. And when you got it you would throw me to the wolves. You’re no better than the Wulshuk or the Jeplong.”

  He reached out to grasp her arm. She yanked it free of his grasp then flung her arm out. Troy sailed across the lanai and crashed to the floor. Her family was astounded yet horrified at her actions.

  “Jess, no! Please listen to him,” Boshar pleaded.

  “Jess, I’m sorry. I ran my mouth without thinking. It’s not as it sounded,” Oshun said quickly.

  “Silence!” Jess commanded her.

  Oshun clamped her mouth shut. Troy slowly rose to his feet and moved toward Jess again.

  “Don’t come near me,” Jess yelled.

  “Let me talk, Jess,” Troy pleaded.

  “You’ve betrayed me. How could you do that? I trusted you,” Jess exclaimed.

  Shan looked at Oshun in accusation. His grey eyes shouted this was all her fault. Oshun’s eyes filled with tears. Shan tore his gaze away from her in anger and frustration.

  “I didn’t betray you, Jess. I just hadn’t told you yet. I was going to tonight when got home,” Troy said in measured tones.

  “Liar! You would say anything to me now to save you hide,” Jess said scornfully.

  “It’s the truth, Jess. I have always told you the truth. You know that,” Troy said as he continued to approach her.

  “Stay away from me,” Jess wailed.

  She raised her palm and bolts of streaking light slammed him into the wall. Troy groaned in pain. She then jumped over railing and soared across the lawn. She ran so fast that she was out of sight within a blink of the eye. Boshar and Tah moved to assist Troy to his feet.

  “I must go after her,” Troy said.

  “You have a cut over your eye. Let me tend it,” Boshar said.

  Troy put two fingers to the wound on his forehead. He held them there for three seconds and the wound healed completely.

  “I forgot that you could do that,” Boshar said in awe.

  Oshun moved to stand beside him.

  “I’m so sorry, Troy. I assumed that Jess knew of your connection with her. I didn’t mean to cause trouble,” Oshun said miserably.

  “But you did. As usual you spoke before thinking,” Shan said testily.

  “I didn’t do it on purpose, Shan,” Oshun said tartly.

  “But the result is the same,” he returned harshly.

  “Shan, stop. Your sister feels badly enough,” Tah chided.

  “I will go with you, Troy to look for her,” Shan declared.

  Troy shook his head.

  “No. You would not be able to keep up with me. I thank you though for the offer,” Troy said.

  “Where will she go? She doesn’t know the area. She could easily become lost,” Boshar worried.

  “And she is exposed to any alien who wants to abduct her,” Shan said uneasily.

  “Do not worry overmuch. I will find her and bring her home,” Troy said.

  “She is so angry. I never thought to see her turn on you,” Boshar said.r />
  “She is hurt. But I will get through to her,” Troy said. “I have to.”

  He hopped over the railing and was gone in an instant. The family looked after him, anxiety and fear etched in their eyes.


  Jessica’s feet barely touched the ground as she blindly ran through the woods. Pools of tears filled her eyes as she tried to make sense of Troy’s betrayal. She had given her trust and her heart to him only to have him deceive and hurt her. The pain was like a stake being driven through her chest. And she couldn’t pull it out no matter how much she tried. Jess stopped running to lean against a tree. She slid down its trunk to the ground and wept. It’s was while she was in the throes of despair that a shadowy figure crept up behind her. Just as Jess sensed there was someone near her the figure drew back their arm and plunged a syringe into her shoulder. Jess screamed in pain then fell forward as a dark void enveloped her.


  A Wulshuk alien dumped Jessica’s body face down onto the ground before Loog.

  “Is it her?” Loog asked gruffly.

  He kicked pushed Jess onto her back with the toe of his foot.

  “It is. I have kept my part of the bargain. Do with her as you like,” Roz sneered. “Just remember what you owe me when you revel in your newfound power.”

  Loog looked at her gleefully.

  “You will get your reward,” he triumphed. “I will be generous.”

  “Well, you have to secure the prize first. And she will be none too obliging to help you when she wakes,” Roz derided.

  “She does not need to be awake to give me the map. It glows on her neck as we speak,” Loog returned.


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