Sleeping With My Boss: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (A Dirty Office Romance)

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Sleeping With My Boss: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (A Dirty Office Romance) Page 35

by Adams,Claire

  "So, talk to me, baby," she said as she slid the spatula under a bubbly pancake and quickly flipped it. "Tell me why you're spending the night at your mother's house and not at your own."

  "Mom, I don't know what to do anymore," I blurted. "Tommy has changed so much and I can't take care of him anymore."

  "What do you mean?" she asked.

  "I mean, he slid into a depression after the injury and he's never come out of it," I said. "I've tried everything I can think of to get him help, but he's decided that drinking and rebuilding cars in the back yard is the answer. I'm sick of it."

  My mother said nothing as she turned the sizzling sausages in the pan and stirred the eggs a bit. She added two more pancakes to the stack and then poured more batter into the pan. I had always marveled at her ability to multi-task while cooking. She was the only person I knew who could deliver several plates of steaming hot food to the table all at the same time, all perfectly cooked.

  "Baby girl, you made a promise to that man when you married him," she said. "Now, you have to do the best you can to fulfill that promise."

  "But, Mom, I didn't sign on for the drinking or his irresponsibility," I protested.

  "That's what marriage is all about, baby," she said. "You stick with it whether or not it's what you signed on for, and you find a way to make it work."

  I stared at her in disbelief. I'd never seen my mother so stubbornly unbending, and it was disturbing. My whole life, she'd been the one who had always seen everyone else's point of view and urged me to look at different perspectives before rushing to judgment and now, at the moment when I most needed her to be fair and unbiased, she was digging her heels in and telling me I didn't have a choice.

  "Mom, what's wrong with you?" I asked quietly.

  "Nothing is wrong with me," she replied tersely. "I'm just telling you that I raised you to be a person who makes good on your promises, not someone who walks away from things when you don't like what's happening."

  "Mom..." I trailed off unsure of what to say in response. She wasn't telling me what I wanted to hear, that was for sure, but she also was being completely unfair.

  "Look, not everyone gets the chance you have to make things right," she said. "You need to get in there and fight for your marriage and turn things around. You can't just walk away."

  "But what if I'm not happy?" I asked.

  "Who said anything about happiness?" she shot back. "You're going to find out that life isn't all about rainbows and sunny skies. Sometimes it's dark and ugly, and that's when you find out what you're made of."

  "Mom..." I said looking at her helplessly.

  "Eat your dinner," she urged as she piled eggs and sausages on my plate. "It's going to get cold."

  I sat across the table looking at the woman who had raised me, wondering why I suddenly had no idea who she was, as I went through the motions of eating. By the time I was done, my stomach felt full, but my heart ached with emptiness.

  The way she felt about my marriage confused me, and I wasn't about to tell her about the added complication of Austin Marks. She'd never understand.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I walked into the office before sunrise the next morning only to find Bax already sitting at his desk tapping away at the keyboard. Walter Edward Baxter III had been my best friend for more than a decade. He hated his given name, so when we'd started college he told everyone that his name was Bax and then refused to elaborate. That mystery was only part of Bax's appeal.

  "Hey, boss," he smiled. Bax had an unsettling way of always looking like he was ready to either head to a formal dinner or the beach. His five o'clock shadow had been infamous in college and he'd cultivated a look between Hollywood star and washed up surfer that never failed to make people ask if they knew him from somewhere else. He was good-natured about it, but he never gave much away. It didn't help that he dressed like a fashion model wearing Zegna suits without ties and loafers without socks, even in the winter. On the upside, when I was with him, I knew I could safely fade into the background and operate virtually unnoticed. I think that was one of the reasons we'd been best friend since our freshman year of college. I let him have the spotlight and he let me hide out in the shadows.

  "Morning, what's up?" I replied.

  "Just wanted to get in early and get the research on the Australian site done before you meet with Daniel and the gang," he said.

  "How did you-" I stopped. Of course, he would have had Johanna prepped to let him know about anything going on with Daniel. Bax would never let me face the den of lions alone and unprotected.

  "So, I did some digging around and found out that Daniel has been in contact with some guys who are well known for sabotaging construction sites," he began with a grim look. "But what I can't figure out is how he's connected to them. There's nothing on the servers linking him to any messages or information that these guys would have, and I've had the phone company scan his cell service for any exchange of messages. I'm coming up empty."

  "If he's behind this, he's doing an excellent job of covering his tracks," I agreed. "The question is whether he is actually behind the rumors or if this is another problem entirely."

  "That's what disturbs me," Bax said as he rubbed his chin with one hand. "It's a rumor that has all the hallmarks of being started by his gang, but there's nothing linking them directly to it. If we falsely accuse him of interfering with the project, then we get treated as the petulant outsiders who know nothing about the business."

  "And if we don't respond to it, then we're the idiots who let a billion-dollar project collapse," I finished. "Either way, we lose and he wins."

  "Precisely," Bax nodded as he tapped a few keys and waited for a screen to materialize. "My gut tells me that this is by design."

  "So, how do you want to play this?" I asked as he stared intently at the screen of his computer reading something of great interest. "Bax?"

  "Huh? Oh yeah," he said distractedly. "Let me do a little more digging and get back to you, okay?"

  "I have to meet with them at eight," I said. "So, don't wait too long to let me in on this little idea of yours, okay?"

  "I won't," he said waving me off. "I promise!"

  I walked out of his office and down the hall toward my own wondering what Bax would find and whether we could hold off a hostile takeover of Marks Enterprises with the information.


  An hour later, Bax came striding into my office with a handful of printouts and a frown on his face saying, "You need to get on a flight back to Sydney now, boss."

  "Why? What's going on?" I asked as I took the papers from him and scanned the pictures. There were workers milling about in front of the construction site holding signs that looked like picket protest signs. "What is this?"

  "It looks like they're getting ready to go on strike," he said.

  "I see that," I shot back. "I mean, what's going on? Why are they striking?"

  "I don't know," Bax replied as he ran a hand through his hair. "I can't get anyone to pick up the phone at the main office and the foreman doesn't have a cell phone."

  "Buck promised me that they weren't going to strike," I said as I looked the rest of the photos. I didn't recognize any of the men in the shots, but then I hadn't been on the job site that long the day I addressed them, so it didn't surprise me.

  "Well, he’s obviously lost control of the crew," he replied. "You need to get over there and stop this, Austin. If this project gets suck, we are going to be in deep financial trouble and the rest of the company will suffer. We can't let this get delayed and we most definitely do not need the bad press that will result from a strike."

  "This is bullshit!" I shouted. "We're not doing anything wrong over there and they have no reason to strike!"

  "Then, hop on a plane and get over there and stop it," Bax said quietly. "Austin, we don't have a choice here. You have to go."

  "Fine," I sighed, knowing that he was right. "Get the jet ready to fly. Pu
ll a first class crew off one of the commercial flights and get them ready to go by noon."

  I looked down at the photos again as an image of Emily standing in the aisle of the cabin popped into my mind. If I was going to have to go back to Sydney, I wanted another chance with her, too.

  "Hey, Bax?" I called.

  "Yeah, boss?"

  "Call and get the crew that flew us over last week," I said in an even tone, trying not to give anything away.

  "Pretty girl, eh?" Bax grinned.

  "No, they were just efficient, and I liked that," I told him, trying to hang on to my pride.

  "I got it, I'll take care of it," he said with a grin that told me he knew what was up, but that was willing to let me hang on to the illusion of efficiency.

  I nodded at him and then went back to preparing for my meeting with Daniel. I wasn't about to let him know he was on the verge of gaining the upper hand.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  I had spent a restless night tossing and turning as I thought about what my mother had said and wondered why she was so intent on pushing me to hang on to a marriage that was obviously falling apart. When I finally fell asleep, I was tossed into a sea of dreams that had me ping ponging between two shores in an attempt to find a calm bit of water. Off in the distance, I heard a ship's distress signal sounding again and again.

  I surfaced from my dream to find my cell phone ringing on the nightstand near my head.

  "Hello?" I answered in a sleepy voice.

  "Ms. Warner?" asked a deep voice on the other end.

  "Speaking," I mumbled.

  "Ms. Warner, this is Mr. Baxter from Austin Marks' office," said the voice. I shook my head and propped myself up on my arm.

  "Yes? What can I do for you?" I replied suddenly very awake.

  "Ms. Warner, Mr. Marks needs you to be part of the crew on a private flight to Sydney leaving at noon today," Mr. Baxter said. "I'm sending a car for you right now. Can you be ready in one hour?"

  "Yes, yes, of course. Let me give you the address of where I am. Is everything all right?" I said, explaining where I was.

  "I'll let Mr. Marks explain," Mr. Baxter said. "Please pack for a five-day layover and be ready to prep the private plane when you arrive on the tarmac."

  "Of course, I will," I said as I looked around the room and realized that I hadn't unpacked from the last trip or even done any laundry.

  "Very well, the car will be there in one hour. Please be ready to leave," he said before disconnecting.

  I looked at the phone for a moment before I got up and yelled, "Mom! I need help!" as I got out of bed and began unzipping my luggage and throwing things into the middle of the room.

  It wasn't more than a minute before I my mother rushed into the room with a worried look on her face.

  "I just got a call from the executive in charge of Mr. Marks' travel, and I have to be ready to be on a private flight in an hour," I said as I held up two handfuls of dirty laundry. "Can you wash and dry these for me?"

  "What in the world?" my mother exclaimed as she took the clothes and headed to the laundry room. "What's going on, Emily?"

  "I have to catch a flight to Sydney in a couple of hours," I called as I hopped into the shower and quickly washed my hair. "I need to get ready to fly!"

  "Well, it's a good thing I washed and pressed this last night, isn't it?" my mother said as she entered the bathroom holding my flight uniform.

  "Oh Mom, you're the greatest!" I cried as I peeked out from behind the shower curtain to see her hanging the uniform on the back of the bathroom door. "Now, can you get the rest of my stuff ready to go?"

  "Of course I can," she laughed as she walked out of the bathroom. "I'm your mother, I can work miracles."

  Over the next few days I would wonder if that weren't actually true.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  The meeting with Daniel was tense, as I'd expected it would be, but it was cut short by Bax's announcement that the car was waiting for me downstairs.

  "Where are you headed, Austin?" Daniel asked suddenly very interested in my movements.

  "Just off to check out a possible investment spot," I said casually. He'd find out sooner or later where I actually was, but I wanted to keep him guessing for a bit. "And maybe take a little time for some r and r."

  "That's good," he said as he gave me a smile that did not reach his eyes. "You young folks should take time to enjoy what you have."

  I knew he was implying that I should do so before I lost everything, but today, I wasn't biting. I had other business to take care of and engaging in a pissing match with Daniel Wentworth wouldn't solve the problem in Sydney. I smiled back at him and then gathered up my papers and moved to the door of the conference room where Johanna waited with my briefcase and a cup of hot coffee in a travel mug.

  "Gentlemen, it's been a pleasure, but I need to get going," I said as I nodded and walked out of the room. I smiled at Johanna and then looked at Bax. "Ride with me downstairs?"

  "Sure thing, boss," he smiled. I filled him in on the meeting on the way down, and he told me about the developments on the site.

  "Austin, you just need to get there and stop them from striking," he said. "You don't have to work miracles, you just have to restore the peace."

  "I'll do my best," I assured him.

  "No, you have to do better than that this time, Austin," he said seriously. "I'm not kidding, if this explodes, we may not get another chance to turn thing around before Daniel takes the operation over to Berlin and begins building. If he does that while we fiddle away in Sydney, we'll lose it all."

  "I get it, Bax," I said in an irritated tone. "I'm going to move heaven and earth to make sure this doesn't go under."

  "Alright, well, just do what you can," he said backing off a little. "No pressure."

  "Oh no, no pressure at all," I replied.

  "Well, maybe just a little." He grinned as he playfully slugged my shoulder. "Good luck, boss."

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  My mother had washed my clothes and packed my bag by the time the car arrived to take me to the airport. I hugged her tightly and thanked her for her help.

  "Emily, I love you, baby," she said as she patted my cheek. "I know you'll do the right thing."

  I nodded, unsure of what that actually was, but I didn't know what to say other than, "I love you, too, Mom."

  At the airport, the car drove past the usual stops and pulled up next to a plane already out on the runway outside of the commercial area. The driver got out and opened my door before popping the trunk and grabbing my bag. I looked up at the Boeing 727 painted with the Marks Air logo in red on a black background, and I marveled at its sleek design as I climbed the stairs.

  Once on board, the captain and his co-pilot introduced themselves and I waited for the other crewmembers to arrive. There would be two flight attendants, a cook, and a personal baggage handler assigned to the flight, the latter two would all stay in the back of the cabin during the flight unless needed. My heart jumped when I heard a familiar voice calling, "Hey, hey, hey, Princess! Ready for a second trip down under?" Trish's smiling face appeared at the top of the stairs. I wouldn't be the only one responsible for Austin during the flight.

  "Trish!" I cried as I ran across the cabin to throw my arms around her and hug her tightly. "I'm so glad you're here!"

  "Yeah, me too," she said as she looked around and took in the surroundings. "I wasn't sure I was going to make it. What were they thinking calling us at the last minute?"

  "I don't know, but it must be important if they brought us back so quickly," I said.

  "Nice digs," she said followed by a low appreciative whistle. "Where's the galley?"

  "Back here," I said as I led her back to the fully stocked kitchen and our quarters. On this flight, we'd have our own room complete with table, chairs, and two twin beds. It was like a hotel suite in the air. Trish nodded as she set h
er carry on bag on the bed I hadn't claimed and smiled at me.

  "Alright, Princess, let's get started on prep work!" she said cheerfully.

  I worked on prepping the main cabin while Trish focused her attention on the kitchen and food prep. I checked overhead bins for blankets and pillows and double-checked the storage cabinets below the couch for extras of everything just in case Austin was bringing guests. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about him since we'd kissed in the penthouse, but I also remembered the woman he had been with in the hotel lobby and I steeled myself in case he boarded the plane with the beautiful woman.

  He's a playboy who knows no loyalty. He just wants what he wants when he wants it, I reminded myself as I went about setting up the cabin the way that Trish had taught me. He didn't care about me; he just wanted a piece of ass. I repeated over and over until I felt certain that I had immunized myself against the considerable charm and magnetism of Mr. Austin Marks.

  Once I'd prepped the cabin for his arrival and Trish had made sure that there were a wide variety of his favorite beverages in the fridge and that all the meals he might want had been delivered, we stood back and admired the beauty of the cabin's layout. It was done in simple design lines and had a light airy feeling, not something that was easy to do in the small space. I checked to make sure that all of the tray tables and seats were in working order and then I stood in the galley and breathed deeply as I awaited the arrival of my boss and his entourage.

  "I've never seen anything like this in my life," Trish whispered. "It's insane that anyone could have so much money that they could do this to an airplane, isn't it?"

  I nodded, grateful that Trish was here with me as we waited for Austin to arrive.


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