No Such Thing as Dragons : Complete Series Box Set (Books 1 - 5)

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No Such Thing as Dragons : Complete Series Box Set (Books 1 - 5) Page 13

by Lauren Lively

  Poa looked at me with the same hatred in his eyes he had when he'd first walked up. The guy's expression never changed. If he was upset about me cutting through his foot soldiers, he didn't show it. He simply stood there, taking in the action without any sort of reaction to it whatsoever.

  The remaining three husks circled me, the edges of their swords glinting in what little light the night had to offer. One darted in, but it was just a feint, trying to draw my attention from the second one sweeping in from behind. I dropped to a knee a split second before a heavy broadsword cut through the air my head had just been occupying. Getting to my feet quickly, I plunged both daggers into the husk and yanked them back out again, keeping a wary eye on the two who were still circling me.

  “You know this won't end well for either one of you, don't you?” I asked.

  Neither of them said anything, but I saw them exchange a brief look. They were nervous – and with good reason. They'd just seen me cut down four of their own without breaking a sweat. They were the last two left standing.


  Poa's voice echoed around the darkened, vacant lot. When I looked over at him, I saw his face was contorted into a mask of pure rage. His eyes glowed red – something I'd never seen from a Shongtal before. At least, not until they were dying.

  The two who'd been circling me backed away as Poa stepped forward. A malevolent energy seemed to crackle off him as he moved and the air was saturated with the promise of violence and bloodshed.

  “You carry no blade,” I said.

  “I don't need one.”

  Poa raised his hand and pointed a finger at me. A bolt of blue energy shot out of that finger and hit me square in the chest with the force of a truck hitting me. I was blown backward and hit the ground with a pained grunt, the breath being driven from my lungs.

  I started to rise, only to be hit with another bolt of that energy. I gritted my teeth and let out an animalistic growl as the pain tore through my body. I tried to shift into my dragon form but found that I was somehow blocked from doing so. Maybe the pain – maybe the shaft of energy shooting out from Poa's finger. I didn't know.

  All I knew was that I was stuck in human form and I was being roasted alive. My body felt like it was being torn in two and despite my best efforts not to, I cried out in pain. Poa took a step closer, a malevolent smile on his face. I had no idea where this was coming from or how he'd acquired the power to do what he was doing. The Shongtal never had that ability before.

  I growled again in agony. I didn't know how much more I could take. I felt like my insides were literally being roasted.


  Poa stopped and turned at the sound of Astrid's voice. I rolled onto my side, writhing in agony and looked to her.

  “Run, Astrid,” I wheezed. “Run.”

  Poa looked over his shoulder at me and gave me a predatory grin. He raised his hand again, preparing to continue his torment when a ball of blue white energy struck him in the chest. He flew backwards ten feet and hit the fencing that surrounded the building under construction. Bouncing off it, he fell face first onto the pavement and stayed still for a moment.

  I was beginning to wonder if he was dead when he stirred and started to rise. I tried to get up, but couldn't. My arms and legs refused to cooperate with me. I was a useless lump of meat on the ground.

  “Run, Astrid,” I called again through gritted teeth, my voice hoarse. “Run.”

  She looked at me, terror for me in her eyes. “No,” she said firmly. “This ends right now.”

  Poa was back on his feet, his eyes glowing red and a smoking hole in his chest. I hadn't taught Astrid how to throw lightning balls – that was outside my area of expertise – but somehow, she'd managed it. To great effect.

  Poa grunted and took a step forward and started to raise his hand. I feared for Astrid. She'd never been in a fight before, let alone a life and death struggle. The only thing she had going for her was that they wouldn't kill her. Couldn't kill her. They needed her alive – at least, for now.

  I was transfixed by Poa, watching the hulking man lurch toward her. It was only when I heard Astrid scream that I realized the danger she was in. The two husks that had backed off when Poa engaged me had come back – and they were holding Astrid by the arms.

  “No!” I shouted as loudly as I could.

  Poa kicked me in the face as he walked by, rocking my head backward so hard, I thought my neck might break. Darkness was creeping in at the edge of my vision, but I fought to stay conscious. The two husks were still holding her, but Astrid was putting up quite the fight.

  But then Poa was standing before her. He reached up and stroked her hair gently – almost lovingly. And I saw her shudder. She turned her eyes to him and spit in his face. Poa laughed and grabbed her by the throat, nearly lifting her off the ground.

  I heard Astrid scream – but not in pain. It was in rage. The next thing I knew, a bubble of bright, blue and white light surrounded them all. The glare was so intense, I had to shield my eyes. And when that bubble of light and energy broke, it sounded like a violent clap of thunder.

  My heart was in my throat and my stomach was in knots. Because of the glare, I was having trouble seeing at all. I had no idea what had happened within that sphere of light. No idea what had happened when it burst. I feared that Astrid had forgotten how to keep herself from exploding with energy. Feared that she was gone. Forever.

  But when my eyes finally adjusted, relief flooded my body. Standing there – alone – was Astrid. She was looking at her hands, a perplexed look on her face. And when she looked at me, she cocked her head as if she were confused by what had just happened. And maybe she was.

  Poa and the two Shongtal fighters were gone. At her feet on the pavement were nothing more than piles of ash. I couldn't believe my eyes. Couldn't believe what I was seeing. But somehow, Astrid had used the abilities she had to – vaporize – the three of them.

  She rushed over to me and fell to her knees, concern etched into her features.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, her voice near to panic.

  “I'm alive,” I groaned. “I'll heal. I just need time to rest.”

  She planted a soft kiss on my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I saw fear in her eyes, though I wasn't sure what was scaring her at the moment – the violent and destructive abilities she possessed perhaps?

  “How did you do that?” I asked softly. “How did you – you know.”

  She shook her head. “I don't know. I really don't know,” she whispered. “I guess there's a lot I still have to learn.”

  I grimaced in pain as I sat up and looked deeply into her eyes, doing my best to give her a gentle smile. “We'll do it together.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  “I've never seen a place more beautiful,” I said, staring out at the soaring snow-capped mountains that surrounded the small valley we were in.

  The grass underneath my feet was soft and dewy – it felt wonderful against my skin. I'd taken off my shoes to feel it against my feet. And as the cool air brushed my face and the soft grass tickled my feet, I couldn't imagine anywhere else I'd rather be.

  After the battle in Santa Monica – and after Quint had healed – we decided to take a little time away. A little time for us. The trouble was, we didn't know where to go. At least, not until Quint had suggested that he show me around Chondelai. It was, as he said, the home of my ancestors and I should get to know it.

  I had never been gladder for anything in my life. The people were amazing and the land was astonishing.

  “It's not nearly as beautiful as you,” Quint said, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

  I held onto his hands as he nuzzled my neck and I was smiling as we shared in the moment together. I was so happy to be there, to be with him.

  Quint kissed the side of my neck, making me shudder against him. I felt him hard and turned on already, pressing against my backside. Feeling that, all I
could do was wiggle backward a bit, rubbing my ass against him – taunting him ever so slightly. I knew that he wanted me – and there was no question that I wanted him as well. But the location, I thought, might prove to be a little problematic.

  “Here?” I asked, laughing as I turned around to face him.

  “Why not?” he said. “Not like there's anyone else around.”

  He was right about that. The field was wide open and empty – it went for miles and miles. And besides, it really was a romantic setting. I certainly couldn't have imagined a more perfect place to make love – but I'd also never had an opportunity like that before.

  Before I could agree or object, Quint kissed me, literally stealing my breath away from me. Our bodies were pressed together as our tongues danced and swirled around one another. He took me in his arms and gently laid me down on the soft earth beneath us.

  With him on top of me, I felt every inch of him growing harder by the second, but he didn't rush things – he savored every minute we had together. He continued kissing down my neck, to my collarbone, and then to my cleavage that was poking out from my shirt. I felt that fire between my thighs spring to life as he kissed and licked at my skin gently, yet urgently.

  He looked into my eyes as he slipped my shirt off and tossed it into the grass behind us. He smiled and then took one of my nipples into his mouth, drawing a gasp from me as he started to suck ever so gently.

  “Oh Quint,” I murmured, wrapping my legs around his waist and using the momentum to pull myself upward, to feel him pressing against my opening.

  I ground against him, feeling how hard he was pressed against me. I was growing hotter and wetter as we ground ourselves against one another and that burning need erupted within my breast. I would have taken him inside of me in that moment except for the fact that we both still had clothes on, keeping our bodies apart.

  But Quint didn't let that stop him. He pushed my skirt a bit and slid his hand up my soft thighs. The sensation of his fingertips on my skin sent shivers throughout my body. But it was nothing compared to the way he looked me in the eye as he rubbed me through my panties.

  I thought I might orgasm right then and there.

  “You're such a tease,” I said, breathless and eager for him to be inside of me again.

  “I love making you squirm,” he said. “And making you beg for it.”

  “Please, Quint,” I said, writhing underneath him. “Please. I want you. I need you. Now.”

  “Yes, that's it,” he purred.

  He slid my panties down my thighs and pulled them off completely, tossing them in the general direction he'd tossed my shirt. With me completely bare down there, he touched me, teasing my opening. He was making me burn hotter and hotter, driving me crazy with need. He kept teasing me with his fingertips until I was literally crying out for him.

  And when he finally removed his pants and positioned himself above me, I was more than ready for him. I arched myself upward, taking him inside of me bit by bit. We both groaned as our bodies slowly united, ripples of pleasure spreading out through both of us. I groaned and murmured his name as he stretched me open and then thrust forward, filling me up completely.

  This was beyond any of my fantasies, so outside the realm of reality for me. There I was, making love to a Dragonborn man in a field of green grass, with the sun shining down on us, surrounded by the most picturesque mountains and forests I'd ever seen in my life.

  Two or three months ago, if somebody would have told me that's where I would be, I would have laughed in their faces. And yet, there I was. And I was enjoying every damn minute – not to mention inch – of it.

  I looked up at Quint and was struck again by how gorgeous and sexy he was. I couldn't even handle it. Seeing him above me, feeling him moving inside of me, thrusting his hips in a sensual rhythm as he drove himself into me was beyond incredible. Being able to kiss those succulent lips of his, and knowing he was all mine – it was the epitome of bliss for me. It was something I never would have anticipated coming in my life. Ever.

  Quint groaned as his thrusting took on an urgency and desperation that told me he was close. And the more he moved inside of me, the closer he brought me to that brink as well. Closer and closer to the precipice we moved. I arched my back and wrapped my legs tighter around his waist, trying to take him even deeper as I squeezed him with my muscles. He gasped and stuttered for a moment, but picked up the rhythm again quickly.

  I dug my nails into his shoulders as that wave of pleasure broke inside of me and an orgasm that was intense and powerful rocked my body. My body spasmed and I cried out as I came and Quint made sure to make every second of my pleasure last.

  Staring into his eyes as he continued to kiss me while he drove himself inside of me over and over again, I came more than once. We stared into one another's eyes as our bodies moved in perfect harmony, so much unspoken communication passing between us.

  His breathing became a little more ragged and his eyes took on that glassy sheen that told me he was edging closer. I grabbed him by the ass and urged him to go harder and faster. He drove himself into me with abandon, plunging into my depths with a zeal that sent shockwaves of sensation coursing through me.

  He brought me to the brink once more and just as I toppled over it, Quint joined me. Our bodies spasmed together and we cried out, our voices echoing through the valley around us. I came with an intensity that was insane – aided by the fact that I felt Quint's hot seed pumping deep into me.

  Slowly, our orgasms subsided and we were left, staring into one another's eyes, wide smiles on both of our faces. He leaned down and kissed me gently and I raised myself up a bit, wrapping him up in a tight embrace.

  Not too long ago, Quint had said that I was his and he was mine. I'd told him that it sounded really good to me – but what I'd meant was that it sounded like the ideal way to spend my life. With him. Together.

  And I was looking forward to every moment of it.


  Book 2 – Healed by a Dragon


  Sixteen Years Ago...

  Her eyes snapped open as she lay in the darkness of her bedroom. Slowly turning her head, Ella looked around at the shadows that filled the room. They clung to the corners, dark and thicker than cobwebs. Her pulse quickened as a sense of fear and foreboding descended over her.

  “H – hello?” she called.

  There was no reply, but the sense of tension and anxiety that saturated the air persisted. It was as if the world around her was holding its breath, waiting for – something. But what that something was, she hadn't the first clue. Judging by the way it was making her feel though, she didn't think it could be anything good.

  Ella slipped out of bed and on bare feet, padded across the bedroom floor. She didn't know what had awakened her and left her with this feeling of fear, but she didn't like it. And being the precocious girl she was, she was going to find out.

  Gently turning the handle of her bedroom door, Ella quietly opened the door and stepped out into the hall. There was nothing but silence throughout the house, though she didn't think she was alone. Ella didn't know how to explain it, but the house usually had a certain feel to it. A residue of energy left by her and her parents. It was a comforting feeling. Familiar.

  However, what she was feeling as she stood in the hallway was something entirely different. Something that was entirely wrong. She couldn't feel the energy of her parents, but something that made her skin crawl.

  Ella edged her way down the hallway, taking care to avoid the floorboards that she knew squeaked. She paused when she reached the top of the stairs and looked down at the floor below. It too, was bathed in darkness and she couldn't see much. She noticed that the light was on in the kitchen, so she quietly picked her way down the stairs, listening for the voices of her mom and dad.

  Adrenaline flowed throughout her body and Ella felt her hands trembling. She hated being afraid of anything. Her dad was a policeman and she'd always
tried to be as brave as he was. Even though she was only eight, she tried with all her might to banish her fears, but things still frightened her.

  Trying to slow her breathing and control herself, Ella hugged the wall and, on tiptoes, edged down the hallway toward the kitchen. As she moved closer to the kitchen, she heard a noise that she couldn't identify, but it sent sharp daggers of fear lancing through her nonetheless.

  Ella opened her mouth, wanting to call out, but resisted the urge. She didn't know why, but she didn't think drawing attention to herself would be wise. She felt it down deep inside of her. Coming from the kitchen was a sound like something wet being torn. A second sound also came from the kitchen and it was a noise that reminded her of the way her friend Tommy ate – loud and with his mouth open.

  Ella was scared, confused, and had no idea what was happening or what to do. But like her father had always told her, when she was scared, all she could do was press forward. Confront the thing that was scaring her and banish it forever.

  Taking a deep breath and quietly letting it out, Ella slowly stepped into the kitchen and paused, unable to comprehend what she was seeing. Her mother and father were both sprawled out on the floor surrounded by a pool of crimson blood. Kneeling over them were two – creatures – unlike anything she'd ever seen before. And they looked like they were eating her parents.

  They were tall – as tall as her father. Built like men, but covered in green scales and eyes that were pure black orbs. They had blunted snouts and hands with fingers that ended in claws. To Ella, they looked like some hideous cross between man and lizard.

  She stood frozen, rooted to her spot, unable to do anything but stare at them with wide eyes and her mouth hanging open. The sound of choked gasping came to her and it took her a moment to realize that the noise was coming from her. The lizard-men looked up at her, their mouths covered in blood, meaty chunks hanging from their mouths. One of them opened its mouth, a hissing noise issuing from its mouth.

  The sound from the creature broke Ella's paralysis and the scream that came flowing out of her was one of pure anguish and utter terror. The two creatures got to their feet and it was only then that she saw the true carnage on the kitchen floor. She gaped at the sight of her parents, their mid-sections torn open, their insides devoured. Tears flowed down Ella's face and she shook her head, trying to deny what she was seeing.


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