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The Captain's Stand

Page 18

by Kat Mandu

  “Um, nice wings,” Tray said. The jaguar padded up next to her, rubbing it’s face against her leg as if it were a common housecat.

  “I thought she was supposed to be smaller,” Laurella noted, looking towards Richard. He didn’t respond, but leaned forward and pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers.

  “I am too tired for this shit,” he grumbled, appearing to slump.

  “Permission to come aboard, Captain Zane?” Spark asked, bouncing slightly when she snapped up to salute.

  “Granted,” he said, lips quirking up into a smile at her posture.

  “So, she is the fairy? I could have sworn she was smaller,” Boss commented, looking over at Richard.

  “I can do many things most humans would find unnatural,” she said with a smile. Nearly everyone shifted to the edge of the seat. “Boo,” she said, allowing them to relax.

  “Well, at least someone around here has a sense of humor,” Kareem noted lightly.

  “Do I look like a comedian? I am nae going to hop up on ma desk and do stand up,” Richard sarcastically remarked.

  “Wait, was that an attempt at humor or are you being serious?” Spark asked, watching him through narrowed eyes.

  “At this point, I have no idea,” he admitted. “Alright, we’ve got our positions. The ship is being cared for and I doubt our enemies expected anyone to escape. Let’s get some sleep. Meeting adjourned,” Richard said, waving them out. Boss was the first to get up and it didn’t take long for everyone else to head for the door.

  “So, Richard, what do you plan on doing with the most powerful ship in the world?” Spark asked, looking at him curiously but he didn’t reply. “Oh, going to keep me guessing, huh? Planning on doing some hijacking? Amass a fortune before retiring?” she listed, pacing as she did before looking back at him. She leaped onto his desk, skidding on her knees and leaned forward into his face. Her fingers dug into the edge of the desk. “Well, can I at least be told where I can sleep?” she asked, raising a hand and poking him on the forehead. “Hello?” she asked. Richard slumped forward in his chair, a light sound of breath escaping his lips.

  “Huh? What?” he said, jumping to attention a few seconds after he had been poked.

  “Where do I sleep?” Spark asked. Richard blinked at her but he didn’t really see anything despite the view she gave was to die for.

  “Bed,” he said, suddenly standing to his feet. He stumbled a bit but kept a hand on the desk to help him steady his feet. Spark watched him shuffle along for a second before zipping off the bed and appearing in front of him. She hovered in front of his face.

  “One more thing, where do I sleep?” she insisted.

  “Wherever,” he mumbled out, ducking forward and walking beneath her. He pushed the ruffles of her dress out of his way as he headed for the bed.

  “Hey,” she huffed, spinning around to find him on the bed for the second time. “Someplace a bit more specific would be appreciated,” she said, floating over his head. He reached absently for the blanket and curled the top layer around his body, completely ignoring her. “Hello?” she called out, her voice echoing in his ear. Spark opened on of his eyes but got no response since the late nights had finally caught up with him.

  “Well, if that is all I am going to get, I guess it is up to me. So, where should I sleep?” she mused to herself, tapping her bottom lip.

  “Ah,” Richard yawned some time later. He smacked his lips together in an effort to cure the cottonmouth he had. “What a nice dreamless sleep,” he said, feeling the warm rays of the sun filtering through the window. “That was the best night’s rest I’ve ever had,” he said, stretching out his arms. He glanced up, the content smile he had woken up with disappeared. His mouth became a thin line when he noticed Spark sleeping in the netting that hung above him. Spark rustled a bit, twisting around to lay on her other side. But Richard caught the ghost of a smile on her face.

  “This better nae become a habit,” he sighed, kicking the blankets off the bed and heading for the wash basin. He cupped the cold water and splashed his face to kick start his senses. Resting his dripping hands on the counter and testing the wood with his fingers, he looked back at his reflection. “It seems so unreal. I would have been happy with a lot less, but a full-sized ship of ma own,” he mused, smirking slightly. “Bah, immortality; what kind of being wants to live forever,” he said, rolling his eyes while he looked further into the mirror.

  “I think a shave is in order. Ma facial hair is getting out of control,” he surmised, running one hand over his face. He picked up his razor and began to scrap off the excess facial hair until all that remained was a well-trimmed goatee. He looked closer at his eyes and noticed the bags lining underneath them. They seemed a bit less prominent then last night but he wondered if he would ever get rid of them.

  Richard moved back to his bed, grabbing the blanket and tossing it in the air. Satisfied with his poor bed making, he took off his coat and grabbed a clean undershirt. With that taken care of, he slipped his coat back on and headed for the door. “If you are nae up in five minutes, I will come back in here with a bucket of water,” he stated simply, walking out and closing the door.

  “Bloody pirate,” Spark grunted, shifting in her make-shift hammock.

  Richard tightened his fists in anticipation when he approached the wheel.

  “Captain on deck,” Nathan announced, relinquishing the wheel and allowing Richard to take hold. “She handles like a dream and I have never felt a ship handle like her before. It’s like magic,” he commented.

  “Something like that. Wait, you sailed before?” Richard asked, turning to look at Nathan.

  “Not really. I had a bit of a handle on a small ship that was transporting supplies but that was all,” he admitted.

  “Okay then,” Richard said, not letting it get to him. “Feel free to get some sleep in your quarters,” he told him. Nathan nodded but Richard realized that there was a full crew on deck and they all looked like they were ready to fall asleep on their feet.

  He willed the ship to move faster. The ship jerked and nearly everyone had to brace themselves for the sudden increase in speed. The ship skimmed along when Richard turned the wheel and it all arched while the ship’s prow cut through the water like a blade. It kept moving at an insane speed, one that was far faster than any ship of its size. The ship stopped creaking and seemed to move as if by magic. Richard spun the wheel, coaxing the ship into a full U-turn.

  “Man the cannons! It’s time to see if this ship has some fire power in it,” Richard said gleefully. The small group on deck headed for the cannons placed along the deck. Others headed below deck to man other cannons while a remaining few sought out the cannons near the Captain’s quarters.

  “Give the order and let them know to fire when ready,” Richard said, casually glancing at Nathan. “I could sail this ship for all eternity.”

  The sides of the ship began to roar when the forty odd cannons fired at random intervals. The doors below him opened up and Spark, back down to her fairy size, hovered over the railing, letting her feet dangle in front of her.

  “Thanks for the wake-up call,” she grumbled, rubbing a bit of sleep from her eyes.

  “I could have sworn I said all hands on deck. Last I checked, that included you,” Richard replied while the cannon fire continued.

  “I heard no such orders,” she countered, brushing a few messy strands of hair away from her face.

  “Nathan would say I said so,” Richard said, not bothering to look up at the man in question.

  “I would say so. You said something that sounded a lot like it,” Nathan admitted while Richard looked smugly at Spark.

  “Liar,” she griped, crossing her arms and looking away from him.

  “I never claimed to be an honest man,” he said, glancing in her direction. “Let them know to cease fire. I think we should get moving; the last thing we need is to draw in too much attention,” he said, more to himself than anything.
  “Cease fire!” Nathan called out. Richard clasped him on the back.

  “Not bad for a first run. I think you should head in and get some sleep,” he said, smiling at the bearded man.

  “Yes, sir,” he replied, heading down the stairs. Richard watched him go; with each step, the fatigue showed more and more. Nathan disappeared down the stairs and the solid sound of doors shutting reassured him that the man was going to get some well-earned sleep. Richard turned the ship and made his way back to the cave they had sailed out off.

  “So, what do you have planned exactly?” Spark asked, watching the looming shadow of the land mass before them.

  He blinked, thinking that he had spotted the cloaked woman from before. But when he glanced back, there was nothing. Richard turned the wheel to maneuver the Golden Eagle around. “Let’s just say that I have a few loose ends to tie up,” he said, giving her a grim expression.

  Chapter 21 The Final Set Up

  “That face looks familiar,” Brendan said, fingers twirling into a thick brown beard. Parts of it were already turning gray.

  “I can’t imagine why, sir,” Todd grunted. The two pirates were staring at a ring of trees around them – each with a rough carving of Brendan and petty insults. One had what looked like flies, another crumbs in his beard surrounded by rats. Todd rubbed his eyes, feeling far too sleep-deprived. He glanced around and noticed that they and the crew were being watched.

  “Looks like things are moving along as expected,” Richard whispered from a bush.

  “He doesn’t seem all that fazed,” Stefano replied in a hushed voice. The pirates before them shifted.

  “You’re focusing too much on Brendan,” Richard reprimanded. “Look at the crew. I worked alongside these guys; heck, I fought navies with these guys. I can tell they are very shaken up. I can just look at them and tell that a lot are very concerned. What with the constant killing and if they have even half the difficulties I did without a decent map, let’s just say we’ll more than one straw to break the camel’s back,” he countered.

  “I take it you have something in mind?”

  “I always have something in mind. I just need to make sure it works out. I need you to do something for me,” Richard said, smirking ever so slightly.

  “What do you have in mind?” Stefano inquired.

  “Well, I’ve got issues. If you can get that guy, Todd,” Richard explained, pointing out the man in question, “to me with enough time to get him back unnoticed, it would be very much appreciated.”

  “I’ll see what I can do, Captain. Still, this whole situation seems a bit excessive,” Stefano said, frowning.

  “I have ma reasons. Just make sure he isn’t seen during all of this. I have faith in your skills,” he offered. “Now, let’s get going. Night will be falling soon and I need to make sure everything is in it’s proper place.”

  “We’ve already looked everything over twice,” the assassin griped, sighing. “You’re so bloody anal about all this. You’re taking far too much time getting it all set up then you need to.”

  “This is about more than just stripping away his chance at power – so much more than that. So, I would recommend letting me work this out. If I cut it close, that’s ma failure and nae yours,” Richard snapped, watching the group of pirates trudge through the jungle to the final altar. Richard crouched low to the ground, taking a much more beaten path. With his feet constantly moving, he was able to keep an eye on the pirates.

  “So, what are you actually planning?” Spark questioned, floating close to his ear. Stefano was moving stealthily somewhere nearby.

  “I want to break him. Even if he fails now, even if I rob him of the special gift he wants, it’s nae going to do any good. He’ll still be a Captain and he’ll still have a ship,” Richard pointed out. “But if I can break him right before he wins, if I can crush him at his moment of glory and scatter his men into the forest, it means that anyone with a strong enough will could reconnect the pirates and leave the island on the ship.”

  “Seems kind of dark, considering the possibility that your idea could fall apart if there is too much infighting. On the other hand, if your plan fails, you could be even worse off instead of just destroying it now. Or else, this is just another revenge plan and you are just grasping at a reason to wait,” Spark replied.

  “Could be,” he said, a wild look seeping into his eyes. “To be honest, it has crossed ma mind but even if it was a factor, it takes much more than just revenge for me to act on something.”

  “Look, I make a living off people with petty reasons for killing people. But this seems a bit risky, even for me. It’s a bunch of pirates! Who cares? You’ve got your ship, blow up this altar, sink the other ship and leave. No fuss, no mess. You’ve already established that you could cause more than enough damage with a lot less,” Spark exclaimed, throwing her tiny hands in the air.

  Richard kept silent while they continued moving through the forest. Night began to fall Brendan’s crew was completely unaware of them as they passed by. They had no issues making their way back to the small camp they had set up on the edge of the beach.

  The Golden Eagle was floating some ways off the shore and there were a few rowboats beached nearby. Boss was resting in one, one eye open and a tight grip on one of his dueling weapons.

  “Good to see you, Captain. Laurella and Madison aren’t back yet,” he reported.

  “Understandable,” Richard replied simply, standing to his full height. Spark settled comfortably on his shoulder.

  “Sir, can’t we just blow it up?” Stefano asked, clearly wanting to have everything taken care of.

  “I gave you an order. Carry it out,” Richard bit out coldly, glaring down at the assassin. “If you want to sail with me, you are going to have to take orders you won’t always agree with,” he snarled.

  “Aye, sir,” Stefano replied, glaring hotly at Richard before vanishing quickly with a leap into the trees.

  “A little harsh on him. He did join us of his own will,” Boss commented, getting out of the rowboat.

  “True, but if I want to keep ma grip firm on ma own ship, I can’t be pushed around. As soon as Madison and Laurella are back with that last bit of information, we can start on the final preparations. I take it Tray and James have already buried the gunpowder and put the oil in place?” Richard asked.

  “Everything is in order, just like you asked. It seems a bit odd, everything you are doing, but I think I can just chalk it up to you wanting to be a bit grand in your elimination of this guy. What did he do that makes you so willing to put on such a risk?” Boss inquired.

  “What we have here is a very rare opportunity. One I want to take full advantage of. In the meantime, I am going to catch some sleep. Let me know if anyone shows up, be it the assassin, the knight or the doctor,” Richard said, clambering into a rowboat. He settled on his and closed his eyes, the setting sun warming the back of his head.

  After some time, Richard felt the world moving beneath him and panic set in. He leaped to try and steady himself but quickly realized that the rowboat had been tipped nearly on its side and threatening to dump him on the sand.

  “Well, that woke him up much faster than I thought,” Madison commented, grinning while Richard gripped both sides of the boat.

  “I am on pins and needles; I daresay that being a light sleeper could be a life saver,” he growled, hefting himself up and on the sand. “What is there to report?”

  “Well, the burning sea is, in fact, slowly moving along the coast. And it should be arriving shortly. The crew is small and it’s making very slow time. We also have run into some of the ‘native life’, if you can call it that,” Madison said, furrowing her brow. “But they line up with that last group we ran into. This is dangerous; we’ve got far too many potential threats and I don’t see how you can sleep at all,” she scolded, glaring down at him. “You are taking far too many risks in all this. Not to mention, risking my wellbeing and that of your crew.”

  “Be that as it may, I would like you to respect ma reasoning on this,” Richard said, brushing the sand from his pants. “Now then, the ship will move on. If the map is correct, we should have no issues remaining hidden while staying in range if anything happens. We still need to move the rowboats and get into position. It’s going to be a bit of a wait, but I know it will be worth it,” he said.

  “Sir,” Madison called, latching onto his shoulder.

  “I have a back door prepared and we will have no issues in escaping. I have everything under control; there’s no more danger than sailing the sea,” he reassured. He helped Boss grab one of the boats and move it up the beach near some foliage.

  “You are lucky I’m not certain your death would destroy the ship as well,” she replied, turning to glare at Spark. “You just had to give him a magical ship, didn’t you?”

  “For what it’s worth, I don’t want this man to leave the island alive. And I think it’s very cowardly for a knight to even consider running away from a fight. Not to mention, so quick to turn away from such an easy ambush to rid the world of even a small evil,” Spark replied, smirking while she fluttered off after Richard and Boss. She landed on the ground in full-size to help move some rowboats.

  “She has a point. If anyone has the most motive for staying, it’s you,” Laurella said and the Dame just glanced at her. “Just saying, I would have thought you two would have swapped sides or something on this matter. But if you want to leave, I am sure we can handle the fighting on our own.”

  “You don’t understand,” she said with a sight. But she grabbed a boat right as Tray and James appeared with shovels in hand.

  “Everything is packed in,” James said, smiling as they both tossed their shovels into a boat. “One good match should light it up.”

  “Good, just make sure there is more than one match,” Richard replied, rubbing at his chin. Tray tossed him a small pack of them. “I have to admit, these caught on quick. Whoever invented them must be making a killing,” Richard laughed, pocketing the matches.


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