The Captain's Stand

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The Captain's Stand Page 24

by Kat Mandu

  “The what?” she asked,

  “look All I can tell you is we have had recently a few major events, the fall of Camelot, about four hundred twenty years ago, The great foundation of the Mage protectorate and the Mage rebellion which bookended the Mage era. Then there was the archmage age which was just filled with the Dragon war which was followed which the hundred years of war, war and the steam revolution which springboard technology. With the world recovering and growing at the current rate is, well, it allows for opportunists to thrive on bad blood between countries. Which brings us up on all major events. “He said as he sat down on his chair and started to organize his papers before putting them into a desk.

  “I think I recall you saying that a lot of magical creatures were killed off, how about some details on that?” she asked as she stood on his desk glaring at him as her hands glowed.

  “I wasn’t alive, but the events in question are called the Dragon war. It ended the Archmage era and a lot of people wonder if all,” Richard closed his mouth as he glanced away.

  “How often have you run into, other people like me?” Spark asked the anger and attitude suddenly dropping off. Richard slumped into his chair as well, as he rubbed his head as he found a knot in the wood flooring that looked interesting.

  “I was born in Usona, I was raised in the highlands, I was educated in Britania, and despite being a sailor I have seen just so much of the world, so I have no idea who or what is still running around, I do know that a lot of none magical creatures do exist. ” Richard explained, he paused but Spark remanded silent just staring at him. “But the Dragon war had ended a long time ago and The Dragon Mage has stated that most magical races, such as yourself, are simply recouping. If you want he would be the best person to talk to.”

  “So what is a Mage Exactly?” Spark pressed as Richard sighed,

  “A mage is a catch-all for Magic users, of all races and genders. The Mages are all but extinct at this point after the Dragon war.” He tentatively explained as Spark watched him.

  “So magic is all but gone?” She frowned,

  “No, I know for a Fact that the last known Mage, is still around. He is called the Dragon Mage and the Dragon war is named after his influence during it. There are other magical beings but the Dragon Mage is the only Benevolent force, everyone else is either a Deity or had gone underground after the war.” Richard explained.

  “So how do I find him?”

  “He’s elusive he pops up from time to time, your best bet would be to travel around looking for him,” Richard advised.

  “Convenient,” Spark replied raising an eyebrow at him, Richard rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish smile. “Still I don’t know how this wish will impact me, so I am wary of leaving just yet all the same.”

  “So you’re stuck here? Richard said as he glanced down at his desk. The room went silent for a while. “I am sorry about that, I want to say I understand your predicament. But I have been in positions I was more or less forced into. All the same, you are more than willing to stay with us as long as want. We are going to Gaslight city, it’s going to be our first stop.” He informed slapping his hands together as he stood strode to the door. “Anyway, I am sorry,” he said facing the door.

  He walked out onto the Deck leaving Spark in his cabin as the smell of salt hit his nostrils. He felt his mind think back to Spark his sympathy going out to the wish granter. “I feel like shit knowing my blessing is her curse,” He thought when his thoughts were interrupted.

  “This ship is a thing of beauty,” Arken commented, Richard, spotted her leaning on the railing port side of the ship he elbows slung over it. Arken was like Spark an unusual individual, with a very human-like form mixed in with an Otter, with a thick layer of fur a brown noise.

  “Aye, I take it when we hit land you and your little Squad will be leaving us?” Richard asked walking over to her keeping his eyes away from her more feminine parts which she only covered with a pair of shorts and a very tight stripped belly shirt.

  “Not sure, to be honest, that seems to be the prevailing mood,” Arken said standing up to her full height as her tail swung round.

  “Hmm,” Richard replied,

  “But you don’t really need a crew the ship sails itself,” Arken remained,

  “Yeah but people who fought with you before you get something worth having, people like that can’t be replaced, be that as it may, I am not going to stop anyone. So relax and enjoy the view of the golden sails.” Richard said as he looked over his ship.

  He spotted Boss sitting on a barrel in the corner with Laurella. He was going over a map with the Doctor seemingly questioning things as he pointed at the map. Richard casually walked over looking at the map.

  “Hi Cap,” Boss greeted, “Just reading up we are porting in a City called Gaslight correct?” he asked,

  “Yep, got plans for when we hit port?” Richard asked he directed his gaze at Laurella.

  “Hoping to keep me around?” she asked crossing her arms and her legs as smirked at him.

  “I would say, yes your skill and ability to work under pressure is second to none,” Richard said cutting to the chase.

  “That Depends,” Laurella said as she rested her index finger on her chin. Richard waited, “Oh your no fun, well it depends on you what are you going to be doing?”

  “A little of this and that, kind of split, between hunting pirates and globetrotting,” Richard admitted.

  “Good,” Laurella said expression darkening even in the bright sun. Richard nodded knowing her reasons for wanting to stick around.

  “Should I bother with asking you?” Richard asked,

  “We going to get into fights?” Boss asked Richard, nodded, “Count me in,” he said casually with a roguish grin.

  Tray and James were the carpenter brothers, both opposite were Tray was plump, strong, and optimistic; James being thin, agile, and rather negative. The two seemed to go over a sheet of a paper.

  “Captain,” James replied as Tray smiled at his approach.

  “Tray, James, mind if I ask what you’re going over?” he asked casually. James put the paper down showing it to be a blueprint of a ship.

  “When you started to gather supplies me and James here started to work up a boat we could craft in case something happened. We are looking over it as a way to pass the time,” James admitted.

  “So planning on sticking around as part of the crew?” he asked both.

  “Sure,” Tray said,

  “Maybe,” James answered as the two glanced at each other, “I guess it’s a yes,” he admitted before picking up the paper and turning away from them both.

  Tray shrugged with a knowing smile before slapping Richard on the shoulder. Richard waved at another crew member by the name of Tin, he glanced around as his eyes adjusted. He glanced over to see Stefano. He was leaning in a corner surrounded by objected netted up and tied to the ceiling, the objects swayed, obscuring him but he smiled as Richard pushed them out of the way.

  “I see you are making the rounds?” He replied leaning back into the shadows, his black sleeveless coat blending in contrast to his now polished metal gauntlets.

  “Something like that need to know who is leaving when we hit land,” Richard admitted pulling up a barrel.

  “Not sure, I need to check up on things, I may or may not, but all the same this has been an interesting experience, to say the least. And I wouldn’t mind if you kept the door open.” He asked casually.

  “Sure,” Richard said with a shrug, “my ship is open, to a man of your talent,” he shook hands with him before standing up.

  “Thank you,” and with that, the conversation was over he headed down to the kitchen, he was a bit surprised to see Eagle Eye and Gerald were sitting in silence eating some slatted pork.

  “You know Jerky would taste a lot better than this,” Eagle eye admitted as the fringe on his brown coat shifted as he noticed Richard enter the room.

  “So you two have any plans
to stick around? Richard asked,

  “I owe you one,” Gerald said point his fork at Richard, “You saved my ass when you didn’t need to so I am sticking around at least till the favor is returned,” he replied before going back to his meal. Le glanced over at Eagle eye, he shifted a bit knowing Richard was wanting an answer.

  “I’ll think about it,” he said before turning away from them Gerald and Richard glanced at each other before shrugging.

  Richard stood up when a massive roar hit his ears causing everyone to jump from the table Richard bolted to the source as he rushed past the hanging objects and moving along the cannons. He started running into people as he started to push them aside. He felt a sigh escape his lips as Goliam roared again, the volume of his foul breath blowing back his hair and watering his eyes. Goliam was also in the same area as Arken, but he was a croc like a creature, his upper body was too large for any shirt so all he sported was a pair of black baggy pants to accommodate both his tail and two morning starts stashed on his belt near the base of his spine.

  “What the Hell is going on!” Richard roared back over the volume as Morsina flared up her wings and spread her arms protecting the Giant crocodile man. She was moth-like with short gray fur covering her body; Two antennae that arched over the top of her skull and long wings with gray spots that looked like eyes. She had white tape covering up her chest she to sported long bag pants but also kept her mouth hidden under a red bandana now covered her mouth.

  She stared at him with her big black eyes as if blaming him. “What happened,” Richard said raising his temper in. He glanced back he spotted a few familiar faces, Chad, Matt, Jim, John, and a few others cramped in.

  “He started hitting people with his oversized tail,” John started then everyone started arguing and trying to tell him what happened. Richard took out his gun pointing out one of the open portholes and fired off Claw. The room went silent,

  “You are not yelling explain,” he said looking at Morsina, “I don’t want any interruptions,” he warned as he reloaded the pistol as he sat on the cannon.

  “I was moving around trying to get to set up a better sleeping arrangement, when this one,” she pointed at John. He opened his mouth but Richard’s glare shut him up. “Started to yell saying we had knocked some of the cannonballs all over.”

  Richard spotted a few places where that was, in fact, the case. “We tried to leave and apologize but he kept yelling at us and when we tried to leave to took out his dagger, and tried to stab me, Goliam roared and then you showed up.

  “John, what do you say to this, anything to add?” Richard asked putting the pistol away and standing up.

  “I tried waving the croc, thing down he ignored they just rushing around down here knocking shit over making a fucking mess, without even trying to help fix it, they are so damn disrespectful and I was going to let them know,” he declared.

  “I made it clear no blood on this voyage any issues you come to me besides,” Richard paused as the cannons suddenly started rolling upward piling back up near where they were startling everyone. “Everything has a way of sorting things out. Everyone back to what you were doing,” Richard said the situation defused now that everything was back in its place.

  “I could have handled it,” Morsina said folding her wings back and putting her hands on her hips.

  “True, but don’t you think using one of the two on deck rooms would be a bit easier since it’s so cramped down here,” Richard commented,

  “Really, that would be appreciated,” Goliam said,

  “Hiss you soft-headed fool, he’s just bribing you,” Morsina.

  “You are under no obligation to stay,” he glanced at John, “wouldn’t blame you, to be honest, but if you’re interested in staying, I would welcome the help,” With that Richard left them for the main deck.

  Blinking as he looked up at the Golden sails of his ship he moved to the rope latter and head up the main mast he sat down on one of the lookout planks. He glanced down, the ship itself was a deep brown with gold sales, with an eagle figurehead, hence the name the Golden Eagle. He kicked back as the salty breeze filled his nostrils. He leaned against the mass looking out over the ocean as the sun light up a clear blue sky.

  He smiled as he spotted something in the distance, He figured what it was, as he searched himself for, “Shit, no spyglass,” Richard frowned,

  “Land Ho!” came out a long cry right next to his ear, he gritted his teeth, as he glanced around to see Spark hovering to his left. “I always wanted to say that,” she grinned as she took out a spyglass from her belt.

  “It’s a bit early for that, what you spotted is our destination, Gaslight city, it’s a port and home to The House of Stronglance, one of the more powerful lords and Pheobe’s old man.”

  “Stronglance?” Spark replied, “I heard that name before,”

  “It’s an old name on of the oldest families in Britania, they also have elf blood hence the pointed tip of her ears,” Richard said pointing to his own ears.

  “I was wondering about that, do elves still exist?” she asked excitedly as she grew to human size sitting down next to him.

  “Not sure rumor has it they went underground and sealed themselves underground in their stone cities.

  “Oh,” she replied she said rather dejected, Richard’s brow furled,

  “I hear they pop up on occasion in some of the bigger cities on Ervon.” He said patting her on the shoulder.

  “Don’t patronize me,” she replied giving him a sideways glance.

  “Sorry,” He said pulling his hand back.

  The ship made amazing time and it wasn’t long when they got into the distance with the city, it had a massive gray brick wall with a massive wood docking area that branched off around the city’s seaside walls. Not too far to the left of the city was a massive section with doors that exited out into the ocean if one squinted they could see ships being built in the area.

  “So do the walls go all around the city?” Spark asked to no one in particular.

  “They use to, but in recent years they broke down a good portion of the outer wall and layered the seaside wall to defend against sea-born attacks,” Madison explained, pointing things out.

  “That’s the official story, some people believe it was to deter rebellions, if half the wall is gone you’re a lot less likely to kick up a fuss to the royal family,” Laurella commented. The crew had all gathered around the bow of the ship. The sights of the city came into view as a clock tower loomed over the city wall as wafts of steam could be seen curling out of the city.

  The sounds of the city changed to life even over the waves as Spark gave Richard a confused look. He smiled a bit he was going to enjoy her shock at seeing the sights of one of the most technology-advanced cities on the planet excluding those from the nation of Forge.

  As they moved in the Golden eagle started getting looks as Spark leaned over to see small ships that had large moving wheels on the back puffing white clouds behind them.

  Richard grabbed her shoulder pulling her back from the edge, “Remember what Conan told you?” he reminded, he eyes went wide at the idea and shrunk down to her smaller size. She seemed confused for a second before vanishing into Richard’s coat. “What in the world are you doing?”

  “I am not staying on the ship just let me you use you as a place to look out from.” She said in a hushed voice,

  “fine,” Richard replied sighing in irritation, he shook his head as he glanced at Pheobe who whipped at her face, her purple tunic billowing a bit, he smirked a bit knowing she must be happy to finally be back home.

  Book Two

  Chapter 27 Gaslight City

  Job Interview

  Richard stepped onto the gangplank as a doc master smiled expectantly up at as Richard walked down as he looked over at Pheobe. “Would you mind taking care of him, or am I going to start shelling out now?” Richard asked with a slight smirk.

  “For now, shell out, I’ll see what I can d
o later,” Madison nodded as He walked up to the man and started to talk business.“Clock Work City the most technologically advanced city on the planet,” Madison said with a relieved smile. “It’s good to be home,” she said with a smile as Boss whistled at the sight. The entire city was filled with steam and exposed gears as people moved along the long maze of Docks. The massive clock tower in the center of the city rang as the whole city echoed with the time.

  “Incredible,” Boss admired. “I would mind exploring this city,” he said with a smirk.

  “Ah Civilization,” Laurella said as she stretched out her arms, “The first think I am going to do his get some pastries, and get plastered.”

  “I hear that,” Tray said as the rest of the crew started to move down onto the dock.

  “Shouldn’t someone stay with the ship?” James asked as he pointed glanced back at the boat while his good hand itched at his prosthetic opposite.

  Richard smirked as the gang plank suddenly moved back onto the ship as the sails curled up and the anchor fell into the water. “I got a feeling she isn’t going any were,” Richard said with a smirk as the dock man gapped at the ship. “Look I think me and Madison should head to the lord. The rest of you try to meet back up around the noon tomorrow or earlier if you don’t have a place to sleep.”

  Some of them looked at each other. “I have never been here before,” Kareem replied as he looked around nervously.

  “Me either, this is the farthest East I have ever been,” Eagle Eye admitted.

  “Well um, me either,” Gerald admitted,

  “I can’t take you all with me,” Richard replied as he scratched his hair.

  “If I may interject, there is a pub not too far down the road,” replied a calm rather neutral voice. Richard instantly spun around as a rather short man looked back at him. Richard glanced down as he eyed the figure carefully. The figure was dawning a long cape that curved around his shoulders with what looked like a grayish undershirt with a long powder blue vest.


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