The Captain's Stand

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The Captain's Stand Page 30

by Kat Mandu

  “Ah,” Spark said,

  “Now that you are done, gallivanting around,” David declared striding towards Richard. Madison and Richard both glanced at him.

  “I am ready, you?” Richard asked glancing over at Madison, who silently nodded.

  “Good, now let’s get going, I have a few different experts coming in as well a wonderful night out planned for the both of you,” David said with a grin. “I hope you comfortable with the seedier parts of gaslight,”

  “It’s been about five years but I think I can fake it,” Richard said grinning at David.

  “You are a sick bastard,” David said looking at him as Richard went into a full grin.

  “So, in all honesty, what are we doing, and if you give me that need to know the crap I will get you a monkey to do your bidding because I will not dance to that song,” Richard said grabbing the brown coat and tossing it to David.

  “Honestly the only thing we know is there is no pattern every single person that has gone missing has had a different background. I plan on setting you both separate paths, I am going to need to train up Madison for her task so, that leaves Richard for his path. I need you to be as large as life,” He looked at Richard and clapped his hands. “And to be honest I didn’t know if you had it in your but try not to go too crazy we want people to believe it,”

  “So you want me to build up a reputation,” Richard said, “And here I was hoping for something simple, I like the idea of keeping some semblance of anonymity.”

  “Well I will be building it, you just have to live, in the meant, me you’re going to start up bare-knuckle boxing and dying your hair black both of you I plan to take on different lives hopefully eye-catching ones. We will have to change it up shifting from different lives and people, I am not going to lie this is going to get interesting, we need to stick together for the fact that at any given second something bad may happen, we are starting out tonight as three low lives in desperate need of money. Richard, you’re going to be boxing, now is as good a time as any and Madison how comfortable are you in your birthday suit?

  Chapter 32 Night On The Brawl

  First Rule

  Richard frowned as one of his eyes was covered up. Right now he was getting another slam at the left side of his face, that eye was covered up. His hair was dyed black as well as his goatee, at least he was allowed to keep his coat. Not that he was wearing it, in the middle of a wood pentagon getting beat on by a random bastard.

  “But your dukes up!” “Aim for his face!” Richard could here people as he pulled back trying to minimize his blind spot. Raising one arm up higher and letting his left have a bit more range he started to learn how to fight with one eye covered up.

  “Did you lose it recently! With fighting skills like that, I can understand how!” His opposite called out. Richard felt his eyebrow twitch. “Bitch boy!” he mocked, Richard frowned a bit, Richard avoided a blow to the left as he returned with a quick jab to the man’s chin, he stumbled back as Richard kept back allowing himself to rest up, besides throwing everything in wasn’t what the crowd wanted, they wanted this fight drawn out, and the man taking bids agreed.

  The man rubbed his jaw working it a bit as if to see if it w as busted. “Trust me if your jaw was broken you would know, or you just that punch drunk you can’t feel anything from the neck up?” Richard asked, the man just looked back at him like a dumbass. Richard took the offensive swinging hard only for his blows to miss and feel the hard sting in his stomach. Moving forward he grappled ignoring the pain, he shoved the man into the waist high Pentagon. Hands surged in separating as Richard Delivered a hard slam into the side of the man’s face as he dropped to his knees, Richard shifted back giving the man his space as he shook his head and spat out some blood from a busted lip. The man roared slamming headlong into Richard grabbing around his waist as he started punching over and over again. Richard felt pain ripple into him as he hunched over and then grabbed the man by his waist and hauled up ripping the man’s one handed grip before holding him. The crowd roared as Richard dropped the man he landed hard on his shoulders the man’s feet hanging out. Richard held his side as he moved away his leg forcing him to limp a bit as the man groaned rolling a bit to get back on his feet. Richard shook his head trying to void out the ringing as the other man got back to his feet. He was shaking as he held the side of the pentagon to keep his feet. The man looked pained, and Richard wasn’t sure how he looked on the outside but he knew he could keep going if needed. Richard stepped forward drawing out his full height as he put his fists back up ready to keep going.

  The other man slumped to the ground as everyone realized that was all he wrote, Richard held up his right hand in victory. He moved back to David who had set his stool back down as Richard sat down. He forced his face to be blank as he let the pain roll off him.

  “You are doing good,” David said patting Richard on the shoulder.

  “Water,” Richard said as he felt the cup on his lips. “Thanks,” he gulped. Richard got back up knocking his fists together as they led the next guy in he was a bit flabbier but his arms seemed thicker as well. Richard moved to the side as the blow went wide, the man swung slower than a turtle. Richard lazily dodged another blow, even with the covered eye this guy was telegraphing his blows. Richard rapidly hit the man’s center. Hitting it five times before the man stumbled back Richard, felt a sigh release in his own mind knowing he was given a respite at the lack of the man’s skill. Richard delivered a quick uppercut as the man fell sprawled on the floor.

  “Richard, good to see you’re still going but this next one’s going to be, difficult,” David said as Richard glanced over at him. “How bad are the odds?”

  “Twenty-to-one,” Boss admitted,

  “What is he a Bendact?” Richard shortening the term.

  “Yep,” said a voice as Richard heard the sound of knuckles cracking. Richard glanced over to see a Tiger-man standing a good foot taller with white fur and black stripes. He smirked as he looked down. “I own this place, and now it’s time to pay your dues.” He said as he rolled his shoulders tightening up the muscles under his fur.

  The man was built like a barge, as he leaped into the arena. “You know how this works you leave after your friends drag your body out, try not to end the fight to quickly we want to make some money, other than no weapons go nuts!” the host explained before he turned to the crowd to work them over.

  “So you got a name?” Richard asked,

  “Mike, and to make it easier for your brain after I rattle it, it’s like Strike, only” He took a hard swing at his head. “A little less painful, ” he said with a smile.

  “Dandy,” Richard muttered as he ducked again, he was dancing around blows not bothering to actually strike back.

  Richard frowned knowing this wasn’t going to get him anywhere so he started probing the man’s defenses, despite being a tiger his animal side only gave him a few benefits, unlike Goliam who gained both inhuman size and a thick skin.

  Richard ignored the crowd, focusing only on Mike, letting himself build a rhythm as he docked aiming punches in one spot hitting it over and over again each time building up his speed. He spotted thinking about anything except for the fight. Mike tried to grab him Richard slipped from his grip he tried to kick him but Richard ducked under the clawed foot.

  “What the heck is going on?” Madison asked as she pushed her way through the crowd as she found David. She glanced at the ring to see Richard was fighting and realizing that somehow he had not gotten his head smashed in.

  Richard frowned as he felt his own arms being smashed into his body as soon the pain was overshadowed as his back bent over the edge of the boundary. “Pitiful,” Mike grunted as he gave Richard a cocky grin, as the pain seemed to be replaced.

  “He’s putting up a display, he’s suddenly got competent despite having three close wins now he’s a man possessed. “

  Richard ducked under another blow as he slammed his fist into the man’s Jaw a
s the man was lifted from the impact. Richard deflected a wild counter with his forearm before slamming into the man’s gut his eyes went wide as he dropped to the ground. The man’s head hit the side of the pentagram cracking. Richard winced at the sound as the person lay at a painful angle Richard frowned as he realized that was not good.

  “Anyone a doctor?” Richard asked as he glanced at him. He knew moving the body could be dangerous.

  “Ouch,” he groaned out stirring a bit, Richard mentally sighed as He relaxed a bit, he watched relieved as he sat back down.

  “Okay here is your cut,” Richard glanced over as a wade was thrust into his hand. “I need a drink,” Richard said as the full impact of his fight caught up to him.

  “Not bad at all I think you made an impression,” David replied patting Richard on the back,

  “Hs,” Richard inhaled at the touch shooting David a glare. He sat down at the bar and slapped down some cash. “I need a brandy, make it a double,” he said as David and Madison sat down.

  “So what’s the point in watching, Richard take hits,” Madison asked,

  “All in good time, just know you have a stage name and this will not be the only time we will be going to different parts of the city. Besides you have a reason to be here as well,” David said with a sickeningly sweet smile.

  “What are you up to exactly?” she asked as Richard slide a glass over to Madison who eyed it before looking at Richard.

  “You’re going to need it,” Richard advised before slamming his drink.

  “Next round up is the female mud wrestling tournament!” came an announcement followed by a lot of cheers.

  “No,” Madison said as both of them looked at her.

  “Think this as payback for the hair thing back on the ship,” Richard said with a smile as he glanced at her.

  “Not going to happen,” Madison she returned sternly.

  “Madison for the good of the city, and I promise I will explain everything after you participate at least once,” David said,

  “I don’t wear anything stupid? Do I,” she asked looking very concerned,

  “It’s not stupid, but you don’t want to get your clothes dirty,” David said, she sighed slumping her shoulders. Before being directed to the dressing room,

  “How bad is it?” Richard asked glancing over at David.

  “You wouldn’t catch me dead wearing it, I better move fast,” he said quickly hustling off after her.

  “I thought we were supposed to stay together?” Richard asked more to himself before grabbing another shot.

  Richard picked up his stuff when a rather wrinkled man stepped in front of him. “That was an impressive fight, there kid,” he said adjusting his glasses as he, had gray hair had some cowlicks but most of it was combed down. He had a sash tied around his head covering up his left eye as well as a worn blue jacket and tan pants. “The names Drew, but folks call me D.D. that was a hot blooded fight even got me excited, that don’t happen much these days,” He chuckled as he rubbed the back of his hair.

  “One eye Alexander,” Richard introduced, “It looks like the female match is up, I don’t want to miss this.”

  “Well, I have to admit I am interested I was wondering if you would be interested in fighting in a Tournament?” D.D offered Richard glanced over at him.

  “I do this to eat, if I try to rise up I risk taking more damage than I can handle, don’t want to end up on the streets,” Richard replied he tapped his eye.

  “Ah,” D.D, “Well I figured they way you took on the Tiger you would be a bit more open, but I see otherwise, enjoy the show.” The man said before walking away.

  “If you’re looking for a risk taker, look for Captain Richard Robert Zane,” Richard offered, with a chuckle as he pushed his way to the center ring.

  “Now for the main event!” said a man with a rather old looking suit and a gray bowler hat. “The LADIES MUD WRESTLING MATCH! You know the rules pin to ten or the fist one who calls uncle after the five-minute marker losses. Tonight we bring you the Midnight Ninja, the Queen of the night The undefeated master of the ring Davina!” The announcer raised as a woman flipped over the ground spiraling before landing kneed deep in the mud. She was sporting a short dark Blue Kimono, the outfit didn’t go down past her fingertips, and the cut around her neck had her boobs on almost full display, but her face was covered up as her long black hair was tied back in a braid. She did a slight curtsy before jumping up giving the crowd a show as they cheered her on.

  “In the Dark of the Night!” she cried out pumping her fist in the air.

  “Davina strikes!” the crowd roared in response.

  “The challenge from across the sea the Ocean Island Queen of the Jungle! The Giantess built for power, GILDA!” The announcer proclaimed milking it for all its worth.

  Richard pinched his nose as he shook his head, trying not to laugh at hole situation, in all his Life he never thought he would see Madison walking into a mud wrestling competition in a two piece leopard skin outfit that left very little to the imagination. She jumped in with a very annoyed look on her face as she adjusted the outfit.

  “Well this is happening,” Richard said to himself even as the crowd shouted around him.

  “So let’s see if we catch any fish,” David said with a sigh standing next to Richard.

  “Are we not suppose to stay together,” Richard said looking at him.

  “I have eyes I will know if you talked to anyone and I have ears that will let me know what was said, but I need time to set them up,” David admitted Richard gave him an annoyed look.

  “I would have liked to have known this earlier,” Richard said as the crowd suddenly winced as Richard glanced back to the ring to see Madison half submerged in mud as Davinia pinned her head in-between her legs.

  Madison could feel the grit as she slipped out of the leg hold, She was out for a second when her opposition grabbed twisting her leg. The mud gave no traction as she was back and free fall face first into the mud.

  Richard winced as she tried to get the mud off her eyes but her own hands were caked in it. Madison twisted kicking her other foot but Davina hadalreadyy released her leg. Madison pushed herself back to her feet shaking the mud off.

  “First matches are never fun, it’s like watching a puppy on ice. Its cute at first but after a while you just want to get it off the ice cause it’s embracing.

  “Cute,” Madison Spat, he tested the balls off her feet, she really wanted to go fists flying but the point was to grapple. “I can’t believe I am doing this,” she muttered

  “P- Gilda pick her up or something!” Richard shouted as Madison felt her legs swept out from under her as he arms was suddenly grabbed as two legs wrapped around her arms stretching. “What is the point of this?” Richard asked looking at David.

  “Don’t worry about aren’t you enjoying the show?” David asked with a light smile,

  “Hardly? Its no fun if the woman’s not enjoying it,” Richard pointed out raising his palm at Madison.

  “That’s a good philosophy, but she walked out there on her own.” David pointed out.

  “All of it on Gilda!” Richard announced passing his winnings into the hat as David looked at him.

  “Your not getting that money back,” David said as Richard glanced at Madison.

  “Money isn’t everything,” Richard returned. “Oh come on your bigger than her you have swung swords that weigh more than this chick. “you going to let her push you around!” Richard shouted.

  “So how much longer, is this going to last?” Madison asked rolling her eyes not really caring about the out come.

  “As long as I want,” Davina returned taking a massive hand full off mud and chucking it at Madison splattering over her face.

  “That’s it I have had it,” Madison said as she glared at her threw the mud in her eye. She grabbed onto her outfit and picked her up slamming her down into the mud. The grip went slack as Madison slipped her hand out of the hold Grabbing
the leg and sliding her opposite closer.

  Richard took out his pipe and Light a match up as he watched Pheoebe grab the woman by her hair and dunker into the mud. She got back to her feet and then picked her up over her head. And dropped her opposition back in splattering mud over everyone immediately a rounded the arena. Richard puffed at his pipe as he flicked the mud of his chest. “Crap,” Richard had a realization hit him as Madison proceeded to misplace her aggression.

  Richard went over to the sign up place grabbing his coat and sighing as he glanced around. “Crap, were in the world did she go?” He mused to himself, before stopping. “Right,” Richard frowned as he adjusted his coat.

  “Come on throw some more mud at me I dare you!” Madison shouted. Richard smirked a bit as he watched Madison who had her opposite in a head lock dunking the woman into the mud as a means of revenge.

  Davina lifted her legs locking them around Madison’s neck turning the two rolled splashing into the mud, she rolled rushing into Madison who then lifted the smaller woman before dropping her back into the mud. Davinia tried to scramble to her feet only for Madison to plant her foot on her back.

  “You know I was okay with losing but you had to add insult to injury now you can just lay there in the mud.” Madison told her

  “That’s the count the Giantess wins,” the winner declared Richard walked over to the cash retrieving a rather large amount of cash as he geared up putting his pistols and blade back in place.

  “So she gets dressed and we head out but I want to know what the hell we are doing, well besides me making some spending money,” Richard pursued,

  “When we get back to manor, now that the plan has been started,” David admitted,

  “Shit everyone Clear the fuzz is on the way!” shouted a voice, as Richard and David both spun to the door.

  “So much for getting dressed,” Richard muttered as he raced off.

  “P-Gilda,” Richard corrected, “Let’s-,” He didn’t finish cause Madison already spiriting, Richard glanced over at her. She had splotches of mud covering a good portion of her body. She raced passed him as Richard took the time to watch her run. “Not bad,” Richard admitted as he raced off after her. The three broke out the door.


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