The Captain's Stand

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The Captain's Stand Page 32

by Kat Mandu

  “What the hell is going on?” Boss asked as the door suddenly was shredded letting in moon light, Boss felt his hair being pulled as Spark dragged his head down as the wall before them was eviscerated.

  “What is she a magical creature?!” Boss asked as he let himself be dragged down the stairs.

  “I am not sensing any magical energy from her, now this is some one else. The roof suddenly exploded as Spark blasted a hole in the wall leaping out of the way of a five foot wide blade that crashed into the set of stairs. The sounds of shouting and screaming quickly filled the air as the echoes of the impact subsided.

  “That’s a big sword,” Boss said as he walked back to see the blade impaled at the ground floor and rising well above the roof. Spark frowned as she glanced around. The time seemed all but dead as Spark waited focusing on the space around her waiting for any distortions that would indicate any more attacks.

  Boss watched as the blade slowly went transparent before vanishing leaving only destruction. “Can you explain that?”

  “Sadly no while magical creatures are born with our abilities if this is a human magic user their limits and abilities are impossible to predict, and if this is a magical being it’s not one I am familiar with.” Spark admitted now confident that whatever had attacked them was done.

  “Well it must be a creature, since magic is a lost art as far as man is compared, unless it’s a Pirate lord, or a Mage Descendent.” Said a voice as they both spun to see Nathan.

  “Oh, how do you know so much?” Spark asked,

  “Well The Pirate Lord’s are well known for having odd abilities, and Mage Decedents normally have some abilities related to their blood. I know a few stories of the later, including men such as Pual Bunion and his magical ax, Kasumi the mad, and Yu the immortal,”

  “What odd names,” Boss replied, “How did you find us?”

  “Spark told you the crew was out in force, and the sword was a giveaway. I will have to go over my notes and see who is able to rain blades down from the sky,” Nathan mused.

  “Did you see a woman in black hair running away from the building?” Boss asked, Nathan shook his head,

  “To be honest I saw a lot of people running away, from the area once the giant blade materialized in the sky.

  “I can’t imagine why,” Spark snipped crossing her arms. She released a sigh in frustration. “This world is far to complicated, and I feel I need constant explanations for everything.”

  “Well if you want you can step in on Laurella’s lessons with Boss if you feel you’re up for it.” Nathan offered.

  “Maybe after this investigation.” Spark admitted, “For now I need to find Richard and let everyone know we had this sorted out,” Spark replied shrinking down to about six inches before flying out of the hole in the roof.

  “So find anything interesting?” Nathan asked frowning at Boss. Boss scratched the back of his head and seemed to think.

  “I saw a really nice hat,” He admitted as Nathan laughed shaking his head,

  “Please don’t leave me behind again the last think I want is to have to deal with Laurella, she is quickly becoming more and more dangerous to cross,” Nathan all but pleaded,

  “I make no promises,” Boss shrugged, “So why did you all go looking for me?”

  “Besides the orders?” Nathan asked as they walked down the hall. Nathan opened up a window and jumped down to the street, as Boss fallowed suit. “It feels inhumane to not at least search for a man who has no memory of himself.”

  “Hmm even if I wanted to just walk away and never return?” Boss asked,

  “You are free to do as you wish but I would hope you would let us know if you did. With the Golden Eagle being what it is we would be foolish not to worry if anyone went missing especially of any notable rank such as Captain or first mate.”

  “I see your point,” Boss admitted as he toyed with his facial hair, he looked up at the sky surprised as the clear sky and large moon. “You know with metal raining down I was expecting clouds at least.”

  Chapter 34 Late Night Repercussions

  A Mage’s Legecy

  Richard puffed on his pipe as the smell of tobacco filled his room. He glanced at the clock, as the grandfather ticked away. He sat in his room when. It chimed once as he shook his head shaking off the sleep. There was a light tapping as Richard glanced over, to see a small figure at his window. Richard got up from the chair and walked over to see Spark waving at him. He opened the door up as she walked in, flying up to his shoulder.

  “They found Boss, he was being interrogated by the woman Madison wrestled with last night, I didn’t get to talk much, wanted to get back as soon as I can. Also, we might be dealing with something out of your element.”

  “Oh, that blade?” Richard asked, “I saw it from here and heard the screaming as well.” Richard admitted,

  “And you’re not panicking?” Spark asked, “Even I am nervous,”

  “Nothing I can do about it so why panic?” Richard asked tapping his pipe out on an ash tray. I am going to turn in when you get a chance have Sam come by with the details, I am sure David will want the information.” Richard admitted,

  “Sure, ” Spark admitted as she looked over at the window.

  “So how long does a fairy live?” Richard asked as he walked over to the lights, dimming them all down.

  “We usually live about 10,000 years or so, that’s the average but some fairies use each other’s wishes to live longer,” Spark admitted.

  “So you want to go hunting for them when I get my sails back?” Richard asked dimming the last light down.

  “Yes,” Spark said shortly.

  “Fair enough, I’ll see what I can do to help you gave me the Eagle, the least I can do is help you find, home.” Richard admitted, “Till then keep close anyone who can drop blades from the sky I am going to need the one person I know who can hit back just as hard.” Richard flopped onto his bed rolling the bed.

  “No trouble at all.” Spark said grabbing one of the pillows to use to sleep on.

  Richard frowned as he looked up at the ceiling, he didn’t really feel like sleeping. He didn’t really want to find Spark a new home, her skills made her far too valuable, but trying to keep her from it, especially now that he had promised could prove to be lethal. “Well it was bound to happen,” Richard admitted to the darkness, “I hear footsteps?” he mumbled half asleep

  “Richard we need you up and ready to go!” Madison shouted bursting into his room.

  “I just got comfortable,” Richard gripped, as he got out of bed, and not even caring that he was in his underwear grabbed his gear and growled up at Spark.

  “You in?” He asked,

  “I just got comfortable,” Spark complained, “Can’t I stay here?” she pleaded,

  “Fine,” Richard lamented not being able to do the same. He got his leather coat and headed down to the ground floor where David was waiting.

  “About time, we have little time to lose there has been an attack, in the carriage!” David ordered as he rushed out the door, Madison followed with equal zeal. Richard walked out yawning as he walked into the carriage.

  “You could have at least walked faster, the sooner we find the source of these murders the sooner you can get on with your life.” David reminded, Richard then itched behind his ear, as he pulled out his pipe.

  “If this was really important, the guard would be in a fight, with how long it takes for information to circulate there is not a damn thing on the shapers green earth that can’t wait the few extra seconds for me to wake,” He paused releasing a long yawn “Up,” he finished.

  “You’re a fool, at any moment if there is so much as a gas leak it puts a time limit on what we can do, and what I can investigate,” David explained slapping the back of his hand against the palm of his opposite.

  “Fantastic,” Richard yawned as he leaned his head up against the side of the carriage.

  “Richard, come on we are here,” Madison
shook Richard’s shoulder waking him up.

  “Dumb, night,” Richard grumbled woke up getting out of the carriage as he looked at a building that for all purposes looked fine, He followed David and Madison in as he glanced down the hall to see the door were all open and the stairs had a mass of rubble, he glanced up to see a hole in the ceiling. “Ah, so that what she meant,” Richard realized.

  Richard having heard what Boss had gone over yawned, “Look I am not cut out for this kind of work so I am going to hang out, you want to get blown up by a gas leak be my guest,” Richard waved off as he headed out, a few maintenance people, were heading outside the building inspecting maps.

  “So any chance of a leak?” Richard asked glancing over at them.

  “Well there is always a chance, we are doing an overall inspection but so far nothing.” One of them replied. Richard glanced over and actually smirked as he spotted a coffee shop.

  “If Dame Madison, Dr. Smith asks I am going to get a cup,” Richard pointed over his at the place they waved him off as he walked the streets. Richard walked in and sat down at a small round table, It was commonplace an awning, a few tables inside and out more often than not a white paint job with some potted plants and a well-dressed staff. He glanced at a leftover paper and picked it up. The title was of course on the recent string of murders, mostly complaints and speculations. He flipped past it, moving over the sports, checking the teams for the Polo and the new sport called soccer that was taking off.

  “Order sir?” his waiter asked,

  “I’ll tak a single cup of coffee two sugars and one cream, also a cinnamon roll. He added as he glanced over the recent events. Richard was surprised to find the Golden Eagle being mentioned, and of course, they called it rumors but the overall speed as well as. “Hmph,” Richard pondered He found his picture as well as an article on himself. His Birth in the colonies, his family life as well as education and recent actions, “A follow-up article,” Richard mused as his coffee was dropped off, “Excuse me you wouldn’t happen to have yesterday’s news?”

  “Um yes,” his waiter replied as he took a sip of his coffee he scowled at the bitter taste, as the man dropped off yesterday’s news. A front-page article detailed Madison’s safe turn as well as a summarized events on her rescue. He and the Golden Eagle were mentioned. Richard set the paper down as he rubbed his facial hair thinking.

  He sighed as he took a bite of his pastry leaving the money for his order on the table as he glanced out at the building from the outside he couldn’t see much damage but he bet the impact shook the local people up pretty badly.

  “Are you captain Richard?” asked an unfamiliar voice, Richard jerked out of his musings He glanced oversee a well combed and skinny figure, with dark hair and a brown jacket that was combed up, he had brown slacks on and offered his hand.

  “Aye,” Richard answered shaking his hand.

  “Arvil Cross, I am a professional fencer,” He introduced, “Do you mind if I sit down?” he asked, already halfway into the act.

  “Sure, I am waiting on a couple of associates,” Richard said waving his hand to the chair. “So what can I do for you?”

  “I was wondering if you were going to be making a habit of dealing with the Pirate Lords like you did Brendan,” He said looking him in the eye and getting straight to the point.

  “In all honesty, it’s probably not the only thing I plan on doing but dealing with the group is on my list,” Richard admitted setting his cup down and looking back at his unexpected guest.

  “I don’t have any sailing skills but I would like to be part of the crew,” Arvil insisted, Richard opened his mouth, “I can even get a recommendation from a friend of mine on your crew if that would help,” he went on Richard held up his hand.

  “You’re in, mind you I am a bit busy with government work, you can use the ship for board in the mean time but we are not ready to leave just yet,” Richard explained, as the door opened up behind them Richard glanced back wondering who was entering only see a half a dozen men each armed with crowbars, and metal pipes each looked like they had painted their face with soot in order to obscure their features. The waitress quickly ducked into the back of the establishment took on a new tone.

  “Captain Richard, of the Golden Eagle?” one inquired who seemed to be sporting a cloth mask that looked very pig like.

  Richard drew his sword, as he stood up keeping one hand on his metal chair. “So you got a sword on you?” Richard asked looking at Arvil who shrugged,

  “I don’t need any weapons,” He replied as a massive gust of wind erupted in the area blowing any loose objects around as Richard glanced over, he had to squint but it looked like enough air was swirling around Arvil that it looked like armor.

  Richard snapped his attention back, as he ducked under a crowbar. Arvil slammed a right hook into the attackers face knocking the man into the air and onto an empty table. The rest stepped forward as Richard tossed his chair around into a window. “Time to find fairer ground,” Richard replied as the two booked it to the streets. Richard waved at the city workers.

  “So got a plan?” Arvil asked as he ran along,

  “We need just the right ally way unless can make swords out of the wind?” Richard asked.

  “I can do spirals, and speed up the rotation rate to the point of great harm, the trouble is they need to be small, and concentrated, do be lethal,” Arvil explained,

  “Okay good to know, I need an ally way where they have to go single file,” Richard informed,

  “How’s that?” Arvil explained as Richard nodded pulling back and letting his head in first. Richard smirked a bit as the gang congregated at the edge. Richard glanced over his shoulder at Arvil, slowly reaching under his coat to grip claw with his left hand while he waited for those to enter in.

  “Go an get him!” one demanded as the group soon degraded into bickering

  “Well looks like we just need to wait them out,” Arvil said glancing over Richard, Richard turned to see he had braced his feet and hands against the wall to climb up a few feet.

  “That’s the plan or they can funnel in while I cut them down, either way, is fine,” Richard shrugged, “So Cross, and wind abilities, you must be a Mageson,” Richard pointed out.

  “Yep, I am not nearly famous enough to be a Pirate lord that’s for sure,” Arvil admitted,

  “Not if your powers are as harmless as they seem,” Richard pointed out.

  “Ouch,” Arvil leaped over Richard landing in front of him. He raised up his arm as a spiral of wind rotated like a disk over his wrist. He swiped over the wall, cutting a thin line into the wall, he smiled.

  “Impressive,” as they both glanced back at them, Richard glanced at his sword and then at the line, “Could you amplify the cutting power of say a blade?” Richard asked casually. Arvil grinned he placed a hand on his shoulder, as Richard watched a shimmer encircle his blade.

  “Just don’t break contact, the farther the blade the weaker the wind,” Arvil reminded, Richard nodded as both rushed forward Richard brought Talon around slicing six weapons off as each one dropped.

  “Maybe I should get a sword as well,” Arvil admitted with a node. The group quickly scattered in panic. Richard sheathed his blade before looking at Arvil.

  “Well that was fun, walk with me,” Richard nodded his head back they way they came. They walked a bit before Richard had to ask, “Why to join the Eagle?” he asked,

  “Fair question, but I would think the reason is obvious all Magesons have a legacy decedents of those who protected Britania, Frank, Forge, and even other countries in the East, to date the threat of the Pirate lords is a great way to live up to that Legacy. You’re the first one to show any headway on that front, so here I am,” he said holding his hands out.

  “Captain!” shouted Madison as Richard waved the night, she rushed overchanging a bit

  “Madison you’re a bit late,” Richard said doing his best to stifle a yawn.

  “Oh thank the Sh
aper,” she breathed, David turned a corner rushing down the road before slowing down as he approached.

  “What Happened?” David demanded in a low voice,

  “I got attacked by a bunch of goons, looking for me, while I was talking to Mr. Cross here on joining my crew,” Richard summed up. “I am fine by the way,” Richard added as David turned away.

  “Well, I think this night has been exciting enough I think it’s time to part ways with mister cross,” David replied, Richard, glanced over at Arvil and shrugged, they shook hands, as the man walked along the road heading in the general direction of the docks.

  “I want you to make a public statement that you will be leaving in three days,” David replied,

  “um Sure?” Richard glanced over at Madison, “How am I going to do that?”

  “Have a ceremony planned out, say Madison will be presenting you with a Britannia flag and you’re going to make a public announcement, I’ll have to put out a paper release, of some kind and start drumming up support.”

  “Why?” Richard asked as it all started to click into place, “Oh fuck me,” Richard realized, “I am the fucking bait, it’s not even a fake name or anything I am going to be targeted and you want to limit their time in hopes they will jump the gun.” Richard cursed as he realized the situation.

  “Richard to be fair you have a habit of needlessly putting yourself in Danger how is this any different?” Madison asked,

  “Because I decided to put myself in danger, I don’t feel like I have a choice in this one,” Richard said crossing his arms. David shook his head as he whistled for a carriage.

  “Okay the three days leading up you must be with someone at all times, I’ll have my people making rounds and will inform everyone,” David nodded happily with the plan.

  Richard sighed as he glanced out the window, his fist absently tightening and relaxing as the carriage ride seemed to go on.

  “So what about the Building?” Madison asked, “Any ideas?”

  “Nothing Scientific, no blasting residue on anything and, in looked more like an implosion, I would guess, something heavy was dropped, and well that leaves magic, which I am no expert in. If this gets any bigger, I’ll have sent this up and hope the Dragon Mage gets involved before something big,”


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