The Captain's Stand

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The Captain's Stand Page 39

by Kat Mandu

  “Wha-,” Spark dropped her tea her eye just looked at the woman as the tea smashed onto the floor spilling everywhere. Nariko folded her hands together as she pressed them to her lips.

  “During the second war, I was a lot younger, But most these days can’t even say they were alive at the time. We just fought a war involving another group of mages, that nearly ended with the destruction of both sides. The side I was technically on, cause I am not a mage. Just managed to pull itself back up. The losses were extreme, But we had a few good people still alive, The Dragon Mage was one as well as, Tiff blitzton, mind you there was some bad ones, like Jeremy torn and Zane Dolton. Those were the four strongest Mages at the time. They argued over how to move forward not knowing that while they argued the battlefield they just left was giving rise to a greater army. That war could have been averted The Dragon Mage use to say but I don’t share his views on it. The war was every single magical creature with a few races that wanted to stay out. The Dragon Mage unlike the others wanted to try to find a peaceful solution, and headed out.” She paused taking a breath, and a sip of tea before passing another to Spark.

  “And?” Spark swallowed not even bothering to move for the Tea.

  “He was partially successful, The Dragon Mage even when he was a young man had a reputation of a Principled human. He talked with leaders and tribes telling them that war wasn’t going to solve anything. Willing to promise his own time and magic to fix as much damage as he could, and some people sided with him Among them was the Fairies, But Partially was not enough and a war broke out. The bitch had no issues, steamrolling over anyone who called for peace.” She slammed her fist into the table.

  Spark jumped as she saw the rage in the old eyes who were not really seeing her anymore. “We lost so many good friends The Minotaur clans were one of the first, and Tiff would not have it, she, Jeremy, and Zane were now of one mind and they retaliated. The Dragon Mage was asked to meet with the Fairies, The Centaurs, the remains of the Minotaur, Lamia, Dwarves, and even the Arachne,” She shivered at that.

  “The Arachne he got the Arachne the spider race to come to the table with other races?” Spark shouted, her jaw about dropped.

  “The Dragon Mage is one of a kind,” she sighed, “But he’s not perfect, he tried to talk them away from going to war. He admitted the Mages were responsible, and that they alone should deal with this.”

  “I take it something Happened?” Spark asked,

  “Yes, they went to war anyway, and the human got involved as well, Camelot ended up being ripped off the Britannia content. After that, it was a matter of Time During the war a lot of races were just eliminated.” She said waving her hand.

  “No,” Spark denied.

  “And in that, you would possibly be right. The Dragon Mage didn’t want any way of life to be destroyed, so He made a habit of making sure that if any race suffered too many losses they would be pulled out of the war. Tiff was very pissed at him but the Dragon mage was not going to back down even to his only friend on the matter. So to make up for those losses he was pushed to the front lines, and he gained the nickname Pestilence.”

  “So if I can find him he could tell me if my family is still alive.” Spark said,

  “Don’t forget in about a thousand years you get another wish, and alive or dead you can have your family,” she reminded with a smile, “But sooner the better.”

  “So if the mage wanted to save lives hasn’t he…” Spark paused as a realization hit her. She sat back in her chair, as she grabbed the tea,

  “Don’t give hope, find something to do, stay safe. You will have your family back so long as you keep moving forward.” Nariko reminded, Spark watched as she stood up

  “AHH!” she cried out shattering the solid roof and just kept on going higher and higher. She arched a bit before landing on the highest point on the castle and started crying. Tears streamed down her eyes as she started hiccupping and sniffing through the overflow of emotions. The tears slowly ended as she glanced around, the sun was bright and the sky was the tranquil blue sky. “That could have at least tried to find me,” she said curling up on herself on the round tip of the flag pole. She felt the wind move as she opened her eyes seeing the city for the first time. It looked so ordered and clean with the seagull flying over the city, she glanced and saw a glint at the docks as even from this height and distance she could still see the proud sales of the Golden Eagle.

  “That wouldn’t be fair to him,” she said standing up, “I made a choice which means I have at least another millennium before I get to see my family, so I got a job to see through if nothing else,” she said nodding her head and standing up. She glanced over the city hoping to see a clue as to where Richard was but sadly there was little to see.

  She floated back down a bit calmer as she noticed the hole in the roof, she rubbed her shoulders as she looked at before floating down. Nariko was picking up metal bits while Madison was doing her best to clean up space near the front of the door. Spark floated over to Madison and started gathering up parts.

  “You feeling better?” Madison asked casually as she looked over at Spark.

  “Not really,” she admitted, “I the idea of war, I mean fights break out but a war that would wipe out my family,” she said glancing at the gray floor.

  “Growing up it was a legend that a band of great and not always beautiful creatures sided to help save the human race led by a great Dragon at the Head. I guess I never really considered the rejections of the act and just thought on the pretty image in my head.”

  “But there is hope if nothing Else, I can always use my wish to bring them back.” She admitted softly.

  “I wish I could be there to see it, but even with my blood a thousand years is a bit beyond my abilities,” Madison admitted Spark glanced at her wondering what she meant by blood.

  “Yeah but I still have some business to see through to the end,” She admitted, Madison frowned before nodding in understanding.

  “I see,” Madison admitted, she set down a stack of papers off in one of the corners. “You may want to apologize to Nariko for busting her ceiling.” She reminded as Spark snapped up. She zipped over to the woman.

  “I am sooooooooooooooo, sorry about the ceiling I just panicked,” she admitted floating around the woman. Nariko paused as Spark kept apologizing, as the inventor wrote down something on a sheet of paper and handed it to her.

  “No big deal,” Spark read aloud looking at the woman.

  “No big deal,” she repeated, “Besides I can always ask Dusty to fix it up for me, he can never say now to these beauties,” she said batting her eyes playfully at the fairy.

  “Uh, right,” she said,

  “Oh yes the big Dragon, is a big old softie when it comes to me. So I can get away with all sorts of things,” she added in rather a child like a manner.

  “How old are you?” Spark asked,

  “How rude,” Nariko scolded, as she approached Spark before leaning in conspiratorially. “But to answer your question older than I look, and damn sexy to boot,” she said with a wink before walking off with an exaggerated swing to her hips.

  “Humans,” Spark said as she shook her head.

  The three cleaned up the area when a knock at the door hit. “Don’t come in I am naked!” Nariko shouted causing the other two girls to freeze and stare at her. “Well?” she looked at Spark, “you were hiding in the cape for a reason get moving.” She urged making a shooing motion with her hands. Spark moved back into Madison’s cape.

  Madison sighed shaking her head as Nariko opened the door to see Morgan standing proudly in the front. “You wanted the guard?” he asked casually.

  “Yes but you will have to do,” Nariko said The guard all winced while a few chuckled at the man’s expense.

  “The captain sends his regards,” said one of the men behind Morgan as David pushed is way through.

  “So now what’s next on the list,” David said folding his hands behind his back.
br />   “Everyone gathers around,” Morgan cut off. “I have been paying attention,” he grabbed the deck of cards they had collected earlier. “We need to see up to a grid system and us, I can’t believe I am going to say this have you take dirt samples all around the city. Make sure your maker each street corner you take, we are setting up a system and the pride of the city guard is on the line. The Dragon Mage is involved and we don’t want him thinking we can’t take care of our city. So this may seem silly but it’s our best chance at reclaiming our honor!” he shouted to the heavens. The resounding positive shouts he got was defining as Spark clamped both hands over her ears.

  ” I need you, you, and you,” David commented pulling three random guards in. Having little issue grabbing onto the cards as Morgan was more than happy to start ordering who need to go where and what to do.

  “Pretty quick to take charge huh?” Madison said frowning a bit,

  “He’s well liked within the Guard, he spent a lot of time helping out with the case and being a staunch defender during the murder spree the city has been plagued by. ” David informed, as Madison put her index knuckle to her chin pondering this information. “Something bothering you?” David asked as he looked at Madison.

  “What would you do if it turned out Morgan was a pirate lord?” Madison asked,

  “Well I would want proof before I acted,” David admitted, “But even if I was sure I would take it very slowly since David may tolerate a lot of people he has his fingers dug deep into this city and the crisis has only helped.”

  “That’s not good,” Madison mumbled more to herself, “And with everything more or less coming to close either by our own hand or by the Dragons, it will just serve him in the end.” She thought to herself.

  “I take it you do believe he is a pirate Lord?” David asked,

  “His actions speak for himself he is willing to attack those who would stand against the Lords.” Madison reminded as David smirked at him.

  “If anything goes wrong my home is open to you,” David informed as Madison stared forward, the shouting seemed to die down even as Madison and Morgan locked eyes, He seemed to have a smirk as they locked eyes as Madison kept a calm face.

  “This man may be on Laurella’s shit list but this man has something in store for my family, and while he thinks he holds all the cards,” Madison thought to herself. “But not everyone in this city of importance is linked to the guard,” she knew as the cheering came back before dying down.

  Madison glanced over at Nariko set up a curtain, “So would this be a bad time to say this may not be easy, due to the level of technology we currently have?” Nariko asked looking a little concerned. Madison froze as the concern went to more pressing matters.

  Chapter 42 Only Quit When Your Dead

  Richard wasn’t sure how long he been mentally active each time he opened his eyes he couldn’t see, but he could feel what he figured was a metal chain locked around his left ankle. He tried moving around but sadly he could only hunch as his head had hit what he things is the top of a wood crate. Richard wasn’t good about dimensions even in the light but if he had to guess he had about four feet squared of space. He wasn’t sure for how long but he spent a good amount of time pressing on each plank of wood testing for weaknesses. Disappointingly but not unexpected he didn’t find anything he could pry open.

  Then finally noise it seemed to be just walking Richard pressed his ear to the wood hunting for even the sound of talking but there was nothing but the sound of foot prints and if he stressed the whisper of a flame. There was a loud scrapping as something heavy was lifted off the top of the crate he was in. A bit of light glinted as the door was opened up as Richard looked up. “Company already, and I don’t even have any furnishing,” Richard said more to himself as a figure obscured by the light behind pulled out a key to unlike the chain linking him to the center of the crate. He tugged on the chain but Richard just sat there a small form of rebellion to test the waters.

  No questions were asked as the man pulled out a small club and slammed into over his head. The world went black for a second as Richard fought back slamming his fist into the man’s groin he grabbed the bat as a second man pushed himself into the crate grabbing onto Richard. As soon as he broke one grip a second would take his place as he felt himself being kicked and pushed down before pain was taking over as the two men continued to kick and bat him into submission.

  Curling up and covering his face and neck with his arms he did his best to endure the pain until the final blow finally hit as a man tugged at the chain around his ankle. Richard frowned deciding it would be best not to be pulled up by his foot and wincing with each movement pulled himself out of the crate, Richard got his footing but was kicked as he fell of crate onto the stone floor.

  “Ouch,” Richard muttered to himself as he picked himself up only for him to start hopping as some jackass pulled on the chain. The group of men he wasn’t sure but at least four were all laughing at his expense. as he tried to get a good look at his surroundings. If he didn’t know better he swore he was in some kind of dungeon. The walls looked gloomy enough and the stone floor was freezing on his bare feet. All he could really do was wonder where his weapons were. Finally letting them have their fun Richard intentionally lost his balance and feel back making sure to make it sound hard.

  Richard walked along surrounded by all four as he slides his hands into his pockets, he twitched a bit as he realized he had one item in his pocket a familiar coin. Richard had forgot about that dam coin but sadly he doubted it would do much good. Richard decided that he had nothing better to do and started to whistle a merry tune. The four seemed to glare at him as he smiled and alter his movement to let the chain jingle on the right notes. The space widened a bit as a Richard squinted seeing a long chain hanging from the ceiling. Richard didn’t bother putting up much of a fight. As the locked him into place, Richard shifted finding that as much as he tried he hands were too big to slide out. He thought back to the coin wondering if it would be worth a shot as he shifted his ankle letting the chain clang against the floor.

  “Welcome to your new home Captain Richard Robert Zane,” said a voice as the room was given a bit more light as a few torches were light and passed around.

  Richard watched as a bowl was set forward laying near his feet as Richard glanced at it then at his arms. “I can see where this is going,” Richard admitted, as an old man walked forward, and with his hands glowing a sickly green Richard suddenly felt a massive pain in his gut. He opened his mouth his head going wide as a silent scream tore onto his body.

  “Get him a block of food he could swallow his tongue,” snapped the old man, as Richard felt something shoved into his mouth as bit down on. He didn’t care anything to think or do but the fucking pain. His body jerked as his hands tried everything to get at the place of pain to pull it out or sooth or anything just to make the pain end for even one second. Tears pealed at his eyes as they mixed in with sweat that drenched his body and he swore that his stomach had been cut open or something cause his belly felt like someone has sliced him open. His body suddenly felt so weak. As his legs started to shake and then they gave up as they dropped his head felt heavy and dizzy, and metal cut into his wrists.

  Richard felt someone grab onto his chin as his eyes opened up. He couldn’t see much his vision was blurry but he spotted the bowl being carried away with his blood in it. His eyes went wide as he glanced down to see blood dripping from what looked like a hole in his belly. “You know I never really hated anyone who entered this room before, but you, you got a fucking ship with golden sails. I had work almost sixty years to get what little magical power I have and waist fair magic on fucking ship.” The old man spat to the point Richard could feel droplets of spittle on his forehead. “But It’s not all bad, I am going to bleed you dry and use you as a sacrifice to bring on even more of my magical abilities, so I hope this stings a bit and enjoy your stay.” He said with a cruel smirk.

  Richard flanked
up forcing his feet to work, the shook and screamed but he stood back up. “I got two things to say to you,” he croaked, “One is I am going to escape from this place.” Richard choked out before coughing the quake stirred up almost enough pain to drop him back down but he grabbed the chains to keep himself up.

  “And the second delusion?” he asked mockingly.

  “You see this right foot?” Richard asked moving it weakly, he glanced down and then back. “I going to kick you in the head with it, and there is nothing you can do to stop it,” Richard said with a grin as he bought everything into his foot. The man moved back but Richard snapped his foot pulling the chains and everything kicking his foot into the man’s head that it knocked the man off his feet as his head practically bounced off the stone. A fist cracked down as Richard was soon being beaten but at this point, the pain wasn’t even registering anymore before they were polled off.

  “I need him alive,” he reminded, as Richard grin, as he watched the man hold a rag to his bleeding head as the man left the room. “Take him back to his crate!” the man ordered as Richard felt his hands released, his body was dragged back as he felt every crack and bump hit his head and shoulders.

  Left his body being tossed into the crate as he watched the wood being moved back into place cutting off the light and soon the sound of the weight and even the footsteps were nothing more than an old memory.

  Richard grabbed the coin out of his pocket as he flipped it. “If this worked he had a plan if this didn’t work,” he felt it jingle before landing,

  Richard moved his much thinner and more feminine leg and was happy to see he slipped out of the cuff holding his foot. He nodded as he found the coin in the dark slipping his leg back in and sliding the coin back into his pocket. Satisfied with results he lay back down and let his body throb.

  Richard wasn’t sure the time as the weight was moved as a mass of food was dropped including a mug splashing over his body before the crate was closed up. His stomach growled as he took his time eating mostly vegetables and he found an orange which was very surprising as he started to peal the orange using his fingernails eating it as his shifted testing his body making sure everything was in order.


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