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The Captain's Stand

Page 50

by Kat Mandu

  “I wouldn’t advise it, let the Dragon morn in peace,” He advised but he paused “But this may be the last time you get the chance,” He nodded, “Just be careful,” her father warned as She watched him walk away with David waiting patiently. She glanced over at the mage, as she took a deep breath and approached him.

  She stood in the doorway as she finally got a good look at the figure who was sporting a thick black cap that seemed to be cut into three sections, as well as a long brimmed hat that shadowed the face of the figure. She stood there her feet shaking a bit, the report that came back was that he had dealt with the Demon who’s presence had swiftly knocked everyone out. Years of dealing with people higher in rank she had never felt so intimidated by a person who wasn’t even aware she was in the room.

  “Hello Madison,” a very gravelly voice greeted, she felt a shiver go down her spine.

  “You know my name?” She all but swallowed her words as her eyes went wide.

  “Of course,” rasped the voice, as the figure stood up, revealing a massive eight feet in height towering over even her. “I am sorry I have no shed my Dragon form, I had forgotten since my fight with Her.” The Dragon Mage hissed out as a pair of white scaled appeared, she inspected the skin, revealing what seemed like a rainbow like glisten, the hands vanished back under the cape.

  “I, well, um,” Madison stammered out as years of dealing with nobles and people of importance went out the window.

  “Deep breath,” the deep voice chuckled, “I take it you’re talking about the Fairy I had spotted during your spat with the bitter one,”

  “Yes,” she admitted, “Bitter one?” she questioned,

  “Yes, Amoranth was a, hopeful back in the day. He wanted to be taught in the ways of the magic by me, but I had a lot of things and guiding a young mind. Not one as rage filled as his. He set off to prove himself worthy, and well the end result is for all to see. On to more pressing matters Spark,” He sighed,

  “How much does The Mage know?” Madison wondered to herself,

  “I am afraid the news Spark may not want to hear. The Fairies no longer exist on our plane of existence, she will need to wait until the next thousand years before she can fallow after them, as for her injuries, she just needs time to recover.” The Mage explained.

  “I think she would like to talk to you directly,” Madison startled herself at her comment to the figure.

  “Hmm, true,” The mage replied “I am not sure how long she will be out,” The being admitted, “By chance your companion, Captain Richard, has he come across a mirror that was in Amoranth’s position?”

  “Yeah he busted it though,” Madison admitted.

  “Ah, well then as soon as she is ready to speak the word Dust, and It will put you in contact with me,” The Dragon Mage instructed, “I am not sure if I can do much, as I find myself dealing with other issues on a regular bases but if you need to you can contact me. The rumors of the Pirate Lords have been reaching my ears as of late. I would appreciate if you took care of this issue directly, mind you I will not send you unarmed,”

  “Well, Richard already intended to, and I find it a good idea,” She admitted as she glanced away from the Mage.

  “Your shield,” The creature demanded, as she glanced at her bumped and damaged shield, “Okay,” she hesitated as she took the shield off and handed it to the figure.

  The clawed hand moved over the shield ,“This brings back old memories I haven’t done something like this in years,” The Mage reminisced, the metal suddenly glided back into place losing a lot but not all of the damage it sustains. “Most of The Radiant Blitz Core, wanted to keep their weapons with the scars of battle, I figure removing to much damage would robe you of the same pride.”

  “The Blitz core,” she hissed as her breath left her

  “Your Shield, no magic shall ever dent it again, it shall hold against any pressure even the most powerful of foe’s shall not be able to shatter this shield, it will scratch but only against those who give you a memorable fight,” the being admitted, “But this shield will only work for you unless you bestow it to your successor, a lot of the armor of the blitz core got fought over, and many veterans were swindled out of it, so to prevent that, this shield will be immovable to anyone who does not have your permission to move it.”

  “And If I die before that happens?” Madison asked as her shield was returned, which didn’t feel much different.

  “That’s up to you I still can mold the spell a bit more,”

  “Only a hero,” She requested,

  “By your grace,” with a bow, the request was accepted the clawed hand touched the top of the shield as a series of ruins suddenly erupted crossing the inside and seemingly aligning around the edge in a language she had never seen before.

  “So can you still pick this up?” she asked, “If nobody but me can move it,”

  “It still weighs the same, But I am sure you could use it to keep a door pinned or something like that, “As for me moving it,” The Dragon mage nodded as she set it down, The Mage gripped the shield with one hand and picked it up. “Yes, but only cause I gave it the ruins, I can do no more than that, from now on no even another mage as powerful as myself can’t move it unless they fill your requirements.” The mage handed it back to her.

  “Good to know,” She admitted,

  “Now then I am needed else were and I am going to have to check up on Nariko’s family, I need to confirm something, then it’s back to work,” The Mage explained before glancing back at said woman. With a flick of the hand the woman’s body suddenly light a blaze with a white flame suddenly engulfing the body before dying out leaving no remains.

  “Shouldn’t you have taken her home?”

  “Well yes, she outlived even her own great Grand children, and has moved on in life, but there are other things I need to look into,” The Dragon Mage admitted, “Now then I have duties to attend to, would you care to escort me to the top of the castle?”

  “Of course,” Madison admitted, “You wouldn’t mind me asking about the Blitz core would you?”

  “I would have no issues,” The Mage said with a smile, “Were to begin? Ah the original core was made in the likeness of the knights of the round table, my peers were very picky about this but I was going out and finding men and woman, who were mere commoners. While they told me that I was wasting my time, well, I took the time to train and mold them with the direct plan of having the armor. What was born…” The Mage carried on as they walked up the stairs.

  The Stories went on for some time, as they finally made it to the top of the tallest tower in the castle. “… I miss them,” The Mage admitted, “They were all great people,” sighing a pair of massive white wings erupted glistening in the sun.

  “So one more question what happened to the Demon?” Madison inquired,

  “She’s is f- Demon?” The Mage turned, “Who said she was a demon?”

  “Amoranth,” Madison admitted feeling rather self conches.

  “Even in ignorance,” The mage shook. “Hardly the fool brought something just as dangerous but it will,” The Mage paused the wings closing back in as if a thought came to mind. “Hmm this is difficult I have some level of clairvoyance brought on by my time and I am not sure if this knowledge would impact you,”

  “Clairvoyance, so you can see the future?” Madison asked as her mind wondered just how much the Mage actually knew.

  “Yes, and no,” The Mage sighed claws tapping against scales. “Answers will come in time, and I have wasted to much here as it is, the Demon, as you called her has been dealt with and we all have our own duties,” The Mage pointed at Her shield. “Good Luck,” and with that the mage leaped off the tower and flew into the sky as the Mage seemed to grow, the color was the same as a long creature which she guessed was a Dragon but not one she had ever seen grew to an immense length before flying off into the distance the light reflecting of the scales in the distance.

  “That makes no sense,” She sigh
ed as she looked at her shield, She spared a glance at the Mage before heading down stairs,

  “Hello future sister in Law,” Morgan teased as she found him at the base of the stairs. She frowned at him, when she moved to Draw she noticed he was flanked by four guards. “I have to admit, we did an amazing job at cleaning up the town, it is a pity it came at such a cost to the guard, I hear the Captain may even be getting replaced because of it,” He cracked with a grin on his face,

  “Gee I wonder Why?” Madison asked as she wondered about her odds.

  “No idea,” He feigned with a charming smile,

  “Right, well, I do have things to do, I got a mission from the mage, I am going on a Lord hunt if you will. But I don’t think I will be leaving for a little while, we have a few things to iron out,” Madison implied as she eyed the man before her.

  “Oh I wouldn’t count on that,” He laughed, “Come on, my faïence would be remised if I wasn’t by her side,” He said with a grin that promised things. The Dame had to hold back a gag reflex at the implication.

  “What did he mean by that?” She asked herself before looking up to see the Bastard was gone. “Well I better go check in on Richard, and ask if he would mind me sticking around the Golden Eagle,” She mused.

  Heading back outside she glanced around, she felt a chill in the air, as if despite everything the city hadn’t quiet gotten over the reign of terror it had been subjected to. She walked past the guard at the gate, and frowned when she realized that she had been out of touch with the guard, despite Knights having other duties such as representing the local lords, and other nobles during the tournaments she had always disliked the gap between the two and knew at least the regulars who were guarding her family.

  “I will have to rectify that,” she admitted to herself. She headed down making use of the castles horse when she started to notice People staring at her. Suddenly the sound of clapping hit as everyone started to cheer for her. She felt her chest swell with a bit of pride,

  “The Blitz lives on!” came out a cry as such a comparison caught her off guard. Then it became a chant the road she was on suddenly swelled with people chanting and cheering. She blinked in surprise the news of her actions must have spread fast, before she smiled, and lifted up the shield as the crowd roared in approval.

  She moved through the streets greeting some people and smiling as brightly as she could. Her mind however noticed something, a small group of guards seemed to be as stock as ever, she felt her worry spike, the Guard while discipline wasn’t so strict and while she didn’t expect this treatment the fact that three people seemed openly hostile worried her, “I think me and Richard may have our work cut out for us,” she admitted already going over possibilities. The obvious finally hit her as she suddenly raced down the streets. She raced onto the golden Eagle startling everyone around the ship.

  Nathan started by her arrival slipped into the duel doors heading to Richard’s quarters and not a moment later her was out on deck himself as the crew seemed uneasily alert at her sudden appearance.

  “What seems to be the problem?” Richard asked as Madison jumped off her horse and onto the deck, she handed the reigns to Tobi who lead the horse away from them.

  “I think I figured out what Morgan was up to a little to late,” Madison admitted,

  “I was thinking about that myself, you think he used the events to purge the guard?” Richard asked concerned,

  “Yeah which means he is up to something, he knows we have it out for him, it’s only a matter of time,” Madison warned.

  “I agree, but I have some contingency plans in place so we should be okay for now, I think we should wait and keep our eyes peeled on the matter, and let him make the next move,” Richard admitted, “I plan on looking into building up my supplies and crew,” Richard admitted,

  “I don’t know I would rather not wait, I plan on talking with the Captain of the guards as soon as I can I bet he things something is up and I want to see get this worked back in our favor as soon as possible. We also need a way to silence him with Spark he still holds leverage” Madison reminded.

  “Hmm I don’t want to do anything reckless on this one, he may have larger forces than we realize and he may even have his crew as part of the guard. But you have your preferences and you and I can’t boss each other around on this. So you do what you think is best, I agree on the captain part but I recommend having some extra muscle if nothing else,”

  “I like that idea,” She admitted, “You wouldn’t mind if I barrowed?”

  “I don’t have any issues, ask away but only if they want I am not forcing anyone,” Richard required, Madison nodded,

  “Still the day is young I am thinking of going out and getting a supply gear taken care off, I find myself lacking some tools that I need on the job. In the mean time I think one night out on the town would do the crew good,”

  “Another pub crawl?” she asked frowning at him,

  “I won’t be going, the crew especially those who went above and beyond need to unwind, and I have had my fill of drink,” Richard admitted as Jill rubbed up against his leg as he gave her a playful scratch behind her ears.

  “Bad experience?”

  “Yep, that was not fun, I’ll take the ship out into higher waters and Keep Spark safe with the distance I’ll have to work out a means of communications with Boss so I know to head back in.” Richard admitted,

  “Oh,” Madison remembered, “Speaking of which you still have that mirror?” she asked,

  “Yeah, I wasn’t sure but I figured it would make a good memento,” He admitted,

  “Well,” Madison passed on the information on the mirror,

  “Good to know,” Richard said keeping a cool outward appearance, “Holy shit, the Dragon Mage with hold on it’s for Spark but holy shit! It’s the Dragon Mage,” He mental went over as when Jill patted over to him,

  “Anyway,” she paused expecting Richard to react, but seemingly getting nothing. “I am hoping Tobi and Arvil will take me up since they have had the most time outside the island.

  “I can see that, but I wouldn’t mind if you asked one, and had someone more long term that you can trust,” Richard advised,

  “Why anything untrustworthy about them?” She smiled as she glanced over to see the pair chatting amiably.

  “Hardly, but peace of mind is worth something?” Richard asked as he reached down and scratched the dog behind the ears.

  “Tray I suppose, he seems well mannered,” Madison admitted, “So Tobi and Tray,” she decided as Richard stood up.

  “Sounds good,” Richard said, “Well hopefully your plans work out,” he encouraged, Richard moved heading back to his quarters, as Madison watched him walk away.

  “Tobi, you up for some work?” She interrupted crossing her arms,

  “Well,” He stretch the word out, “I was planning on doing nothing but you convinced me, kinda, what’s the job first?” he inquired his face shifting into a more business like seriousness

  “I am in need of muscle if you will,” Madison admitted,

  “I take it Morgan, this is a fallow up to the events with Morgan?” He asked, as Madison nodded, “Count me in I wouldn’t mind a shot at the bastard,” He stood up,

  “Hello Madison!” Tray greeted as they glanced over to see he had popped up from below deck, his hands full with a mass of thin planks off wood, Madison marveled as she expected to have to hunt for him as he sat down on the deck, spilling the wood next to him, as he pulled out a knife and started to slice bits of the wood.

  “Tray, just the man I needed to see, I would appreciate it if you would hear a bit of a job for you,” Madison approached,

  “What do you need?” he asked,

  “I need an extra man to watch my back for an extended period of time and I requested you,” Madison admitted,

  “Me?” He blinked as he glanced down to see the wood shaving on his belly as he swiftly got to his feet dusting himself off, as his hand went through his s
hort brown hair. “I have no issues at all Ma’am,” he snapped off.

  “I appreciate it, I’ll be staying at the castle so we will have to provide you with some more suitable clothing and gear, think of it as a perk,” Madison explained when she noticed the man seemed to be frozen, “Tray?” She asked glancing over at Tobi who glanced between the pair before poking the man.

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to be a bother, I mean you don’t have to get me anything,” He hesitated as he rubbed his shoulder shifting under her gaze.

  “I insist,” She glanced over at Tobi,

  “I’ll get a shirt,” he grumbled glancing away,

  “Well then times a wasting,” She declared heading down to grabbed the reigns of her horse. She glanced back up at the Golden Sails of the Eagle, walking away from the ship with a bit more certainty one villain down, one more to go.

  Chapter 53 Hints Of Things To Come

  Book Two Epilogue

  The Dragon mage frowned forcing a speedy landing onto the old grounds of a castle when his Mirror started to vibrate. “Yes?” The mage inquired as the mirror seemed to glow showing Lord Stronglance in all his aged glory.

  “I didn’t get a chance to ask with my Daughter around but did you deal with the Demon that fool summed,”

  “Yes, but not actually a demon, although in her current state she isn’t far from one,”

  “Current state?” the Old Lord asked as The Mage reached into a pocket a small orb was held between white claws, showing a shrunk down raging figure pounding on the glass. “Oh my get her some cloths,” He said rather ruffled as the Mage lowered the ball.

  “Yes, actually She is a Fire Giant and one I have been rather friendly with in my past,” Mage said rather amused. “She’s seems to be having a hard time getting over the magically induced rage that brought her hear, but the blood stone, may have had an impact, I don’t dabble in it, so I am not sure,”

  “I have no idea, what you are talking about, so long as she won’t be troubling in Gaslight, I already have my suspicions on my Daughter’s future husband,” The old lord complained.


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