The Captain's Stand

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The Captain's Stand Page 51

by Kat Mandu

  “Trouble, I won’t make any promises but I have been expecting this event for some time.” The Mage admitted, “And not to worry,” The mage added sensing Stronglances concern, “Prepared for it,” The mage gave a smirk, which seemed to reassure the man.

  “Getting a straight answer out of you is like pulling teeth,” he growled, before smiling fondly at the mage. “Still I hope you will be coming back again, this time without you needing to fix all the damage your arrival causes, thanks for that you put the factories back into perfect shape,” Stronglance praised.

  “No trouble at all, I will try to make some time, but with her appearance I am afraid I am going to have to back out of politics. The Fire Giant while not capable of using all of her abilities is still a physical threat the world wouldn’t be able to handle, so I need to see if I can bring her back,” The mage explained.

  “Pitty, how important?” he pressed as the mage scratched under the back of the cap.

  “Important enough that as of know your youngest is now your best protector. I..” the Dragon mage cut of as the ball suddenly started to crack drawing the Dragon Mage’s attention away. “Must attended to my duties for know, and I am sorry it’s coming at the cost of our friendship,” Apologizing as the crack resealed.

  “That would explain the shield, I understand Dragon Mage you always played for higher stakes,” He admitted. “Well it was good to see you even if shortly I have some work to get taken care of, good bye and good luck,” StrongLance bid fare well as the mirror went blank.

  The Mage walked into the large open area of the castle small buildings scattered the area as he walked down the cobblestone bath that had weeds growing in-between the rock. Heading into the main castle that towered over all like it in the world, the building while amazing had a notable tilt to it, then just as suddenly the Mage took a right, opening a door to a small building that looked like any other, the building looked maybe twelve foot square but the inside impossibly larger. The mage enetered into the room as a chair slide nosily. Taking a seat the mage dropped the mirror to the side of the chair as the figure slumped in. The mirror dropped to the ground as the mage eyed it, before a table moved forward. Setting the ball onto the table.

  “Thank the shaper you have only your strength or I fear I would be dead at this point,” The mage admitted, “Now to start on getting you back your sanity, I just hope I can help before your friends start looking, I may have to clean the place up a bit if that happens,” With a tired smile the magic user set to work on fixing the woman, before stopping, a snap of the claw the figure now was dressed in a Long Leather coat and pants to help keep things cover up, then set to work.

  Interlude 02 Day in the life of Richard

  Richard blinked as he got up in the morning, shaking his head he glanced behind him to see that the stars were still up. He tossed the blankets to the side as he quickly moved over to the wash up and take care of the morning duties. Slipping on his pants he went through his paces.

  The door opened up as Sam walked in the middle of Richard’s exercises as he finished his pushups. “Okay, the point of a sword fight is twofold,” Richard explained as he glanced at the book struggling to get his fingers to work right. “To kill your enemy, and to not let him kill you,” He bent his gingers as Sam just glanced over at the book. “You real funny, boy,” Richard said frowning at him. “Work with me I am trying to keep you alive here.” Richard pointed out as Sam stepped back.

  Richard took out to make wood swords and handed one to Sam, as he had Sam run at him. Richard parried the attacks as Sam tried to hit him, as Richard paused the combat to correct stances and adjust his grip on the hilt.

  “Okay, let’s see here,” Richard said outload, Same watched as he sat in his chair going over a stack of papers, ” I need this,” He repeated this a lot as he went over his supplies and gear. “Well we got some time but I don’t feel like waiting on this, come one,” Richard said as he stood up, putting on his leather coat and the rest of his normal gear.

  Richard and Sam passed by the manager of the docks as Richard paid his regular fee passing the money off to the man. Sam struggled to keep in step, as Richard strode forward, “Okay first thing’s first, I need a knife, maybe get you one as well,” He admitted as Sam moved his fingers, Richard frowned, “Slower please,” he asked, and Sam repeated the motion, but Richard had to pull out his book and Sam sighed in annoyance as he did the motions even slower a third time.

  “Oh, well its more for safety, food consumption, and stuff like that. You’re not nearly old enough to put in combat,” Richard said patting Sam on the head before ruffling the kid’s hair up a bit. Sam pouted at the treatment as Richard stood up and put the book away.

  Richard frowned in concentration, he was glancing over the massive collection of different knives. He had to admit the set of knuckle knives were very interesting. He took a deep breath, he remembered always loving the idea of having such weapons and gear but finally having the money to acquire, was a concept he was still getting use to.

  Sam glanced over them as well as he seemed to focus on blades that were more dagger by definition. The man behind the counter was tapping his fingers on the counter. “I’d like to handle that one,” Richard said as the man handed him a rather plan knife brown leather wrappings on the hilt. Richard tested the weapon, out, he really just need a tool and as intimidating as the more creative knives were he wasn’t going to bother.

  Sam started to sign as Richard set the blade down, “I’ll take that one, yes Sam?” Richard cut off half way into signing as the man frowned in suspicion as he eyed the pair.

  “Ah, okay, I would like to see the knuckle knife,” Richard requested as the man responded in kind. Richard took the blade handing it to Sam, while the blade was on the large size for Sam, Le figured he would grow into it.

  The blade wasn’t to amazing maybe about three inches with four circles for fingers giving one a handy set of brass knuckles if needed. “You sure?” Richard asked out load as Sam nodded in approval. Richard paid for the blades with little issue, as they headed out the door.

  Richard Placed the knife into his left boot for safe keeping, as he mentally went over his list, torches were going to be a must, a tent, and blanket wouldn’t be a bad idea either. Richard mused as they hit the general store Richard going over everything the bag at the end of it all was a heavy set bag with more than enough gear in case of an emergency.

  “Yes I am aware of the time we will get something to eat in a moment,” Richard sighed, he mused if he was ever that impatient with his elders as the pair headed off. With the perches of a hunk of cheese and some apples the pair sat down.

  Richard sliced up the food with his new knife handing pieces to Sam. Letting out a sleepy yawn Richard kept his eyes peeled around him. “Well It’s only about midday, I’ll grab a paper and head back to the ship.” Richard struggled to sign as Sam nodded,

  Doing exactly that Richard bought a paper and rolled it up under his arm as they headed back, with Richard holding a bag of gear over his shoulder with the other hand.

  “Hey Captain, the crew is feeling a bit board you think we can head out and maybe sail around a bit?” James inquired as Richard walked onto the ship. Richard pulled out a new pocket watched and glanced at the time.

  “How about something else, I am feeling pretty board myself,” Richard admitted, “Sam,” he yelled then started to sign. “Bring the sticks,”

  Richard gathered up the full crew as Sam dragged a good sized barrel with a mass of sticks. “Oh boy I get to hit something,” Boss said in mild amusement, only for one of the mock swords to suddenly hit off his shoulder.

  “Something like that,” Richard admitted as he grabbed one himself. “I need some practice and sitting around here on my ass all day isn’t doing me any good.”

  “So what your saying is you want your ass beat?” Boss taunted, “You remember what happened last time on the island right?” Boss asked,

  “True, but this ti
me you’re not going to catch me of guard running at me like a screaming maniac.” Richard said with a shrug.

  “Ahhh!” Boss ran screaming at him with the mock sword over his head as Richard about jumped at the surprise.

  “Damn it chief!” Richard said as he stepped to the side and stuck the sword out tripping him. “I was expecting that,” Richard admitted, in a clam tone as Boss fell onto the deck. “Do try to take this seriously,” Richard siged as Richard felt something knock against his forehead.

  “Let your guard down,” Boss reminded as Richard rubbed his forehead, which was now sporting a red mark, as the crew that had formed a circle on deck started to laugh.

  “Leave it to you to mess with my plans,” Richard muttered with an amused smirk on his face, Richard picked up the sword and tossed it back to chief.

  The two sparring weapons clicked off against each other as Richard deflected another blow. “I have to admit Richard, you’re not a bad swordsmen but not good enough to overcome my larger size,” Boss admitted,

  Richard kept silent as he focused on deflecting another blow. Richard kept giving ground moving in small circles as he avoided a blow to the head. “So how’s that arm of yours?” Boss asked as Richard felt a hard blow hit his arm. Richard backed off wincing as he rubbed his arm.

  “I would say that would count as a death blow,” Richard admitted as Jill growled at Boss her hair raising. “Easy Girl,” Richard said as the dog licked her chops and suddenly when docile as if nothing had happened.

  “Okay, Here is the deal, I’ll count blows as death or sustainable, if you can knock Boss, or if Boss losses, the current man who won. You get some spending cash,” Richard said as he tossed a bag into the circle, now everyone’s interest had been perked.

  “Hey what about me?” Boss asked,

  “Hurting the Captain counts as a penalty no money for you this round,” Richard laughed as Boss gave him a soft glare before rolling his eyes.

  Richard sat down as he watched, the crew was made up of all sorts Richard spotted the brave, the bold, and the foolish. Nathan moved in brandishing a sturdy sword as he and Boss squared off. “Watch this fight.” Richard instructed as Sam glanced at him.

  Nathan drew first landing a solid blow that almost knocked Boss into the air, Boss made a fast move but was surprised to see Nathan blocked it solidly. Boss winced, as he waved at Richard and after giving himself a rub on what was likely going to be a bruise Nathan remained stone faced.

  Boss moved first this time as Nathan dogged each blow not even raising his sword. “I don’t recall him being this good on this island,” James admitted as he sat down next to Richard.

  “He was probably hungry,” Richard mused, “Not to mention this is Boss’s fifth fight, he’s bound to be worn down.” Richard admitted, as he glanced over to See that Sam had glanced but kept watching the fight.

  Nathan danced around the blade before snapping his blade hitting Boss’s fingers as he dropped the weapon, only for Nathan to raise the wood sword under his chin.

  “All right,” Richard got up tossing Nathan his prize as he picked up Boss’s weapon as the man walked away to take break, Richard pulled out a second bag and tossed it into the center as he and Richard faced off, The pair took off at the same time. Richard intercepted a blow for his stomach, retaliating by striking at Nathan’s shoulder. The attack met stick as the two went to town blocking and deflecting with little issue, before parting and circling each other.

  “I have to admit I am surprised your holding your own who taught you?” Nathan asked,

  “Everyone, yet no one,” Richard replied as he finally managed to tag Nathan in the leg.

  “Ah that’s no fun,” Nathan laughed as he shook his leg.

  “Says the man that waited for Boss to exhaust himself,” Richard pointed out as Nathan shrugged,

  “Which would have been sooner if you actually put some effort, into your turn against Boss,” Nathan pointed out as Richard shrugged,

  “Hey I am not made of cash why make it easy?” Richard asked as Nathan took a swing at his head as Richard. The two closed in again as Richard struck hard and fast knocking Nathan back from the impact of the blows. Small hits started to add up as Nathan finally managed to retaliate, hitting Richard in the stomach as Richard felt the air leave him. Nathan moved to land a blow on Richard’s back. Richard dropped suddenly expecting a fallow up letting himself recover as he brought his sword around to block the blow.

  Richard winced a bit as Nathan proceeded to knock him back, as Richard bided his time letting his body recover from the shock of the blow. Richard broke far enough away as Nathan took the distance to gain some breathing room.

  “You know if this was a real fight we would both be dead, death by a thousand cuts,” Nathan pointed out.

  “True but the point is to improve, not kill each other,” Richard reminded,

  “Why didn’t you say so I could always use a sparring partner,” Nathan chuckled in amusement when Richard moved in snapping a swift strike knocking Nathan’s blade out of his hand. “Really?” Nathan asked,

  “Words are weapons as well,” Richard chuckled as he released a breath. “That was fun for now, start grouping up and let’s get some practice in, I’ll glanced around see if we can’t fix some from and maybe get some practice in.

  Richard walked away as everyone started to move along the deck getting some distance as Richard sat down next to Sam. “Okay let’s go over stances and guards, now then fools guard is first, now this is a resting position, as you can see if a fight lasts long that weapons going to get heavy…”

  Richard spent as much time on the deck in the shade of the sails, showing and practicing contently showing, the advantages, and ideas, what to expect and using people primarily Boss and Nathan who knew what they were doing.

  “Richard?” Called out a voice as he jolted back into the rest of the world,

  “Oh Laurella,” Richard smiled as he paused, he glanced around to notice a few people were in fact looking at him.

  “Don’t overload him,” She warned, “He will only retain so much,” She pointed, “I was going to yell at you for adding to my work, but I see you are instructing,” She admitted,

  “Yeah, I was watching everyone I am thinking of changing out the weapons adding some people in for the spear since some people don’t know how to use a sword. Yeah! You’re not going to do any damage holding your sword in that stance stay out of it!” He corrected causing the target to jump. “How are these people still alive honestly stop thinking your not going to live long if you stop to think that’s the point practice until it’s second nature, and cut with the blade!” Richard spent a good portion of the day moving through people correcting stances. “What are you doing?” He asked, “you’re going to hurt your tendon holding the damn thing like that, here fix your fingers, like this,” He instructed, “That way your won’t hurt yourself over time when you thrust forward,” Richard demonstrated, as the man nodded and fixed his motion. “And practice that, over and over again until you get rid of that bad habit are we clear? Good,” Richard acknowledged as he headed back to Sam.

  “Thankfully no major damage,” Laurella teased as Richard rolled his eyes,

  “I am no expert but if I can keep them alive,” Richard dismissed, “Any what is the time, ah, Okay boys! Hit the mess hall, and then get off my ship I got a bar set up to so we can celebrate a survival of our first government job.” The crew gave a massive shout of approval as everyone started wrapping things up. Richard handed Nathan the address of the place in question since he figured he would

  “Hey Richard, What about Goliam,” Arken asked

  “Hmm I think I’ll consider a different kind of weapon,” Goliam admitted, holding up the stick

  “We may have to custom make something,” Richard agreed “Why did you say something sooner?” He asked,

  “You looked busy,” Goliam said sheepishly,

  “Well, we should look into it, we may have to talk to
a black smith on the matter,” Richard thought out. “Still I don’t know how much good I can do if you pick anything besides a sword, spear, or fisticuffs,”

  “Why spear?” Arken asked,

  “It’s an easy weapon to grasp,” Richard nodded as Ask felt her eyes drop at the simplicity of it.

  “Richard can I talk to you?” Goliam asked as Richard looked up at him,

  “Sure? You want to go into my quarters?” he asked,

  “Yeah,” Richard he turned when a hand clamped onto his shoulders,

  “Be nice,” Arken warned as Richard glanced back at her with a raised eyebrow.

  Richard had little issue making his way through the group heading down to the mess hall, but stopped on occasion as Goliam had trouble getting around.

  The two moved into the room as Richard realized he didn’t have a chair, Goliam sat down on the floor as Richard decided he may need a bigger chair. “Okay what can I do for you?” Richard asked after sitting down.

  “I don’t really know how to explain this but I was hoping you would have some non combat related roles I could take on?”

  “Oh,” Richard said blinking in surprise, “Oh thank god,” Richard thought to himself, “No combat,” Richard frowned, “You know I have a few ideas, that I think would work out. I need a guy, a guy in charge of keeping his eyes peeled, to pace the ship, and carry the keys,”

  “Keys?” Goliam repeated as he tilted his head.

  “Yep, I need you to be in charge of the brig, since it’s empty I would mind you taking time to pace the ship, you don’t have to talk or bother anyone just move around the ship and if we do put anyone in a cell, make sure they don’t get out. Sound like a job?” Richard asked,

  “Sure, sounds good to me,” Goliam agreed as Richard pulled out a large ring of keys and tossed them to him.

  “If anything pops up or catches your interest let the mates know and we will look into it,” Richard instructed,


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