The Captain's Stand

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The Captain's Stand Page 57

by Kat Mandu

  “I guess he did,” Tray admitted, “Well what was that about making other men rich?” Tray elbowed his elder brother.

  “Still want a safer line of work,” James grunted as he cracked open the bottle and started to hydrate himself.

  “Hey James we are getting a game of liars dice together, you guys in?” The two glanced over to see the that the speaker was Gerald,

  “Sure,” Tray jumped up as James opened his mouth but closed it releasing a quick sigh out of his nose.

  The two joined a group of three other around a barrel with a plank of wood on it. Joining them was Tobi and Arvil, who already had tin cups ready. James sitting down last gave them a few tosses to make sure they were not rigged as he elbowed his brother and Tray did the same.

  “Ah, fair enough,” Arvil gave his dice a few tests as well which satisfied the one-handed man. Everyone eyed the other two and Tobi rolled his eyes in annoyance but followed suit, as did Gerald but he seemed to hesitate a bit longer.

  “Okay I have four sixes,” Arvil started as he glanced at Tobi, who eyed him,

  “Five sices,” Tobi said eyeing the mageson who seemed have a smile that said challenge me.

  “Seven sixes,” Tray said quickly

  “Liar,” James said calling his brother as the cups went up, there was not seven so Tray tossed out one of his dice.

  “Good thing we are not playing for money,” James muttered as he tossed out a dice, the three players were all staring at Arvil who was grinning being the only one had not lost a die.

  “He has got to be cheating somehow,” Tobi frowned

  “I am not cheating,” Arvil sighed, his smile fading a bit, James and Tray didn’t seem too convinced, “Well I am not,” he insisted. “Hey Sam,” come here he shouted spotting the cabin boy as he perked up. “Settle something for us would you watch my dice so these knuckleheads are convinced I am on the level.” Sam rushed over, as the two brothers glanced at each other before glancing back at Arvil, as Sam rested his chin on the barrel and waited.

  “If those dice change you let us know,” James said looking at Sam who nodded.

  “Is this necessary?” Tobi asked as everyone else started rolling dice,

  “Better than the alternative, most times if you get accused of cheating a fight breaks out,” Arvil reminded as the two brothers froze, “I guess that’s not allowed?”

  “We don’t talk about the gambling incident,” James swallowed, as Tray shivered at the memory as the two newer crew members glanced at each other in confusion, as Sam gave a soundless laugh.

  “Care to enlighten us?” Tobi asked,

  “Well, these two guys ended up getting into a fight over one cheating the other and ended up getting into a fight. Mind you we had just started sailing so the rules hadn’t been ironed out entirely. So the captain was brought in to deal with it, and then again, and again. Each time Richard looked more and more pissed off until he finally snapped dealing out a punishment so cruel and humiliating that nobody dares speak of it, or gamble on board this ship to this day.”

  “Hasn’t this ship only been sailing for about a month?” Arvil asked,

  “It was bad,” Tray muttered.

  “I think that’s as far as we are going to get anyway back to the game,” James insisted as Arvil continued his winning streak even with the extra pair of eyes watching him.

  “Did he bribe you?” James asked as he eyed Sam who raised her eyebrow and shook his head.

  Sam started to sign as the three frowned not knowing a thing about it. “I’ll go ask Richard,” Tray sighed as he stood up,

  “I think you just want to get out of the game,” Tobi chuckled before frowning, “that’s a really good idea.”

  “He says he expects payment,” Richard said walking past them as all of them jumped at the captain’s sudden appearance. The four had a good chuckle as Arvil handed the young man a few of his winnings.

  “So why did you two join in?” James asked as they rolled up another hand of dice.

  “Well, Arvil what is up with you?”

  “Well, all Magesons are celebrated as sons and Daughters of defenders of the homeland. Things have been pretty neutered in that regard with the constant infighting has made a war with no heroes. So I like many like me have been hunting for a task worthy of heroism, that’s why the Navy has been bigger however this Blackbeard has built up an answer to the Mages with Pirate Lords, and playing defense is never easy, but rumor had it the members of the Eagle new to much well, any hunter knows the best way to trap is to have the right bait,” Arvil chuckled as the two brothers chuckled nervously.

  “I am pretty sure my story is already out, similar to his only no magical powers,” Tobi shrugged as Arvil called his bluff and the dice were revealed and the man tossed another dice. “So glad we are not playing for money.” He grumbled.

  “Oh I had some rough times, a lot of gamblers were convinced I, I was cheating so I had to deal with a lot of very pissed off bluebloods.” Arvil chuckled,

  “Hey Arvil dumb question but how much can you lift with your wind abilities,” Richard asked interrupting their game as the mageson scratched the back of his head.

  “Um for an extended period of time or you thinking one solid lift, cause with my abilities, I can lift and throw about 200 pounds but keep something in the air, about fifty pounds without straining,” He admitted, as Richard dropped a mass off spears.

  “Using your wind abilities, can you tell me if these are light enough?” Richard asked, Arvil nodded and planted his feet as about six of the spears flew up, hands behind him, as he as the wind gusted around them as he levitated all twelve around him.

  “Impressive, any preferences those each weight about four pounds, I am hoping to make enough for you to be able to throw them around, in case of boarding,” Richard admitted,

  He gave them a toss launching it across the ship expertly, if not a little off since he wasn’t really aiming. “I think if you marked them down by half I could double my throwing capacity.

  “True, too bad we don’t have enough metal a full set of metal spears could be used as a shield if light enough,” Richard mused as Arvil nodded along,

  “Anyway keep as many of the spears as you like the rest I plan on storing on deck, never underestimate the reach of spear in even the most incompetent hands,” Richard chuckled before frowning, “How could you carry more than two, maybe three,” He frowned, “I’ll think on it.” He headed of thinking on the matter as Arvil sat down to continue the game.

  “That’s odd he never did that before,” James admitted, “I wonder if he has any swords or anything,”

  “Don’t be stupid the ship is mostly food, and cannon supplies we made those spears so I doubt he has anything outside of the spears, everything else weapon wise people have brought in on their own.” James frowned,

  “Oh, that explains the disparity if gear and equipment,” Tobi admitted, “I have to admit, it does explain a thing or two, you think I should recommend a blacksmith to help gear everyone up?”

  “Wouldn’t be a bad idea,” James shrugged, “the spears were a pain in the ass the tips were all made from the metal around the ship, and it took forever to heat and shape everything, it was a pain and I have no idea how effective those spears are going to be,” he warned looking at the man.

  “Something is better than nothing I guess,” Tobi frowned,

  “Bro, we know some basic metalworking they will get the job done,” Tray informed, “Nothing on the level of ore refinement or swords but Richard didn’t ask us to deal with this without some faith in our skill, just don’t expect anything to look like art or anything.”

  “I’ll keep both of your words in mind when combat arrives,” Arvil nodded as the game continued, only for Richard to interrupt a few turns later. “James, Tray, sorry to interrupt but I got something for both of you since you helped out with all my little requests around the ship. The two stopped as they noticed he had to blades, one was a bit short but v
ery thick, and the other was a bit more standard in with but had almost a half circle curve towards the tip.

  “Oh, A two-handed Falchion,” Tobi pointed out to the thicker blade, “And a Khopesh,” He pointed at the more curved blades, “Where did you nab the Khopesh?” he asked,

  “I had a few blades lying around, let me know if they vanish on you,” Richard instructed, “they were provided by the Eagle,”

  “Cool,” Tray said holding onto the Falchion a blade with no real tip but lots of cutting power. James looked less excited and seemed to want to say something but decided against it, before resting it against his seat.

  The next day started off extremely well with the Delivery of the wine set in, nothing was too damaged, Richard waited to make sure everything was in place moving alone helping out even as James sat down to relax.

  It wasn’t long until everything was stationed, “all right time to head home,” Madison sighed,

  “I am making a slight detour,” Richard admitted, as the Eagle moved out of port.

  “What?” she questioned as Richard raised up the sails to get a full view and suddenly they were moving so quickly that a few people had to catch themselves lest they fall to the deck.

  “By my estimations, we shouldn’t be longer than two weeks, which was the expected time,” Richard admitted as he frowned realizing he hadn’t gotten himself a replacement watch.

  “Where could we possibly go or need to go that would warrant the sudden change?” Boss asked in a calm voice.

  “I was reminded of an obligation,” he admitted glancing up at the crow’s nest.

  “What about Morgan?” Madison commented,

  “Wait a second shouldn’t we all have a say in your sudden change up, shouldn’t you have let us know,” James added, as Tray glanced around as nearly everyone seemed very ticked at the captain, he frowned thinking back.

  “He promised to drop us off after he got you home,” Tray spoke up, stopping Madison as everyone looked at him. “I heard Eagle Eye brought it up.”

  Richard nodded, Madison breathed out of her nose, “I take it you’re going to need my help?” she asked, as Richard nodded, “This will be faster if I help,” She frowned,

  “That ended rather swiftly I was expecting a least a half hour of argument,” Boss admitted,

  “One must be worth their word, Richard gave his word and as such must uphold it, anything Less, would make his word worthless, ergo, how could anyone expect him to follow through with anything he says. I don’t like this being sprung up,” She frowned eyeing Richard who nodded but remained silent.

  “Is it just this place or are their other places we need to go?” Boss asked,

  “Well we hit Frank, Britannia, and the Colonies, so that’s really all the major places that are primary Anglais, you may want to shop it around over the next week but let anyone who asks.” Richard said, “Would you be so kind?” he asked as he glanced at Boss and Tray.

  “No trouble at all,” Tray shrugged as Boss headed down, Tray took the time, moving around as the crew showed varying levels of concern but when Tray brought up his word on the matter any ruffled feathers were

  “New Providence was brought up, but they were not in much of a hurry,” Boss informed as Tray noticed Richard nodding along.

  “Good to know,” Richard nodded, the process was as many would know dull Tray spent his time playing liars dice, keeping an eye on the brig, and occasionally cleaning duty while the eagle took care of that most of the times he was pretty sure Richard intentionally let it get dirty to give everyone something to do, despite the grumbling it did give a distraction.

  “So this like this all the time?” Lagatha asked as Laurella nodded, she was reading a book draping a cloth over her to keep the son off.

  “Yep, although this is better than my last trip which involved me being locked up, in my room unless someone needed something.” She admitted, “I would recommend getting a book I think Richard has a personal library you could raid.” She pointed out.

  “Land ho!” came a shout as Richard glanced up,

  “I can’t believe the time we are making,” Madison admitted, “We did in a week what no other ship could do in half a year.” She shook her head as Richard smirked,

  “So are we going to drop him off anywhere on the cost?” Tray asked as Richard shrugged,

  “Not sure we might, do me a favor and gather up some supplies for him cause I am pretty sure he’s going to prefer just heading off on his own. But I will have fulfilled my obligation and that’s all I am worried about,” Richard admitted,

  “Weight anchor,” Boss announced as the Eagle slowed down as he headed down, and one of the rowboats were lowered down into the water.

  “Just in case Tray, Boss would you be so kind as to join me,” Richard asked as the two shrugged, they climbed down as Eagle Eye stopped on the deck, surprised to see everyone out and waiting for him.

  “Well all ashore that’s going ashore,” Richard stated as he tossed a brown bag at the man who caught it.

  Richard dropped in as Boss and Tray got comfortable, Eagle Eye arrived last as he eyed Richard suspiciously as the rowboat moved on its own leaving a wake behind them. “So is this the part where you try to convince me to stick around?” he asked as Richard rolled his eyes.

  Richard didn’t respond as he glanced at the shore, Tray glanced in between everyone expecting someone to speak but nobody did, the boat hit the shore as Richard stood up surprising everyone as his boots hit the sand first. Eagle Eye got up standing next to Richard for a second.

  “Well it was nice working with you, wish you would have stuck around,” Richard said offering his hand as Eagle Eye took it.

  “I am sure, I am surprised that you held up your word,” He admitted glancing at Richard,

  “I really didn’t think anyone would take me up on it, to be honest,” Richard shrugged, “But I didn’t want to make a liar out of myself, so good luck,” Richard released his hand.

  “Thanks,” Eagle Eye nodded and walked away from them. Richard turned back to the boat as Boss and Tray got back in, Tray flicking his feet to dry out his boats that were feeling a bit soggy.

  Richard glanced back as the rowboat moved under its own power. “So you beat up that he left?” Tray asked as Richard spun his head back around.

  “Not really, he won’t be easy to replace, nah just a bit of Nostalgia I was born in the colonies this is the closest I have been to my birthplace, but it was a lot farther north.” Richard admitted, “Now then let’s get going with the last of the things holding us back, it’s time to get to work.”

  “You read to many pulps,” Tray commented as the three shared a good chuckle.

  “What do you mean by that?” Boss asked as the laughter stopped realizing Boss had no idea what they were talking about.

  Chapter 60

  Morgan stood overlooking the city from the castle walls, He adjusted his coat, making sure everything was in order. The sun was starting to set, it was poetic, the sun was setting on more than just the world, soon he would start taking over for the lord pushing him slowly into the dark before taking over the city in all but name. He smirked at the idea thanks to the “Captain Richard” he was able to speed up his, rebuilding of the royal guard with only the Captain not under his thumb however his inability to deal with the murder spree already has him on thin ice. Richard was had returned after about two weeks, but he didn’t stay in Frank for more than a day or so. Rumor also spread that the Fairy had left permanently to parts unknown, which meant he had nothing to prevent Richard or the crew of the Eagle from ending him. “No more fuck ups,” he muttered to himself.

  “The Crew seems to be going out for another night of debauchery,” Darcy informed he glanced over to see the woman, she and her sister had both been trained in the assassin arts and their ability to appear almost at random had long since stopped fazing him.

  “That’s good anyone staying behind on duty?” Morgan asked,

sister is heading back to keep an eye on things, but we have reason to believe the Richard, the blonde Viking bitch, I think, the mutt, and the mute.”

  “Hmm That makes things easier, I was expecting to only take out the ship but if we can deal with Richard as well, it would mean only two people would be a direct threat,”

  “The she-man and the guard, neither of which have many teeth, to begin with,” Darcy insulted,

  “Indeed,” Morgan agreed, “I really wish we could have dealt with him sooner, your sister has been rather incompetent in dealing with him. I beginning to think Blackbeard has put to much stock in you both.” He spat the verbal jab.

  Darcy for her credit didn’t respond closing her eyes and ignoring him. “The man despite being nothing more than a lucky grunt is surrounded by people much better than he is, Between Stephano and the fairy, he seemed to always have eyes on him, tempered with just enough skill to keep himself alive. He is nothing my sister and I can’t deal with a simple needle to the neck.” She explained.

  Morgan couldn’t help but roll his eyes, “Get my crew ready, as soon as it gets dark enough, we will march on the Eagle and blow the damn nuisance sky high.” Morgan glanced to see that Darcy hadn’t moved just yet. “Well?” he urged, she waited a little bit longer before casually walking away from him.

  He shook his head, Blackbeard had been adamant on keeping the twins near him during this mission. He was convinced they created a chink in his plan and they were there to make sure he didn’t go native so to speak.

  “Morgan,” came a chilling voice, as Morgan glanced over to see ahead of ash and glowing red eyes, that seemed to shift.

  “My Lord,” Morgan whispered, “we are in the open,” He warned,

  “I care not, I grow impatient. Your plan had gained little in the way of results if you are not capable of infiltrating the house of lords or at least taking the Stronglance house I will have the twins drag you back,” the floating head threatened.

  “Sir, did you get my message?” He ventured wearily,

  “An upstart, it seemed my faith in Brendan was, misplaced,” head admitted.


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