The Captain's Stand

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The Captain's Stand Page 61

by Kat Mandu

  A solid tap on the croc man’s shoulder as he pointed back. He nodded as they headed back to the rowboat.

  “Damn that’s amazing,” Madison gasped as she took in some air.

  “Agreed, pity it’s not fully repaired, although I worry if the ship can resurface,” Boss mused as he considered other options.

  “Must feel familiar you seem to be constantly on the task of rescuing people,” Madison joked as Boss smirked,

  “Seems so huh?” He smirked, “so you think you will be able to check up in this on your own?”

  “Sure, I am surprised most ports are normally filthy, and garbage-filled,” he admitted.

  “Gaslight is one of a kind,” Madison beamed with pride. “It’s only city open to the world it was a requirement from Naruko in before she set up shop. The library, the water filtration system, the city is a beacon for scientific progress.”

  “Can we hear this later on dry land,” Boss interrupted his arms were worn from the swim.

  “Right, sorry,” she apologized as they dived back down and headed for shallower waters. With one last stop at the bell, they checked the barrels to see everything was safe.

  “Brr,” Madison got up first as Boss could see the goosebumps grace her arms. He wrung his hair out of the water as they climbed inside the building as Nashton played with a coin by spinning it clearly bored with it.

  Goliam moved past them as he found a beam of sunlight and sat in it as Boss noticed he had a slight bluish tint to him.

  “You okay?” Boss asked as he nodded and turned his towards the sun.

  “Right, cold-blooded, stupid,” Madison berated herself. “We may need to move him someplace warmer. The depths of the dock may have been too cold for him.” She headed over to give Goliam a sympathetic pat.

  “Nice,” Nashton observed as Madison snapped upward and spun around red as a tomato.

  “Dumb ass.” Boss thought as he dried himself off, “I think if it’s easier we can ask Arken to deal with the colder waters if they don’t need her to snoop around the castle.”

  “Agreed,” Madison covered herself up, she exited the room to get dressed.

  Boss stretched out his muscles as feeling returned. He geared himself back up as he rung out his beard and hair.

  He took his time, as he debated on his next action, he grabbed the cloak and walked into the street. He glanced around it was weird thinking on how so many places seemed so empty put other parts so empty.

  Madison walked onto the street, as Nashton walked forward. “Why are some places so desolate?” He asked,

  “The Hundred Years’ War. The fortune you can make as a mercenary is large if you can live long enough that is. Most ports cities got hit with worker shortages, which is why so many places are straight up abandoned.” She admitted.

  “So does that include farmers?” Boss asked,

  “No the crown subsidized so they could afford workers without breaking them,”

  “We seem to be living in interesting time,” Boss admitted.

  “I think we should get a cart or something,” Madison decided,

  “You think he will be safe?” Boss glanced back.

  “Yeah, Nashton keeps an eye on things,” she smiled at him as he gave a comically over serious salute as he headed back in.

  “So I heard some rumors that Richard was throwing fire around?” Madison glanced over at Boss.

  “Yeah, it seems the city is filled with them.” Boss admired, “so long as he isn’t found I didn’t think he minds.” Boss shrugged.

  “It’s a concern did I talk to you about the stall theory?” She asked,

  “You may have, but I don’t remember it,” Boss grunted.

  “Tray made mention of it, the idea is that Richard waited to steal the Pirate lord’s blood power, the fire was the intended ability.” She explained.

  “I think Laurella mentioned that Morgan had something, but I am not sure.” Boss scratched his beard as he thought back. “That might be a rumor.”

  “The idea does not sit well,” Madison admitted,

  “I am sure,” Boss agreed, as he glanced around, “I fail to see, the issue we ended up blowing everything up, to begin with, who knows how many got caught in the crosshairs.” Boss shrugged as he spotted a two wheel cart that looked a bit old but solid. He gave it a slight tug, it creaked under the sudden pressure.

  He tossed off his cloak in the back which was empty as he pulled out a rag and tied it over his head to cover up his hair.

  “It’s the principle of the thing,” she frowned as Boss grabbed bar on the cart and pushed.

  “You are more forgiving than most.” Boss commented, “Richard is similar foolishly playing the hero when the mood strikes.” he recalled the twin assains Richard needlessly saved.

  “A fair observation,” Madison Conceded but Boss could tell she had more to say on the matter.

  “It doesn’t matter, The rumors say he was defying gravity. That he spent ten minutes underwater. It sounds like Richard was dicking around, I swear the man makes no sense,” Boss grunted, “I think he may have a death wish at this point.”

  Madison went silent at this little rant as she seemed to ponder the outlook. “I just don’t want to find out I helped out another Pirate Lord.” She admitted.

  The two headed back, as chief backed the cart as close as he could.

  “So why are you still here?” Madison suddenly asked.

  “I am in spite of it all rather fond of Richard. Despite no need of his own he has tried to help with no desire or explanation for me to hang around. With a few perks if I do.” He smirked as he walked in to see Nashton had sat on the crocodile and had taken to poke the blueish tinted skin. “Oh brother,” Boss shook his head with a sigh.

  “Knock it off, boy,” Madison ordered as Nashton froze for a second before he slid off the back.

  “Goliam, I can’t carry you, I got a cart I can carry you in. I need your help,” Madison told him after she knelt down near his head.

  “So cold,” Goliam whimpered, “bad idea,” he shivered,

  “I don’t have time,” Boss frowned, as he glanced around he didn’t have the muscle to lift the man.

  “Um, does he have a phobia? Maybe we can scare him onto the cart.” Nashton clasped his hands together.

  “That does not seem wise. We could get a pulley and a harness set up.” Madison considered.

  “Or we can wait,” Boss shrugged, “you two can head out if you want I’ll wait till he warms up.” Boss offered.

  “You sure?” Madison frowned as she watched him sit down.

  “Don’t do anything crazy, besides I wouldn’t mind some time to relax.” He waved off. The two exited his view, as he closed his eyes.

  Suddenly his ears were hit by the clash of steal his eyes snapped open, the sun hadn’t moved much as he glanced around his dominant hand fingering its weapons.

  But outside the dust made visible via the sun nothing seemed different, he walked around to check the windows. A cursory glance soothes his concerns, while the area was now a little active everyone’s sluggish activity believe the sound he was sure he heard.

  There was a sudden clatter as he dashed outside only to freeze as a red fox dug around the trash can. He glared at it, as he backed away from the animal before he turned around the comer as he sighed. His body slowly started to calm down, as he grabbed his wrist as his fingers twitch. He walked in as he frowned at his hands. He tried to put it out of his mind, but the time he spent being that Fox’s play toy still lingered. He mused how long or why he was there in the first place as a rage boiled in his center. “Fuck it,” he cursed as he mentally forced the thoughts to disperse even if the raw frustration fully lingered.

  “Ugh,” Goliam gurgled, as Boss paused, he wasn’t sure how long but he had been pacing for a good while, “how long was I out?” Goliam mumbled sleepily.

  “Long enough to be more hindrance than help sadly. Can you move?” He asked as Goliam rubbed the back of his

  “Cold,” Goliam said as he stood up as Boss wondered if he was referring to the temperature or Boss himself.

  “Come on,” Boss urged as he helped the big croc man move as he shouldered him. “Just need to get you, to the damn, cart,” he breathed out, they took out a chunk of the doorway as Goliam leaned into things that did not use to so much stress.

  “Oh, boy,” Boss realized as Goliam fell in as the cart snapped at the sudden weight as Boss hopped the cart wouldn’t shatter. He breathed easy, for about a second.

  “What is going on here?” Asked a voice. Boss spun around to see a pair of guards each one with a firm hand on their weapon.

  “Sorry sir, just,” Boss was cut off as the pair moved around him, as one poked Goliam with his foot. Goliam grunted in annoyance but didn’t move.

  “Friend of yours?” The one who poked asked, as Boss could see some grey hairs sticking out from under the helmet.

  “Work associate,” Boss admitted as the other guard knelt down.

  “You okay big guy?” He asked as he seemed to look him over.

  “Cold?” Goliam repeated as Boss eyed the pair.

  “Ah, cold-blooded, he needs someplace warm like a hot bath, this far north is not good. I would recommend a shirt or a poncho at least,” the younger said.

  “How did this happen?” The older guardsmen eyed Boss suspiciously.

  “Killing time between jobs,” Boss admired, “Our captain needed to deal with some insurance issues, so we are kinda landlocked for a month.” Boss half lied, “So been walking around poor guy had a nasty spill fell into the water had a time finding a way back up.” Boss went on.

  “I get the idea,” the older one relented, “just ve careful Shaper knows what’s at the bottom of those docks.”

  “Oh if you are going to be here a while you can join the guard we are a bit short staffed and could use the manpower.” The younger man informed.

  “I’ll keep that in mind, were do you recruit at? Just in case.” Boss added.

  “Second and winder are close by. Mind you wouldn’t be doing castle work.”

  “Fine by me I like my hair the way it is,” Boss chuckled. The older guard smirked as the pair walked off.

  Boss watched them go as he grabbed the cart and started the winding road back.

  Chapter 64

  “I feel we are being a bit too paranoid,” James commented.

  “No such thing, we each know enough, we are now spread out enough that we can’t be removed if they find one building,” Laurella went on Boss rolled his eyes he had heard this conversation three times today.

  “I told you, splitting the pair was a bad idea,” Boss muttered,

  “James I understand, I really do but we need you out there Tray has a known face so we need him away from the more populated areas.”

  “That may not help, I ran into two guards in an area we thought nearly empty a week ago.” Boss thought as they stopped at Madison’s room which was a mess.

  The Dame had a mass of maps, levels, and locations of the castle almost refined to a blueprint. Places were marked off some a few times. Arken had got hired in as a cleaner and slowly been looking for the family, Laurella had done the same for the gardens to avoid Morgan and his two assassins.

  Madison was currently looking over the maps, as her foot tapped away. “Any luck?” Laurella interrupted.

  “No, with only you two able to move around the castle there is not enough spread. I wish we had more female hands or men who could pass as such.” She grumbled. Boss remained silent, as Laurella nodded in agreement.

  “Maybe we could ask for to barrow that coin,” Madison realized, as Boss silently slipped out the back.

  A small sigh escaped his lips, as he moved to the side as a small group moved past. The group was lead by Tobi who was tasked with the assassin twins. Boss had talked with him, they were sure only one was active as they had only spotted one near Morgan. They mostly stuck to rooftops, which was boring work.

  It was weird to see such a turnaround, most had dropped, willingly to sit around. A few others tried to leave to mixed results. Now propose was renewed, idle hands were unknown as the crew spiderwebs out from the safe house.

  What was once stagnant was now alive with activity. Boss aloud a smirk happy that people were doing something. He moved out of the building surprised at the sudden drop of activity.

  The street itself wasn’t empty but more devoid of solid purpose, Boss glanced over, Nathan was sitting under a blanket to look to the word as a bum. The two nodded at each other as he walked along.

  He headed along as he moved towards the more populated docks, more closer to what the locals called the heartstring of the city.


  He pulled out a folded sheet of paper that described a public funeral for the late Captain Richard Robert Zane. He walked along and it didn’t take long to run into a crowd. The area had been taken over, but between the warm weather and upbeat chatter of the people one would be hard pressed believe it was a funeral.

  The presentation had full military honors with a small parade, came down with a horse-drawn coffin. The people went quiet as Boss waited, he didn’t know how things were done.

  “Let us see if he shows up.” Boss plotted,

  “what are you doing here?” Hissed a voice in his ear. Boss slowly turned to see a familiar blonde wig.

  “Hi Spark, I could ask you the same thing,” Boss replied, Spark was currently in her Lagertha disguise.

  “Just in case someone tried something stupid,” Spark hissed back, “kind of like right now,” she accused with a firm look.

  “Look I put it off once I can solve a lot of issues if we deal with this completely.” Boss decided.

  He watched as the fey she frowned her eyes seemed like they were reading some invisible book. “Anything I do outside of death is just going to cause more trouble.” She concluded.

  “So your not going to try and stop me?” Boss asked a little surprised,

  “Against my better judgment I going to help. But I warn you if this is botched there will be repercussions.” She glared at him,

  “Noted,” he turned back to the preseason. Morgan wasn’t too far behind in his best uniform dress on top of a white horse that seemed to be giving him some trouble. The crowd seemed to mutter a bit as the man moved along.

  “Well blast him,” he urged at Spark as she raised an eyebrow. “What are you waiting for?” He pressed,

  “I said I would help, didn’t say I was going to kill him, I am listening to orders even if I feel ending the bastard is the right move.”

  “Fine,” Boss growled as he bolted the crowd gasped at the sudden movement. The group on horseback paused, and that was all he needed he grabbed the last man on the group off his horse as he seamlessly leaped into the saddle like a pro.

  “Kill him!” Morgan shouted as he pointed a finger at him. Boss drew both blades ready for combat when one of the men started to grasp at his neck only for spear tip to force its way out. The man was dragged out of his seat as Morgan took off Boss urged the horse forward as the momentum cared his points into two body’s, they fell both dead before they hit the ground. The three horses raced off, as Boss road only using his legs after the pair the pirate lord Broke. The hooves of the lead horse crushed the unfortunate in its path as the two attackers raced after him.

  “Blast his ass!” Boss shouted

  “I will not if I miss it might hit an innocent.”

  “Who cares?” He called back, as they cleared the crowd.

  “Clear!” Spark tossed her spear into a throwing position and let it fly only for the horse to suddenly buck its rider.

  “Finally!” Boss felt a grin when he suddenly was tackled from the side as he got a look up a torn dress as a pair of feet dug into his side.

  “Well,” Morgan smiled as Spark’s hand started to glow. “Oh!” He realized as his smile dropped off.

  “Davina!” He called as Spark sent out
a beam of light from her index finger. The single twin turned to face Spark, as the disguised woman kept her spear in hand as the assassin turned bodyguard looked at Boss.

  “Kind of got my hands full,” she called back as she snapped out a whip.

  “Any other toys you got in there?” Boss cracked. As the woman glared.

  “Want some help?” Spark asked as Boss waved her away. Spark walked around the corner, steal hit steal. As Boss and Davina, or Darcey he wasn’t sure between the pair, faced off neither making a move.

  “Whenever you are ready,” Boss smirked as he could hear Morgan shout.

  “I can wait Morgan isn’t in any real danger,” she dismissed.

  “Mother- ack, you-” he was cut off by what sounded like a hard smack. As the white horse lingered around farther down the ally.

  “Weird horse,” she commented,

  “Darcey, help!” Morgan screamed as Davina shrugged,

  “He called you by the wrong name didn’t he?” Boss smiled, as Davina flicked the whip at some random garbage.

  “Among other things,” she cracked the whip before she picked at the much shorter dress that looked rather expensive. “Besides he has the shadow and the swords thing.”

  “The sword thing isn’t working!” He shouted as Boss frowned, as Morgan rushed around the corner with his clean blade and bloody uniform. Spark turned the corner with the opposite Problem as a blade fell at her only for her to shot the blade out of the sky as it embedded in the alley wall.

  Boss moved to stab the guy only for the whip to snap at his wrist. He winced as the weapon dropped and suddenly a large black ghost to suddenly step out of Morgan’s shadow.

  “Of course,” Boss sighed, as Spark hit it with a blast of light magic. The new figure looked like it had a tattered robe with its hood up. A pair of yellow slotted eyes glared filled with hate.

  The magic hit home as a circle appeared in it as the thing flew back but kept itself between them and Morgan.


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