The Captain's Stand

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The Captain's Stand Page 67

by Kat Mandu

  Madison had gone silent since her mom’s break out, she moved into a set schedule that involved minimal interaction with everyone.

  “Nothing,” Madison broke the silence of the early morning as she tossed the paper. “Not a damn thing, no increased patrol, no security, not even mentioned in the paper that my mom is missing. He’s gone dark.” She frowned as she covered her hands with her face.

  “Well then we get her out tonight, we walk her out but I’ll get a carriage and play decoy.” Boss volunteered as he paused in his practice.

  “Sounds good to me,” Spark said as she adjusted her wig. “We should make a thing of it, send in our most effective and intimidating,” Cliff took the opportunity to walk in with Kareem as everyone looked at the cat.

  “Guess I am in,” he shrugged mildly amused,

  Boss pulled out a skin of water as he splashed it around as Lagertha shrunk the shadows in the talking space.

  “Damn that thing is hard on the nerves,” Spark frowned as everyone nodded the process was a massive pain they always had to check things out and make sure someone was always collecting water. “Thankfully these big cities have so many holy houses,” she mused to herself.

  Madison was unbearable for the next week everything was methodically managed nothing was taken quickly or moved close together horses were acquired individually and the cart was bought second hand and refuted just in case. Names were changed as Boss went out and doubled what that but less subtly that the first acquisitions.

  “I swear I am going to drown in this crap,” he frowned as he was doused with more holy water.

  “This almost feels sacrilege,” Tray admitted as Lagertha lingered with a bright ball of magic hovering in her palm ready to go.

  “Meh, there is no way we can completely prevent this Wraith from tracking us if the thing has any sense of determination it’s a matter of when.” He frowned.

  “Yes well we wouldn’t want to make it easy,” Madison frowned her armor was going to rust if they had to keep this up.

  “Okay we got the plan in place, Boss you know what to do, but subtly we don’t want this to be too obvious.” She insisted as they had both carts hitched up and ready to go.

  “Can’t wait,” Tray sniffed “I am sick of cleaning stalls.”

  “You only had to do it once,” Laurella reminded him but it fell on deaf ears.

  Boss climbed in as he had his own set destination with Tray, Tobi, Audwine and Laurella the later who was sporting plait mail. “Honestly I think you lot just sit around thinking of crazy plans.” She frowned at the clanging as Madison had to place her fingers on her lips. The last thing had been put in place as Kareem got into the second cart, Nathan looking very disheveled got into place as well. The cart rolled into midday,

  “Hope we don’t get held up, that stupid curfew is a pain.” Kareem chatted as he glanced out the window.

  “I am not too worried it’s the gates I have an issue with. If we don’t get close enough before they start the search we are gonna have a chase on our hands.

  “Nothing we can’t handle,” Kareem smirked confidently they pulled up to the designated point as Goliam Leander up against the building. Nathan tipped his top hat the door opened up as Madison spotted her mother, obscured with a thick hood, as she moved gracefully and quickly. The door closed as she got comfortable. Nathan whipped the reigns as they headed off as everyone remained silent. The line slowly hit up as they waited for the final move to head out. Nerves were stressed to the limit.

  “Any familiar faces?” Nathan asked as he casually looked around the area.

  “No, wait,” She paused, as Nathan paused as he glanced back at her. “Not a face, a sword.” It was an elite blade one for a general of the blitz core her great ancestor. Her father was the only descendant that still had access to his blade. Somewhere lost to time, others ‘sold’ to larger and more prominent royal families. The blade was sheathed but the black jewel work glinted even in the sun of the late day. She had to control herself from springing forward to get a better look at it.

  “What’s the swords name?” Nathan asked as he frowned at the man who had the sword.

  “Don’t get any ideas,” Kareem warned.

  “Pulse,” she answered as she eyed the sword not even seeing the figure wielding the two-hundred-year-old artifacts. The cart moved a bit closer,

  “So,” Kareem sighed, “I’ll bite what makes this sword so special as opposed to every other blade of this Blitz core? Also didn’t every sword get all enchant.”

  “Time most of the armor was enchanted via,” Madison frowned as she tried to recall it. “There was a liquid or was it a stone, anyway the marital enchanted the armor the armor of Lords and other nobility got the more personal touch, and as such got to request some personal touches.” She explained, “not to mention how much you can enchant something is limited by its surface area.

  “So why not enchant a castle if that’s the case,” Kareem shrugged,

  “Reminded me to tell you the story, of the theft of Camelot. It opened the second war and to top it all off the Nobel’s realized how dangerous it was to give rivals such a powerful tool.”

  “Why not now?” Kareem shrugged,

  Nathan glanced over his shoulder at Madison and she shrugged. The line was taking its time, so with the second shrug of his shoulders.

  “This is part history and part legend. After the first Mage War or shortened to MW1 few Mages that existed at the time, but the big four that were called the four horse. A nickname is taken from the final chapter. A story for another day. The four horse had an issue the figures that taught the mages were dead. Nobody really knew how to teach, they knew how to learn but the true secret to unlocking the door, for mortal men to alter reality. Each one had their own ideas. Death believed it was subjecting the body to major in its purest form. Conquest believed it was the blood of man.”

  “Like the pirates,” Kareem recalled, Nathan nodded as he breathed,

  “It’s not known if Conquest ever implemented his ideas. But the similarities are not lost on me. War, was sure it was born of blood but not of man but of magical creatures like of Spark he believed it was born of conflict a need. Famine the final Horsemen was oddly the less violent believed in a thing they all did a look at something called the void. Now, what is or what it does nobody knows but the void was something nobody wanted to mess with.” Nathan explained. He smiled,

  “We don’t know who was right, but we do know that magic didn’t come from a need. The city that was once the capital and the place the void was held, was taken” he sighed as he grabbed his waterskin the story was drying his mouth.

  “It was thought it would be the last war thanks to the at the time, What was considered inclusion of the whole world at the time. However, our arrogance at the time forgot that a lot of the territory the first war took place on. Well, it was very much inhabited, but nobility thought it was free game. Or well so the nobility claim,” he added, “The Mages normally try to travel the world to help keep the peace. But they had their own issues, this is where the hero arrives.” Nathan grinned,

  “Now that brings back memories, you missing out The Dragon Mage would create little whispy figures to act things out and show different creatures and leaders.” Madison smiled with a nostalgic look on her face. Nathan chuckled at the tangent,

  “He can spin a yard but for those who wish to tell the truth the more romantic story he tells can be an enemy for the historian.” He went on he noticed the look he got, “but what’s a little fun for a war generations past?” He smiled softly.

  “We have gotten completely off topic,” Kareem rolled his eyes as they hadn’t gotten around to the weapons and arms he was interested in.

  “Right, so long story short everyone was distracted and, or pissed about something a Succubus claimed ownership of the castle of Camelot. The castle was next to impossible to get into. The Mages final where pressured into doing everything in their power. So they started making s
hortcuts. Giving powers to mortals in the form of artifacts the most well known being the blitz core armor. The final fight was a massacre leaving only one survivor of the Dragon Mage.” Nathan summed up, “a lot of things were taken back a lot of the more dangerous shit. However, The Dragon is only one Mage so as things slipped through the cracks stuff being locked into families.”

  “Honestly you are so long winded, by the way, the guy wants you to move,” Kareem smiled as he pointed at the guard who was looking very annoyed as Nathan sheepishly got the horses moving. The trip outside the walls was more relaxed but Madison remained as alert as ever.

  “All that work and we just walked out, I always worry we are too cautious,” Nathan glanced back as Madison figured his mind was still lingering on Pulse her father’s sword.

  “Pride cometh before the fall, anyway let’s get going we have a meet up to get to.” Madison reminded as she couldn’t resist getting out of the cart. She opened up the door as she climbed up to sit next to Nathan, who scooted over to give her some room as Cliff leaped into to lay on the floor of the carriage. “I can’t stand inclosed spaces,” she gave the barest of shutters. “I just wish that it wasn’t poor form to sit on the open.”

  “There are some perks to having mellow people to hang with,” Nathan nodded, “How are you holding up?” he glanced at her for a second before his eyes returned to the road not that it was all that busy.

  “I wish Richard and Cheif had just killed the bastard when they had the chance, my first impulse to protect them emotionally may have been misplaced.” She admitted, Nathan nodded,

  “Most fathers usually would love to have a reason to ax a potential suitor,” he smirked, as Madison graced them with a laugh, as she nodded in agreement. Madison pointed out the turn as the headed off the main road as a much more extravagant set of horses and carriage lingered a group of uniformed figures lingered around on was tending to the horses as Madison noticed a familiar face.

  “Doctor Smith, glad to see you again, Boss told me your home is a wreck.” She frowned, as they shook hands,

  “Yes, well they were not exactly greeted at the door.” He admitted, “and I am not the only familiar face.” The door burst open as a familiar Black and Tan dog greeted them.

  “Jill,” she smiled as the dog noised her hand incurring a good scratch behind her ears.

  “Darn dog!” Richard shouted as Madison shook her head. She walked in and to her expectation to see the bound up Captain.

  “Ouch, you like shit.” She commented as Richard just laughed his left arm and both legs were wrapped up as his left hung from a sling around his neck.

  “Well, it was quite the explosion.” He breathed between his teeth. “Thankfully the eagle managed enough wood between us and the explosion to keep me from burning but being on the bottom of a pile of people was not so good. I think that is every limb with the exception of, my neck,” he grinned,

  “Sounds like fun,” Madison sympathized with him but Richard waved his good hand at her.

  “Sam has been a great help and I have been using the time to work on my signing, still hard with one hand.” He glanced over at Sam made a jester with his hand. “He says hi,” he interpreted,

  “I have admitted it’s good to see you I honestly thought it was your ghost talking to us.” She sat down across from him. “How do you do that by the way, I never heard of someone being able to do that.” She concentrated at Richard as he pulled out a wood object showing off the scar on his chest.

  “It’s a trick I learned from, an old native back in the colony. I need a piece of magical wood, crafted and placed around my neck. I release my spirit and this lets me well fly. But each piece of wood can only last a half hour max then it turns to dust.” He explained, “before you ask no, I can’t teach others. Also, it is very painful and dangerous. If this,” He pointed at the wood construct. “Is intentionally destroyed while I am away from my body I die.” He admitted

  “Huh, it’s amazing still dead useful. If you hadn’t shown up I think your crew would have fallen apart.” Richard nodded in agreement as she watched him put the totem back on.

  “It’s why I risked this, it’s been years. Since I used a totem, but thankfully I still have a knack for it. A real master of the skill can shift his spirit, interact and even walk into animals. The ability is amazing but sadly I was lucky to learn even these meager abilities.” He admitted.

  “Ever think of going back and learning more?” She asked, Richard, frowned and shook his head.

  “I would love to but, even to my young eyes when I left things were not looking well. I don even know if my teacher is still alive let alone the rest of my old, acquaintance,” he frowned.

  “I wouldn’t know I have never been.” She shrugged,

  “It’s still as amazing as ever I miss the old spiders, they look like giant haystacks. Use to jump on and ride them around, scarred my mother half to death the first time.”

  “I have no idea what you are talking about,” Madison shook her head.

  “Sorry, its kind of, a really big spider that can glide back down, so big you can ride them.”

  “How horrifying,” Madison blinked at the idea of a spider that big.

  “Hey, our VP is here,” Nathan reminded as Madison moved for the door before she paused.

  “Sorry,” she apologized as Richard gave a cocky grin. She dropped out as the second group escorted her mom out she found the Doctor talking to her mom. Audwine was standing close by he looked outside of his normal uniform but looked much more like himself.

  “Well, this definitely confirms my suspicions.” She admired as Madison felt the slight spike of sadness at the comment. To be fair she had been gone for a while.

  “Stupid, dumb,” the female doctor struggled as she hoped as she tossed aside the armor as Madison couldn’t help but chuckle as the woman struggled out of the gear.

  “You will need some help in most cases of armor you need help to get in an out,” she gave a hand to help steady her.

  Laurella looked ready to reply before she bit her lip. “Thanks,” she decided as she dropped the last bit of armor.

  “No problem, by the way, Richard is here he’s in the carriage,” she thumbed the direction behind her.

  “Oh, really?” She rolled up her sleeves,

  “You ratted me out!” Richard’s panic shout came as Laurella stormed out. She headed in as Arken tossed off the disguise as everyone lingered not sure what to do.

  “Easy,” Laurella slowly helped Richard out as Tobi whistled at the show of damage Richard was still recovering from.

  “Greetings my Lady,” Richard bent stiffly as Lady Stronglance sighed,

  “Don’t kill yourself over it, I’ll be waiting in the carriage we best not linger long.” Smith nodded and kept close to the woman, as they left Richard to talk.

  “Now then, I figured you may want to hear this from me.” He reaches inside his coat and pulled out an envelope. Madison hesitated before bracing herself as she gingerly took the paper as she flicked it open. She just needed to glance as she shredded it.

  “Wedding, well this is going to be fun.” She frowned as Richard nodded everyone eyed her as of expecting something.

  “With your mom’s help, we should be more than able to put the kibosh on this.” Richard pulled out his pipe when someone cleared their throat. “Damn Doctor,” he glared before pocketing it. “We should have everything wrapped before the end of the month. Be that as it may. I’ll send the day we plan to take care of this. So you can move in early to keep your sister and dad safe.”

  “Knowing Morgan he would,” Madison sighed,

  “But until then keep everyone safe and Don’t do anything stupid,” Richard stressed,

  “You mean like you?” Laurella raised an eyebrow at him only for Richard to shrug,

  “Do as I say not as I do.” Richard quoted. “It’s good to see you all, so I need to get going,” he frowned as his face showed the pain just for a brief second.<
br />
  The task was painful to watch, but it didn’t take long for the caravan to be on its way. Madison frowned she had hoped that sending her mom off would alleviate her concerns. She still felt like the weight of everything was still on her shoulders.

  Chapter 71

  Madison wasn’t sure how she managed it, but she woke up covered in flour as she found herself in the kitchen. “What?” She blinked half awake. She sat up as she found herself on the table surrounded by baking tools. She watched as Tin rummaged around the larder with a few pieces of jerky.

  “Why am I here?” She asked as Tin Froze as he looked at her.

  “You started to cook when you got back, then you and the other girls started to drink and you conked out. They laid you on the table and well nobody was brave enough to try and wake you.” He took a bite of the food.

  “Right,” she recalled as the hangover finally started to it as a groan drew her eye to the side as Laurella headed in. The doctor shook her head as she started to mix something together. Madison rolled herself on a chair as supplies clattered to the ground as both women hissed at the noise.

  “Too loud,” Laurella glared at the Dame. She groaned back at him, Lagertha headed in briskly as she glanced at the drink Laurella was cobbling together.

  “I hate you,” Laurella frowned at the bushy-tailed Fairy in disguise.

  “I only had like two drinks,” She shrugged, “I learned my lesson the first time.” She smirked.

  “Eh,” Arken hopped onto the table with some salted fish. “Only wimps get hangovers, true drinkers don’t get them anymore.” She mocked as the two suffering glared at her.

  “Put your dicks away, it’s been a while since I have had such liberal access to booze. So I won’t be jumping into the deep end.” Laurella frowned at Arken.

  “Well, it seems you all desire to join us,” Morsina commented, she bites into a slice of bread with butter and jam smeared over it.


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